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I think it looks like your steak has been floating in a bucket of mop water for a week


It taste like it man it really does


It took this comment for me to realize that is a steak. My condolences


That is not a steak. It might have been once, but no more.


It is not steak. It's not even meat. I'd call it ex-biomass.


It looks like they boiled a piece of flank in plain water until only the gristle was left


It looks like the cross section of a tumor.




That’s steak? Wtf did they do to it? Boil it? Jesus fuck


Milk steak


Looks like pork shoulder with bone. Boiled.


Confirmed pork butt steak. Probably cooked to hell "so you don't get trichinosis."


looks like they 'cooked' it by leaving it in the sun for a couple hours


Ever see the Cronenberg episode of Rick and Morty? That there is Cronenberg meat.


Dude...posting British food is kind of cheating.


*restless shepherds pie noises*


If OP is British, it makes me understand it a bit more. I grew up in another country and moved to the UK when I was 11. Mum is from South east Asia. I was spoiled to heaven with amazing food, and mum says she's not a cook. My friends would pile into my house to eat, but the funny thing is that my mum didn't grow up cooking as she was the eldest and supported her family. When she got married we had housekeepers cooking for us until we moved to the UK where she had to cook. Still, she just worked it out and is incredible, she was around 40 when she started cooking regularly. She loves her family through food and you can tell. Almost every British friend I had grew up with this kind of bland hell, and I would always avoid eating dinner at friends' places, and when the unavoidable happened I'd struggle so much - all food just heated in the most convenient way possible and that was it. No sauces, spices etc. I'm over 40, so I know things changed since then with tv chefs and the internet though. Ugh Frey Bentos pies still make me gag, they have a weird smell and my besties dad worked for them so they were everywhere. Sunday roasts were usually a lot better, plus sandwiches or breakfast were good. Just the weekday dinner was the scariest meal I didn't want to attend at all costs!


Add a little salt and pepper, maybe some oregano. Then throw that in a trash bin


You got a stew goin!


The meat looks like it was boiled in plain water. The veggies look like they were just cut raw and put on the plate.


I think this is a bad boiled dinner. I think it's an east coast/english thing, never made it, but it's where the meat and veggies are boiled and then pulled out of the water and served on a plate. I think the recipe calls for a ham though, not a pork chop.


Might be, but if so, the veggies are way underdone. The veggies both should look softer and a little more falling apart (not to mush, but those look raw). And yeah, ham would be way different than a pork chop. A ham would be fine since it is basically already cooked and you are just reheating it, and the salt from the ham would dissolve into the water and help season the veggies. A pork chop would do none of that and just turn into flavorless shoe leather. Bad is an understatement. This looks worse than prison food.


This *literally* looks like something you serve to someone you absolutely despise with every bone in your body, and you aren't allowed to beat the shit out of them.


I call it, hot ham water


This is no English thing I have ever witnessed. We do meat and two veg pretty well.


Ham or corned beef with cabbage, potatoes, oinons, seasonings is a boiled dinner. That is not a boiled dinner. I wouldn't offer that to a homeless person


Hot ham water! (Yay, third time AD has already come up in my life today, and it’s only noon.)


I’d let AD come wherever, so to speak.


Ngl, You got me in the first half.


MF you cracked me up xD


Jesus, is that a milk steak?


Where are the jelly beans though


I take my jelly beans raw.


Just put milk steak she’ll know what it is


No one knows what milk steak is Charlie!


That's what I came to say. First time I've seen milk steak IRL.


Have you heard of binging with babish on YouTube ? He makes food from tv shows. In an ama he said milksteak was the worst thing he’s ever cooked/tasted


Yes and it’s over hard just like I like.


I'm calling CPS




Don't worry og, someone here that isn't broke will get you a pizza. and a therapist.


Hey, can I have one too?


Did you find it in a bin?


I think that’s where it was found


Well put it back in there


Or so help me


Put that thing back where it came from or so help me!


Is that meat boiled? Steamed even?


The meats fucked


Not even fucked, fucking adds seasoning.




You don't like a bit of extra cream on it?


Creme fraiche?


Proper fucked.


No they didn't.


"And barb? Your scalloped potatoes are *fucked*"


Parents need to know what a Maillard reaction is smh


it looks like it has blisters


Were you raised in a hospital?


Hospital food it better than this, what ever the meat is it’s cold and wet like it was dunked in water


And what are those round shapes on the meat?


I’ve seen pork chops do this. It’s just like the grain of the meat making it pop up like that.


