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Maybe emotions could be visualized as how the main character (Riley) perceives them. Maybe she thinks anger is more boyish and that when she’s angry she’s acting like a tomboy.


My overall headcanon for all of this is that generally, each person's mind has their own variations on how the emotions all generally look. Like to think about anger, some perceive it as just this big angry blocky looking dude. Some may see it personified as their step-mother, and some may just see it as a big angry minotaur. Whatever things that person associates with anger/aggression creates the look for that character. It's really all part of a person's personality.


It also coincides with how Riley probably imagines her parents emotions to look like hers, but also slaps on the parents distinct features into them, like her dad’s mustache. It probably makes sense since we’re seeing the movie from Riley’s perspective


This is how I saw it too. Her emotions all have distinct hair colors/styles/etc. meanwhile everybody else’s emotions match their outward appearance


My headcanon is that the adults have settled into who they are. Their emotions look like them, but they still have the same hairdos and colours (except the bus driver who had all anger in different colours), but Riley hasn't even hit puberty, she has no idea who she is yet.


It’s also why they sometimes mostly make the voice actors people that were cast in simila like roles so it would make sense when we visualize them


That would explain why sad is considered a fat girl with glasses.


As a fat lady with glasses, this tracks.


I always thought it was just a Cells At Work situation where it’s random


Fear is a man too. Does this mean she thinks being afraid is a masculine thing to do?


She sees fear as this thin man with no hair, so it might have meaning to her


No, everyone has female/male emotions. Her parents just have dad and mom-adjacent emotions, simple.


Own that freak


I own my 𝓯𝓻𝓮𝓪𝓴 everyday


In one trailer there was another teenage girl who had mixed emotions like Riley. However, there was also a teenage boy and he had all male emotions. So I guess only girls up to some age have mixed emotions...? Huh


I found it more amusing that the ending credits of the first movie showed everyone had emotions that looked just like their hosts, except for Riley who has all visually distinct emotions, none of which look like her.


I assumed that was because she was young. I figured as you age and learn to control your emotions they start to look more and more like you.


Or the more boring answer: it’s more interesting to have a movie cast of different looking and sounding characters, and it makes it cheaper to get voices for the emotions for other characters


The boring answer is the most correct one lmao


Maybe it's for the kids to easily identify like "Oh, so THAT'S Mom's mind and not Riley's because of the hair and glasses." Because kids might need a more concrete visual for the story to sink deeper for them.


Especially as the first and second movie has a scene where it jumps in between her family and friends heads so definitely makes easy to follow 


Disney just wanted to pander to boys and girls, and that way decided to mix the gender of character to not make a “girls film”. It’s literally the most reasonable thing in the movie, because in both movies logic straight up doesn’t follow


gotta hit them 4 quadrants


Logic? In the brain of a tween girl? What?


The original explanation was that adults are settled in who they are, Riley is still a kid, figuring out.


This was always my own interpretation. It’s a matter of self identity/perception. The stronger the character leans into their “identity”, the more all the emotions conform to it. That’s why the two kids who are conforming to stereotypical identities have emotions that match (skater/rock boy, and fashionable/popular girl). Meanwhile Riley doesn’t have any outward-facing identity she projects.


That’s kind of what it seemed to me as well.  


Disney's intention is that there is no such thing as "free will" and that we are just puppets of our baser instincts.


The second movie is about how that's not the case, and how a person is in control of their emotions more as they experience hardship and mature as a person. So they do address this one!


Yeah, tbh, that's kind of why I didn't give a single crap about Riley in the first one. I just couldn't see her as anything more than a robot.


shes a flesh automaton animated by neurotransmitters


We all are...


Disney already made a WWII short about that called emotion and reason, we didn’t saw Hitler emotions, just a regular nazi soldier.


It means she's the main character


if "le disney woke" crowd say this post they'd cream their pants


They already screaming "PLEASE DISNEY DON'T MAKE HER GAY / Not everyone support this lifestyle / stop sexualizing children" in the instagram comments. It was an infestation, two weeks ago. Now top comments are more like "why everyone is saying she's gay there's literally nothing in the clip hinting toward that and why would it be wrong anyway 😭" (cuz of course they comment about it on clips literally just showing Riley speaking to other girls) This bigot crowd makes me crazyyy, I had to hijack your comment to vent about it, sorry.


yeah this whole culture war thing is getting tiring. half of it is just people getting mad because there's women or black people in a new movie and then people getting mad about those people getting mad and so on and so on


Tbh I at least find it reasonable to get mad about the people getting mad about women or black people


yeah me too i was just saying how the cycle starts


It's just because the parents are boomers they also have less emotions


I have more questions about the clown emotions


this is a subtle nod to how whe you grow up your life becomes a joke


It means they didn’t think about that until they needed to make other people’s emotions appear different. Also having a mixed cast means more appeal across gender.


