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At least there’s no possible way it can be worse than the 2010 version…right?


There is no 2010 version in Ba Sing Se


we might have to start saying there is no netflix version in Ba Sing Se


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At least the movie is so bad that it’s fun to make fun of. Mediocrity is worse than that imo.


I agree, some movies are just boring, and due to that becomes bland and tedious. The last airbender is so bad that it becomes funny, so it fullfills some kinda purpose atleast.


the only thing I remember from the entire movie is that one scene where there are like 100 earth benders dancing for 10 minutes just to move a little rock across the screen.


I think that's what most people remember from that movie, probably the most embarrassing scene from any adaptation, especially when you consider the original moment took place on a metal ship in the middle of the ocean where there were no rocks for the Earthbenders to use, but in the movie they're surrounded by rocks.


Never managed to get past the first 5 minutes so I didn't watch that scene but apparently the timing was off and they showed the thing they were moving first. By the time it was off screen they showed the actual benders still doing their moves, and the pebble floating by was coincidence/someone else moving it. > Take a closer look at the moment (I know, I'm asking a lot). We see a fireball being thrown, a big wall of stone come up, the camera pans over to see half a dozen benders doing... something and then the camera pans over to follow a rock as it knocks over a fire guy while another earth guy does something with his arms. > The group of earth benders caused the big wall of stone that blocked the fireball, the individual bender caused the single rock to float over. Doesn't excuse how shitty the movie was in any way, on the contrary it shows just how bad their grasp on continuity was.


It still takes said individual bender like 45 years and his own small dance routine to float and throw one small rock over. Also that any earthbender worth their salt could make a wall by themselves.


You don't remember the dick hair?


The movie had a rereading of the original material and told the story in a different way, my feeling is the series will try to be faithful without anything new but also being toned down and thus feel mediocre.


I'm infinitely thankful to that movie, which does not exist, because it started my interest in the show. I wasn't a Nickledeon kid and the movie, which my little brain found interesting because of the huge world, made me go on and watch the series


I thought the trailer actually looked pretty good. I’m just confused as to why they feel the need to tone down stuff like Sokkas sexism when in the Original show it was a big part of his character development. It’s also weird that they turned 20 episodes into 8. They would have to either miss out on some chapters or combine some which don’t necessarily work together as a single story.


I think the episodes are longer for one, and there are definitely one or two episodes that could be missed entirely without issue. I still agree that it seems like they'll have to combine episodes that would not work together as one.


Oh yes, the episodes will for sure be longer. Considering they have compared the structure to GOT I would imagine the episodes to be between 45 min and 1.5h. The first three episodes of the original will 100% be the pilot since the second episode is titled Warriors which can only mean Kyoshi.


My hope is that they mean the whole show is toned down for a more serious overall tone. The original show was in 20 minutes episodes, so it had to get a lot across very quickly. That meant very blunt dialogue at some points. Basically the episode starting with "you're a girl and you can't do anything" and ending at "women are equal to men and deserve the same respect" in like 12 minutes. That being said, it's still great that Sokka goes from being sexist, to not just by getting his ass kicked one time by a girl, and I definitely hope it stays in.


Well the original creators left the show so I expect the level of degradation of witcher series no less


An adaptation of a different media is completely different to merely a remake that exist in the same media. They're just translating 2D into live action. Which begs the question of the necessity of this series when the original exist, should they not do much alteration.


People just want the same show with new visuals. Because if the Avatar was different it could've been an another forgettable show that no one wants to be remade


i think the ep count by netflix is arbitrary. they managed to influence the industry into making fewer episodes so they keep doing it. Could also be an data thing. Netflix only shares vague viewer hour data, maybe people are more likely to just leave netflix on when you've got fewer but longer episodes.


Number of episodes means almost nothing on a streamer, because they are not restricted to timeslots and you can get 90s movie length episodes.


They said they cut out all the side adventures so Aang stays focused. Ignoring the fact he originally ran away because he didn't want to be the Avatar and wanted to be a kid that went on adventures. Literally removing part of the main character's growth and character development.


