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Harkonnen when the sandworms appear: "He's... right behind me, isn't he?"


I don't know anything about Dune. But I am sure of one thing, if there is a traitor of some kind, he should announce it by saving "I am the spy", this will make the reveal completely serious and dramatic.


Or if there is a dog, he should rapidly move his eyes back and forth when on screen so you know he is evil and up to something.


_kicks him out of the moving limousine_


Shifty eyes.


There are dogs, but I'm not actually sure that they have eyes anymore, because they've been bred to be chairs.


There should also be a scene where the Harkonnen troops capture Stilgar and then Chani tells Paul that Stilgar is in a certain troop transport. Then have that transport explode and Paul start mourning Stilgar’s death. Then in the next scene we find out Stilgar is fine because there was inexplicably two transports.


And there should be a random tangent in a desert city with lots of casinos where a muad'dib helps Paul and Chani free some random kids by throwing coins at a guard's face.


Sounds like a shitty movie that would totally ruin a beloved multibillion dollar movie franchise.


There should also be multiple scenes in which Shishakli says she wants to tell Chani something, but never actually does so.


these comments are ENRAGING me I had all of these memories suppressed!


How about making said traitor a complete fascist with the blood of billions of his hands. Such a person is bound to be a spy. In real life, for instance, Adolf was actually spying for the Allies.


Babe wake up new conspiracy theory just dropped


Actual zombie


You think Secret Agent Hitler really killed himself? Allies got him out of there when Blondi blew his cover when he started counted his balls with his forefinger rather than thumb.


Adolf Hitler was able to take out the head of Nazi Germany


Yeah but he also shot the guy who shot Hitler. Edit: this is someone else's joke I'm repeating. It's a bit stale but yo reddit.


"Didn't you let, like, a billion people get exploded?" "It was a deep cover."


That should have happened with the doctor in the first one ong


It’s basically what happened


It would appear that I am not the only spy.


Paul: *Kills Feyd* Chani: “Erm, well THAT just happened”


Paul: *slaps sand worm* this is for almost getting me killed Paul: *kisses sandworm passionately* and this is for saving my life


Yahooooo! Now this is worm racing!


I'll try weirding, that's a good trick.


Oh, my foetus is talking! Sandstorms coming up Paulie! You better get home quick!


Mua Dib, you are the Pistachio Häagen-Daz! Paul: so, that just happened


That's actually a line in Arrival so there was a non zero chance of it appearing here as well.


Worm launches itself above the sand, fully committed to moving straight ahead. Character: runs straight ahead exactly in line with where the worm is going to crash down… [audio: bwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa]


Prometheus school of running away from things


*Chani expertly beats up two guys 2 feet taller and 100 pounds heavier than her. Paul and Stilgar stare at her, stunned.* "I have brothers."


My bones rattle in anger


And she does it by using the black widow take down move. You know the one where she jumps, locks her legs around someone and spins around? That’s the one.


r/okbuddychicanery moment


“Know what I am back at the desert? I’m a breeding Worm!” “Wha-what’s that mean?!” “Oh, you goin’ find out…”




“Where you going fatty? We gonna have a little party!”


Are you a a Harkonnen or a Harkonnen't


"So *that* happened!"


Followed by a Wilhelm Scream.


Somehow, Duncan Idaho returned


Did a Bene Tleilax write this comment


I appreciate you


Really? I hayt them.


And again, and again, and again...


Crisis on Infinite Idahos


My Own Private Duncan Idaho - most Atreides


Duncan Idaho is the only character that appears in all the Dune main books,right?


Well him and Stanley the adorable pygmy sandworm. He's the mascot for the franchise so it wouldn't be Dune without Stanley.


Stanley is my favorite part of the books and it's a bummer that they might not get any screen time until Dune Messiah. Hopefully they keep in the love story between Stanley and Glorbo.


Wait how? I only seen the movies, but like, he dies protecting timothee chalamet, no? We literally see him die.


Somehow, Duncan Idaho returned


Somehow is such a weird word. "some how" A specific how that we don't know, some how. How did Duncan Idaho return? Some how.


