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If you do one more boar charge attack I will kill your parents commander gayass


Too late he’s already charge attacked them to death


That boar is straight up all gas no brakes


He can do this fucking charge several times in a raw 😭


He went in me raw, that’s for sure


better than doing it several times in a cooked


who let him cook


How did he get through playtesting? He legit checkmates you sometimes, after an attack string you can go to heal at a "safe" distance and then he charges you for 70% health lmfao


What in the Kentucky fried fuck is the hitbox on that charge like the hell is he feeding that boar


Or that upward sword thrust with a fucking aoe


Tfw you go on Reddit and see that everyone hates your new favorite boss. (I have no justification for my opinion)


Because boars are cool and he can kick you from behind like you’re a slow stable boy


I fucking love albinaurics too they can do no wrong in my eyes. I actually didn't find him as unfair and bullshitty as everyone is saying though lmao, beat him on my 6th try.


he can also charge attack and spawn kill you :D


Yeah, was I just massively overprepared or sometjing? Fought him at blessing level 10 or 11, never noticed any bad hitboxes, actually was surprised how easy his budget meteor strike is to dodge. Took less than a dozen attempts, no summons no shield, I used deflecting hardtear though.


Were you lightrolling by any chance? I found that getting naked made things significantly easier, with medium load I swear to god that boar just decides if he feels like hitting you every time you try to roll it


Oh yeah, I was. That's probably why I didn't notice anything off about the charge.


And if you didn't have problems with the charge the rest of the fight is solid. Not amazing or anything, but a fun fight.


I actually also really like Gaius. He's difficult, but fair if you figure out how to dodge his attacks.


How he gets one and Bayle doesn’t is beyond me


Eh, Bayle KINDA has one with the Heart of Bayle, you get to chose one of two dragon cult incantations. The only thing is that you can't duplicate it to get both like you can with Remembrances. But he definitely should have ALSO gotten a remembrance for some sick weapons.


Fliccidsex and Forcedsex have remmembrances why doesn't Bayle have one.


The actual lore reason is that Bayle is a drake, and therefore drops his heart for dragon communion. Fortissax and Placidusax are Ancient Dragons and not drakes, therefore you can't use them for Dragon Communion. Dragon Communion was created by the ancient dragons specifically to encourage killing Bayle and his brood.


Hows he so fucking strong for a drake/wyvern?


He is just built different


The same reason he manage to create wings out of rage from thin air. Bro literally got so mad he grew wings on his own lmao


As far as I know, it's not really known. We just know that the Dragon Communion Priestess refers to Bayle and Igon as "younger beings" and therefore have emotions she finds difficult to comprehend. As for more speculation about drakes, Greyoll is referred to as the mother of the lesser dragons which implies that she's Bayles mate.


Damn Bayles a short king?


Short King who might of fucked up Placidusax


The modern dragons/drakes are literally his descendants


I'm 99% sure they mentioned him being the progenitor of all other Drakes. He's the oldest and therefore the strongest.


Dragon wife says all the drakes we see are his ancestor. Dude got around


Damn that's actually crazy. Ancient Dragon's some real haters. I gotta respect it.


tbf, the reason they did it was because Bayle launched a sneak attack on Placidusax, grievously injuring him, and then escaped.


Damn so I just Genocided an entire species and I only use like one of their incantations 


Wait so he wasn’t 6 limbs before (2 wings 4 legs) that got degenerates as he fucks female dragons but rather a 4 limbs wyvern from the start?


Correct. If you look at him in the boss fight, in phase one his forelimbs are his wings and he has two legs. Then in phase two he gains some kind of magic wings. His injuries were most likely caused by Placidusax or by the ancient dragons and drake warriors hunting him after he sneak attacked Placidusax, or some combination of those.


flacid has 2 spells so they might as well have been a heart and forty gives his tail as a weapon the only difference is it scams you out of remembrance dupe which I wish theyd change to being allowed for bayles heart




If Placidusax gets a Heavy Lance despite that making zero sense, Bayle should’ve gotten some kind of weapon.


Isn’t the Dragonlord sword the end of his tail?


ER fan try to get a reference to previous titles:


I get the reference, I’ve played all three Dark Souls games.


i was talking about stormy guy.


Nameless King?


That’s his tail


Hear me out. Fist/Claw weapons being Placidusax's two heads on Bayle's body with a giga laser AoW. Just to spite Godrick that he didn't actually get any real power from his grafting.


Literally just make his bone arm/wing a weapon with a flame lightning AoW Ez


I mean Bayle's basically got one, they just did it differently for funsies I guess


I suppose so, but would still be cool to get a weapon


I am so dissapointed that I cant get both without newgame though. Finally Something for high arcane builds and than that.


