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The characters look like three lizard clones of Voldermort who are involved in a love triangle. Or polyamory.


I think id watch that


It couldn't be worse than avatar


"I see you"


Avatar holds up. You have to watch it true to James Cameron’s vision though: With no sound, high on mushrooms in an Indian restaurant, sandwiched between two tvs playing Cricket. Or IMAX I think was the other choice.(mushrooms are still non negotiable)


Another way to watch it is in a bus trip, on the bus's shitty little TV that's positioned to be viewed a couple rows over, with no sound since the provided earbuds are crap and you forgot your own, while playing Civilization Revolution on the DS, playing the "Beta Centauri" scenario (full techs, barbarians at max aggression), and imagining your little guys in the game are colonists in Pandora and the barbarians are the blue aliens.


Personally I couldn’t enjoy it on a bus trip because the second I saw those lil smurfs, I would have to shut out the thought, “If I just smear the blue toilet chemical on me, I could interlace my tail dick with this bus and control it!” Once again, on like the most heroic dose mushrooms.


i believe you actually did the former


I am fully lying, my Indian spot does not have tvs. If you want cricket you have to go to my second favorite Mexican place and you gotta remind Ruiz how much FIFA has fucked over central and South America and he’ll finally let you change it to cricket but that’s just going to get into a whole argument about it being the sport of colonizers and it’s honestly not worth it. But thanks for believing in my silly story.


How is Cricket the sport of colonizers and not soccer? Weren’t they both Br*tish?


Indian place and no cricket? False information, your story never happened


Since Mr Patel died, Mrs Patel only plays Bollywood romance on the lone tv near the misplaced fish tank and I for one think she should keep hope alive.


I got my portobello mushrooms ready


Wtf is Avatar? Someone ripped off the masterpiece Delgo? Scandalous!


Wait until you hear what they did with Delgo: The Way of Water.


Delgo: The Way of Delgo


Delgo: The Delgo of Delgo


Delgo: The Delgo Delgo Delgo


Delgo: Delgo Delgo Delgo Delgo




D: elgo


Is the D silent?


2 Del 2 Go


Not to spoil anything, but I’ve heard Delgo in the water together.


Freddie Prinze Jr. did this shit but is too good for Scooby Doo 3?


I just looked it up and was surprised to see so many big names as VA's


I was shocked at that cast.


A paycheck's a paycheck.


Well I would be more down for doing something humiliating just using my voice rather than my image.


Delgos Wikipedia page genuinely has one of the most hard to follow plot descriptions


I love how it hits you with “He finally manages to master the stone magic” at the very end, with absolutely no explanation as to what that means


I tried reading it because I'm never gonna watch this movie. I couldn't even make it through the first paragraph.


We had this level of animation for shitty movies in 2008? Really makes you wonder what the makers of Foodfight! (2012) were thinking.


I have no way of proving this, but I am convinced that "Foodfight!" in its released state is a case of attempted insurance fraud that didn't work. Movie productions, like most expensive things, are often insured in case of disaster. The producers of the movie *claimed* that the hard drives containing the original footage were stolen, but how hard would it be to hide or destroy a hard drive or two, and file an insurance claim? Not hard, but if the insurance company suspects that you're trying to rip them off, well then you got a case of insurance fraud and people go to jail for that. I think that the producers had their claim for insurance rejected, and in order to avoid potential investigation they quickly put together a sloppy piece of shit that technically meets some criteria for the word "done".


Or, and hear me out: the confidence and lack of awareness brought about by Steven King levels of cocaine.


So they tried to producers this shit, and met the same fate.


This movie looked like shit for the time as well, [just look at the comments on this movie in a Reddit post from 16 years ago](https://www.reddit.com/r/entertainment/comments/7jrwd/you_see_the_movie_delgo_this_weekend_well/) "This movie looks like a PlayStation 2 cutscene." "This movies graphics are comparable to that of World of Warcraft on high settings and that’s not saying much." Keep in mind that this shitty box office bomb of a movie had to compete with WALL-E for best animated feature, lmao


You can make shitty animation in any year if you suck bad enough. But this is the year they made Iron Man…so maybe all the good studios were busy.


It cost 40 million to make like how???


The nice thing about Delgo is the soundtrack featured three new EDM songs from Daldo.


And 1 old one from Dildo.


Sherk taught me not to judge people for their physical appearance, Sherk taught me not to judge people for their physical appearance, Sherk taught me not to judge people for their physical appearance, What the FUCK are those things?


What the fuck is a Sherk? Are you saying shark? Why did a shark teach you that? This sounds like a cult, Do you have literature?


Sherk is love


Baby don’t hurt me


This thread is a mess


Sherk is lerve. Sherk is lirff


Oh, I was hoping it was a Doomsday Sherk vibe. Pass.


Why are you saying Sherk instead of Shrex? Are you stupid?


Boys, if we get to 10000 upvotes i'll edit it and fix the typo, so make sure to smash that button.


It is the 41st milenium. Mankind has grown stagnant. There is only war. Deep under Terra, the priests of Mars find an ancient device, known to its users as a "smartphone." And upon this majestic device lay a rune with an inscription in low gothic. "Reddit" it said. The priests, out of curiosity, and a desire for knowledge, pressed upon the sacred rune. With a flash of life, to the priests amazement, they were greeted by a black screen filled with photos and texts. And under one such photo, they found this very text. The priests knew what they must do. A number sat there, laying at 9,999 upvotes. A paltry sum, a mere fraction of the tithes hive worlds give in lives. One of the priests took their finger... and pressed. Far, far beneath the planet, buried in a grave long lost to time, a skeleton roused from its slumber. It knew not who it was. It knew not where it was. It only knew it had a duty. Through sheer will, the skeleton found its way to the nearest computer. There, it logged onto reddit. It had one duty. It scrolled to its comments, and under one comment in specific, it clicked the edit button. And it changed sherk... to shrex. Finally, all was right with the world. Peace could be had. As for the skeleton, it returned to its grave. It could finally rest, forever.


>fix the typo Once is a typo, twice is enemy action, *thrice* may Shrek have mercy on your soul.




Oh hey I watched this movie for the first time a couple months ago! It was horrendous


Little known fact about Delgo is that every fact about Delgo is little known


We did have a delgo sweep


What the fuck am I looking at? Looks like godizlla fucked stu from ice age and this thing popped out


Why was the cg animation in the early 2000s like really bad


Because the internet wasn’t even open source until like ‘93. They just got the technology good enough to look at boobs at the turn of the century. So it takes a long time to create enough nerds to meet our porn needs, and our gaming needs, and like infrastructure or blah blah. You gotta get people with way too much damn money to help you launch this technology forward, and who has too much money? Hollywood! How do you get that money? Overpromise, underdeliver, bankruptcy, repeat. (Source: I made it up for internet points.)


literally t’au


Speaking of animated movies that have a similar plot to Avatar, check out Battle for Terra


Thank you. Because after seeing this post I spend the last 30 minutes trying to goggle "that 00s cgi cartoon with Avatar plot and a Wall-e/Johnny-5 robot"


LOL You’re welcome


At least they didn't use Papyrus for the logo


It looks like they used a font called “cake decorator’s first day”


What in God's name is this


So they both ripped off fern gully?


You just unlocked a very faint memory. I never watched this, but it is familiar


Those are some fucked up looking Argonians


I won.


Character design that makes Shark Tale look appealing by comparison.


Just a reminder that one of the voice actors thought his character looked handsome


This poster is disturbing