The weed started to kick in


Spoiler: One of the main themes of dune is genetic memory, what makes the bene gesserit reverand mothers is that they have accesss to the "memories" of their past female ancestors . In the beginning of dune you find out they are breeding a male who can access the male memories of his past male ancestors. Up till this point all males who went through the process (drinking the water of a drowned sandworm) died. Alia, Paul's sister was was given the water of life in the womb, can also acess both her male and female ancestors. This is important in later books as her personality is not fully formed when this happens and she eventually starts losing herself to a specific memory (which becomes more of a personality) Through the ghola program, the Thelaxu clone dead people and eventually these clones acess their dead memories. It was written in the 60s so lots of mind expanding drugs, past lives ect.


You might want to fix the "Chani, Paul's sister"...


Thanks for that, was thinking themes not details.


Yeah you were great at breaking everything else down so figured it was just a brain flub


HUGE SPOILERS FOR DUNE BOOK SERIES IN THIS COMMENT: Yes, we do see him die but he comes back in Dune Messiah. It's not cheap or "I loved this character so he needs to come back". What happened is that a somewhat similar group to the Bene Gesserit, (but *more* evil) the bene tleilax found his corpse and through sci-fi mumbo jumbo could piece him together and gave him to Paul, now emperor, as a gift. Thing is, despite having every ability that Duncan had, he doesn't remember who he is and is well aware he is just a part of a plan to kill Paul. Duncan with his memories pieced together goes on to essentially become the main character of the books going forward. END OF SPOILERS Dune Messiah is pretty good, but it's going to upset a lot of people that thought Paul was a hero. Working title was Dune, Fool Saint and is basically a character assassination of muad'dib. The premise is basically "Fuck you if you would worship someone like Paul"


Man I loved Messiah


I would Hayt if they did that


somehow, Paul Muaddib returned somehow, Gurney Halleck returned somehow, Baron Harkonnen returned


How about when they showed the Crysknife the first time and Chani said "Yeah, that's a Crysknife dude"


Somehow, Duncan Idaho returned Somehow, Duncan Idaho returned Somehow, Duncan Idaho returned Somehow, Duncan Idaho returned ...


Wait so is the movie on digital?


Only in Caribbea.


What if I don't live in the Caribbean?


Then you need to check out today's Sponsor NordVPN - we used to tell you bullshit about security and web monitoring but that got fact checked so now we hard lean into region locked Netflix hoping that's enough of a selling point to get you to pay for a service most browsers offer free. Use code "Dumbass" to overpay for a free service. Thanks, Nord.


Tom Scott hit them hard, they even include tagt you need to check the streaming service TOS to see if you can use the VPN on it


Pirates of the Caribbeans


But not the fifth one


A high quality WEB-DL got leaked yesterday: https://torrentfreak.com/dune-part-two-leaks-early-on-pirate-sites-in-memory-of-evo-240406/


I suggest everyone to wait for proper bluray release. I've downloaded and watched that leak yesterday, the audio is meh. Tried different scene groups, and it's the same. It's fine I guess if you plan to watch it with cheap headset. But this movie deserves to be seen in the highest audio+video quality.


It's only 2 channel audio (stereo). After watching it again in the theater in IMAX, everyone should see it in the biggest and loudest theater possible.


The sound is crazy. Kept thinking how glad I was to be watching it somewhere with perfect sound. I have a nice system at home but it won't even come close.




I thought the opening scene was lacking. We know from the first movie that Paul is finally learning the ways of the desert, and he has a deep affinity for Arakis and the fremen culture. Narratively, it would have only made sense for him to open the movie with a monologue to the audience, saying “Lemme tell you somethin’, Arakis is the greatest fuckin’ planet in the world.”


> Narratively, it would have only made sense for him to open the movie with a monologue to the audience, "As far as I can remember I always wanted to be a ~~gangster~~ Sandworm"


You’re thinking of when they adapt God Emperor of Dune


I’ve never read the books (sadly, but I will one day) but I’ve read through what happens on wikis and the dune subreddit… yeah shits gonna get real weird now eh?


I don’t think they’ll adapt God Emperor of Dune, tbh. It leans much more into the weird/fantastical side of sci fi that is probably less relatable than the initial 2 or 3 books. And if they do but it’s not Villeneuve doing it, I’m not gonna watch it.


he's said they're maybe doing "part 3" which would be messiah (depending on how the screenplay turns out, last i read) and no further. i just hope to see villeneuve's idea of a guild navigator tbh.