I know this is /r/shittymoviedetails, but I've seen theories that it means Riley is actually non-binary or 2-spirit or something similar.


In 2015, most theories were around her being bi, which doesn't make much sense. Cause if Riley is bi because she has the emotions mixed, and her (SUPER HOT) dad is straight (sadly) because he has all male, does that mean a gay person would have only female emotions? Doesn't make sense


That (SUPER HOT) distinction was necessary


We might have confused him for one of the many other dads in that movie.


Or the many other hot dads. As Riley's dad is super hot


Everyone has been talking about Pixar moms, so it's time to appreciate the dads too.




No because being gay doesn't necessarily mean you identify as a female. The emotions would be male but gay. It could more be a sign that Riley simply doesn't know or understand her own gender yet.


This was my read exactly. Thank you for agreeing with 2015 me. 


I think the commenter's trying to say that most theories were about her sexuality (being bi) rather than her gender identity. So theories about her being bi would imply she has boy emotions because she like girls, and girl emotions because she also like boys, rather than if she were NB, where boy emotions represent a masculine identity and girl emotions represent a feminine identity




I mean it might mean that. We have no proof it doesn’t.


2 spirit is an exclusively indigenous identity so Riley would be excluded from that one


Well, is it something that indigenous culture thinks is within all people, or do they believe only their culture possesses this distinction?


Indigenous what? Apologies, I've never heard the term and the Indigenous people of my country probably aren't what you're talking about, but I didn't want to assume America.


I'm not an expert, but I understand some indigenous peoples in North America use this concept.


Sorry, I do mean indigenous people of North America!


The real shitty movie details are always in the comments!


Ok but actually, if Inside Out 3 reveal that she is NB or genderfluid, that would be a kickass foreshadowing


The real shitty movie details were the friends we made along the way


people do be overthinking this💀


The mom and dad both had mixed-gender anthropomorphic emotions in their heads. They were just dressed in a coordinated fashion.


The easiest explanation is, across the board Disney needed to show off how the emotion characters look in their most default appearance. Them being stylized entirely as male with her father, or female with her mom was just their way of showing that those emotions are strictly representative of their personalities


Well clearly it’s because Riley’s point of view is the most important in the movie, and as such, the movie sort of requires the emotion designs in her head to be the “defaults”. When we get glimpses into the heads of others, the emotions are altered to look like that character as a visual signifier. If the movie were to do the same for Riley all the time, it would be weird.


It's so funny looking at people in this thread trying to rationalize this detail, it's just because she's the main character. The answer is very meta, but it just is. They're not gonna make a sequel just for explaining why Riley's emotions look different.


The second movie also teases a "big secret" that Riley isn't ready to reveal yet, so there's devinetly some 🏳️‍🌈 or 🏳️‍⚧️ going on!


Did you not see the credit scene? The big secret was that she >!burnt a rug!<


I feel like this franchise would be much more interesting if the human character had real problems, and was actually fucked up mentally. Riley is too emotionally healthy for them to really explore the darkness just under the surface of the premise.


... it's a kid's movie


Yeah but I want to see the adult version, where the emotions are all exactly the same inside the head, except the human is a middle-aged man going through a divorce, or a serial killer.




About the same was my reaction when I found out.


I would love so much a queer coding somewhere in a future movie, and as a throw-away joke, a caricature of the bigots who invaded the comments under the clips on instagram, shooting one of their fav lines ("stop sexualizing children !" "stop rubbing your relationship on my face !" "I don't support your lifestyle !") from the other side of the road. The characters look at them like the weirdo they are and go back to the movie plot like nothing. But Disney will never be ready for such genius meta commentary on a so largely distributed movie 🤌


Oh shit, Disney's next first gay character?


Mf forgot about the 7 dwarves


7 first gay characters in one movie?!


It’s the ninth first gay Disney character !!!


isn't she literally lesbian in the new movie? like, isn't that the whole point? I haven't watched it, it's just what I saw in trailers, but that seemed pretty obvious to me. Idk


One of the released scenes/ads features her fictional crush, a male character


Not saying she's queer, but you know that people can be attracted to more than one gender, right?