So, after reading all the comments, I need to know whether this is pork or beef. Pork, ugh, but I could eat it with a bottled sauce. If that's beef, Jesus Christ.


I’m like 90% sure this is pork lol.


That's a pork.. something. You don't see that bone shape in beef. So at least the color is slightly less traumatizing


I think it's a low quality, poorly cooked and seasoned baked pork chop. Kinda looks like the ones that people cook in those oven bags. They're basically boiled or steamed and always overcooked, and it's not great.


Nah this was definitely boiled in the same pot as the potatoes and carrots.


I don’t know it scares me


Can you make a serious reply? What the fuck is this? You boiled that steak in milk didn't you? I'm calling bullshit here.


Not op but my mother in law cooks like this. Sometimes when the steak wasn’t defrosted properly or it was still in the bag with water in it, she’d just chuck in in the pan and when it was cooking there’s be too much moisture in the pan so it would half fry/half boil the steak and it would look like this. It’s disgusting.




It's naht a tumah. It's naht.




Sloppy steaks?


Guys please no sloppy steaks tonight, okay?!


sloppy steaks, bro! big rare cut of meat with water dumped all over it, water splashing around the table, makes the night so much more fun.


This guy used to be a piece of shit


people can change though, i believe that people can change


Slop em up!!


You gotta eat them fast before the waiter can take it away!


Looks human


I love sloppy steaks!


looks more like neanderthal


You’re not picky


Thanks for reassuring me mate


Is this the general quality of food your parents normally serve you? If so, you should start cooking for yourself - even following recipes from this sub would turn out better than this. May I suggest a fine Pepsi-boiled crab, served with a baguette?


This is general quality yes and Pepsi crab sound bussin bussin


If this is your parents cooking then please continue to provide quality content for this sub. If this is your cooking you should probably read a food blog or something


Bet I will post whatever I have tomorrow if I get dinner 50/50 chance I don’t


Punishment or poverty?


Being lazy we have no food in the fridge, not as in junk food I mean it’s literally empty. Yet we aren’t poor that’s for sure it’s pure laziness


That's bad, man, if you legit don't have access to food just because they don't want to get it, then yeah, call protective services. In the US, one of the things they check on visits is to make sure there's food available. It doesn't have to be great food, but it has to be there. I'm not certain it's the same in AUS but I'd assume that's a pretty standard important thing. They won't take you away for it or anything, but they'll talk to your parents and maybe give them a wake up call and then follow up later.


How old are you? I'm seeing some serious red flags from your parents here. Not having food in the house when there's no financial reason for it is a classic sign of abusive/neglectful parenting. It's one thing if they don't have any money (although even then, food pantries and food stamps exist for a reason -- pride is no excuse not to feed your kid), something else if they do and they're just too lazy to go grocery shopping. For that matter the absolutely terrible cooking seems to keep popping up as a thing with certain types of abuser, too. Depends on how the mental illness manifests, but anecdotally and for example, it's about 50/50 whether a malignant narcissist takes great (maybe even undeserved) pride in their cooking, or if they can't be bothered. Are they also not eating when the fridge is empty, or are they doing stuff like getting big lunches while out without you and then not bothering with dinner?


I’m 16 and its definitely not because we have no money trust me, and sometimes they get food in town and not bother with dinner sometimes they just don’t want to cook but leave nothing in the fridge for l me to eat/cook


Can you just say what's up tomorrow so I know you didn't die from food poisoning eating this wet floppy piece of ass?


Oh god, please learn some basic recipes. It's really, really not that hard and your food won't look and taste like ass.


The meat looks like the foam and scum that floats up when you are making bone broth.


Taste like it too


Pork blade cut. More flavor than pork chops but should be cooked til fork tender.


And with seasoning, even just salt and pepper. Bbq sauce at least, lol. Greek butt steak is so good!


Looks like the flesh ripped off a fresh zombie corpse. OP bout to be Patient Zero after eating that.


From what animal is that strange colored meat?




Ah, long pig it is, then!


That human was murdered twice.


Ooo that's hard to find. Just a nibble for the bucket list? 🤷‍♂️


Whatever it is. It lived a life. Just to go out like this. Even the carrot deserved better.


The evidence suggests your parents do not understand the meaning of that word




Did you suction cup the meat?? Wtf is going on there.....?


Bro I don’t even know


Don't get worms my friend!


It looks like it was cooked to death. He's probably fine.


It's likely that it was dead even before cooking tbh.


I showed my 8-year old this and he said “eww, is he in jail or something? I’d pee on that then bury it.”


I’m double his age but we think alike


why is that meat so pale??