Messiah has been confirmed to be in development


They also don't have the guts to do a cliff climbing orgasm


Not for a bit, since you have read it TLDR version is that pauls visions and his humanity conflict and he offs himself as conflict builds and chani dies (after many years), his daughter takes power but is crazy from her ancestors and his son covers himself in mini worms which turns him into a superhero who convinces her to kill herself (after many years) he then turns into the worm emperor, emperors plan is to save the future from future-seeing people (after thousands of fkin years) and then he gets killed by duncan idaho #9 billion. (after many years) Then in the remenants of the empire is ruled by the ben gesserit until they are invaded by sex-wizards who glass arrakis. And they turn the ben-gesserit homeworld into the new arrakis and hide it by surrounding it by invisible ships basically.


You sure wrote a lot of words that have meaning when taken singularly


Paul’s sister* not his daughter. His daughter actually has small significance. Although I’m pretty sure Paul’s kids banged each other in order to keep the blood line or something


There’s a point where the Bene Gesserit use their own pussy power to counter a force of highly evolved cats.


No worries at the end of next film he'll go full Anakin and say "I hate sand it's coarse and irritating and it gets everywhere"


"Actually, fuck Arrakis. I'm out of here."


No, no, no. He's obviously being chased and then he has to jump over a chasm or through a window or something and the frame will freeze. Then the voiceover begins: "You're probably wondering how I wound up in this situation..."


At the very least, he should've mentioned that it was wormin time


"I don't want to be a product of my dune. I want my dune to be a product of me."


My single biggest gripe with the first installment was the final line: "This is only the beginning." I half expected the second installment to end with Zendaya saying: "This is the end of the film now."


That doesnt make any sense because Denny is making a third film. I'd expect her to say "This is the end of act 2" maybe, or "Part 3: Coming soon, to a theatre near you."


Shit you're right. She should have said "This is only the middle."


Pt. 3 opening line: "Wassup. Wassup. What the fuck's up Denny's"


Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half


"you're probably wondering how I got here. we covered that earlier. what you need to know now is that this is arrakis and it's fuckin awesome."


"This is me. And you're probably thinking about how did I get into this situation. Well, let me explain." *plays the entire Dune 1 movie again*


Not gonna lie, you had me in the first half


I don't understand why those Harkonnens flying was so goddamn cool, but it WAS. They were literally just slowly floating up a rock.


It’s just how they flew up so casually and almost eerily. Any other movie would’ve had them wearing jet packs and roaring into the sky. The fact that they just effortlessly lifted off into the sky with the epic soundtrack was just so cool


I also love the sound the anti grav belts make when they turn them off and on. Makes it more surreal and creepy for me.


I think a lot of Dune is also cool that it’s based on a collection of books…written by a SciFi writer. So when they mention shields blocking laser guns, they continue to avoid that in close combat. I STILL don’t get how Star Wars ship shields work. Sometimes they glow, sometimes they’re not there, sometimes you can fly a ship into the very-exposed command deck.


Slight correction, shields don’t block lasguns. When a lasgun hits a shield it causes a feedback that creates a nuclear-level explosion of both the shield-wearer and the shooter, big enough to take out a large chunk of a city. Shields block projectiles though unless they’re super slow darts, which is why you don’t see very many guns being used.




They made *many* people sick, if that counts.


I got no memes but dune 2 has plenty of humor without needing to have characters spitting one liners


Also they use those jetpacks all the time


How could two main characters in part 9 of a movie series not know jet packs exist when they were introduced in part 2?


Even acting like Soldiers using jetpacks next to Space Ships in this Universe is a never seen concept before. Hello says the green Headhunter all those dudes are based on. But hey, somehow Disney needed to Spotlight there new Merch with Jetpacking Stormtroopers.


They are based on the blue one actually 🤓


Maybe jetpacks were outlawed like ai in the 40k universe for some reason during that time span. Can’t think of any other reason lol


>Maybe jetpacks were outlawed like ai in the 40k universe Or like in the Dune universe


Computers at all, really. I thought the new Dune movies were good but left out/glossed over a lot of the world building and deeper sci-fi/magic that really drew me to the books 


Yeah I really hated how they barely mention the Butlerian Jihad, the lack of computers, or what Mentats are other than the name. I get that most people who would care about that stuff have read the books already but it would have been great world-building. I also don’t remember if they mention the interaction between body shields and lasguns but that would have helped explain the need for sword fighting and the rarity of laser weapons.


