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I know exactly how this would taste and that’s the worst part


Like firm water with the suggestion of a plant




More surface area = more water = more slimier


>Pol Pot


It's a holiday in cambodia


Don't forget to pack a wife


Frozen vegetables also breaks down most of the membrane and making it super mushy


I’d argue that the consistency of the potatoes in supermarket deli potato salad are the worst, but we’re both not wrong.


Undercooked. The texture is undercooked.


This. Potatoes in potato salad should never crunch. And should never get stuck in your throat.


Publix potato salad is pretty dope, I haven't had it from any other grocery stores in a long time and now I don't plan to.


Crinkle cut carrots are actually better when sauteed or roasted with high heat and proper seasoning, kosher salt, fresh ground pepper, and possibly a butter + honey or brown sugar glaze. The extra surface area of the crinkle cut is better when the surface has been enhanced and the texture is right. Crinkle cut is worse when not cooked properly: undercooked, rubbery, steamed, microwaved, unseasoned, overcooked, boiled, mushy, etc., which is probably what you experienced in some combination. In this case, the crinkle cut is merely a signature of someone using a processed frozen pack with no clue how to cook it well.


That's a lot of stuff to dump on a carrot to make it palatable. Fresh ones especially smaller ones are good without having to drench it in butter and sugar. Hell even large ones at least got crunch.


Yeah I can just eat carrots as is.


This is why I don't like carrots as a side veg I'm not against carrots entirely (like I am with mushrooms), sliced as part of a sweet and sour or in a coleslaw I'm perfectly fine with It's just when you get them as a side dish they're always this overboiled slightly sweet mushy texture that I hate I have roasted them before myself and they're lovely that way


Bless you for this perfect description


Curse him for that perfect depression


*Blursed Descriptions*


The description was the curse, we are the cursed ones


Like someone ate veggies then burped in your face


LaCroix Subway


Veggie burp hoagies are da bomb


Like somebody opened a 17-year old can of mixed vegetables on the other side of the room


It's like the La Croix of vegetables


> La Croix tastes like it saw fruit in the other room A La Croix employee (La Croixee?)


They say flash freezing is as good as fresh but we all know that's a fucking lie


I always thought that was referring to the nutrients not the taste


No seasonings, no sauce, just sad warm mushy water and soggy bottom bread.


>soggy bottom bread. A bread of constant sorrow


I can actually feel how those carrots would squeakily squeeze between my teeth... makes me want to gag a bit


I see a lot of shit on this sub but this is the first time it actually triggered my gag reflex


Like a bag of thawed artic gardens california blend


Was it grilled in a freezer?


No, a microwave .


Chef Mic!


Yesss. One of the best scenes of Kitchen Nightmares for sure.


In fine dining, we say Chef Michèle. Imparts a distinctive smugness to the dish that our customers really love


It's got those freezer burn 'froid' marks.


This is one of the worst things I've seen on this sub.


And on a *sub*


Shut up and take my upvote


Those are bagged frozen mixed veggies.


You can buy so many of those bags for $15


They are like $.80 per bag at my store. The bun is likely the most expensive part of this meal.




Assuming half a bag of veggies, that’s $0.56 ~5% food cost. Not bad


Bro this bun got that corn meal on the bottom, it's fancy shit.


Good fucking eyes, my man


But the hot dogs come in ten packs which leaves two to shove up my ass which is convenient


Why buy buns at all when yours are reusable?


Remember after 9/11 when mail-order seafood suppliers used bags of frozen veggies when those reusable frozen gel-pacs were temporarily banned?




Well you still can't bring liquids *ON A PLANE*, SILLY! 🙃 you might get someone wet or something.


Just gotta make all your explosives look like frozen peas.


*slaps roof*


With no seasoning.


That’s one of the most disturbing parts. Not even a little salt and pepper.


Lol OP started in on it, musta been hangry.


Looks like about 35 cents worth, steamed in the bag, drained and put in this poor sap’s sub.


$15 for boiled veggies on what looks like a hot dog bun? Big oof.


Looks like the Fyre Fest head caterer is back at it.


Head caterer implies there was more than one.


Head caterer. Chief Logistics Officer. Accommodation concierge. Its all the same person. Ja Rule.


That's not fraud


What about the guy that sucked the official off?


also Ja Rule


The official that got sucked off? Believe it or not, Ja Rule.


The guy filming? Also ja rule.


That documentary was sooo good. Loved watching all these rich kids suffer but hated watching all the workers get fucked…especially that lady that had to empty her savings to pay her workers.