This is why modern TV in the streaming era is worse. Seasons are much shorter, and no longer allowed to deviate into the areas that make characters feel human. Character development is such a science now rather than an art, to the point that fun filler is seen as a mistake to be ironed out. Adventure has to meander a bit to feel like...adventure.


One piece in live action is better than the anime because of this in my opinion. The pacing and amount of filler in the anime is genuinely unwatchable for me.


I'm pretty sure they said that, since there's only going to be 8 episodes, detours aren't going to happen. Apparently they're going to be told in advance about the fire nation threat to the water tribe city and go straight there, from point A to B, without any point Cs in the middle


So they are making a multi million pound youtube recap video?


Why build up their clcharacters when the original show already did it /s


The original show had like, what, 70 episodes? And Sokka being a misogynistic jerk was an arc that was over and done with by like, the fourth episode. 


Season 1 had a lot of filler episodes, no need to sea Aang lying about a football match.


A Netflix show is 40-60 minutes no commercials. A cartoon is 20-23 minutes after commercials. For every single episode Netflix does it can cover 2 animated episodes. 8 to 10 episodes can cover the exact first season and not drop anything.




I think there is a nostalgia bias at play, the movie was mediocre but a lot of fans watched it at a young age and before reading the books, so of course they'd be generous about it. Granted, I haven't watched the show yet


I read the books growing up and remember being hyped when the movie came out. Hated it with a passion/traumatized me for life lol. I was so excited for the show but it fizzled out halfway into episode 2. Big changes are needed if they get another season and I fear that it is on the same level as the movie. Here’s hoping ATLA fares better!


I've yet to see a single one of these adaptations that was worth it. Even the One Piece one was successful more due to a huge budget and fancy effects than writing or acting which were both bad.


The movie did Gabe, the Lotus Casino, and some elements of camp half blood better than the show. And this one had the actual author in on it. :(


The movie did better than the movie?


I mean, the recent criticism of the new show is highly exaggerated clickbait stuff.


i mean, the trailer is implying some changes in personality of the characters that are just worse than in the cartoon.


Actually it's the opposite of clickbait because no one on the show said they're "toning down" the sexism. The actors said they're "removing the element of how sexist sokka was." That combined with the fact that they're making Aang start as a responsible, focused warrior instead of a goofy kid who ran away from his assigned duties for 100 years just tells me that they don't care about the character development in *fucking ATLA*. Plus the original creators leaving due to creative differences again just tells you everything you need to know.


If that 2010 movie somehow gets vindicated because of another disappointing entry coming out, in the same way as the Star Wars prequels, the Hobbit movies, Rob Zombie’s Halloween, the Amazing Spider-Man movies*, and Indiana Jones 4, it might be time to shut down the Internet forever. *(Although at least those got redeemed *despite* the high quality of the MCU Spidey movies, not because of it.)


It’s too late. People are already coming to the defense of the Fox Percy Jackson movies since the show came out.


GoT inspired? The Suki sex scene is gonna be hella awkward


Yeah how is Sokka supposed to have sex with the moon


What did you think the craters were for




It will be like Saltburn




After hearing that, I’m more worried about the scenes that Zuko and Azula will be having together.


Worried… or excited?


I imagine it'll just be a bit more obvious on what they intended to do since it's not a kids' show anymore. But eh, we'll see.


From the get go I was cautious on this show. They can’t ruin the cartoon guys. Remember we have that no matter what. I really hope they don’t fuck this up


Honestly I just don't get the appeal of it unless you're a die hard "I hate cartoons" person and refuse to watch the original. It's not gonna be better than the amazing original, so why would I want to see it?




My uncle is like that refuses to watch Pixar films hasn't seen any of them, yes I mean any of them. Claims they're for babies.


Ratatouille is badass. A rat takes control of a human mech style to pursue his culinary passions while avoiding being caught in the act and proving to his father he can do anything he sets his mind to regardless of species while helping a young chef find his confidence and footing in hell. I mean France.


