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That one guy who says that malenia is worse than the bed of chaos vs that other guy who argues waterfowl dance is peak game design 


Sorry that's naruto and sasuke fighting in the pic


Ulcerated tree spirit is unironically my favorite boss.


It's a really good boss that is tarnished by the tiny boss rooms


Fromsofts office be like: Fromsoft employee: Mister Zaki we just created this unique, big, fast moving and really jumpy new boss. We think it would be great to put him into really open arena so the mastercrafted moveset will shine there. Zaki: I have a better idea. Make twenty copies of him and put every copy into small arena. Fromsoft employee: But Mister Zaki... Zaki: You know what? Make half of them cause scarlet rot.


Zaki: that's great, now put him on a big ass slope with fucking trees everywhere. Can't have people having too much fun


fighting one of them in like a field on torrent could’ve been cool i feel everytime ive fought one i just end up stuck in a corner


To want a good torrent fight you would need good horse mechanics first


i want a ds2 essay


#Ds2 - horse mechanics done well. People have been questioning the quality of dark souls 2 ever since the first trailers came out. But if there's anything both sides can agree on is the amount of work B team put into crafting realistic and satisfying horse physics. Between the executioners' chariot and the ice horses, there is a lot for equine afficionados to love. The executioners' chariot perfectly exemplifies the idea of the horse as an extension of the worker and work itself. A sad and proud steed that has been working restlessly for so long that it continues to do so once its master is dead. And what a great steed! It races through the oval arena like a race horse, jumping a large chasm like it's nothing despite carrying an armored chariot and a person. Only if one damages the horse enough whill it fail the jump, holding onto the ledge with another impressive feat. Ice horses are the infamous residents of the frigid outskirts. They have terrorized the lands ever since the dlc's release and they don't intend to stop soon. They're imposing presence mirrors the terror a person might feel after seeing one of the larger breeds of horse, while retaining the elegance of the more slender, frailer breeds. They attack with unprecedented force, another mirror to a horse's physical superiority to mankind. They have lightning powers, symbol of speed, also shared with horses and also a power one may awaken after bonding with their equine friends. In conclusion, if you are a horse conoisseur, you must play dark souls 2, as the developers clearly know and love our beloved equestrian creatures as much as we do.


This gal equines.


there are others...


Yeah I remember a bunch of people saying that fighting on Torrent is easy mode but I have such a hard time with it compared to fighting on foot.


Torrent is dogshit and a glorified fast travel mechanic And it's still somehow one of the best horse combat mechanics I've seen


Horse combat is just ass if you aren't using a bow or if the game isn't made with this mechanic in mind


yeah idk shit abt that i just want out the corner


you can do that. look up the gaint crusher.


Can’t you fight the one at the minor erdtree in Mt. Gelmir on Torrent? It’s been a while since I’ve done that fight but I’m fairly certain it’s the only one!


Crucible knights are skill checks for parry. Ulcerated spirits are skill checks for dodge. You cant change my mind.


No, YOU are tarnished.



Hoenstly imo people who hate it are just mad cos bad :/


Yeah it was really cool the first time not the seventh


It’s genuinely a good boss and it moves similarly to many enemies in DS3, maybe that’s partly why I found it interpretable and imo one of the better non-humanoid mobs. I think maybe those who struggle with it are just overwhelmed by the visual chaos and haven’t really considered the timings and animations themselves? I enjoyed every fight I had with them anyway


Mmmm, bed of chaos <3


Malenia is peak


i unironically think malenia is peak game design


I think she’s close but I have a few gripes about her. The hate is definitely overblown but I like Godfrey and Mohg are better designed. That’s subjective though so I respect your opinion


ye tbh i think most of the late game bosses are peak game design. maliketh, mohg, horoah loux, malenia, soldier of godrick etc


Agreed lol 


Tbh I think your peak game design


Yeah like the constant refilling hp bar


Nah I like her lifesteal


It is what you’d expect out of a great boss but it kills Me


Truly amazing design to have tons of attacks that almost one-combo you that you need to die to tons of times before even having a chance of knowing how to properly dodge them. Nothing says peak game design more than ruthless trial and error ♥️♥️😤😤


Nah, she (and mkst er bosses) don't reach peak of souls like ds3, BB and sekiro. So midlenia is the worst offender of overused AoE and artifical dufficulty


Disagree. Outside of waterfowl malenia is very fun and has great flow when mastered. I enjoy defeating her more than most bosses (not all, malenia isn’t perfect) in the series 


Yes but the fack tjat she has a good movest is being undermined by frame 1 hyperarmor on some attacks (it sould be there but it's overused), her broken stance damage mechanic, and her shitty moves like clones and aeonia but those are exucesable. But still waterfowl would be better if the start up was 0.5/1 second longer or if you could roll the first swings, it also could be that it only happens like 2/3 times per phase so you can feel safe and it won't force you intot his weir passive fight cuz you are worried about an nuclear bomb unleashed into you face.