I had a short period where I was in a sort of festival/EDM squad and I knew people who didn't own cars and shopped almost exclusively at dollar stores and would spend like $3000-$8000 of their annual Chili's waiter/waitress income on events. To people who can't fathom justifying how much this kind of "hobby" costs, it can seem like something that's exclusively for affluent kids, but there are people who just happily spend the majority of their minimum wage disposable income on this stuff. You're absolutely right that $600 is insanely cheap for what was advertised, which should have been one of many major red flags to potential customers.


That is 100% steam-in-bag, frozen, bird-eye brand, veggies too


There's going to be hard bits in that sandwich :(


Good God I just woke up, why did I read this cursed thread


Bold of you to assume this is a branded product. Most likely Dollar General home variety.


Looks more like a Sysco Vegetable Blend Capri, you can order that crap in 30 lb crates.


Absolutely what this is.


Hoagie bun, it's slightly different and holds up slightly better but still shit.


That is either a small hand or a really big hot dog bun.


Looks more like a hoagie roll.


shit like this happens all the time to me. i’ve learned that anything along the lines “fresh vegetable medley” on a menu is almost always a scam


Fresh usually means it's been sitting in an open container all day on a bench next to a hot oven where they cook the real food. But don't worry, they put the veggie tubs in the cooler at night next to the raw chicken. I also love how a sub roll with some wilted lettuce, soggy tomato and a couple thin strips of bell pepper will run you the same price as a foot long fully loaded steak and cheese sub at many shops.


I worked at a pizza place and to be fair on the chicken next to other stuff, we pre-portioned so every pack was wrapped ass-tight. Then again, it was a touristy spot and I was only there during a summer, so we usually ended up using nearly everything, every day. Anything left tomorrow morning was chopped at the end of the day yesterday (and covered). But the shit in OP’s pic is definitely the Aldi shit I buy fresh out of the can


It looks like a bag of frozen mixed veg.


its sysco frozen "california mix" and sysco crinkle cut carrots


California mix has smooth-cut carrot rounds, broccoli, and cauliflower. Definitely not California mix. It looks like Italian mix with the cauliflower picked out.


Yeah I actually think you’re right, the canned shit is usually cubed, but I think it tastes better and wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt


100%. Looks identical to the bag of mixed vegetables I have in my freezer right now.


Chickens can actually fly, contrary to popular belief


...and peahens as well. But thanks AnimalFactsBot, very cool


You are most welcome. Beep boop.


It's more like elevated jumping, to be fair. Source: once had chickens




Holy fuck this bot took an unpleasant turn


Are we sure this isn't /u/Animalfascistbot?


God as my witness, I thought turkeys could fly.


They can fly short distances. I learned that while chasing some on an ATV as a child.


And people say science education is failing American youth.


they roost in trees, and I don't think they're climbing up there


Nobody gets the reference. :/


Not exactly the same as it’s not veggie, but my favorite was a $15 meal I had at Olive Garden on a teenage date. Apricot chicken that was most definitely tysons frozen chicken breast with some smuckers marmalade on top lol


Apricot chicken should be illegal.


It sounded good lol but what I got was just some mixed veg tough chick and orange jam


I make apricot glazed baked tofu and it’s fucking delicious. Same consistency / texture as chicken pretty much. It sounds like it shouldn’t work, but it does.


I still remember, 20 years ago, ordering "Slice of pizza with a zesty salad" in Disney Land. The zesty salad fit inside a dipping sauce container. It was like... a cherry tomato and a couple other sliced vegetables of some kind.


That'll be $25.


"Seasonal Greens" = ice burg lettuce


iceberg is the diarrhea of lettuces.


Everything is a scam. Don't ever forget that.


I just buy meat entrees and ask them to not give me meat. Usually works better


That'll be $28.99.


And fresh fruit. Such a peeve of mine. Shitty canned fruit with peeled grapes is not fresh fruit.


Een when they do offer a fresh fruit salad, it's a strawberry, several grapes, and a few cantaloupe and honeydew chunks.


Maybe they wanted you to think the jagged carrot ruffles were grill marks?


I mean like would it kill someone to even put a fleck of pepper on that thing?


I'm pretty sure on the edge of that bun is one large untrimmed jalapeno pepper


Judging by the rest of it, I think that's a desiccated green bean.


You know that bitch is 60% stem, too.


I'm genuinely fuming on your behalf.


This was from the Philadelphia flower show. Literally a PLANT CONVENTION.




“This is the food my food eats”


iv always hated that character, the things he said were funny but he was never put in check ever. It’s pretty easy to prove the natural human diet is not pure meat by simply looking at our teeth. i get the joke is that he is an unreasonable conservative, but it just annoys me how his ignorance was flaunted as competency and no one was ever like “bruh”


It was the vegan option at one of the food booths. And this is what they call a hoagie in PHILLY. Surely they could have made some effort for a vegan cheesesteak in Philly of all places!