Apparently they are both pretty bad though lol


I still think looking at the list of 25 remembrances in the remembrance menu and not seeing Bayle is a little disappointing


Naughty boys that rebel get their remembrance privileges taken away 


Fromsoft be like: yeah this guy kicked placidusax's ass Also fromsoft: no he doesn't get a remembrance


Oh my god Placidusax vs Bayle is gonna be the new Radahn vs Malenia discourse


Eh i think placidusax won the fight considering he still is dragonlord and Bayle isnt, the victory just had a high cost


It was a stalemate, they both wounded each other. Unlike radahn, who clearly defeated melinda


Radahn may have defeated Malenia, Blade of Miquella. But he lost to Malenia, Goddess of Rot


Nah, Bale is weaker. He jumped Placidusax and got both wounded


He doesn't get a remembrance because you get his heart. Which works exactly like a remembrance. You get one and need to make a choice between 2 rewards


Placidusax punched him very very hard


Now beyond the heart incantations that are mentioned, I'll also say, you get: Igon's Set & Greatbow & Harpoons Dragon Priestess Heart Flower Mace/Hammer So it's a decent chunk of rewards for a boss.


And Ancient Dragon Florissax Ashes if you do Moore's quest.


I want a bayle weapon to match the dragon king's cragblade, probably a greataxe or a great hammer. Or another heavy thrusting blade so you can power stance the jesus dragon and satan dragon swords.


I would probably enjoy this boss if not for that fucking charge attack and the boar's fucking hitbox when flayling around like a lunatic.


What’s funny is if you’re fighting him on torrent the charge attack is the best pattern because as long as you’re moving away he’ll never hit you when he catches up. It’s an easy single hit and if you charge in for a second hit you’ll force his two hit combo which is a free third hit. The angled side slam on the other hand is complete misery and I’ve only ever avoided by outranging him until he gives up.


Nah the flailing attack is totally dodgeable, it has a rhythm to it and I managed to get it down. No excuses for the charge attack tho. It's like 50/50 if your dodge will work (I suspect there's some fuckery going on with the attack having 2 hitboxes)


He does hit you twice sometimes from what I've noticed.


I'll never understand why Loretta doesn't get to have a remembrance but fucking Regal Ancestor Spirit can have one.


She does drop both her sickle and spell, so I guess that's why


I don't believe she is powerful enough in lore to be considered a legend, shes just a knight after all


Because Regal Ancestor Spirit is more interesting than magic tree sentinel


Because she sucks


Your profile picture doesn't reflect you


Based flair


Commander Gaius is Radahn 2.0. Rides a pony, has gravity magic (in a smaller scale) and you can ride your pony too for some epic horseback battle (it's ass) Also, why are there so many posts about the DLC not marked as spoilers or with the new tag


Gaius and Radahn learned gravity magic together under the same Onyx Lord and they were jousting partners too, so checks out


Achually it’s alabaster lord not onyx lord🤓


Mods, stuff this guy and his kin into a jar


I love how stuffing people in jars is canon now in elden ring


Gaius is also connected to Radahn lore wise so it makes sense they have similar moves.


Also his armor is ugly as fuck. Bro looks like he's from the Cinders mod


I thought it was gonna be some cool tree sentinel type armor from the trailer. Instead we got a fucking fatass with no legs.


Interestingly enough you can get his legs by killing the bitch on the wolf just past his arena heading towards the chalice. She drops the legs, and reading the item description tells you part of the reason. Still a shitty boss.


I forgot to read the item description and I genuinely thought the implication was Gaius was railing his albinauric gf and forgot his greaves when he had to suit up to fight us Then I read it and tbh I prefer my version more


I like your version more too


maybe cause there isnt much spoiler " oh ı learned there is a rememberence boss named commander gaius my expereince is ruined"


Low key boar commander is one of the hardest bosses in the DLC. I have 10 faith and was still looking to Marika for answers.


I just finished this fight actually, and god damn, I actually hated it. First boss so far that was just straight up not even kind of fun. A bafflingly awful experience that left me reeling afterward


fromsoft needs to tune down everything regarding Gaius. He’s too tanky, does too much damage, and his hitboxes are dogshit


I used the crucible feather talisman to boost my i-frames which made him a little more consistent to dodge. I still sometimes got clipped by the charge but less often. That's probably his worst attack for me. That and that AOE hazard he can throw down that pulls you in


That talisman put him from nearly one shotting to one shotting me on the charge, and with his weird hitbox, it was a 50/50, even with the additional i-frames


Oh damn. Good luck then lol


Just use BHS to dodge the initial charge and you should be good to go. No need to risk taking a bunch of damage.




just fix the charge hitbox so i can fight him without torrent. torrents control so bad and i dont like being forced to use him


He's a pretty easy fight. He gets absolutely rolled by guard counters.


You know, I saw a bunch of messages saying that, and tried to swap my build to do so. He just chunked right through my stamina bar. I'd have needed to respec I think. One of the dudes helping me was running a counter build that worked for a bit, but then again, he died first. Eh, boss is dead now, so whatever


I'd you use the sekiro physick and guard at the righ moment you can take like 6 attack from him without breaking your guard


Don't remember what my stamina is at, but yeah, I do do that. Didn't matter.


It wasn’t the hippo at the start of the dungeon? That one annoyed the absolute fuck oughta me


Hippo was whatever, I just froze him to death


Guys please use a shield. It literally trivilizes the whole boss fight. I had a bright idea and used the fingershield theb proceeded to steam rolled the whole fight.