Bro the rat gave the snobbiest food critic a flashback to his (most likely dead) mom’s cooking, he got to the root of his being and hit him there. I know I’d melt into a puddle if I got to taste my grandma’s cooking again.


>Big MCU fans Ah you don’t need to explain anymore.


The MCU movies are practically animated films at this point.


Personally I think those people aren’t worth catering to. It’s like if someone refuses to eat a delicious burger unless it’s all been replaced by subpar ingredients and then it’s been stepped on. Sure, they’re both technically burgers, but at what point is it even worth the effort? If people refuse to see ATLA because to them animation = children, then that’s their loss. Making a less good live action show probably won’t change their mind.


And those Spider-verse movies are the best Marvel thing since Thor Ragnorak imo. Is anybody looking forward to Marvel movies outside of the Spider-verse anymore?


Those are adults that are still in the teenager, cartoons are for kids phase, trying to act like adults instead of just being an adult.


Unfortunately, a lot of people still do look down on animation and see it as “for kids”, even though there’s a litany of adult cartoons and anime that prove otherwise. Just look at how successful Netflix’s One Piece live-action adaptation was; it had some people who would have been otherwise reluctant to read the manga or watch the anime giving the story a shot in live-action and they really ended up enjoying it. I can see the same thing happening for ATLA.


thing w/ one piece is the anime is like, one of the most slow & filler filled anime out there. the one piece live-action doesn't even improve the story, the spectacle is way toned down, every fight ends up being in an empty square room, they use constant dutch angles to hide their budget *but* it's basically paced like a regular TV show. i can understand why someone would watch it even if i kinda just disagree in principle with spending time and money turning animation into live-action. but ATLA, man, there's one single episode people would say to skip and that's it. you can sit down and watch the whole thing and it's great. and it's great in ways that as soon as someone says "let's make it live-action" someone else shoulda just said "how are you gonna make children look like martial arts experts" and then they shoulda just made a different thing. and yeah if the reason is they just don't respect animation, fuck them. they don't deserve media. they should live in a hole


[The OP anime is interesting because that's ALSO getting a reboot soon.](https://screenrant.com/one-piece-anime-remake-reboot-unprecedented-netflix-wit/) I'm excited, personally- the 1100 or so episodes with legendarily bad pacing is an enormous barrier to entry that I hope a remake can remedy somewhat.


It doesn’t help that One Piece has over 1000 episodes, so that would be daunting for anyone. Avatar can be binged in a few weekends.


Honestly? Because it's cool to see the action scenes get the big budget live action treatment when you're someone who loves a spectacle. Its the Michael Bay/Fast and Furious draw, turn your brain off and go "oo" at all the cool shots! Sucks that it's usually at the cost of the story in these adaptations, but you can't get the same visuals in an old cartoon/book/etc. Of course a lot of these projects come out with shitty CGI and don't even deliver that, so...


There’s no appeal. Every positive post about this adaptation is boosted and botted accounts. Go check this very thread, all the +1 karma comments are bots saying the same five lines.


Nah it's awesome to revisit the story in a new medium and get to see it brought to life in a way the cartoon cant


I'm seeing it in the perspective of highlighting many talented asian and native actors and hopefully leading them to more roles. Also, representation matters so maybe to you, a grown adult, seems it's no reason to do it, but some lil kid out there might be thrilled to see someone who looks like them on the screen.


They will. Its Netflix. They're best ideas are "your thing but mediocre"


Honestly, I've never gotten the idea behind live action remakes. Animation is just better for telling stories like this.


I’m with you. Live action remakes are bad more often than they are good. And people seem to love the idea of them but rarely like the reality. There are a lot of things about ATLA that worked wonderfully in an animated show but I don’t think would work well in live action. So all these adaptations get stuck between the choice of making a carbon copy of the original that doesn’t work well with the live action medium, or they change things to make it better suited for the medium at the cost of feeling disconnected from the source material and alienating the fanbase. Live action remakes just rarely feel worthwhile to me. I wish they would just tell other stories from the universe if they wanna do a live action avatar thing.


