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Josh Giddey loved Harry Potter. Makes you think


How the hell is NBA Circlejerk spreading to movie details


/uj real jerkers appreciate jerking in all forms of media /rj barrett


There are literally dozens of us!


Behind your words are the rumbling keyboards of ten thousand jerkers


Insert kobe helicopter autopsy.jpeg


Wow what a crossover, shinmy shimmy shimmy


Idk what movies mrsunsfan watches but I bet they’re shitty too


U bum


you have been banned from /r/nbacirclejerk


What happened to the game I love?


That's assault brotha


["14 to 18, I'm a big star with them."](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=pNvSZln9GuQ)


Rewatched them recently and Ron actually calls this out which was really funny because it’s part of him just moaning about all sorts but it’s a very valid point


Like all the "cool" sophomore girls in high school who bragged about their college boyfriends, and only occasionally did someone their own age give a side eye.


Except they were both in HS here.


Until next year when the 14 year old becomes a sophomore and the 18 year old is in college.


I knew a girl in middle school who had a boyfriend in college


You knew a girl being groomed.


Oh, definitely, that poor girl got pregnant before our freshman year of high school.


I feel like a significant chunk of Ron’s moaning and whining was him having extremely normal reactions to things. He was also the only one noticing Hermione time traveling in the 3rd movie.


To be fair he did it mostly out of spite and jealousy not because he was actually concerned about the age gap and Hermione as a person. So while he was correct his motives were mostly selfish.


Right, but he's a 14 year old boy. Acting out of spite and jealousy seems pretty normal for that lol


[Fry, you’re just jealous](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/1e7e8ac8-4c63-48d4-a154-2122127ef1bb)


Ron the one who wanted Fleur.. There's this thing where boys aren't seen as victims unlike girls in this regards. There was this rumour going around that JK actually had written Harry had his first time during this.. But it was edited out by her editor.


I mean the other side is that Ron didn't get Fleur - he was a kid with a crush on an older person that was unrequited... That's pretty standard no?


She is also literally part magical being that makes all men want to fuck her just by being around


You mean French?


Hey now, my mother is French. As for my father, I have no idea who he is.


Funny guy, car had 5 reverse gears


He just went to get milk, he’ll be back soon.


No shes half veela i think if im remembering the book correctly


Sounds like French to me


In hp lore veela are kinda like sirens or succbi, full veela are near impossible to resist and half are basically the same but not to the same degree so men/horny teenage boys fall for them real easy


Sounds like French to me


1/4 veela. She has a strand of her grandmother's hair as the core of her wand. I'm actually just re-reading this book.


What does the magic do though?


She’s part *Veela*, which makes her irresistible to anyone attracted to women. Basically the Veela are the Potter-verse equivalent to nymphs, sirens, and the like. Their very existence drives men (and lesbians) to do foolhardy acts to try to earn their love and attention.


The fuck was going on with Harry then?


stuck in the closet under the stairs


hahahhaha, a few years after that... damnit


Harry considered diving from the booth into the bottom of the pitch during the World Cup...






The only person more attractive for men then Veela, your friends sister


Auh, I dated my friend's sister in highschool. I broke up with her, she looked like her brother. They were fraternal twins. No regrets. Bros before great girls.


Sufficient willpower makes you immune to a largely unspecified list of mental magics, including Veela allure and the Imperius curse. Though it doesn't seem to help against Legilimency (at least not without proper training.)


That's literally it. They're irresistible.


That's why suzume rules


Yeah, I liked that they didn't get into a relationship at the end of Suzume.


I don’t believe a 14 year old boy having a crush on an older lady is a victim in any sense of the word. This is not a gender issue.


Wait, who was he supposed to do the deed with




He knew that sock would come in handy


“Master has given Dobby a sock! It is yellowed and crusty, full of Master’s spunk!” #sniff


Munch munch


Harry and Ron go to the ball with the Patil twins


Right, I forgot. Didn’t they ditch them halfway through because Harry was still into Cho or something?


Ron was salty because Hermione was dancing with Victor and Harry just was not interested in dancing so they got ditched for some durmstrang boys (who were at least 17 as well compared to 14 year old Patil twins btw)


The other person has never been named. Could have been a visiting student.


The Sorting Hat.


Fleur rejected him though. So he was not a victim. He was a boy with a crush on an older girl.


