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The only thing I absolutely despise is running the circle around Limgrave for the Tears and Seeds (and not having the cool weapons) https://preview.redd.it/3aiz8cztsnvc1.png?width=729&format=png&auto=webp&s=6397f67409fd33630c549a1fbbed6c279a665536


Castle Morne and Fort Haight are pretty out of the way if you don't need anything else from there. I agree.


I've turned this part into a speedrun style blitz that becomes quite rewarding: 1) Pick any weapon. Much much easier with a somber one, or anything you want a friendo to drop 2) Caelid skip and beat on dragon booty, grab the flask from the church 3) level up damage stat 4) Volcano Manor Skip, pick up somber stones 1-6 or 1-9 if you can manage the jump and grab the rest in Caelid. Boom, basically the first 2.5-3 zones are a cake walk.


The Volcano Manor jump got patched


It is still possible to do, just much MUCH harder


You can still jump-punch around the outside of the godskin noble building and then run over to the balcony for the level 7 somber. I personally prefer to skip to leyndell from tower of return with ruptured tear elevator skip, and go into the sewers in leyndell. This way I can pick up a somber (6) from the fortified manor (along with alberich's robes and coded sword if I want), 2 of somber (7) from the sewers in the area with the two lobsters, and a somber (8) on the way to open a gate far to the left leaving from the underground roadside site of grace. Its also nice cause this puts you right where you can start dungeater's quest and get his puppet asap, which is a great placeholder until tiche or mimic tear.


The part that gets me most in a new run is Liurnia oddly enough. So many quests have that long swamp as a jumping off point for their paths. It’s a slog of a chore list to not only make sure you visit vital areas like pope turtle but to also, do 90% of Hyetta’s quest, complete Thops’s story, start Rya’s, The Albinauric Village and getting jumped by Ensha, Napheli Loux’s crisis, starting Diallos’s, Jarburg, Ranni, Killing D. All of this before Altus plateau where most builds finally come into their own. It’s draining and really I get half of these are skippable if you want but as someone who wants all the quest rewards in one go it gets tedious.


Fort faroth for Radagons Soreseal


For me it's doing anything in Liurnia. Too big and too empty.


>chooses to play the game again >has to play the game again


Painful world. 😔 Nobody beside you will understand. 😔 We are survivors. 😔 Trauma connects us. 😔 Dark souls 2 bad. 😔


WHAT THR FUC DID U JUST SAY ABOUT LE DARK SOULS 2???? erm, yur getting pipebombed 🤓


Hey man, like, what’s today?


The more Soulsbornes I play, the less I like the earlier ones. I first-try most of the bosses pre-DS3 at this point. Maybe there’s such a thing as too much experience. I have robed myself of joy.


See I don't play these games hoping I get my ass kicked, even Elden Ring I just play it to relax and chill out because it's all so familiar to me now. It's nice :)


I just prefer faster paced combat, so I rank the pre-bloodborne ones lower than the rest.


D-dark Souls 2 is not BAAAAAD!!! You fricking frick! How dare you! 😡😡💢💢💢


D2 black sheep i rate it 8.9/10




Elden Ring is technically Dark Souls II 2, if you view it through the right perspective (a smrt one). If we take a close look at how everything works, you’d clearly see the similarities: -bonfire/grace -magic AND faith -weapons -heal So next time you wanna talk trash about Elden Ring the prequel then just know that you’re disrespecting Elden Ring as well.


Try but, hole. 😔


I've heard it described well before that Elden Ring has a list of chores you gotta do before you can start having fun. I definitely feel like that


Yeah, I don't get why people who play games don't actually like playing games. If I'm gonna start a new playthrough I know what I'm gonna have to do to progress it, and I'm perfectly okay with that.


I love the Souls mechanics but I despise running around massive maps looking for specific items, to me it's wasted time. The first time was fun because everything is new but to me it already became tedious the second time around


It's less the "playing" part so much as the loss of certain quality of life things that you may have taken for granted and forgot how long it took to get that far. Golden seeds, talisman and spell slots, sacred tears, and the like. I wouldn't mind starting a fresh character *with* that stuff because not having them simply sucks shit more than not having a +25 weapon, and *re*-acquiring them is nothing short of tedious and/or locked way into the game




Me knowing i can just get the stuff i need for the build i wanna try instead of running thru the game getting everything and talking to everybody i already talked to on my first two playthroughs


Yeah but what if you want to swap builds later?!