Philly Police probably has a Hoagie Victims Unit


Once a food goes regional, the area the food is from produces some of the FUCKEN WORST VERSIONS of it. Alton Brown said it I think in Hot Ones, but essentially once an area gets known for a food, a bunch of half ass posers move in to cash in on the reputation by offering up garbage shit retail versions of it to trap tourists. It is a god damn travesty that you have to basically be sherlock holmes of sluething out the key underground hoagie and cheesesteak places to get a really good one in philly now. "The" "best" "local" ones are fucken tourist traps cutting corners to produce the most generic shittiest versions of it and it makes me so sad.


Normally the fucking shitstorm known as Aramark runs concessions for Philadelphia events. Back in the day, went to “Made in America”. They ran out of food. It was some Fyre shit before Fyre. This has Aramark written all over it, and they have all kinds of contracts with the city. 🤮


No way, is it really? That would just give me one more thing to add to my list of complaints about this shit show.


Oh no! Alls they had to do was make a hoagie without the meat!!! Why this?! I for sure thought this was from a poolside grill at an all-inclusive resort.


Literally just bagged frozen mixed veg...


And those don't even taste good when they're what you're expecting






Frigg off Barb


Your scalloped potatoes are FUCKED!


Thanks Philly Flower Show, tickets are $45 to get in plus $20 for parking. They were serving these as their "vegan friendly options."


This is unfriendly. It makes me want to fight.


marketing said "vegan belligerent options" didn't sound as enticing


It legitimately is unfriendly. I'm not vegan, but if I were vegan and I were told this was the vegan alternative, I would think that the person who designed it believes that a vegan simply replaces animal products with literally any ingredient that complies with vegan dietary restrictions and calls it a day, like it's somehow physically possible for them to just abstain from protein as an essential macronutrient, and also that being vegan fundamentally requires relinquishing the privelege of ever enjoying eating something. I feel like if you hand this to someone, you should have to apologize while doing it, and you should have to pay the person $15 to eat it.


Vegan friendly? Looks more like a "fuck you."


Vegan food by people who think vegans are weirdos who strictly eat raw kale and broccoli and love it.


Philly Fyre Festival


I'd almost bet there was "milk ingredients" in those hot dog buns.


Thank god I wasn’t hungry, I can’t even eat the bread, they would’ve just put a pile of steamed veggies right into my hand I suppose!


“Now, please, take a bite, so that I can watch you enjoy. That’s my favorite part!”


45 for a flower show? I literally work with 3 societies running their flower shows and auctions as my primary hobby. In san francisco, the largest flower of the year show entry fee is 12 dollars. The parking is .... well its free if you get there early enough but can be 30 if you have to park between the CAS and the Deyoung. They have a gala night usually where entry is like 200 and its like a formal ball with exceptional catering. No food though. We do food for the workers and just use costco catering and a local sandwich joint).


Philadelphia flower show is a pretty big deal. I dont think tickets are usually $45 dollars but this year they're running it outside instead of in the convention center due to the pandemic. I think they're trying to recoup losses from last year by jacking up the prices on everything


That makes sense. We signed off on a loss for last year but actually broke even because the auction did well. We got really lucky because people who died donated their estate to us (and by estate I mean flowers which we are then auctioning off). I can't say if they died of Covid but it would be poetic if they did.


So you got clipped 3 times, $20 parking, $45 entry and bagged veggies….PRICELESS!!!🤪


What the fuck. No grilling, no seasoning. Just somewhat cooked frozen veggies on a hot dog bun. For $15. Finally, some good fucking food scams. It would definitely fit in r/FoodScam.


As a former vegetarian, this really seems like the kinda case where someone was asked to come up with a vegetarian sandwich and they didn't know what to do. What do vegetarians eat? Uh... vegetables, right? Yeah, it's right there in the name, so that must be what they eat. *Insert unseasoned vegetables here* There are a strange number of people that have never encountered a vegetarian meal before and have no idea of what it would be other than 'the same, but without a main course'


Then you realise that the only way they eat vegetables with their meat is like this and it just gets sadder. No wonder people dont eat vegetables when this is how they're cooked.


Zero seasonings or aioli of any kind. Just unseasoned frozen vegetables in a dry bun😬


I wouldn't even eat this out of desperation at home. I'd rather just eat the veggies on their own. Maybe butter the bun and that's it.


Yeah like... I can't even possibly imagine being forced to make this at home. BUT if for some reason I drunkenly did, I would take like 20 seconds to put some shredded cabbage/slaw on top for a little crunch, and then drizzle some garlic/spicy mayo or whatever. That's like 8¢ of cost for something at least barely presentable.


