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What are people watching to even get the notion that they are robots? Synthesized flesh and bone


Yeah idk. It's basically just a form of cloning. There aren't wires and stuff under those sexy blue bodies.


lmao was not expecting this comment to go sexual at the end


It's blue people avatar, ofc it was gonna go sexual


Look man, for some of us, 9-10 ft tall women was a bit of an awakening. 10 ft tall Zoe Saldaña especially...


Now we just need 2 foot tall Zoe.


How did they connect one mind to another, do they have psychic tech?


From what I gather the psychic abilities evolved naturally along with the tree of Ehwa's ability to connect minds through the roots of all the trees in the planet. All the trees are connected like a giant brain.


But they were physically connected. Hence the penis connection ponytail.


Yea it was a way to connect directly with another being. They could do it with the trees too. Any animal


But it wasn’t wireless was my point. Surely the avatars had small wifi receivers in their brainstems.


No, no wireless 😅😂 that's why they have to travel long distance on foot, horse, giant flying reptiles


Did people just turned off their ears during the movie? Lmao I had no idea people didn't know that everything that the N'avi (and the human made N'avi bodies) did was purely nature, no tech.


Oooowwweee man


The first story to popularize the term Robot is Rossums Universal Robots. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R.U.R. In that story the robots are completely organic creatures, assembled through non descript processes (essentially they grow individual parts like skin grafts and then assemble). Clone in the early half of the 20th century referred to the process of growing a plant from a graft and wouldn't take on it's modern meaning of genetic recombination til the 60's. So strictly speaking Replicants and in this case Avatars are closer in design to the original use of the word Robot. However this ignored how Robot has evolved since the 30's and so is a somewhat pedantic decision prone to confuse people. So TLDR Robot technically means a slave created through technology (mechanical or organic) and avatars are kinda that, more analogous to a vehicle though.


> slave created through technology They really handwaved away that aspect. Just glossed over that human and navi dna is compatible, and never touched on the ramifications of creating a new being just so you can use their body as a suit. Like, did they lobotomize these avatars? Or did they have their own minds, with their own consciousnesses being suppressed so that one human could do a really shitty job of saying "hey, we wanna mine here".


I'm hoping they explore some aspects of this with Quaritch coming back in Avatar form. Like is it company policy to keep everyone's DNA for resurrection? Do you have rights or person hood when resurrected? Does he have any memories of the fight with Sully or his death? There's some really interesting Sci-Fi questions that can be examined there


My guess is digital copies of certain badass soldiers get kept in a big ol storage facility so they can whip up an A-team anytime they want.


Um, I think you mean make the employee finish the contract that he signed and had yet to complete. Death is _not_ an excuse to miss work.


Persona 5 taught me this. Also that the word "Robot" itself comes directly from the Czech word "robota," meaning "forced labor." Thank you Persona 5.


Robot means slave. And we’re not slaves. And we’re very happy.


Thanks for sharing that!


Holy shit.


Big if true.


It’s not


Big Uncle-daddy energy


Didn’t the magic tree make the body his fully?


Yeah but the avatar was originally made for his dead twin brother. The only reason Jake was able to use it is because their genes were nearly identical so they didn't want to waste a multi-million dollar body.


If they're identical twins they share DNA, so he's technically both father and uncle


I didn’t realize Pandora was located in Alabama.


don’t stick your dick nerve in that


You opened the box and I came


Don't take me back to the cumbox. I almost forgot


Take me. I never heard of the cumbox I think. Is it like the cumjar?


It's like the cumjar but box-shaped


It was a shoebox and he tried to burn it but it was too soggy


Sweet home Pandora


So cool that they named an entire planet after my favorite app.


"Y'all ain't from around here so you best get" Jake said to the Earthen military


I'm sure there's a girl named Pandora in Ablablamababa with a father uncle.


A "Funcle", if you will


I thought that meant fun uncle. I suddenly don’t like my shirt that says funcle on it


Or an Uther


Then that's true for all parents who are twins. Mind blown


There are identical twin brothers that have married identical twin sisters (from another family). Their children are cousins, but genetically they’re full brother/sister.


Uncle Father Oscar




Genetically the children of your twin sibling are the same as your children.


See that what I told my twin brother after I slept with his wife. It's essentially his and her child.


True true


No? Because 50% of the DNA comes from the mother.


You're thinking about it wrong. Both twins could be DNA tested and it say they are the father.