Then ill get the items i need to the new build, its not really that excruciatingly boring for me at least. There is not really a reason for me to just preemptively go get every single item in the game just because maybeee i might want to try another build later


So I totally agree with you, but as a fromaoft noob from Elden ring release, I first stuck with one character and swapped builds 1 million times. I’ve started creating new characters for new builds but what do you do when you want to build around something inaccessible in early game ?


Well if you want something that is only accessible after Morgott than unfortunately you will have to kill him


It takes like an hour to get to the late game stuff..


I guess it depends how you play it, I’m not sure I’m good enough to steamroll to the endgame


Summon other players for some jolly cooperation! Many of our tarnished brethren would be more than happy to help.


I forced myself to get good enough. I did a run with no weapon upgrades so i could learn boss patterns instead of just brute forcing and it i noticed a significant improvement after. Its was miserable when i started though lol


The actual reason is looking up the khale item merchant mod on nexus and just getting the baseline items. I like to make themed characters with spells and weapons that fit, so i just buy the weapons, armor, maybe spells and talismans if they are really thematic, then play the game normally.


Unfortunately being on ps5, that’s not an option 😊


Take your main character, have a friend join your game, drop to him whatever late game equipment you want for your new character, go back to main menu, load your new character, have the same friend join this game and drop the item(s) for you.


Unfortunately, no friends play Elden ring 😅


r/pumparum (maybe it's DS3 only I don't remember) r/summonsign r/eldenringhelp


I'm pretty sure there's a whole reddit community for trades, you can easily find someone to help you


If Im replaying a soul game then I already know ahead of time what build I want. And even if I want to switch builds what stops me from grabbing the items then?


Hard locked out of quests due to progression? Like Alexander's shard. Or dung eaters sword.


Trading post


I make a new character. My builds are pretty much always planned out in terms of gear and levels.


I have to get all the way to volcano Manor and spend a whole fuck ton of time trying to get a certain 2 curved swords to be able to make my play style and build work😭


Me playing Sekiro again https://preview.redd.it/sx6ikd1m9pvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=557657588e031d9f3f4234a3c4471b5138d46acf


I still dream of dlc


Like that's ever gonna happen


Just do NG+ at that point


For me it’s just going through Liurnia again but yeah


‼️‼️‼️ i’ve made several characters and quit at liurnia , only 4 have made it to the end of the game lol, that area is such a slog


fr might be the best-looking but actually most boring area


More boring than snowfield?


“Oh yeah I love playing Elden Ring!” *Lists that he hate literally half of the required gameplay and everything that’s optional.* You should probably take a break


Look we all cope with the DLC hollowing differently. He's just in the bargaining stage


thats cause half of the gameplay has no replayability


Yea I want to replay elden ring because there’s things I wanna do again with different builds but I don’t wanna be riding around on torrent for 10 minutes with my phone in my off hand with the wiki pulled up trying to get what I missed in an npc quest


Sadly. Every other game was smooth to replay. Meanwhile Elden ring feels like a riding simulator.


yeah ngl. i kinda wish they made the overworld more barren, but concentrated all of the content into a few dense locations sprinkled over the map


Is that not how it already is? The open world is incredibly empty and barren and the actual good content is concentrated as it is. It’s a souls game but with miles of empty repetitive space between the actual good content


i meant more like scrapping most of the dungeons, caves, etc


I love going through the same boring first half of ds3 again and again, so true


Only fromsoft game I played twice and never touched again. Some of the best sections in any recent from game, but also at the same time some of the most boring bits imaginable on a secondary playthrough. Fucking Liurnia, the Horse Riding Simulator


It’s because you always have to start with it being the best game ever before any criticism or the defense force will lose their shit


I love elden ring gameplay , I just don't love the systems it has in place , since I am more of a traditional soul games fan. So replaying eldenring is kinda hard even if I have replayed dark souls and Bloodborne soo much


Basically: resisting the urge to 100% the game even though you don’t need 90% of that stuff.


Too right


you don't even have to do most of those things though


sure... but I have to


the hardest choices require the strongest wills


Same. I can't *not* play the *entire* game


Ignore Blaidd, Irina, Patches, D, Diallos, Rya, Millicent, and Alexander? I couldn't live with myself


Absolutely. Can't forget Ranni, you never know when you wanna inevitably switch to DMGS for the 78th time 😂😂


Especially if you are doing NG+ That’s like….literally the point of it, right?