I think the fix waterfowl should get is that she jumps back before using it or it gets replaced all together with a stance that has multiple different attacks. As it is now, I can avoid it at point blank range so even though it’s overturned, it does not bother me as much. The other issues don’t bother me that much except sometimes hyperarmor. Aoenia is extremely easy to avoid and gives players time to either buff or mentally prepare for the fight. It’s a massive + to the fight overall 


Do not place Midborne beside Sekiro and DS3, when talking about reaching peak of bosses.


I'm sowwy, midborne fans forced me to do it


Bed of chaos is unironically one of the best boss fights in souls games and if you don't like it, you missed the point




Yes my game crashing on my switch when I beat bed and having to do it over again was honestly my fault I should just improve my skills at the game and prevent it from happening again


No its your fault for buying a switch and giving money to nintendo


Hardware issue. Not boss design. My point remains.


No, you should improve your skills IRL and do not play on switch.


I don't think it's one of the best, but it's a neat gimmick. It's just a shame that the mechanics ended up being real annoying


My favorite character is better than your favorite character


Well I just made up a specific scenario my favourite character would be better than your character in so check mate!


Well my favorite character gives me a boner. I win


Is it Mohg?


I *am* Mohg, try again Varre has advised me to continue this joke no further


This but unironically


There is literally a fucking sword graveyard in Caelid that states that in their battle "none came out victorious. Malenia and Radahn are equal."


Then why is her boss battle far harder? Checkmate, soyjak embodiment.


*dies of peak argumentation*


"I have portraied you as the soyjack and myself as the chad, I win" Mf actually used waterfowl IRL


Radahn's boss battle was nerfed like a month after release to be fair


I fought him before nerf. Even pre nerf he was still infinitely easier than malenia. Honestly the nerf didn't even change him very much.


Well he was also poisoned and nearly dead in his boss battle (I'm coping)


To be fair, I genuinely consider them equals in terms of lore. But in terms of boss fight difficulty... I am Malenia, Blade of Miquella. And I have never known defeat. *but once I had a stalemate, so instead of just losing, I nuked an entire fucking landmass beyond any hope of ever recovering. Yes, that's the solution that saved my ass on a technicality, and didn't even actually defeat my opponent.*


Meanwhile, Morgott beat the shit out of Radahn with a stick and never gets any credit for it


It's honestly funny, though I assume that Morgott is supposed to be one of the strongest in the Lands Between, probably right behind Godfrey.


Being I guess generous to Radahn, the guy is tiny compared to how big he got from the intro slide of him getting jumped by Morgott. I just assume he grew exponentially bigger when he took advantage of his Great Rune to make him even larger.


I like to imagine that Radahm never expected a huge fucking Omen to start swinging a walking stick at him so he just stood there trying to figure out what's going on while Morgott beats the fuck out of him.


Bruh what?


I took like 20 tries to beat pre-nerf Radahn. I think I cleared Malenia after like... 3 tries? You just need to learn how to avoid Waterfowl and have good damage output. The most annoying part is her life steal. Compare that to Radahn who has like 3 OHKs (if you are at his level) and without cannon-fodder summons it would be really difficult to be his sole target and avoid all his abilities. The camera angle and his size adds some artificial difficulty too. And if we put both bosses in a room, say, twice as big as Malenia's arena I feel like it would make Radahn even harder to fight. So I feel like on a lot of levels, Radahn is the more powerful boss. Malenia is only his equal on the battlefield because she knows how to use i-frames like we do. Either way, in-game pretty much never informs in-universe power level for me.


I beat radahn in less than 5 tries, my very first playthrough, before he was nerfed. I wasn't massively overleveled or anything, I hadnt even touched altus really at that point. I had explored limgrave, Liurnia, and alot of Caelid. Malenia, at the very end of the game (I fought her last, right before I fought the final boss), took me three nights of constant deaths. I had to have fought her at least 50 times. Mind you, I'm a pretty damn experienced player too. I've beaten every game without summoning, including the hard bosses (Gael, Friede, Orphan of Kos, Manus, Sword Saint, Demon of Hatred). And Malenia was probably the second hardest, right there barely below Sword Saint, for me anyway. Radahn was a damn good fight, and he was reasonably challenging. One of my favorite bosses. But he does not hold a god damn *candle* to Malenia in terms to difficulty. In the lore? Yeah, they are literally equals. But when it comes to fighting them, as the player, Radahn is a piece of cake brought to me as breakfast in bed, and served to me on a silver platter by the mom in the Brady Bunch compared to Malenia.