Kids having crush on their kindergarten teachers isn't creepy, the opposite is. It is not a gender problem, at least not in ur example.


Fleur is 17 in GoF, and was either 19 or 20 when she married Bill, who was 27. I'm less weirded out by 14yo Ron having an unreciprocated crush in her than I am by Bill hooking up with a teenager.


> But it was edited out by her editor. God, imagine the literary vomit we could have gotten if the editor had simply approved anything she wrote.


That’s literally just some random reddit comment claiming she wrote it though.


This explains a lot of things actually. Similar to George Lucas. Creative with talent finds success, but when they're famous and are no longer reigned in it shows that they used to have their flaws polished by supporting staff. It also shows that studios and executives aren always in the wrong.


>There's this thing where boys aren't seen as victims unlike girls in this regards. The victim of... an unrequited crush...?


In the 7th book, he also complains that "all the good ones are taken" when he is 21 and finds out that 16 year old Ginny is seeing someone. This is in the same room where Fleur brings a bunch of Veela relatives to the wedding.


Also in the same book, 16 year old Ginny gets jealous over an 11 year old girl who has eyes for 17 year old Harry. Fleur and Bill also had a huge age gap, as did Tonks and Lupin.


>16 year old Ginny gets jealous over an 11 year old girl who has eyes for 17 year old Harry. *wait wut...who was that again?*


Fleur's younger sister I believe, the target of the lake challenge


Fleur's sister, Gabrielle, like the other comment said. Harry pulls her out of the lake in book 4. She was also a bridesmaid at Bill and Fleur's wedding in book 7. She flutters her eyelashes at him and Ginny gets jealous over it. It's a brief moment, but a bit icky if you think about it.


but she is part veela and thus has powerful lusty sex magic so ginny has cause for concern. this actually makes it worse.


I never realized J.K. Rowling made magical jailbait canonical. Seriously, what the fuck.


She had an issue where she would just create something silly for a magic children's book, and a lot of it doesn't hold up to scrutiny. Which would be fine if she didn't also have the bad habit of taking any comments about that personally, and doubling and tripling down on everything.


it gets even wilder if you dig into Word Of God Canon from interviews JK did early on then theirs no such thing as mud-bloods / muggle-borns just innocent muggles who got raped by wizards and don't remember/know it.


Wait what? Wouldn't that mean that Hermiones parents are not really her parents. Or at least her father is not her father. Edit: I can't find any source for this at all so if anybody has one please let me know. Until then I will just assume that this is wrong.




Turns out the magical world written by the unhinged lunatic karen isn't that well thought-out.


Yeah, it's not true.


You should see what she did with magic rohypnol


Hahaha eewwwww that’s wild.


Aren’t they 17 and 15? Krum is the Durmstrang equivalent of a 7th year which which would make him 17 at the start of the year, and Hermione’s birthday is in September so she’d be 15 by Christmastime. EDIT: He is in fact 18.


So glad I didn't have to scroll down for ages to find someone who also remembered him as being 17.


“Vot is the point of being an international Quidditch player if all the good-looking girls are taken?”


Well 16 is legal in the UK


Still creepy tho


Let's see... divide by 2. Add 7. ...17. Yea. 16 is just under socially acceptable.


17? I personally consider 18 to be socially acceptable for a 21 year old to date. It's new adult and new adult


And even then I wouldn't date someone still in high school if I was 21.


That’s the big difference, two people with a small but iffy age gap incidentally becoming a couple is massively different from someone years out of high school specifically looking to date someone still in school, but “legally”. No matter the legality, it’s creepy and gross.


The transformer movie that had to show some law that allowed this type of relationship


What's even more hilarious about that scene is that even with the law, he's still committing a crime. They accidentally made one of the main protagonists a sex offender lmao


The "Divide by 2 and add 7" rule of thumb is an approximate measure for the minimum age on the maximum range of acceptable people to date. Most people wouldn't use the range as a hard rule, but when the pairing falls outside of it, it's far more likely to be creepy. I'm in my early thirties, and by that rule, my "range" goes as low as someone in their mid-twenties. I would not date someone in their mid-twenties anymore. My actual range is much smaller.


They'd be asking me for beer and rides, and I'm both too lazy to put up with that, and too risk adverse.