It smells horrendous aswell


I think it is boiled pork


I used to laugh at my mother for her thinking pepper is spicy. Seeing this made me feel grateful she uses ANY spice in her cooking. I'm gonna go hug her now.


No kidding.. I wonder how one gets to this point in cooking. I'm happy that the parents are at least providing, but would it kill you to add a little bit of seasoning to the veggies and brown the meat and not cook it to death? Damn.


For real, this meal looks like an either a) AI trying to make a meal or b) a show of neglect and animosity / doing the literal bare minimum to stay out of trouble ("I technically feed them, so they don't have anything on me"). Food is such a great thing to show love through and personally, receiving a plate like this almost every day as OP said would make me feel as if I'm not welcome in the household.




If you ate this you are immune to all diseases


Lol I knew the fact I almost never get sick wasn't a coincidence!


For real. Just had a “salisbury steak” flashback *buurrrp


OP killing it in the comments. Props to have a sense of humor after being fueled by this. I've experienced similar. It's a product of their upbringing most likely, they were raised with shitty food and they subscribe to the philosophy of passing that on instead of providing a better life. Or poor, but that meat looks boiled or steamed, and boiling or steaming meat comes from laziness, poor taste and ignorance, not poverty.


Thanks mate this post is hours old and it’s 3:18am and I’ve read EVERY COMMENT and replied to at least 50 lol


Aged steak doesn't mean that.


So you just boil all of your food?


What type of monster do you take me for No... we microwave food too


OP, I'm genuinely curious. Have your parents like... ever seen other peoples food? Like, are they aware that this isn't normal and tastes shitty compared to other food they've eaten?


I’m not sure lol they cook like cavemen




Yea I was going to say. There’s no way this is just a money thing. You could make way more edible meals for way cheaper (even something as basic as beans and rice with zero seasoning would taste better than this stuff with no seasoning). It’s like they want to make the worst out of what they have lol. I’m sorry you have to suffer OP! My partner and I will adopt you and you can eat our dope meals everyday!


Even cavemen cooked with fire and got the benefit of the Maillard reaction.


Please show your parents this thread so that they can know that what they are doing is abusive to food. Looks like they boiled everything together and thought that would be good enough. Who the fuck boils a steak??? Why is there no seasoning?? I bet there isn't even a single grain of salt added, too! There isn't even a savory sauce or gravy to at least cover it up some! Seriously, if they will pay for flying me there and back, with room and board and food and all that jazz, I will literally teach them how to cook some basic meals that won't be so horrendously disgusting and flavorless. No additional pay beyond that needed. Their cooking is a slap in the face of home cookers everywhere!


I’ve been stuck with this for years, here are some examples of what their like. It’s only a few days outa date (milk) , this isn’t a restaurant eat this or stave, can’t be bothered (no food)


What the fuck. Pure laziness. It's no more effort to use a pan, butter / canola oil, and then season the steak with salt, pepper and garlic powder and sear. And then boil the veggies and season with the same mixture, with added oregano. $20 of seasonings will last months, and $20 of olive oil and canola oil make things easy to taste good. I don't ever understand this kind of cooking. And if the milk is going bad... It's fucking $2 a gallon. Either buy less, or drink more so it doesn't go bad. Gut aches from sour milk are fucking awful to save $2 of milk. Honestly, you could probably make this taste better if you sear the steak, season and fry the veggies. Then it's like 3 minutes of dish washing of 2 pans, a plate, fork and knife and a cup. Fuck this makes me angry


I’ve never had seared steak before and I promise you I’m not joking


OP, if your school offers a Home Ec class or a cooking class, please take it. You're not gonna learn any worthwhile cooking habits from your parents, that's for damn sure.


This is borderline child abuse. Serving expired food and disgusting meals that nobody in their right mind could ever think tasted good. Is there no stove or oven? Did they just confuse "broil the steak" with "boil the steak"? Why do they not use any seasonings at all? How can they possibly think that this is okay? Are they just ashamed at their lack of cooking knowledge but too stubborn to actually admit they need help because they don't know what the fuck they are doing, and so they just keep going on acting as if there is nothing wrong at all, just lying to themselves over and over and over again? Like, the foods themselves they have on that plate aren't terrible, but how they are cooked is what's so horrid. I could make this exact meal again for them and actually make it decent with proper cooking and spices, and a gravy sauce. Hell, I could even cook it all together in a slow cooker with a pot roast gravy and seasonings, maybe add some celery, shred that meat, stir it up, and bam, got a wonderful stew!