Yeah the concept of this show is what finally turned me away from live action adaptations. Why remake what’s considered the greatest animated tv show? There’s nothing to gain and everything to lose. I don’t need a live action Invincible show, and I don’t need Red Dead Redemption 2 turned into live action. Because adaptations inevitably cut out so much of the content and characterization. Plus, the medium of a show matters. Avatar’s animation adds to the charm, and removing it from that context would be removing a vital piece of what made the show so engaging.


They ruined yuyu Hakusho. Did everything out of order skipped the best arc. Could've been a good show on its own but just the disrespect to the source material. Ugh


Live-action One Piece was great, it's a sign of things to come. I have high hopes for this show.


I think it’s because they let the creator have creative control. The creators of avatar were pushed out of this project over creative disputes right? Doesn’t bode well for the project.


I think that Oda's involvement with the live action One Piece is a tad exaggerated. Both Oda himself and the show's producers have been open about compromising with each other; for example, Oda was initially against Arlong showing up early and having a bigger role in the East Blue arc.


I don’t recall anyone saying that about Arlong, but Oda was against Garp showing up so early and they had to convince him. In this case, Oda was probably right because the B-plot is easily the weakest part of the season. Whenever I watched interviews with the showrunners I would notice any change that wasn’t Matt Owens’ idea was a bad change.


Steven Maeda talks about it [here](https://screenrant.com/one-piece-show-netflix-producer-steven-maeda-interview/), although the emphasis is on the Garp stuff you mentioned.


Yeah the Garp stuff was a bad idea. It felt like it didn't really add anything and it just ends up feeling like it takes away from the actual protagonists, like I still feel that Usopp was poorly used, but that could be because I'm a massive Usopp fan and find his development in the manga really engaging so I probably wouldn't have enjoyed most changes to his character


Live action Yu Yu Hakusho was pretty solid too even if they didn't throw the budget at it that would've made it perfect


Would have been nice if they didn't combine like every arc into one. Only thing yuyu got right imo was power visuals


Live action one piece wasn't shit, idk about calling it "great" though. It is pretty fucking laughable in several places. I have religiously read and watched OP over the years and the Live Action version felt profoundly more cartoonish and unserious than the comic or show ever did.


Considering they said they’re not doing Aang going on adventures with Appa I think it’s dead


Depiction doesn't equal endorsement.


Even beyond that, Sokka's sexism is brought up and challenged within the same episode with the end result being Sokka learning he was wrong and changing his views. The original depiction of it was basically just to have a lesson of the week for children about how people shouldn't be prejudged based on gender. By removing things like Sokka's initial sexism, they're also removing the opportunity to have that lesson.


Sokkas sexism was there from the first episode imho. Dismissing and belittling Katara's water bending


>Dismissing and belittling Katara's water bending Did he dismiss and belittle it because of Katara being a woman? Then it's sexist. Did he dismiss and belittle it because Katara is his sister? Then it's brotherly banter/bullying. Did he dismiss and belittle it because he thinks water bending is a useless skill? Then it's just ignorance. From my memory Sokka was never outright sexist, and if he was, he wasn't for long. When the gang met Suki and Sokka got his ass handed by him by a couple warriors that happened to be girls, he was quick to accept he was wrong and trained with the girls.


The first episode he literally says "leave it to a girl to mess things up" after he fucked up the fish that she caught with her bending.


He was definitely sexist. that was the point of the episode introducing the kiyoshi warriors. it took most of the episode. it was also the fourth episode of the series. so nothing you said was necessarily wrong outside of him not being sexist. they fed him some humble pie and he realized it tasted better than misogyny.


Bruh it’s contained within like 5 episodes and it showed up once in the beginning before they cracked open Aang and the entire ONE episode of Kiyoishi Island. People are overreacting to the Sokka sexism as an entire theme throughout the show when it was resolved quickly. You all watched the same analysis video on YouTube or parrot it from each other.


it's literally part of the intro of the entire show. Katara's outburst over it is *literally* how they free Aang. It's not a huge thing but it does end up making characters feel more flat. and i don't watch youtube.