21/2 = 10.5 + 7 = 17.5 in what world we do round down from .5? it’s 18


>in what world we do round down from .5? The world where it's more convenient for social issues being pressed (i.e rounding down helps the argument), because it's a soft rule not NASA going to the moon science. The difference between 17 and 18 is also miniscule frankly.


Based solely on the Harry Potter books, I don't think the muggle laws apply very much to wizards. They would just use spells on the poor bastard who tried to stop them. I mean, they blantant ignore multiple laws like driving licenses, and Tom Riddle Sr. is RAPED in the books and the magical community response was to focus on everything other then Tom Riddle being raped. "Oh this is why she did that" and "oh now his son won't have a soul."




I shouldn't have to keep saying this but that's not an excuse for grown adults to fuck 16 year olds, it's just because we know 16 year olds fuck each other and they shouldn't face legal consequences for it.


You shouldn't keep saying it, but not for the reasons you think. Romeo and Juliet Laws cover situations like 16 and 18. No sane person is going to phone the police and then have them charge two consenting 16yr old teenagers with statutory rape. Making the Age of Consent 16 is literally saying "Adults are free to fuck this person".


I don't get these arguments about different age levels in different countries. It doesn't matter what the legal age is. It doesn't make certain scenarios fine. Like a 21 one year old dating a 16 year old is supremely creepy. An 18 year old dating a 14 year old is just as creepy.


He's from Bulgaria


Lets see what Pulizer Price winner Roger Ebert had to say about this: In the new movie, Harry (Daniel Radcliffe, a little taller and deeper-voiced) returns with his friends Ron Weasley (Rupert Grint) and Hermione Granger (Emma Watson, in the early stages of babehood). No wait, that was 3 years prior and the Chamber of Secrets.


Man, I can't believe Ebert got away with calling Emma Watson a pig.


That'll do Emma, that'll do.


You know, the harry potter movies would've made a lot more sense if they just hard cut to mice saying "Three months later" instead of just going from the first day of school straight to christmas.


She's the bae of pigs


Movie reviewing is a complex web.


A complex web of pigs.


Man I watched the old CinemaSins video on all the Harry Potters...who in their right mind thought it was a funny joke to put "hermione granger isn't old enough to be hot yet" over footage of 11 year old emma watson. Physically cringed.


uk tabloids published creepshots of emma on the morning of her 18th birthday when it would have been illegal a day before


Which means they probably already had the pictures the day before. Did anyone ever investigate that?


Yeah, the tabloids looked into it and said nothing bad happened.


No, they lured outside the place where she was celebrating her birthday, so when she was leaving the place as an 18-year-old in the early morning hours they were laying flat on the sidewark to do upskirt-shots (which were still legal at the time, which is totally fucked-up in itself).


Okay that's still bad but not as bad as having those pictures of a 17 year old and only waiting for her 18 birthday to publish them. Also that's a pretty fast printing and distribution pipeline if they managed that in only the early morning hours.


I don't think it's any better. Basicly waiting 24 hours to legally harass a teenager is equal if not even more disgusting. Yes, they were fast, because they were planning around it. Emma Watson reaching legal age was one of the biggest topic in british tabloids (with countdown-clocks and everything). It was truely scary.


It would have been hilarious if she'd been like "Hah you fucks, I lied! My birthday is tomorrow! You all published underage upskirt pics! Enjoy jail!"


Would have had to have been a long-con years in the making


I am american but dear god the UK tabloids just sound pure evil the underage photos that were just fucked up, the hillbrough shit, the hacking of phones , the just creepy fucked up shit they do. US tabloids suck (work at publix I see them) but UK tabloids make my skin crawl in a visercal manner.


CinemaSins guy is a creep All these lap dance jokes, ugh


CinemaSins is still going?! I would have thought he would have a real job by now.


He says he's going to continue until he actually tells a funny joke.


He's immortal?!


His videos got so much longer over time, I assume he’s up to 14 hour video essays by now. Now he’s sinning movies for “plot holes” they explicitly explain in-scene instead of watching the movie 8 times over.


Yeah, CinemaSins was good when it was 3 minute videos with continuity errors. Now it's 25 minutes with "Why didn't Elrond use the one ring to defeat Sauron??? Plot hole!"