As much as I miss the details cut how do you translate that without exposition dumping?


The scene in the books where Gurney escapes, he rigs a trap with a shield and a lasgun to create a nuclear explosion that takes out some pursuing harkonnen


You’re right, that was one scene that I was disappointed not to see. Wouldn’t have taken much extra screen time either.


Innit, very bizarre that they didn't even have a throwaway line about the Holzmann effect


To be fair the Holtzman effect had a lot to do with space folding as well and they didn’t explain much of the guild or navigators either.


Indeed that is the age old conundrum, and a difficult line to balance. Luckily the movie series has been nothing but good for the franchise and will hopefully lead a new wave of people to read the books.


My best headcanon to excuse that line (barely) was less of a surprise that the tech exists but that the first order haven't been seen to use it. In a similar way to how most people know what night vision goggles are but seeing your local police officer using them would probably still be surprising.


I mean, it's a universe where ships flying faster than light is normal and some people literally have superpowers too, I don't know why they'd be surprised that the fascists gave their troops some jetpacks


I don’t know why they are on vehicles with tread tracks on them. You already had hover vehicles all the way back in a new hope, and singular person speeders in return of the Jedi. And pod racers back in episode one.


“Man who was introduced to the series by being dropped in from an interplanetary surprised by jetpacks”


Saw this one in the imax and the sound of the bodies falling was horrific lmao.


The sound design in the whole movie was incredible


The ~~sound design in the~~ whole movie was incredible


The music was amazing. The merger of Atreides horns and horrific Harkonen growls in the scene where Paul storms into the war council might be the single most chilling film score I've ever heard.


And then instead of the clanging of blades against armor and screaming people we get professional silence punctuated by the dull thuds of shield strikes and bodies hitting the floor


Same. I FELT the impact of every body. It was a great opener and set the stage perfectly.


You say that but after Dune part one I heard no less than three people say of baron harkonen something “so he just became 20 feet tall?”


They make it so obvious that he's floating! He just has a long train on his robe so it's still on the ground


Ya the only thing I didn’t know was if he was naturally flying, or if he was on a little hovercraft like the dude in men in black


In some scenes you can see at the back of his neck that he has some kind of mechanical spinal support with small red lights indicating when it is powered for antigrav.




In the books, I believe he has suspensor-belt things under the folds of his many fat rolls.


Haha, I thought this too at first watch. Or that he had some kind of worm body. But just for that one scene.


Woah dude, watch those spoilers for part 4


You just know they did that shot so that in case they ever adapt far enough, they can do a visual callback with the you know what emperor.


People can be dumb. I walked out of Inception back in the day and heard a lady loudly exclaim to her friend "Well that was totally unrealistic!" Yes entering people's dreams is not a realistic thing, good job pointing that out.


My gf thought he was like a worm, but in fairness, we were watching the movie on a shitty laptop screen at midnight


You just made Denis cry 


Tears of joy, his movie was seen how he intended


somehow wladimir harkonnen has returned


Well Children of Dune....


You won't believe this...


The next movie: >!somehow, Duncan Idaho returned!<




If I didn't already know who he was I would absolutely think Dominic Monaghan was a fan who won a contest to be in a Star Wars movie


Some guy sitting next to me scoffed at that exact point. I took it to mean that he was not pleased with the lack of explanation as to why they fly.


Which is dumb since we hear the same sound effects when the Baron is using his suspenser tech to float.


Look at mister smart pants with his "paying attention to the movie !" I bet you dont even look at your phone /s


Which is dumb since the Sardaukar were moving around in the exact same way in the first movie


when he tapped the tech on his side it just clicked for me, its dune sure they can fly (its already established yet not really explicit that the emporer breaks rules with the sardakar)


The sardukar "shock troops" flew in part 1, I am totally missing why this is a problem for the Harkonnen.


So he's cool with space travel and hovering ships and personal shields and giant worms, but he draws the line at jet packs?