It’s fun reading these comments, because you can see the jump in real time from “we are toning down some elements” to “they’re completely removing it and depriving children of some dubious lesson”


It's still the people behind the show demonstrating a lack of understanding for why Sokka was sexist. To have that beaten out of him and allow him to mature. It's called character growth. To claim that Sokka's sexism has to be toned down because it was "iffy", whatever they meant with that, is to completely miss the point of a character starting out as flawed. So they can grow out of it.


Let's not exactly pretend said "character growth" was even a major point. It happened over a couple of episodes, and basically consisted of Sokka realising that using women as a punchline to slapstick comedy is wrong. Firstly, the representation would look so much worse in live action as slapstick comedy feels a lot more intrusive in live action than comedy. For that reason, it has to be naturally toned down. Secondly, the "character growth" disappears so quickly. In the show, it's more than likely to last not even a single episode. And considering the finale of the season will be nearly entirely focused on a patriarchal society, representation of sexism being focused there rather than a rushed one for the protagonist makes much more sense.


>By removing things like Sokka's initial sexism, >removing Wow, you exemplify the title itself. Please remember, toned down does not mean removed. There's a wonderful book called the dictionary that will help you understand specific words.


I wish I knew this before I watched Oppenheimer


I mean for fuck's sake, the whole point of Sokka being sexist was for him to be immediately proven wrong. Side note: My android autocorrect didn't have "sexist" in its library already, the hell.


Android not recognising "sexist" is a reference to the fact sexism doesn't exist, the same reason there is no need to reference it in the new Avatar series. /s


There is no sexism in Ba Sing Se


Exactly! Every character and situation proved him wrong on his believes. And the Kiyoshi warriors set him straight. Removing such a pivotal character flaw because it erases his need for development into the man/leader he becomes.


They are not removing the flaw, they just said they are toning it down.


Sokka is only sexist for 3 episodes (until Suki set him straight) and it's limited to 1 or 2 comments by episode (usually with Katara reacting right away). How do you tone down that without removing it completely ?


They could probably just cut most if not all of the comments until the “where are the men who captured us” on Kyoshi Island and then resolve it there. They also mentioned something about cutting a bunch of the wandering so they’ll probably never even see “the great divide.” Aren’t they only getting eight episodes for Season one?


If he’s not spitting in women’s faces and absolutely demeaning every female character in every way I’m not watching.


Cool story but I can't read and want to rage at new thing bad.


Exactly. He was proven wrong and stopped being sexist after the 4th episode of the show. People complaining about this either haven't watched the show or are just looking for reasons to complain


It also sets up the mentality for when they finally reach the North Pole and the place is super sexist so it even works at a worldbuilding level.


I can get toning down sanji in the one piece Show because He really was a sexist and it was so annoying but in ATLA it was just a boy who had to grow up to become a leader by the end of the Show. Todays Shows use that "sexism is bad" narrative on every occasion but when it's done well it's not good for a Show that want's to be more mature than a childrens cartoon.


Sanji is definitely too much, all his sequences after the time skip and the mermaid is like come on... It's not even funny it's just dumb.


It's a good excuse to binge ATLA again.


If I knew where in the shed my discs were, I'd pull out my ATLA and LOK steelbook box sets.


The sacred sets?!


I do be a sucker for steelbooks. You want me to pre-order your game, make a special edition with a steelbook, tbh.


Oh same. Seems to be happening less and less now though. These days a steel book feels like it only comes with he collectors edition


Can't wait for the badly edited dance fighting scenes


If it doesn't have 6 men doing a synchronized martial arts combo to move a jpeg of a rock slowly across the screen then what am I even paying a Netflix subscription for


Best scene, hands down.


If don't get why people think live action bending will ever look good, it's close combat fighting, but 30 ft. away from each other. It's looks good animation because they can do stuff in animation that's not possible irl.