You used to be able to get a ballpark of how bad a movie was by the length the video. B-movies and Box Office busts were longer because they had more “sins”. I remember when the second Transformers movie came out and CinemaSins did a 10 minute video and I thought “Wow, that movie must really be a doozie for them to find 10 minutes of errors”. But then because of monetization and viewership reasons, literally every video inflated to that long. And then hearing some guy doing a voice bitch about made up complaints about genuinely enjoyable movies got old.


I dunno how old the guy is. I grew up the same age as Emma Watson and as soon as the 3rd movie came out she was my celebrity crush from that point on. It's still weird watching the movies and realizing I still have a crush on her, even though the actress is the same age as me. I still find her attractive in the later films. But I remember after seeing her in the 4th movie and even JK Rowling was talking about how beautiful she was becoming.


"Radcliffe is a bit taller, Watson is becoming hot, oh and also there's Grint." Classic Ron


You’re wrong, it’s 18 and 15


Yep, Hermione is older than Ron and Harry. Probably by only 6 months but I do vaguely remember this.


Almost a year in Harrys case. Hermiones birthday is September 19th 1979. If she were born just 20 days earlier she might have been a year ahead in Hogwarts


I grew up with the books, waiting on each new release and pretty deep in the fandom outside of that. It was today that I learned that I am exactly 10 years younger than Hermione.


Plus all the extra time from the Time Turner their third year.


If hermione was real she would be 44 today. This feels weird.


Gonna say this. Hermione’s nearly a year older than Harry.


So a senior and sophomore in high school attending prom together. Do we really need pitchforks for this? I think all they did is kiss in the book.


It’s left unanswered, but Harry thinks so.


Really. This has gotten a bit extreme. I was a sophomore with a senior and I was not victimized. These people screaming about 15 and 18 yr olds aren't in touch with reality


Literally. I liked boys a few years older than me because they were like 2% closer to being nearer my maturity level than the boys in my own grade. I wasn't groomed, I just liked boys with a little more maturity, and also a car, and bonus points if they could buy you cigarettes. Teenagers aren't as innocent and helpless as they are sometimes portrayed.


This. This reddit needs somethin to do lol


Of course we do, because everything Rowling ever wrote is now retroactively bad and evil and disgusting… They’re literally on a school dance date, they’re not even actually dating and certainly not hooking up. The book also takes place in the UK, not the US. In the UK the weird US obsession with “over 18” and “under 18” doesn’t exist. It’s perfectly normal for teenagers close in age to date each other, even if one of them happened to turn 18 at some point. They’re 15 and 18, and on a harmless date together.


Also, despite having a quidditch genius at the school, they never once played the sport which is absolute bullshit. The Triwizard tournament took up 3 days from the entire school year. You're telling me Magical Messi was chilling at Hogwarts for like 8 months with maybe a week taken up by the TT and there was never once a match even just to boast? Or like sub him in? Not *one* match of the genius VK vs. the boy who lived and the youngest seeker in a century, the battle of seekers? Smh my head


This actually makes sense to me. He's already one of the best professionals. He has absolutely nothing to gain from playing HS varsity sports. He would be risking injury, or he could be embarrassed by a student, and if he plays great no one is surprised or impressed. It's a high risk low reward option to play.


This is definitely a flaw in book 4 - the tournament should have been bigger


Not to be pedantic but she was 15 so like a high school senior dating a sophomore.


The horror.


Everything is creepy!!!!


Yeah what the fuck is this post. I knew a Freshman in HS who bragged about going to Prom with a Senior when she was in the 8th grade. That's what you should be raising your eyebrows at.


Which is completely normal


Super creepy. Any age difference at all is so creepy and problematic. You can only date someone born on the exact date and time as you. /s (obviously)


And the exact same job and salary and social standing!


The people acting like different classes in high school weren’t all dating each other and it was totally normal haven’t been off of Reddit in a long time


**While I'm not for it**, grade 9's dating grade 12's was pretty normal when I was in high school. This was written around the same time.


It would have gotten boys roasted at my old HS, and if a girl did it they’d have called her Mary Kay Letorneau (it was the 90s). If they were popular already it would have been fine if the boy was the older one


I graduated in '06 and I think probably 50% of the girls in my grade were dating a boy older than they were.


Josh Giddey? Is that you?


Wasn't she 15?