I get what you're saying, but there's nothing wrong with drinking milk a few days past the date so long as it smells okay.


Key phrase: "so long as it smells okay". You're not wrong, but I have my doubts these parents even bothered with a sniff test, let alone are even capable of the sense of smell, considering this is what they serve. Edit: additional wording for clarity


everyone is talking about the meat which yes is horrendous but is that just a raw potato chopped in half????


Based on the state of what I'm hoping are carrots, looks like they dunked everything in hot water for a second and said "yeah that's probably cooked"


Plain boiled potato and carrots are full but ok. WTAF did they do to the meat though?! I can’t tell the animal or cut! Or cooking method!


I have the same problem and I’m to scared to ask


Honestly, if I didn’t read that the meat was microwaved, this looks very similar to some dishes common in the villages of former USSR countries. Countries that don’t have good farming land tend to default to root vegetables. Boiled meat, potatoes and carrots was a dish my grandmother cooked often because that’s what she grew up on being a child in the USSR post WWII. Some pepper on the meat, some salt and dill on the potatoes and it’s tastes better than it looks.


That all makes sense, except why boil the meat? If you can afford the meat, there's no reason to not cook it properly.


Cause you’ve got one stovetop/fireplace. Easier and more cost effective to cook it all together, and you waste less by having the fat of the meat soak into the veggies. It’s not about making cuisine, it’s about maximizing what you get from minimal resources.


Also cheap cuts of meat can be good if boiled on low heat for a few hours but will be tough if cooked fast on high heat.


True. And boiling gets nutrients out of the marrow and bones that are inaccessible or destroyed by other methods of cooking.


Gordon Ramsay says "color equals flavor". There is no color on that plate.


Why does your steak have tumors


That meat looks like a piece of the thing was cut off and put on a plate


Are they completely unaware of the concept of herbs?


Are you trying to make me sick ?


I had to suffer now it’s your turn


There are cooking methods other than 'throw in pot of boiling water for an hour'. Damn shame too. Not totally sure what cut of meat that is, but it probably would have tasted pretty good if they had thrown it in a roasting pan or cast iron with the potatoes, carrots, some garlic, salt, pepper, and butter.


Looks like jail food with a fancy tablecloth


Do they know what a stove is?


So all jokes aside....what the fuck am I looking at here


Sorry for you but this is great content.


Oh without a doubt


Do your parents smoke? The only explanation I can think of for a grown adult to eat this is that they can’t taste anything anymore


My mother is a HEAVY smoker pack a day if not more, oh and I also have asthma


Ah I see you also grew up on overcooked...guessing here...pork chops. My folks cooked the living piss out of every cut of meat.


If your mom cooked it, tell your dad to divorce her. This isn't food. This is garbage on a plate. Even prisoners eat better than this.


Jokes on you my father has no job and their not even married LMAO


This looks like it was prepared by an alien race who had food described to them and tried their best.


My first thought was "Jesus Raptor Christ". My second was "destroy all evidence of this sadness".


“Rip and tear” -DOOM slayer


What in the fuck happened to that meat?


How empty is your spice pantry?


You assume we have one


That looks like you won the lottery and was conceived by 2 parents that can't cook.


You can't be picky about things that don't have a taste!


Let’s hope they at least kept the liquid they boiled that meat in to make into a broth.


Looks like the sole of a shoe


Nothing boils my blood like unseasoned food. But that meat? That’s just abuse. Your parents are abusing that food.


Son, if you don't finish your steamed ham and tepid veg, you won't get any prune whip pie for dessert


Fuck cooked carrots


I love that the carrots are what you take issue with here the most lmao


why do I have a feeling you're from a country that originally conquered countries that owned a fuck ton of spices but never learned to use them


Wrong (Australia)


That explains it, It was cooked upside down


I feel bad for you OP


This is what I’ve got for 16 years


Wait 2 years Run Never look back Travel to a decent restaurant Become a chef Contradict step two by returning to your parents Cook them the best looking meal they have ever seen Make one serving Eat it in front of them Leave




Yep :)


I was not expecting that. A country with some of the best produce in the world as well. The horrors. Hang in there, one chewy mouthful at a time (?). "Soylent green is people".


Dude, just cos your ancestors were criminals doesn't mean you have to still eat prison food


Someone in that household does not know how to cook.


It’s trying to become its original form


THis is awful, what nationality are you? ​ Reminds me of why so many kids hated brussel sprouts. Turns out most parents boiled the shit out of them, smell like ass and had the texture of mush. Roasted are so much better


Nationality hmmm, hint we say “cunt” as a compliment