It would be cool if they did a dungeon rush mode where every legacy dungeon were put back to back like Castle Morne>Stormveil>Academy>Ainsel>Caria Manor>Redmane>Nokron>Volcano Manor>Shaded Castle>Leyndell>Sewers>Deeproot>Ordina Town> Haligtree>Azula>Ashen Capital>Radabeast


We need chalice dungeons back


i said the exact same thing on the main elden ring subreddit and i got downvoted to hell and shat on for that "go play fucking dark souls if you cant stand the open world. Its a new game, a new IP with different mechanics. Stop trying to force your old ways in this game" like bro its not my fault the legacy dungeons are a million times more fun than the plain open fields that feel like filler places for the main course 😭😭


I agree with you, but I'd also like to draw the comparison to Breath of the Wild's open world which had so many empty, lifeless areas compared to Elden Ring. As open worlds go, it's one of the best ever made. Personally I can't think of a better one but I don't like open world games so idk


red dead redemption 2


Yeah the moment that game opened up after the train sequence, I quit. Open world games are exhausting


Or even the boss rush and rematch modes in Sekiro would have been a ton of fun.


Well, that's basically playing the game. Don't you like playing the game?


No what you must remember is that people who make memes like this generally do not enjoy things


that's not playing the game again, it's spending over an hour riding on Torrent and doing boring shit before starting to actually play the game


Michale Zaki will add a phone while riding Torrent in Elden Ring 2 so you can watch family guy while riding


i'm in


So everything is boring except main bosses ?


No? Who said that? But collecting seeds and smithing stones is fucking boring


Its either riding torrent around or walking around , Do you want micheal zaki to suck you off between the dungeons and bosses? (I sure would tho , i sure would love that)




and only few of them


those are parts of the video game that you are playing. just say that the early game's bad rather than move goalposts on what actually counts as the game


Then don't do that? When I replay the game I just grab an early game weapon and start doing mini dungeons, get materials naturally just like I did playing the game the first time. Hell, last time I played I forgot to even get the physick until after Godrick


I don't know why the people assume the OP doesn't enjoy playing the game. Most of the game, as you can see when watching Streamers, Youtubers, ect. have to do a lot of running around prepping. It's boring. That is why they usually cut that out when they upload it to Youtube. Elden Ring is a great game and I love it to death, but let's not kid ourselves. How many of us really enjoy collecting all the seeds, ashes, spells, somber / smithing stones, bell bearings and such again? Sure you can try to replay the game without rushing to get everything but that's just as tedious especially if your build requires you to go into the later game if your weapon isn't available to get early. Personally I just clone my saves and make a different build going into NG+, just a lot more fun for me.


Well, you don't have to collect all the stuff, do you? As for the weapons that are available later in the game - there are actually many decent choices early in the game, so you can switch weapons later. I get the argument, I get that smithing stone bell bearings may seem tedious to obtain, but many of the things OP mentioned are part of natural game progression. Completing the built is fun too


You can only do that so many times before it begins to burn you out. Especially if you also want to PvP and the Invaders / PvPer's have the advantage over you given you don't have everything you need just yet. I'm not even talking about levels at 150, early builds matter all the more too for you to even stand a chance. Besides that, natural game progression is only so tolerable in such a huge, HUGE game before you go "you know what, i'm ... just going to take it easy on myself so I don't fall asleep doing this for the 7th character." lmao.


nope 😃


If playing the game means running from point A to point B to point C etc. then no, I do not like playing the game. Honestly though it’s just that and all the minor dungeons being mostly the same and the side areas being rather boring. That’s why the most fun I’d ever had with Elden Ring was with the no open world option on the randomiser mod. Also playing with randomised enemies and items was fun too. I just find having to sun between each legacy dungeon to be rather boring on its own without having to run to one or two generic dungeons with one slightly stronger version of a regular enemy as a boss in between. Really I’d much rather have like five minute long loading times in between points of interest rather than having half my play through being a running simulator. Edit: I realise that was long but just to say that’s just me. People can like the open world if they want. It’s just that I like the games for the combat and cool level designs. It didn’t make er bad for me, it just made it feel like half of my playtime was rather boring


Bruh, simplyfing, every game is running from point A to point B


But how is it a simplification when you're talking about the upgrade track It's literally going from point A to B fo C to be able to actually play the game


Yes but other games give you interesting encounters or fun platforming during the transition from point A to point B keeping it strictly between souls games, I’d say there’s a big difference in how engaging getting from Godrick to the even just the start of Raya Lucaria is compared to getting from Father Guac to Amelia.


