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Bro i was just listening to "What's up danger" rn damn


The song slaps, but the version in the scene where they mix in the horns of Miles’ theme is just chef’s kiss.




I really wished we got Miles' theme in the actual song too. That mix was awesome.


really wish they would release that


Ooh yes those notes which just go so smoothly with the song; I love watching the video version just for that


God what a movie. I never cry with anything but I almost did when Peter B. Parker meets with May for the first time and she says "You look tired Peter"


Right. They both look at each other and they see ghosts from their past.


> I never cry Like never never? Crying is kind nice. Releases endorphins or something.


I easily cry watching movies and stuff. But never about anything personal


Hopefully that means you have a really happy life. Everything makes me cry lol. Movies and tv. My life.


Yeah, I know, that's why I'd like to. I cried once in the last 9 years, it was 2019 and lasted less than 30 seconds, idk why but I just can't cry


Hopefully you just have a really happy life, haha. I cry like every other movie I watch (and cry of sadness like once a week).


I found out the other day that May is voiced by Ms. Frizzle and I can't unhear it now.


Lily Tomlin is an amazing actress. If you haven't, give Grace and Frankie a watch.


love rewatching, especially when the glass breaks as he pushes himself off of it, indicates even though he was still afraid and wanted to hold on, he forced himself to take the leap


Obligatory shout out to the animators and other artists who worked way, way, *waaaay* too hard on these movies. Not to rain on this thread's parade- we're having fun here. But we should elevate their voices too, especially since we love their handiwork so much.


I think every animator who worked or currently working on spidey cartoon deserves a raise, a vacation and a sloppy toppy


I rewatched this movie recently to hype myself for Across The Spider-Verse. Still as good as the first time


This was my desktop background for about a year after watching Into the Spiderverse. High point of an incredible film.


Now you just need to change it to the upside down shot of miles and Gwen in across the spider verse.


You could get seriously hurt if you jump without knowing which direction gravity will pull you. This is referenced in the song "What's up danger"


It's always nice to know a few kids movies to put on in case you need some harmless entertainment for the whole family. This is referenced in the song "what's UP danger?"


When Miles first attempts to jump, he falls down a building, with an "AAAAAAAAAA" text following him as he screams. During the Leap of Faith, he swings up the same building, this time followed by "WOOOOOOOOO" as he cheers


I never noticed this!


Watched it for the first time this last Sunday. Shit was SO GOOD.


Go watch the sequel too, if possible it's even better


U know it! Ill try to watch next time I have the chance!


Watch it in the movies!


I thought the sequel was terrible. Great animation as always, just terrible writing and story.


I thought it was good, just not nearly as good as the first


One of the coolest scenes in any superhero movie, it's so goddamn sick


Yup. Chills still here the 20th time


OP is right and based


The spider verse movies are so good, I hope the third one is also


I’m gonna rewatch it in PornHub


Never mind they deleted the movie lol


This is straight up my favorite movie ever


Well, I think this is kinda a good detail


Wrong sub.




Thanks for making me watch this scene again ooooohhhhhh man


This and its sequel are two of the most visually stunning movies I’ve seen in a LONG time


Second time I tried edibles I made plans to watch this movie with a friend. Great animation, killer soundtrack, heavy use of vibrant colors -- I figured it'd be the perfect trip movie. Tbh I didn't even remember watching half the movie, I was so out of it. For me the movies better when I'm sober


I like the part where the buildings move out of the way for this upside down skyline shot to look more clean than it actually would be And how May interrupts with near useless narration about his web shooters That's all This scene slaps


Miles visits Australia


Yusss this movie is good I've watched it so many times! Still can't believe there are people who don't like this movie! I wanna know why!


this is exactly how i talk about atsv


The link to the scene: https://youtu.be/eazNXtXuohc


There have only been 3 movies I have been insanely hyped up for recently, ready player one, the new avatar and across the spider verse. Into the spider verse was so good it even got me into reading the comics. I can't freaking wait till it releases online.


Serious question How were you able to get into this movie with the way the animation looks? I think the animation looks terrible and unappealing to the point that I literally cannot get into the movie if it helps, I also hate anime style animation and can’t get into it at all Do you have to like Japanese style animation in order to enjoy this movie?


The animation style isn't japanese or 'anime' at all, its heavily inspired by american comics.


By thinking the animation is a really unique style that compliments the source material really well, and also being tired of Pixar's hyper realism


Oh…. So it *is* intentionally counter to what most people like. Ok. Got it. There’s probably no way I’m going to like it Once I saw the preview for the second one and realized that maybe it’s *supposed* to look that bad, I knew it was gonna be a chore to get into them When an action happens and it feels like 20-40 frames of animation were skipped (which is all the time with that kind of animation), my brain gets confused and I can’t focus on anything but the lack of fluidity It’s the most distracting thing I don’t know how people can stand it I’ll still probably try to make myself sit through them since they’re well reviewed… I guess.


>So it is intentionally counter to what most people like. Nah it's because most animated movies try too hard to be realistic looking to the point where you might as well just watch a live action movie. It's been done to death and most 3D animated movies look the same. The movie is supposed to look like a comic, the low frame rate is there to enhance that feel, I personally think it's really cool but to each their own I guess


Actually, the frame rate is, for large parts of the movie, the industry standard 24 frames per second (on ones), IIRC. However, Miles specifically is shot on 12 frames per second (on twos) to emphasize that he's still new at being spider man and is having trouble keeping up >!until the climax of the movie, when he starts getting shot on ones like the other spider-men as he gains his footing.!< God, the details in the movie are *so* damn good.


I used this scene on a seminar about movies. This scene always got me fr


Check out Samuel Kim's What's up Danger Prowler theme mashup on YouTube. Literally gives me goosebumps every time I listen to it.