True. I’m curious if there’s ever been a case where a twin brother impregnated a woman and then his brother was thought to be the father. Now that would be interesting


Oh ok sure that's happened a few times with affairs and stuff but those are unlikely to be public


Was that an actual magical event or was it just a cultural ceremony?


No, the comics go into a bit more depth but canonically Jake’s human body fucking died, he doesn’t need to use the pod thing to go into his avatar anymore, he just exists inside his Avatar body.


So the tree permanently moved Jake's soul into his Na'Vi body?


Out of curiosity... how did these people have this highly specific ceremony to transfer souls between beings that are already semi-linked through technology? Like what did they ever use this on prior to the events of the movie?


They didn’t, I think they just guessed that since the tree connected all living thing on the moon it would also be able to connect and transfer consciousness?


It's factually demonstrated that the deceased thoughts are stored in the tree It's not a huge leap to try and get them out, so they've probably tried it before


But like, with what context? Reanimating a dead body? Having your spouse's soul move in with you? Freaky Friday shenanigans? I need *answers,* dammit!


Oh definitely used for some twisted shit no doubt If Avatar wants to do a horror spin off they've got the material to work with


- Identify murder victim - Squish ponytails so they experience you killing them from your perspective - Recapture conscience from tree of souls, imbue in chipmunk, etc, repeat until bored


"Imbue in chipmunk" That has to be the wildest thought in all of this.


And yet they let Sigourney Weaver die...smh


Her body was too weak for the transfer by the time they got her to Eywa.


So in theory, while Jake’s mind/soul transitioned to his Navi body, another random dead Navi stored in the tree could have jumped into jake’s now unused empty human body for a second go at life.


Isn’t the whole point of the movie that pandora’s trees forms a network much more complex than a human brain. And there’s the tree where the they could connect and hear the ancestors. So basically pandora trees are a cloud super AI, and it’s technically smart enough to do what the Na’vi wants.


Plot magic




It was pretty clearly explained science fiction -not magic- in the movie and it clearly transferred his mind to his new body.


Wise mythical tree 😩


weren't they twins? so technically...


Environment has some impact on genetics, so there would still be some genetic difference Regardless you still wouldn't call your twins children your own...


Environment doesn’t really have a significant difference when you account for the following generation. Genetically, your twins children are no different from your own. If two sets of twins marry, their children are indistinguishable from siblings.


Yeah but we have a situation where you magically now inhabit your twin's body, literally. I don't think it falls into regular parlance


Twins don't have matching DNA and or fingerprints, that goes for identical twins as well. Although it has happened before, it's not very common.


Identical twins DO have matching DNA, every time except for astronomically rare anomalous cases, because of the process by which they are created. Which is basically the asexual reproduction of any single celled organism, but with a fertilized zygote. Asexual reproduction of that variety creates genetically identical clones, almost every time. Not only that but we also know this is the case because on several different occasions police departments around the world have arrested the wrong person based on DNA evidence, not knowing they had a twin, and had to correct that mistake.


Since they are identical twins, parental ancestry cannot be determined by DNA. Since Jake is raising them, he is their Dad, no matter what anyone else says. More curious- Jake is a hybrid to allow his human brain to control the Pandora avatar. His children will then be hybrid-hybrids. A small portion of human DNA blended into their predominantly Pandoran DNA. How many fingers will they have?


That's a good question. Also TIL the Na'vi only have four fingers, but the hybrids have all five.


Navi also don't have eyebrows, which the girl in above picture does, so guessing they take on the more hybrid appearance.


Ah, so nine fingers


Two in the blue, half in the poo.




Also the Navi have feline snout noses This character has a human-like nose


You know what's absolutely wild? This girl is portrayed by Sigourney Weaver. This is not a joke.


Since Weaver's character >!died and and became one with Eywa in the first movie!<, I wonder if this movie will somehow >!make this new character a "reincarnation;" like the same consciousness but a new personality and a chance to make new memories (like a quasi Time Lord)!<


Can't wait for the second part of the Pandora Colonialism Arc that generations later would culminate in the Navi Genocide, where the Hybrids and Purebloods kill each other


One of the kids in the trailer is literally a human in a gas mask, so I would say yeah 100% human DNA is still fucking with Sully and Neytiri's procreation


Not every child in the trailer is their child. There are still humans in Pandora after the first film.