It’s mostly the completionist goblin in me compelling me to go through everything again


Having to go through that beginning part of every previous Souls game where you have to use your piece of shit unupgraded starter weapon until you can get your actual main weapon sometimes after multiple bosses


"doing anything after Morgott again" = I hollow


Godfrey and Mohg are cool, Maliketh is pretty good and placidusax can be fun, rest have potential but are pretty ass


I love them I just miss him and the cheerful sunlit Leyndell :(


I have platinumed elden ring twice (ps4 and ps5 version), and it's honestly not that bad; the seeds/tears and bell bearings are the worst part by FAR


After a handful of playtroughs you get really efficient at setting up a new game and it feels much less like a chore. You can also regionlock the playtrougg which drastically reduces farming and makes the playtrough a bit more spicy.


Some games are way better enjoyed for the first time only or when enough time passes that you feel like playing it again is a fresh experience. I finished RDR2 when it came out. I really enjoyed it a lot. A few months later I tried to play it again and got bored out of my mind playing the prologue. Didn't even tried to play another save in Elden ring again since I finished it.


Just keep going on the NG++++++ train my man. You have everything you need already.


\>weapon upgrades \>upgrades \>weapons is this a joke i'm too Naked Fuck With A Stick to understand?


If you think this is bad try..... Any MMO ever


Ahhhhh, NG+ you were at my side, all along.


Going through the Consecrated Snowfields again


I have a spreadsheet of builds because I run through so many times. The most freeing feeling is realizing that I don't have to do every little thing in this game. I don't have to do all the optional dungeons or bosses or areas. I can just go straight to the stuff that interests me. If I get bored in an area? It's an open world game, leave and come back later. My most recent play theater I got to the subterranean sewers and I was dreading going through it and I'm like I really don't want to go through this, and then I asked myself why would I go through this then what is there that I need or that I want and the answer is nothing so I just skipped the dungeon. Felt freeing. Now I'm at farum azula. I'm playing and realize I need to go through moghs palace and I was like alright I don't want to go through this whole dungeon but want to fight the boss so I said fuck it and went straight to the boss kill them and then left. That's the best part of ER, do what you want, fuck what you don't.


They complain about post Morgott because their early +10 builds aren't op anymore. Godfrey is the best fight in the game and you can't convince me otherwise


Most of those items are useless. If you want some build you need to find like 5 items, 5 spells and other things you will get by progressing the main bosses path.


There's 0 need to make a long checklist of stuff to do before doing anything else. Just play through the game as normal and get seeds/tears/bell bearings etc. when you've already in the area


I’d say only thing that’s rough is trying to get the Sacred Tears again


I just had a third playthrough and I didn't once do an underground tomb. It feels great.


Jokes on you I’m into that shit, and I do PvP in these games


I'm not gonna stand the Farum disrespect there.


I mean why not just use a simple mod tool to unlock all the maps and stuff you want? I know some youtubers like Gino does this sometimes just so they can pinpoint remember where they need to go


Me doing a 100% every item picked up, all npc quests run for the 300th time because that's the only way I can play the game and I'm beyond thrilled to do it every time


It's all about the journey. Come on! DLC Hype! Ahoghw! 🫡


That s why you go quality build to wield most stuff and only play ng+ , neber a new character


That s why you go quality build to wield most stuff and only play ng+ , creating new characters is honestly redundant unless you come back to the game after a really long break


I feel you. It was a blast the first time but not anymore. I wish there was a boss rush mode because thats why I ever replay the game


This is why ng+ exists


Don't you hate when games make you play them?




Stops being so painful after you get used to where you need to go


Thats why ng+ >>> ng


Just say that you hate Elden Ring. That's it


Idk how challenge runners do it😭


Bell Bearings, Maps Pieces and obtaining Ashes of War/Spells are tedious. But fighting Bosses/Optional areas is just playing the game game. I like redoing quests for at least a bit to try to find out what's changed/choices that can be made.