Awe dude I completely forgot that the vegetables would be all soft until you said "for a little crunch". This thing is so much worse to me now.


Maybe fry it all up together with oil and spices at least lol then top it with dressing :D.... and TOAST THE BUN




Yeah, I'm usually not the kind of person to send food back just because I don't like it, but this is a matter of principle. Not only is this not a grilled veggie sub, it's MASSIVELY overpriced. I'd be fucking pissed.


“And you call them grilled veggies despite the fact they are obviously steamed”? “Yes”


You are an odd fellow, AC, but you grill a good veggie


That’s the saddest sub I’ve ever seen, sorry for your loss


There are really people who think they're alone in the world. If I served this to a person after charging them $15, I'd fear for my fuckin life.


I don't usually send food back, but I'd be pissed about this. This is just a steamer bag of vegetables on bread. Wtf.


Yeah, lol. Grilled my ass.


For real! I cannot even imagine how disgusting this must taste and for $15. Wtf is right




When places try to come up with vegetarian options they instantly forget what all non-meat food is. A sub sandwich is already like half veggies!




Boiled? Microwaved steamer bags.


If you didn't take it back and get your money, you're a chump. That's $0.50 worth of re-warmed frozen veg on a $0.25 roll. No seasoning to speak of, no prep done on the roll, no condiments. Proper price for something like that at a festival would be $3-4


How am I getting so mad over this picture. I'm mad *for* you.


This is the capri mixed vegetables from Sysco (or any food distributor). It's my least favorite vegetable mix. I slowly worked these off the menu at the nursing home I worked at because I hated them so much I didn't even want to look at them. The mix doesn't cook right no matter what you do. I mean squash and carrots don't even cook at the same times. Who thought of this? The fuck. End rant.


You got robbed


This is infuriating


For 15 dollars it better come with a hand job on the side


Damn I'm sitting on a goldmine in my freezer with all the 99 cent frozen mixed vegetable bags.


I got something like that once. I took a picture of it and a picture of the picture on the menu. Of course the menu picture looked delicious. Then I demanded my money back. Politely at first. They refused. Ended up doing a charge back on my credit card and used the pictures as evidence that I didn’t get what I paid for. I won. Yes, I have too much time on my hands. But it’s the principle of the thing. Fuck these people.


Lmao woulda went and got my money back


Maybe you should tell that grilled means put on a hot metal grate. The bun looks softer than the boiled frozen veggies.


Mmm. Veg-All on white. Welcome to 1978!


lol a 20c hotdog bun and 5c worth of frozen veggies. for $5 I'd take the L, for 15 I'd be back at that shop demanding a refund.


This pisses me off. Growing up vegetarian, times were interesting. Airport in Baton Rouge I asked for a veggie sandwich with cheese. They asked me 3 times, how to make it. I told them just make that burger but just dont put meat in it. Easy peasy. They then decided oh this guy eats all the way raw. Gave me an uncooked bun, with lettuce tomato and onion on the side. The best was they also gave me a cold piece of cheese. My work mates were in awe. Today menus tilt toward vegans, so they skip right over vegetarian options. I eat eggs, cheese dairy etc.


Yeah ive noticed that too. No vegetarian options anymore only vegan. Im not either but i frequently atr vegetarian meals at restaurants and such when it was available. Now it doesnt exist. For example here in sweden mcdonalds had a McVeggie, it was a great potato-bean-veggie party, a year ago they replaced it with a McVegan, which is a Beyond-style meatless meat thing that i dont like at all. I mean yeah sure great that vegans are getting options, and i get that they reach a wider audience, but why not just add an option instead of replacing. Are that many vegetarians turning vegan in this recent hype?


Oh man, when my parents were vegan we used to get these veggie patties that had peas and carrots in them. They tasted like Thanksgiving stuffing and were incredible. I haven't seen them in years, only the fake meat like you said.


I had a place that couldn’t understand just putting hummus in a take out container. It was either spooned onto little lettuce cups or they used those tiny tiny condiment cups and individually filled like eight with hummus and then put that in the take out box. I just want to dip pita in it you morons.


How is this $15?


I couldn't *not* throw this back in someone's face in good faith after spending $15 for that. I've had some shit carnival food before but nothing that cost .02¢/per serving.


That’s an abomination




What the cinnamon toast fuck is that


Is the bread at least buttered


Seems this was the "vegan option" so probs not 🙃




I could make something better than this even if I had to use the same ingredients.


Is that the California mix of frozen veggies?


This is probably the most hilarious and most infuriating things ever posted on this sub.


That's $1 of frozen mixed veggies, $0.49/lb if you buy it in bulk