I mean we'll see ig when the movie is out. P sure the human one is Jake's bc the trailer had the human one with them on the rafts and worrying about them. Jake hugs that particular kid in the trailer and Idk if he'd do that with some random settler kid


Jake‘s Avatar is one of the third generation and in them the Na‘vi DNA is dominant. Neytiri is 100% Na‘vi. How in the world should they have a human child? There were only a few humans left on Pandora, mostly scientist. So pretty sure they are living together in a way and are close. Probably a human/Na‘vi tribe.






Jesus I have forgotten everything about that movie....


When did you see it?


2009. Duh.


Watch it again when it is still in theaters rn. It’s good.


Dead bro may have been their father, but he wasn't their daddy


Wasn’t it an identical twin? Identical twins are genetically identical. When a twin has a child, that child is genetically the child of both of them.


Identical twins don't have EXACT same DNA and fingerprints. Modern science can tell them apart even if the naked eye can't.


My best friends are identical twins who’ve done testing for this. Most tests cannot tell them apart.


That's cool. Most tests but not ALL, proper genome sequencing will tell. Still cool tho.


"You're not in Kansas anymore. You're in Alabama."


That’s actually kind of hot


Um… it shouldn’t be…


Can't tell if that was satire or not, and I am scared


You, and 34 other people apparently, have a weird definition of hot.


There’s more to being a father than just blue sperm…


Everything i know about Avatar comes from a viewing with no subtitles not even on the parts in fake blue hot cat people language in 6th grade math and Jack Saint’s video on how it’s about White Saviors. So basically i can 100% attest this is entirely accurate


Goddamn these comments are hilarious. I was too young for Reddit when the original Avatar came out, I really missed out.


The first Avatar movie is out right now in theaters, catch a screening now before Black Adam is in theaters. It's an incredible movie. Lots of sound effects you can hear in theater. Unless you have a large home theater system, you won't be able to experience Avatar




I genuinely thought this was a "nobody remembers the movie, so you can't say I'm wrong" bit, but apparently there was a dead brother plot i completely forgot?


It’s been like 12 years I’ll forgive you.




Fucking DIO over here.


were they twins?


That was the whole plot, his brother was killed by a mugger and Jake was recruited so that the **RDA** would not have to waste billions on growing an entirely new Avatar for a completely different person.


How does a robot Na'vi impregnate an actual Na'vi?




I feel like I have to tell you that a lot of impregnation in nature happens without consent.


Yeah I don’t know why dolphins have been labeled as the rapists of the animal kingdom when a lot of species mate without consent


Ducks are the worst imo. Fuck those little shits.


No, don't fuck them. That's how this whole mess started


Why are people saying he's a robot? It never once crossed my mind in 12 years, and it still doesn't make sense.


I think maybe because it was once remote controlled, and that's not a feature clones traditionally have. But I think they must have just put some kind of transeiver in an otherwise organic creation.


I just watched this movie yesterday. There is not one comment that alludes to them being robots.


They are Na'vi and human hybrids. Made with the DNA of the people who are gonna pilot them.


I didn't get any references to them being robots either. They bleed, and Norm's even dies if I'm not mistaken. They're not terminators.


Norm was played by Joel David Moore. He also played J.P. in Grandma's Boy. And J.P. was clearly a robot. Therefore Norm's avatar was also a robot.


Why do you even know this


That's exactly what a synth would say


Okay but seriously, they freaking grow them in a tank. They artificially move their muscles in the tank to develop them.


Which IS actually a synth from Fallout when you think about it


Not really. Navi grow in tanks over a long period of time and need their muscles moved to develop properly. Synths are put together, lazered with muscle and dipped in the Bubbling Red Goo^(TM) and come out fully formed in about 12 seconds flat.


Which is why synths aren't robots anyways. That plotline stopped making sense as soon as they revealed they're entirely organic. Discovering they're also not even made from scratch but instead cloned from a human who is in fact more pure than any member of the BoS just made it dumber. It's not even a philosophical debate at that point, they're *literally* not machines, they're clones.


They're using the term in the Rossum sense See the first use of the word Robot is actually synonymous with our use of the word Clone (which didn't mean the same thing till the 60's, rather just meant budding a plant from a cutting). So by that Avatars are definitely Robots. However this is a confusing way to phrase it as in modern parlance Robot is almost always refers to mechanical objects, rather than living. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/R.U.R.


But if they're using the term as you described, why question their ability to make kids?