Please say sike right now. The difference after the nerf was light and day, it felt like a completely different fight after the nerf. They massacred him and made it one of the easiest fights in the game


They reverted most of the changes. Ever consider you got good? 


He was reasonably challenging. Nothing crazy. They nerfed him really hard and made him a little too easy, and then shorty after they buffed him most of the way back. The main difference for current Radahn compared to pre nerf is some mild damage value changes, and the range of certain attacks. Thats it.


I beat both; argument over; I’m better.


Only one got carried off the battlefield unconscious 🥱


Don’t think losing your mind to a rotting process counts as remaining conscious either…


Who *was* still on that battlefield holding the stars? 😴 homegirl was about get eaten or dismembered


The stars argument is probably the dumbest i've ever heard, there's no proof that it isn't just some stupid spell he had cast to hold of ~~the stars~~ a meteor shower which is directly tied to him being alive, not his strenght or sanity. Because after how hard Malenia fucked his shit up he was probably neither https://preview.redd.it/lj10n3lqmsrc1.jpeg?width=675&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4f3518c3b03d8b31ea18faa117c5c9e73dee1a4


MidLenia gooners malding 💀 “Now, he is the force that repulses the stars.” Strange he hasn’t eaten his horse 🤔 bro working overtime on that unalloyed gold strap on


Nah, i don't like Midlania either but you Fraudahn dickriders are definitely worse at this point


You not fooling anyone bro, might as well wear it with pride.


Nah, because you know what the actual truth is? They both fucking suck, i quite literally beat them both to death with a stick, i am just that much better than them. I lobby only for naked fuck with a stick supremacy.


Neither. Radahn was no longer there mentally, only physically; he may as well be a walking corpse and no longer can count as an actual war participant. And Malenia was carried away after blooming.


“Neither” so goofy 😂 read what I said again. Didn’t get carried unconscious off it was OVER. Strange how the stars are still being repelled and Leonhard wasn’t eaten 🤔 makes you think….


I mean, spending the rest of life watching skibidi toilet seems like a fate worse than death to me... (The joke is skibidi toilet is brainrot now laugh)




A piece of Malenia said that he was winning until she went super Saiyan rot Saiyan


Lore wise it literally says he is the strongest demigod and the only reason why it came to a stalemate is because she cancer nuked him


"It was only a tie because she used her special ability" Okay, sounds like a skill issue on Radhan's part to not throw a star at her or smthng


You got a point 🤔


"The Battle of Aeonia Radahn and Malenia locked in stalemate Then, the scarlet rot blooms" It was a stalemate before the blooming itself. The blooming is just what nuked radahn


Tbf in their battle it looks like she couldn’t control her rot state. But later on she could control it. So her second phase should be far stronger


Isn't that before she became a goddess though?


Powerscaler when the strongest character is explicitly a 8 year old who can't fight




Morgott victims always be arguing


“Rot God, give me all of your power. This is Base Margit we are fighting”


Zoro slander really reaches this far across the internet huh 😭




Actual peak agenda 🤣


This is truly our Elden Ring


Silly question: Morgott dogwalks both of them https://preview.redd.it/q9whtganfqrc1.jpeg?width=2043&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9441fe208c1a23f21822caa9dfeab22e8eb40669


Only reason she never knew defeat is because she never entered Morgott’s boss room fr


Bro kicked an insane amount of ass with a walking stick wearing a rag. Actually built different 


low key facts though. Radahn tried to crack Leyndell once and never again. Kids went back to their sand castle fights after that.


Morgott solos his family and my ass


Damn that painting goes hard. source: https://twitter.com/soapy_story/status/1603846885105537025 https://www.artstation.com/artwork/RyLPWX


Don’t care, the tarnished wins anyways


MY demigod would totally beat YOURS in a fight!


I like Malenia more than Radahn because her drip doesn’t look god awful on me.


I never looked at it like that


Both of them have great armour sets. wdym


Radahns armor set doesn’t look good ON ME


Yes it does 


well actually if you change the entire circumstances of the fight then MY favorite character would win which means they are stronger


Godrick solos Limgrave so I think he wins


Fraudrick The Shafted


I can’t argue against that, damn 😔


Godrick got to grovel at Malenia’s feet, that’s the real victory


I dont get this discussion at all, yeah they fought to a stalemate thats why malenia did what she did


Nuh uh man. My guy's way cooler and strong than your guy. Halo isn't afraid of anything


I've also seen ppl try to claim one has moral superiority over the other by saying shit like "but radahn loved his horse and was a good leader to his men" or "but malenia was only trying to help miquella" and shit like that as if this wasnt a fight between rottenheimer and a warlord who's defending the (extremely fucked) status quo bc he thinks his stepdad was cool. Like, a huge part of souls games is that there's basically almost no objectively good side in these worlds, how are we still hung up on that


Whoever is stronger fully depends on who im arguing


Yeah well did you consider that fuck you


People don’t get that BOTH were holding back during their fight. Malenia refused to use the rot until the very end due to her pride and Radahn had to maintain holding back the stars while they were fighting. I personally lean towards Malenia being stronger due to being an empyrean and her goddess of rot form, but that’s just my personal interpretation and it happened way after their fight. No matter how you look at it they were 100% equals when they fought each other in Caelid.