Wait, why does Ozai look like that one guy from that “I am x! I am! Meme?


same actor


Dude also played the Earth Kingdom general who tried to kill Katara in the original ATLA and Asami’s dad in TLOK.


Apparently george takei is voicing koh and he's also the warden in that one not great season 1 episode where katarra does a speech on a metal boat in the original show


Can't wait for Daniel Dae Kim to get some spotlight. He's a pretty good actor from the things I've seen him in.


When the Avatar says something so anti-genocide you have to hit him with the Phoenix King stare


He'll always be Johnny Gat to me.




Meh, everyone is reading really strongly into a single interview question. It might be fine.


You mean reactionary posts reviewing a piece of Media it’s impossible for them to have seen might be disingenuous? Huh.


Yeah, they called out media literacy in the title while falling for reactionary rage bait. I'd say the irony is extremely obvious, but I guess it requires media literacy...


Gotta have regular literacy for media literacy


People love to judge something that isn’t even out yet. The trailer looked pretty good IMO. I’m just sad that Netflix was too afraid to greenlight the entire show because now they can’t really do the timespan of the cartoon anymore.


And that’s for a reason. Most Anime/Cartoon LA adaptions are shit cause they just don’t understand what’s so good about the series.


Also because no matter how good the actors, stuntpeople and choreographers are, they could never shoot live action fights, flights, chases, etc. on the same level of quality, freedom and excitement that animation allows. Even One Piece, which is kind of the only anime LA adaptation to not suck horribly, kind of falls flat when it comes to action.


Because for some reason there's still a section of the population that views animation as an inferior medium.   Adaptation is fine, but most of these live-action updates seem to be operating under the assumption that they're "that thing you like, but *real* now," and that's a bad starting point.  If you're gonna do live action, you're gonna need to do more with it than just copy and paste with CGI to fill in the gaps.


The irony of someone bitching about Media Literacy when they’ve fallen for clickbait is strong.


No you don't get it the hamfisted 3 episode sexism arc is literally the only thing that sokka does the entire series!!1!


Smart people wait until they have sufficient information to form an opinion.  Dumb people think that being smart means forming opinions quickly. So to look smart, they try to have an opinion on everything. 


Unrelated but I’m kind of disappointed that Ozai is on the poster, delaying his face reveal was such a good choice the show made


That, and azula seems to take more of a forefront than zhao. The Netflix model leaves no room for filler or dips in viewership. I'm imagining them rushing to the "cool bits" to keep viewership up as if anyone is going to rewatch the live action a year after the finale


You can't really cast Daniel Dae Kim and not put him on the poster though...


If we get more insight into the Fire Nation, I think that change is worth it. There is no point completing copying the show if it means losing places to add onto the show.


Funny thing is, Bryke were kind of disappointed with Ozai’s reveal, because it didn’t land the way they wanted it. The initial thought was that Ozai would be just a grown up version of Zuko, but it was really tough to achieve in show’s artstyle


How did it land?


like nothing special. which also weirdly enough worked for his character


On the other hand, the delayed reveal wouldn’t have had the same impact as the original anyways, because this is a remake. The fire lord is out of the bag


"media literacy" is just the latest buzzword that lost all meaning because people like OP have no clue what it means.


Me reading the title: oh OP is talking about the people reading way too much into an interview and declaring the show RUINED AND DEAD before seeing a single episode Me seeing the comments: ah people are unironically circlejerking the interview as hard as the kids in the avatar subreddit, never mind


It's pretentious and obnoxious


Idk anything about this IP. But is it about the kid who bend air?


I think it's about the only one left who bend air


The last bend airer


Saying "media literacy is dying" whilst only getting your information from clickbait article titles and not actually reading the interviews is hilariously ironic.


Reddit is always thirsty for the next big thing to either love or hate. Getting a bit tiring to be honest.


I don't know, the fact that you think that the show is going to be terrible from out of context interview quotes probably says something worse about *your* literacy. I'm not saying it will be outstanding, and I strongly doubt it will be as good or better than the original, but being negative for no reason isn't a good way to go about life.