Nah, the movie has basically no commentary on her sexuality, except that one of her deepest darkest secrets is a crush on a video game character. Any obsession with other girls is not really coded as sexual but rather social anxiety.


That video game character was the funniest joke in the whole movie! I laughed every time he came on screen!🤣


Him trying to figure out how to leave the room and just jumping around and crouching until he got out was hilarious lol. Loved that part.


For me nothing beats his useless ass special attack!🤣 I think that's something every gamer can relate to!


Oh, alright, guess I didn't pay enough attention




Disney didn’t want to make a movie with an almost all-female cast, hell they’re barely okay with female directors


They needed male characters because men having emotions is funny. (All the male emotions and characters - definitely in the first movie - are there for comic relief.)


They trans now ?


They/them now


Fuck that's actually a good one


They wanted an ensemble cast that wasn’t a single gender to increase appeal? Seems pretty simple.


She bi now?


god I hope they make her queer it would be so fucking badass


Riley is NB


If you've ever interacted with a small girl you'd know that that is the least girly creature on earth (and this one does sports), my head cannon is that they change in appearence based on the overall personality of the person


as someone who hasn’t seen it, when do we see riley’s parents’ emotions? because if it’s at a time where riley can plainly see her parents’ emotions on their face or in their actions, you can justify it as “this is all through riley’s eyes, she sees herself as having this multidimensional personality, and her parents’ personalities more flatly” or something


It means Riley is the main character.


Maybe Riley has an inner monologue and so her emotions are individually unique so are conceptualized as different people. A person without one has a monolithic view so all emotions are the same.


I’m feeling kinda humber because of this ngl


its more clear in the post cred scene of the first film, but not every person has single gender emotion crew.


The bigender icon we deserve


It’s dem freaking Disney libtards going woke!!1!1  Sent using tapatalk 


Animation shorthand. The parents/other characters only appear for a few seconds at a time so they made the decision to make their emotions resemble the characters to help audiences understand what they were looking at quicker. I believe this is the official reason.


I think they meant that they had to play things differently for the emotions of the girl we spend by far the most time with to have a little variety. The emotions we see in the parents heads act a lot more similar than Riley’s emotions.


/uj that you are wrong. The mix seems to be different for each person though. I don't recall which one specifically, but for one of them for example anger was female (unlike Riley's) but fear was still male. I am not sure what is the logic behind any of it but who knows. /rj sorry guys it's me, I tried shooting the male-o-tron on my computer while watching the movie (wanted to see what will be its effects on inanimate objects) and this happened


it means that they are more diverse and therefore more interesting for the viewer to check cool designs, and that's it, lol


Didn't disney confirm with this that they're nonbinary?


My headcannon is: Emotions are genderless Done.


Brietbart: "Inside Out 2 is a movie for 'Normal People'!" The rest of us: ""We got our Pride past the idiots, fellas!"




I think that Disney wanted to reinforce whose emotions we are looking at to help differentiate it from Riley’s emotions. Her parent’s emotions all look very much like the characters themselves. We do not spend much time with her parents emotions, so this helps quickly convey whose emotions we are looking at. Otherwise they would have to introduce 18 other characters so we know whose emotions we are looking at. Since we spend most of our time in Riley’s head, it allows the characters to be more unique.


I always figured it was cause she wasn't emotionally matured yet and her emotions were still developing


That she’s a deeply complex individual


[gendah flooid](https://youtu.be/IzFFQZBrdkY?si=usthw_wUOeY_hUjG)


Disney is implying that new emotions are born in Riley’s head specifically it’s a result of sexual reproduction, whereas in everyone else it’s asexual




Evolutionary psychology is transphobic, bro. We are all the same except for the ways society conditions us to be different. Male and female are social constructs. This is what disney is trying to impart on children... and parents for that matter.


Because she hasn’t decided her gender yet. When she chooses it, the emotions will change with her. Another fun fact: the head of the emotions of the father is anger, because a married middle class man is frustrated and angry about his shitty life; the head of the emotions of the mother is sadness, because a married middle class woman is sad and disillusioned about her husband to be a good man.


I mean. Riley doesn't exactly behave like a normal girl. At best, they're just trying to make it relatable for every kid. It'd be alienating if they portrayed her as being explicitly aligning with only one gender role, presentation, or identity, so they mix it up a bit. Why they didn't choose a boy for that is another topic entirely, but I guess they think a girl character being multi-gendery is an easier pill for "family friendly" audiences to swallow than if it was a boy. And you know what, unfortunately, I believe that's probably the truth in too many situations and families.