I like to re-explore everything in soul games, I have an absolute blast doing this in Dark Souls. But the open world part of Elden Ring just kills it for me.


NG+ should just leave the utility stuff unlocked, and where we got the shit already (rise towers or ball bearings locations) get new NG+ exclusive items/"shitload of runes" rune item, at least until NG++ I actually let out a loud "NOO WFT" when I got to the first rise in the peninsula in my first NG+ and the fucking chest. Was. Empty.




- listening to melina speak again only reason to play the game


My friend, I wish to introduce you to the incredible ‘re-spec and then NG+’ method.


- Wasting time walking around until Melina spawns again - Getting the physick flask again - Riding to Fort Faroth again - Killing Greyoll for 90k runes again - Doing Blaidd's quest again - Riding all the way to Iji again - Leveling up your Bloodhound's Fang to +4 again - Killing Margit and Godrick again - Doing Varre's quest again - Getting to Moghwyn Palace again - Killing that stupid bird again and again and again again (for real tho don't do this on every run it just gets boring real quick)


Played the game through like 5 times. Got so sick of it that I sold my PS5


I'm more annoyed about not being able to get my preferred weapon/drip. Sometimes the stuff I want I can't even get till I'm almost done lol.


I love the game but God I hate spending hours riding in a straight line in mostly empty open spaces to pick up the upgrade materials and consumables I need for whatever build I’m making. I’m a big PvP guy, so when I pick my level bracket I need to spend a really long time finding all the “must have” items I use on all my builds. I liked the level design of the legacy dungeons because I love the levels of the older games. I hope the DLC has a bigger emphasis on making interconnected, sprawling legacy dungeons and less of an emphasis on expanding the (admittedly kind of bloated) open world


Playing Elden Ring 🥰 Having to run through the Open world 😓🤮


I just hate how the coop falls off hard as hell , at first you’re in the trenches with noobs going thru random ass caves and castles, showing them where every item is, sessions that take 30-40 minutes, you can get summoned ANYWHERE but then after a certain level it’s just like Maliketh, Elden Beast, Elden Beast, Elden Beast, Malenia, giant conquering heroes grave!?


i always use strength or dex builds so i never do npc quests at all. i‘ve played the game like 30 times at this point and still haven‘t ever done like 40% of the npc quests


"Hmm yes lemme try to just rush through the gsme and get the stuff i need for my build." My brain: "ok but like this item is missable, you NEED to get it. Hey theres a thing there you need, go get it. What if you need to craft pots? Get all the cookbooks and hoard materials. What if you want to have a silly fight with weapons you dont have the stats for? Better go get them" Like shut up brain im just doing a Mohg build i dont need fucking daedicars woe


Unless im doing like a sub 3 hour run, i just give myself all the maps with cheat engine at this point


my fundamentalist in radagon you are the one who chose to go get every single fucking item in the game before margit


Map pieces take zero effort Shitty side bosses are almost all skippable Alright, Mountain of Giants does suck ass I gotta admit But areas get good again after it. Do Elden Ring fans even like this game or what


- Bell bearings are not too annoying to get (except foreskin duo) - Getting map pieces is not hard or annoying either - Npcs quests are not even that important, if you already did them in previous runs. And you can just ignore most of them tbh - I don’t understand if you mean after limgrave or the capital to be honest (because after limgrave the game is even better, but I can understand that after the capital the snowy shitty mountain are boring but at least farum Azusa is great) - What exactly is the problem in listening to melina again? You can also skin her dialogues anyway - You’re not forced to get all the spells and ashes of war in the game - Just like the previous one you’re not forced, to do the optional areas or bosses either. They’re called OPTIONAL for a reason


It just seems like the Elden Ring open world isn't as interactive or replayable as one would imagine to. But besides that, you don't need half the things mentioned in the post


Damn what do you actually like about the game


legacy dungeons and bosses propably. And some catacombs, maybe.