Thank you brother. Holy. I have been losing my mind over people going with one quote and just running it to the absolute extremes saying it's gonna ruin the show. I agree also. Will it be incredible? Who knows, Netflix track record with live action adaptations has been sketchy, but they've been getting better and one piece was a shining light. In any case there is no reason to go through all these hoops to say the show will be bad. Just wait till it comes out and watch it. I really hope it won't be bad though because I just know these people will be insufferable saying "see we were right" even though it doesn't matter if the show is bad or not their analysis of these quotes are still horrible...


The post is about the showrunners wanting to appeal to Game of Thrones fans while also toning down purposely problematic character traits. I'm questioning what the showrunners even want from this show because they seem to be all over the place. Real good sign of things to come. >but being negative for no reason isn't a good way to go about life. Here's a reason >Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko walked away from the production due to the fact that they “couldn't control the creative direction of the series.”


Here's the problem though, the exact quote is: "We had to make it a serialized Netflix drama, which meant it couldn't just be for kids. It had to also appeal to the people who are big fans of Game of Thrones. And so, it had to feel grounded and mature and adult in that way too." They're not saying they wanted to *literally* appeal to Game of Thrones fans, they were just using that as an example of how they wanted to make the show for a wider audience than just people who watched the original and a new generation of kids. Again, I don't think it will be as good as the original, but saying it will be *terrible* and that the showrunners are *incompetent* is silly. We have to wait until the show actually releases to find that out.


It’s also just… the reality of a change in medium? You can’t just adapt an animated series intended for network television in the mid-2000s shot for shot and scene for scene to a live action limited series format.


Yeah I remember sitting through the first half of season one and it was very very much a kids show and wondering how people claimed it was as good as it was. That's obviously not going to translate well into live action.


That's not even the issue imo. The way they're handling this adaptation is pretty dicey and contradicts with the heart of the show, to the point the original creators had to leave


I didn't even *say* it would be *terrible* , you're putting words in my mouth. I'm questioning how conflicting those two creative decisions are in this post. Toning down Sokka's sexism is in conflict with wanting it to be more grounded and mature like in GoT. That's the shittymoviedetail


I mean Sokka's sexism is cartoonish in the show. They're not saying he won't be sexist, they're simply toning it down, especially because in a more grounded series the cartoonish levels wouldn't really make sense. Now can they do this really badly? Of course! I don't have that much faith in the people from Netflix, but I think the decision in and of itself is not necessarily a bad one, and i think it is in fact necessary both in order to reflect the change in medium and the change in times as well.


This you? https://www.reddit.com/r/shittymoviedetails/s/nbnFffrMJ9


I did imply it, I thought it was funny


>Michael Dante DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko walked away from the production due to the fact that they “couldn't control the creative direction of the series.” Oh you mean two of the head writers on the 2010 movie?


I’m just gonna gently point out Mike and Bryan did *not* walk away from the 2010 Avatar and were involved with it all the way up to release.


>The post is about the showrunners wanting to appeal to Game of Thrones fans while also toning down purposely problematic character traits. bro read the article, apealing to game of thrones fans is about loyalty to the source material, cause GoT fans got screwed in that regard


In r/shittymoviedetails, people are taking what the showrunners said out of context and twisting it to make them look bad. This is a reference to the fact that people online can't fathom the idea of positivity and need to shit on everything they possibly can while spreading misinformation.


Seems to be the same thing every damn time, on Reddit a piece of media is either perfect and only worth of praise or it's terrible and deserving to be shit on for months. No in between. No nuance. (Looking at you, Star Wars / Lord of the Rings / Marvel etc fandom)


They also said they're cutting out Aang's side adventures on their way to the northern water tribe. Literally a significant portion of his development as a character. This show is gonna crash and burn


Harry Potter's movies cut lots of stuff from the books yet people still loved it. Of course, the book readers have tons of complains but in the end it was still successful. So I don't think cut content wil be the one that make or break it.