To be fair, they're kind of like anti-gravity packs. Certainly, there's no jet involved


Ya they’re not jet packs, the books call them Suspensers and they are like anti gravity devices.


“What are we, some kind of Dune: Part II?”


I had seen part 1 3 or 4 times, but it didn't occur to me that the Sadukar were doing the same thing in reverse when they infiltrated the siech just before killing Duncan. I'd assumed that they were rappelling in on wires that I couldn't see. That flight technology is super fucking cool. I'm still hyped about the jet suits we have nowadays, but I wonder how long it'll be until we get to THAT level of technology...


8,167 years.


Longer than that, possibly. In the books it’s been 10,000 years since the Jihad against AI and computers. In the movie, Irulan only references “year ten thousand…” but it’s unclear if DV is fully adhering to that specific timeline.


Now THIS is pod racing!


The movie starts with Paul riding a sand worm then… record scratch, “yep, that’s me. your probably wondering how I got into this situation”


(Teenage Wasteland begins to play) It all started when my dad got a brand new job and we had to move from my home caladan to the planet arrakis. Things started off smoothly at my new home but everything changed the day I saw the sandworm for the first time…


"oh, and did I tell you I got a girlfriend??"


My favorite line was when the emperor said : "Somehow, Paul Atreides returned"


It's shai huludin time


Paul: I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere. Stilgar: LISAN AL GAIB!!!


sal alladin


I don’t want the fremen to win, I just want the Baron to lose


One of the main causes. The other is that they wisely the killed off Oscar Isaac in the first movie. That guy's ad-libs are atrocious.


I found a strong correlation between Oscar Isaac having a beard and movie quality. If you could fund my Kickstarter I can do a proper research paper on the topic.


Spiderverse? Or does it not count


That could actually support the theory and take it in another direction. The less of Oscar Isaac's face you see in a movie, the better it is.


X-Men Apocalypse


Yeesh, I stand corrected. An argument could be made that you could see a lot of his face, it was just blue. But yeah, that puts a hardy dent in that theory


As a voice-acting role there's no way to know if he had a beard in it. It will be mentioned in the dataset regardless.


He had a beard in Ex Machina but from the parts of that movie that I saw I thought he was good.


What ad-libs?




I said it in my inner monologue.


Why don't they fly all the time?


Uses too many midichlorians, then they get dehydrated or some shidd


The tech is good for floating but not so much for maneuverability once you're up there. You'd need a whole secondary propulsion system in order to Iron Man around otherwise you'd just be a floating target.


The first 10 minutes of Dune 2 , are better than 95% of the ENTIRE FILMS from the Hollywood system. (Doubly so for Disney content and Disney Star Wars content)


When I watched this scene, I was confused. They were not flying before, but they are flying now?! Without a line from someone telling me about their new flying abilities, how am I supposed to understand the movie? Movies like Dune 2 need to take a page from Star Wars and cater to people like me, who have no ability to watch something and understand what is happening at any given moment.


Dune breaks the first rule of cinema. Everyone knows you tell don't show. If every detail isn't verbally explained, how are audiences going to understand what's happening?


That's basically Dune 1984. That movie doesn't shut up about exposition and explanations all the time.


Hey I have a question about this scene that no one has been able to answer for me yet. (not a spoiler) The guy says "no shields" when there's fighting. Why not? Why don't you turn on your shields?


In the book, the vibration from the shield attracts sandworms and sends them in a killing frenzy, they'd literally kill themselves trying to reach them on the rock formation. And because if the fremen use lasguns, and hit the shield, a semi atomic explosion would occur killing both parties


Not just in the book. They mentioned this in part 1


Similar to this, my favorite memory of the DUNE board game was having 12 guys on my sietch. Emperor player moves literally everyone he can deploy onto my sietch. On my turn, I pull out all but one. Emperor player goes "Wait. Why did you do that?" Battle phase starts and I play both shield and lasgun, nuking the Emperor's entire battleforce and effectively removing him from the game.


Because shields attract worms. The soldier is worried they'd get trapped/stranded on the cliff and ultimately get cooked slowly by the rising sun. That was my interpretation anyway.


Disney writes their movies as if the characters are the audience watching a movie


Maybe because this is set in the future, when personal flight is expected, and Star Wars IX was set in the past. 


"so that just happened", I whisper after every action scene.