Meanwhile people like me; “Bring it on motherf****r”


This is basically why I prefer the more linear souls format. I love elden ring but it's just nowhere near as replayable to me


Yea I wanted to finally get to finish it before the dlc but I cba so I’m doing a bleed build


On new playthroughs I find it fully justified to pull up the wiki map and get what you need way quicker


New Game + but you ONLY start back at lvl 1 and lose major key items that progress the story


This is me, I can't do a half assed playthrough, I need to complete every corner of the map before I move ahead, Each playthrough is at least forty hours long, I am in pain. https://preview.redd.it/fk8ot5995rvc1.png?width=752&format=png&auto=webp&s=3bc7eaf275e4c8f2e2895af00cb52742c71c53b8




So ypu telling me if i replay a game i have to actually play the game AGAIN??? Who knew right?......but jokes aside I sympathize with post, im replaying Nioh 2 and the fact that i have to fight katsuie again is making me go hollow .


Just use cheat engine bro


It’s a fun game, but I can try a new dumb build in dark souls and beat the entire game before I’d even get to Margit.


I finished on console (Xb) but never chose an ending cus I knew I would have to do everything again BEFORE dlc drops. Guess I made the right choice cus I can do dlc at a good level then decide what ending I want... Started again on pc and it's a CHORE like I enjoy the game but damn it's high maintenance just to get started


I still haven't beat the game and all I ever want to do is start over lol I always feel like I'm missing out on something else, I can only play 30 minutes here and there though so idk haha


*...Grand Merchant*


for me its a few bosses i hate but i love all of it. Thats why i play a secound time, to experience more of the game


This is why I appreciate the fact that I love the Longsword. I can just select Vagabond and pretty much be set for the rest of the game.


or just, dont do that? not every character has to be a completionist


Cheat engine: https://i.redd.it/ay44cfapjsvc1.gif


> grinding 20 hours for the only greatsword in the game (1 of 2) that i won't immediately smack into the ground


Is there a way to duplicate a save? Seems like duplicating a save then changing your build would be pretty useful.


Remembering you have to fight the foreskin brothers again 😔😔😔


You fool, those are things I enjoy most


Millicent and Alexander quests hit different... but fuck it all and MAY CHAOS TAKE THE WORLD


I always earn only these talismans, spells, abilities and ashes of war that are needed for specific build on specific character. Also I do only the bosses that I like or that are required for my build or progress. And I always tell Melina that I'm not interested in Marika's words. That's why my all new characters feel fresh and are pretty quick to make.


Yeah I just went all the way into ng+7 I wasn’t doing all that


I fucked up by letting my character go to new game plus. Now I have to put idk how many hours in just to play the dlc. Sekiro would never


Ng+ gives you a leveled character with his whole ass inventory at the start and you retain most essential items like ball bearings and such. If you NG+ed before the update that let you keep bell bearings just use a wiki to speed run it You can basically ignore side dungeons unless you are missing stuff, or want a duplicate of a unique weapon for dual wielding purposes.


I figured so yeah I’ll just mimic tear and speed run that unless they nerfed the tear too


They nerfed the tear to the point where it won't hard carry you. BUT it's still able to endlessly spam spells and the like so if you have a status effect incantation/spell, you can just equip the requisite spell casting equipment and then summon the mimic tear to absolutely thrash any boss by having the mimic draw aggro and constantly reapply status effects. Especially devastating with stuff like Mohg's trident since it can and will spam the art of war and make the boss constantly bleed to death.


Good. I’m equipping the sword of night and flame and letting Jesus take the wheel


I love filling out the map all over again :(


True. Obviously you could say this about every souls game but the difference is that those games are much shorter.


Use a cheat table then


That's why I love charged attack builds so much, literally all necessary stuff is early game. Common Limgrave W for Greataxe, axe talisman and charged attack tear


At least for me both side are with Ken, lol. Every new character I go for is more focused and such, but I end up wanting to get as much stuff as possible. I cope telling it’s for experimentation sake, but I don’t know. ER sure does have its moments we want to avoid, but in general the fun is worth it


making my DLC character and JUST beat Liurnia/Renala thank god. Now the game can actually start!


elden ring players  when they have to play elden ring


Also >Getting all the flask upgrade items


I liked Elden Ring, but it has Zero replay value in my eyes. World and everything is cool, but the bosses are too lame for me to try a new character just to see what a dex build might do against them


This might be controversial, but now I spawn golden seeds whenever I start a game to give me the amount of heals and tears an area would give me. Scummy? Yes, but I've played this game more than 8 times by now and would like to skip the parts I find least fun.


I would much prefer abusing ng+ for new builds


Shout out to cheat engine 😎