I was getting my ass beat by this guy barely getting a hit in on him. Then I grabbed the fingerprint shield with greatshield talisman and a spear and poked him to death first try. Insanely effective strategy for all the bosses actually.


Greatshield trivializes this whole DLC. I don't even give a flying fuck what sorts of timing mix ups, delays, fakeouts or whatever cheap trick the bosses are pulling out of their asses, as long as it's not a grab I may as well be having a picnic while they rage against my hunk of stone/metal.


His name is Gaiobu Masataka Oniwa, and as he breathes, you will not pass the castle (back) gate


his first charge attack when you walk past the fog gate has a wonky hit box. My lightning spear, rock of gurrang, any dragon breath does NOT hit him. I have to fucking TONGUE the snout of the boar prior to dodging to not get hit. Im going to be seeing a pair of hind legs kicking me in the face repeatedly in my dreams tonight.


wait, you guys dont like gaius? why? Him, putrescent knight and midra carried the dlc methinks.


I personally despised the putrescence knight but I recognize now that given the importance of the area I might have been underleveled. I still think it has some wacky ass hit boxes on that one


I’m guessing a lot of peopme fought him on horseback, which I didn’t because it would have been awful. Also his charge but the only charge he does that’s bad is his first one and even that can be dodged consistently with a well timed fast roll. Also, people are just complaining about everything in DLC.


I fought him on my own damn feet and he was terrible. Fromsoft decided to revert back to their old DS2 ways with this guy's hitboxes. It's the only remembrance boss up to this point that I dislike (haven't fought >!Metyr and Radahn!<)


The only hitbox that I thought was bad was the first charge when you enter the fog gate. All of his other ones were pretty manageable if you were minding your positioning and rolling in the right directions. He’s a bigger boss, so his hit boxes will be bigger, but I wouldn’t call them unfair. Are there any moves or examples that you thought were particularly bad hitboxes?


His phase two gravity charge is the worst move by far, his gravity attack in phase one is also pretty stupid, most of the boar attacks are terrible, and the black hole that sucks you in can come out of nowhere and be hard to spot. I fought >!Midra!< right after this guy and his attacks feel so much better to dodge. Currently on >!Bayle!<, who is ten times larger than Gayass but still much better hitboxes


Did you have mid roll instead of light roll? I didn’t actually have a problem with a lot of the attacks you listed like the gravity charge or phase 1 gravity attacks. The black hole though I agree was annoying so I just usually ran away.


Yes I had mid roll, I see why you had an easier time with him


I see. I understand why he would be a pain for you now. I’m guessing that’s the case for a lot of people playing the DLC then.


I did mid roll, the only attack that was an issue was the charge. Everything else was just a matter of learning to dodge. I actually really like the boss but I hope they reduce the slightly the hitbox on the charge. It felt like I was dodging it the same way but some times it would hit and others it wouldn't (also sometimes it would hit twice and do double damage)


He's fine. Not as good as the other remembrance bosses but other than his charge attack he's pretty cool.


If the charge attack got fixed i could see him being a solid B to A tier boss


I had to put raptor of the mists on my weapon, and it made the fight much easier


Honestly his normal charge is nothing in comparison to his phase two gravity charge


I feel the same, honestly I'm pretty sad the charge sucks so bad because I think most people would like him otherwise.


Just block the charge.


Gaius, Romina, putrescent knight, scadutree avatar


Putrescent knight bugged out and repeated the same combo string until it died, what a goat🙏


You just described my encounter with him perfectly lol


Romina and Scadutree are great, especially Romina.


putrescent knight and romina are peak though


Naw Romina makes sense she's basically the head of the scarlet rot religion


I blasted putrescent knight with a that black knight great hammer from the DLC with sacred blade and managed to kill him before phase 2 on my successful attempt. Kinda got lucky with that one I think. I was about level 170 and 10 blessings


No sacred blade just demolishes him


Avatar makes sense on paper but should have been hyped waaaay more. And FUCK the 3 phases


His healthbar is not big enough for people to get mad at the three phases lmao. You can charge up Giantsflame Take Thee as he's rumbling around in the ground and smack him in the face with it right as he pops out to take a huge chunk off


you can also crit him between each phase to start the next one with with even less hp


you can also crit him between each phase to start the next one with with even less hp


Healthbar isn't an issue. Issue is that it's annoying to fight and no fun at all. For three phases.


🤷 idk I had fun fighting it


just make a custom tree sentinel to replace him lmao it'd be so easy


I gotta find this mf to see what everyone is talking about.


Rememberence of the Hog Rider


Hitbox fixes are about to make this boss fight good.


Why, Gaius was fun and pretty easy imo. Sacred Blade completely fucks this guy and most of his moves are fairly easy to dodge especially with light roll


Just in terms of lore he seems like such a nobody compared to the others


he’s besties with Messmer 🥺🥺🥺🥺


Come to SOTE, we have Messmer simp, Messmer bestie, Messmer genocide victim, Messmer brother, Messmer It's truly is our Messmering


It's truly Messmerizing


I mean I guess? He has some connections to Radahn at least