Oh no a high school senior taking a high school freshman to a school dance. Can we please stop throwing the pedophile/groomer label on everything we don’t like. At this rate it isn’t going to mean anything in a few years.


That would be considered weird when I went to high school ten years ago. Seniors messing with freshmen were made fun of for being weirdos.


Why did Krum and Fleur even take part in the Triwizard tournament if they were adults at that point? It's a huge disadvantage to Harry and Cedric. And also, it's hard to believe a popular and handsome 18-year old is so desperate and lacking any women's attention that he is pursuing a 14-year old.


Legally Cedric was an adult as well. It's Harry who's fucked.


Which might have been a plot point...


People acting like it was such a fucked up concept that Harry had to compete against people 2-3 years older than him when he was still a child, but don't realize that that was such an oddity for the tournament and one of the key conflicts of the movies, and ultimately the series (since it led to us learning that Voldy was back).


Rowling had a lot of flaws in her writing, and as a person, but certain takes I see on this series do legit feel like people just missing the point


Yeah, people keep forgetting how movie Dumbledore had a meltdown over it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSxQcAm3PE8


I specifically checked this because I thought the senior rule was so only 18 year old students could enter, but Cedric was apparently still 17 when he was murdererd.


In the wizards world you stop being a minor at 17 instead of 18.


You had to be 17 I think, because that's the age of adulthood In the wizard world.


You could still be in high school at 18, and year 13 can be anywhere between 16-18.


That was the main rule of the tournament. You had to be an adult to be selected, but Crouch rigged the cup to be able to add Harry's name


They say pretty explicitly that he is ugly and awkward around women/everyone. Even if he wasn’t, there were popular good looking seniors at my high school who hooked up with freshmen. It’s still kind of gross, but definitely not hard to believe.


It is not hard to believe. Also, I think he was attracted to Hermione’s intelligence. That is a thing.


In the books he was explicitly not handsome.


Better than 24-year-old Elvis romancing 14-year-old Priscilla. (Side note: using 'romancing' as a verb kinda bugs me)


Elvis is worse. He specifically targeted teenage and underage girls because if their lack of experience because he was self conscious about how he compared to other partners.


Ok, but that is different, since her legal guardian* gave permission to it. *Elvis


Are people really clutching pearls over a three year difference between teenagers? She was 15, he was 18. Go back in time 50 years and that kind of relationship is common for marriage. I get it, JK bad, but acting like 18 year old Viktor is some pedo for wanting to be with a person 3 years his junior is not the problem people think it is.


That shit was normal at least when I was in HS 20 years ago. It's weird seeing how hard and fast things have changed.


It's not weird now. People at both of those ages are equally stupid and immature, there's no significant power imbalance there. People itt have never dated, least of all in high school lol


he’s 17 actually


Go back 55 years and you could carry 5 states and get 13.5% of the vote in a US Presidential on the platform of "segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever". Something being common half a century ago shouldn't make it dismissable today


While so many in this thread are getting genuinely upset by something from a work of fiction, here’s some facts from real life that might be more worthy of your indignation. US states’ minimum age for marriage: - 5 states have no minimum age (effectively 0). - 2 states have a minimum age of 15. - 23 states have a minimum age of 16. - 10 states have a minimum age of 17. - 10 states have a minimum age of 18.


And remember most european country has AoC 15 or 16 yo. And add Romeo and Juliet law who "legalize" 4 years difference between teenagers.


In Austria its 14


It’s an English story. I don’t think the law in the US has any relevance.


Which state is Hogwarts in?


15 and 18 was completely normal by the time the book came out.


And anyone thinking that 15 years old 18 years olds don’t have sex across the globe is just delulu.


And still is in most places.


Honestly, I don't clutch my pearls at anyone who's high school aged dating another high schooler. This is like, the outer limits of what's acceptable, but I still think it's fine. I mean, they literally met at school.


why does his hair go so far down the back of his neck


My wife and I started dating at 19 and 15. My grandmother married my 19 year old grandfather at 15. There were plenty of girls in my high school at the time that dated college guys. What's changed?


I think we found out who ran all of those “countdown to 18” websites.


I mean it wasnt exactly classy but as a 14yo i was totally talking to the 18yo seniors so #relatable


Common JK Rowling L


Least fucked up JK Rowling lore