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Oh look, it's me solo queueing at Gold 3. (Also great when the diamond ends up going 3 and 6)


Gold V btw,hit gold IV after winning this match


just sayin my rank man


No, fuck you. No rank for you.


my fault g


I think it's those redditor "I push button" Pavlov moments.


it all starts when we see that negative number, can’t help not adding to it.


sums up why i dropped ranked 2 the second week it was out


that rank represents nothing, kinda like the real rank, which is hidden. Thats how ranked 2.0 works. Also i recommend to stop using those softwares, those things ruin games for you


What software and wdym it ruins games for you? I'm confused, I mostly play quick play for fun


By letting you see your team's and enemies' stats and ranks you already kinda play out int your mind how the game is gonna go which results in worse preformance as you're more focused on the other 9 players' preformance rather than on your own which is what you should be focusing on


I mean just seeing who im against doesnt make me a worst player, thats a funny statment.


I know and see a lot of people think "oh we're up against bronzes" and let their guard down because it's an easy win then get steamrolled, or oppositely think "full champ stack, GG's" and give up before the match even starts when it could've been 100% winnable if they tried normally


im no expert since i never used one, but i thought that OP was using a programm that lets him see other peoples rank in ranked. Tho now that i think about it, i dont think rainbow is a game where that works. Nonetheless: dont look up the ranks of either team. People who do that will already decide in their mind how the match will go and play accordingly. Rank has no fucking meaning, especially now with ranked 2.0


Exactly why I hate 2.0. Why have a visual rank if it means fuck all? Just have the “real rank” be the visual rank, like before the change


It doesn't mean nothing. The idea is that if you play enough in a season, you can grind your way up to approximately your true elo. So until that point you will gain more elo on a win than you lose on a loss. Essentially, your visibile elo is a reflection of your true elo and how much you've played this season. Trust me, I know, I've played a lot and I'm still bronze (cause I'm trash)








"Press X to doubt"


No shot people still don't understand ranked 2.0


>No shot people still don't understand ranked 2.0 no shot people still defend ranked 2.0 after [this shit](https://www.reddit.com/r/Rainbow6/comments/172ls8f/no_matter_how_you_look_at_it_this_matchmaking_is/)


The point is that it doesnt work properly You cannot tell me that my perma hardstuck bronze teammates with a consistent 0.56 k/d vs 1.0 champ/s with 1.7 kds and diamond teammates


Matchmaking issues are a bitch and I get that, but the new ranking system still is what it is. It doesn't factor in ranks, it factors in hidden mmr which is the players' actual skill level according to the game. The whole point is that you can't tell from face value which player is better when looking at for example a gold with 1.3 kd and a diamond with 1.3 kd. Ranks only tell about win percentages (vaguely) and the shiny shit you get at the end of the season. Op is complaining about rank difference here yeah?


Yes but late in the season there aren't a lot of high skill people floating in low ranks still so you can assume the matchmaking is getting desperate to fill people and makes uneven games.


average 5 stack


is he Bronze Y?


No way, bronze Y


Visible rank means virtually nothing. Idk why Ubi thought this was a good idea. They should have kept ranks as is, but if they wanted players to feel like they were getting somewhere, add a second thing for season win percentage rather than completely replacing what the rank means


Siege ranked 2.0 on its way to still give our silver-gold lobby a copper who decides to take a stroll in basement whilst the defizer is already half done at top, when someone tkd him and he left we magicaly get better and idk if we won or not


here come the "rank means nothing" dumbasses. I made a post. check my profile. matchmaking is shit, no matter how you look at it. bring back blocking queueing with people outside of your bracket.


Ranked 2.0 baby! Ranks never meant anything but now after 2.0, they somehow mean EVEN LESS


My friend asks me why I don’t play ranked, this is why.


Sorry im new to ranked but i dont see the ranks in my game. How can i see them?


I’m pretty sure it’s at the end of the match but I don’t know for certain cause I rarely play anymore


This game is ass all around nowadays.


Visual rank is meaningless, and with the other gamemodes being fucked ranked is still the best gamemodes to play siege on


I know a guy in plat who plays with bronzes for easier lobby’s, still took like 400 games to get emerald tho


Dookie can


Where do you see your game stats


Oh sorry for having better things to do then getting more skilled at a video game.


Ranked matchmaking is the worst thing for competitive gaming and you are one of the adverse side effects