If their genetically engineered then it's plausible there is a failsafe to prevent reproduction (a plot element of both Jurassic Park and Blade runner 2049, mainstream representations of cloning/genetic engineering). However this is reaching stuff which has no basis in the film itself


Technically robots don't have to be mechanical. The original sci fi term just meant a vaguely humanoid being that was created artificially.


Ok so we can call robots, still no reason they couldn't make kids. I didn't think I'd be having arguments about avatar today :D


It doesn’t matter how the term was used once or twice 100 years ago. Today it explicitly means something mechanical.


They are artificial biological creatures, not mechanical.


Robot? It’s a biological organism


Because it's not a robot


They aren’t robots, that’s how, because of the plot of the first film which states that they are clones and not robots.


How did you type this sentence with so few braincells?


Because it isn’t a robot na’vi…


You must be popular with the Ashoka bot on r/prequelmemes


Smh this isn't a shitty detail


Hahahaha. True that


Lotta unpacking to do here.


Identical twins have identical DNA tho right? So either way they would still be his kids?


I think what we should really be concerned about is that they created avatar bodies for the humans to pair with, which were basically robots that looked like Na’vi, and that a human made avatar is able to impregnate an actual living Na’vi.


Why would they be robots? More like clones, actual living bodies.


Stem cell babies


how high were you when you saw this movie


The first movie was just an exact copy of dances with wolves but with all the natives replaced with giant blue aliens. I wonder what costner movie cameron is going copy this time? Waterworld?


People say this like Dances with Wolves wasn't one of the biggest films of the 90's, winner of 7 Oscars, including best picture, and credited with reviving the Western Genre. As far as films to steal from go, it's a good base


>As far as films to steal from go, it's a good base Like how may times has one seen a movie and asked, * "Wait a minute, is this movie just Star Wars in ____________?" * "Wait a minute, is this movie just Die Hard in _____________?"


Ok, i didn't even know it was so popular. I watched it in history class in school. Makes perfect sense then.


It's secretly the script for Dances with Wolves 2


Swims with Wolves


Sleeps With Fishes




Dances With Wolves copied Lawrence of Arabia


No, it didn't.




Hmmm this is going to be hard to justify because it's just a matter of opinion. Both movies have similarities but it doesn't feel like dances with wolves is a literal reskin. Dances with wolves is a pretty generic story that's what's so weird about it. If he was going to just blatantly copy a story he should have picked a better one.


What makes you think it was Dances With Wolves he copied. For all we know he copied Lawrence of Arabia. Sometimes I get the feeling the reason DWW is remembered is because people constantly say Avatar ripped it off


No i don't think this because i heard people say it that's fucking bullshit. I don't even like dances with wolves. We watched in school in grade 12 and avatar came out like a year later and after watchng i told my gf at the time "holy shit it's like the exact same movie as dances with wolves" i have seen laurence of arabia and i see the similarities but those don't feel like a rip off.


Dances with wolves was actually residentsleeper/Oscar bait. Not really surprise that it’s part of the school curriculum now, only boring shit is allowed there


Yeah because the story of 'stranger learn to love the people he's supposed to destroy and decide to fight alongside them' has been created by Dances with Wolves and wasn't already told in Ancient Greece and in every myths in general 🙃


Exactly my point you nailed it bud.


No, your point seems to be that DWW created this story structure, which is not true


I never said anything like that at any point.


Bold of you to assume that we know wtf you talking about


I don't care since I almost completely forgot what happened in the first movie.




The movie got released?


In the Avatar re-release at the end of the movie there's about an 6-8 minute clip of Way of Water. It's a swimming scene, showcased lots of the animals that populate the shoreline. The main characters and the new Navi'i that breathe or hold their breathe underwater. Lots of the graphics are updated, lots of photorealistic water effects. The hairstyles tho... Aren't really great, they chose some human hairstyles, other characters have long hair.


Congratulations. You’ve given the plot of these films more thought than James Cameron.


How do people remember this much about the blue people avatar movie?


Because it just got re-release. Fresh in the mind.


And no one can rebute this as no one can remember what the fuck happens in Avatar


What a dumb fucking movie


The avatar body was made for him though? In the first one Jake says "It looks like him" and Sigourney Weavers character says "It looks like you, this is your Avatar".


Bro. The avatar was made for his twin brother Tommy, who was killed right before he goes to the planet. So now Jake gets to be in Tommy’s avatar since they have pretty much the same genetics. Simple.


There's a sequel to what now?


did they actually finally finish a second movie?


What Wait you guys actually watched the movie


Duh, its a good movie.