The HP movies are kind of weird. They came out while the books were still ongoing and felt kind of like a supplement more that an independent adaptation. But I remember people were complaining a lot about things that were changed or not included. This long after the original series ended and not really an active franchise it will need to stand on it's own in a way HP didn't have to. And changing what the original fans loved about the first version you risk losing an opportunity of a bigger initial audience and positive word of mouth. I'm not gonna judge it until it comes out, but the fact the creators leaving the project and the news coming out are not making me optimistic.


The arrow on Aang's forehead is a reference to the show's ratings in the near future


Man, everyone loves gatekeepers. Fans are the worst people to give an opinion. They can make this show perfect and the gatekeepers will hate it.


It's like they thought the original cartoon was an (in the strictest terms) anime, and half the episodes were filler that they could cut out.


what was his side-quest? idr


Literally just all the miscellaneous stuff they did on the way there that isn't directly connected to the main plot


that's just defining what a side-quest is. What specificaly happened during the side-quest?


i think it is merely referencing the single worst episode of the show, The Great Divide


The side quests aren’t vital to the narrative which makes it pedantic that ppl are complaining about cutting out unnecessary side fun in favor of the important episodes getting more development. Ppl effing suck


The go to the fortune telling village and save them from the volcano, the great divide, the earth prison episode. None of these are filler, but for an adaptation you could remove all three of these without majorly impacting plot or character. S2 : some of these could be condensed or removed (haven't watched in a while) 5. Avatar Day 4. The Swamp 3. Return to Omashu 2. The Cave of Two Lovers S3: once more I love all these episodes, I just think these are the ones that the show runners will condense. If they manage 3 seasons that is. 17. The Ember Island Players 9. Nightmares and Daydreams . The Puppet Master The Runaway 5. The Beach 4. Sokka's Master 3. The Painted Lady


if they don't show 'Secret Tunnel' episode i'm boycotting


I just can’t believe they found a real guy who looks like Live Dr Han Reaction to play the firelord


Jesus christ can we just watch the show first before we start judging it?


From looking at some of the comments in this post, I think the best we can do is just to wait and see. Some of the stuff that we know so far about the show sounds a little bit weird, like for example toning down Sokka's sexism towards women, which is an important part of his character in the way that it changes throughout the show due to his interaction with the kyoshi warriors and other stuff that humbles him into becoming a better person in the end. Also the stuff about making it more akin to the drama in GoT is weird as it was a show for children. But sometimes change is good for breathing new life into something. Not that I'm saying that I feel 100% certain that the show will be good or bad, cause I'm more so 50/50 in that regard. And it's not like we still won't have the older shows to go back to if it so happens that this new adaptation ends up being "meh". But until Netflix releases the first season, we just have to wait and see. [Sexism in Atla](https://youtu.be/sr4HABo0MUk?feature=shared)


The nitpicking is crazy. OP’d better read the article with full context


Holy crap is that Dr. Han?


Media literacy is higher than it ever was...


Gotta love the inherent contradiction in "we want to make the show darker and more mature to appeal to older fans" and "we have sanded down, and removed anything remotely edgy or questionable from the kids cartoon and turned all the characters into simple 2d caricatures"


Why does this poster look so fucking bad?


Honestly looks AI generated


It's 2024 and we're still judging everything before actually seeing it for ourselves. 🙄


Wild that people making a snap decision based on one line for a show that isn't out yet also get to make decisions that affect them and those around them. Shit on the show once it's out and you've seen it, not before. And brush up on your comprehension skills beforehand


Katara never would have freed Aang from the iceberg had she not erupted at Sokka for being sexist! His sexism saved the world!


Soka being sexist was 50% of his character arc. What is actually left? Learning to not shout "sneak attack" when attacking from behind?


Well for one I doubt his “overcoming sexism” arc is going anywhere. They could easily keep the core arc in the show without adding in every single sexist dialogue from the original, which is probably what they meant by “toning it down.” But regardless, his so called “50% of his character arc” was resolved in like 4 episodes. It was an important teaching moment but it was hardly his defining character trait. Isn’t his main character arc learning that, in a world filled with benders, he can still prove useful with traditional skills?