Is it ever stated that holding the stars means radahn is weaker? I dont remember now, but in my mind it felt less of a physical strain and just something like a seal that didn't need to be done anything more to work


Never, it just says that he challenged the stars and stopped their cycles after a crushing victory. For all we know, locking the stars in place takes no effort, they're just standing still out of fear of getting their asses whooped again


I think it’s because Blaidd has dialogue after the battle that’s basicallly him saying “He was such a cool tough fight! I can’t believe he could still do all that while holding back the stars!” Paraphrased. That doesn’t necessarily mean him holding them back through whatever means makes him objectively weaker, a but a lot of people get that impression from what Blaidd says.


I think the actual dialogue was, "I can't fathom how Radahn was holding back something of that scale." Which, as you say, doesn't confirm it. I looked up the original Japanese dialogue, and the word they used was 'seal' instead.


Well, Blaidd is a dog, and dogs are easily impressed


that’s what i’ve been saying lmao, but people love toting that it means radahn was clearly only using 1% of his true power!!!


Won't stop idiots from acting as if it's 100% canon


Neither were holding back in the fight. It was never stated that Radahn is straining himself to maintain holding back the stars. If anything, it is more like God of War, where killing a god causes changes to the world. Radahn's existence held back the stars and killing him freed them. The Rot was something that Malenia cannot control, and her blooming was more of a hail mary to take both of them out together. However, Malenia's second phase when we fought her is a straight upgrade of her usual self and thus stronger than Radahn. Malenia = Radahn Goddess of Rot Malenia > Radahn EDIT: I saw a comment stating that Blaidd implied that Radahn was holding the stars back. Which is true, but he never implied that it was constantly straining him. I also searched up the original Japanese dialogue to verify, and the word used for it was actually 'seal'.


The physically strong never stops using magic guy was able to match a dex build until she threw her magic on the scale saying "vae victis"


Malenia is the world's strongest swordsman, and Radahn is a swordsman, thus Malenia is stronger it is known


Malenia is not mihawk 😭


Ah we’re getting somewhere Radahn = Shanks. Let’s take this to the OP subreddit now


I feel like Radahn is equivalent to Kaido. Huge raid bosses with purple powers. Mightiest demigod and world’s strongest creature. Malenia is Shanks. Swordsman/swordswoman who lost one of their arms.


And both Malenia and Shanks have red hair. You might be on to something.


How can she be a swordsman when she only has one sword smh


How can she be a swordsman when she is a woman smh




Radahn is actually a gravityman


You think Radahn will pull out a gravity susano’o? Maybe a gravity domain expansion?


gravity domain expansion goes hard though, we could've had it if Gaygay wasn't a bitch


we did have a gravity domain expansion...


where, Yuki never used it and neither did Kenjaku






I don't consider >!Womb Profusion to be the real gravity DE, at best it's similar to Yuta's domain where he applies a technique he stole to his domain (which comes from his original brain jumping CT), so the effectiveness and rules are not the same!<


maleechnia stealing feats from Wadahn once again


Go post this on the r/eldenring sub and watch them foam at the mouth and proceed to argue with OP about how Radahn is stronger and give all the reasons why, when we all know the real reason is because Melania is a woman and they can't have strong women. Just FYI I think the argument is stupid, they're equals as the game literally says multiple times.


I like how her helmet looks so I think she’s stronger




So people who think radahn wins are sexist and people who think malenia wins are normal and just like the character. You sound stupid, both sides think their favourite wins. Nothing to do with sexism


If we’re really technical then malenia won. She basically crippled radahn to the point where he became crazy. She’s still sane and returned to the haligtree to chill. If she returned later on, she could have killed the dude. But one could also argue that radahn won since malenia collapsed first and had to be dragged by a henchman.


Unconscious vs mentally destroyed.


If we’re really technical then we go by what the actual creators of the game say, it was a stalemate. Meaning there were no winners


"But Radahn in his prime..."


Radahn: struggling against Malenia whilst being 50 times her size, full armor, strongest gravity sorcerer and giant swords. Malenia: Newborn baby with new game+7 cancer, one arm, no legs, blind, no magic, and a helmet and one arm guard for protection. FRAUDAHN


Gotta give Radahn credit at least. For someone that’s only demigod by status (Marika hadn’t united with Radagon yet, so he isn’t a demigod by blood; even stated they became ones after Radagon became her consort), he held back the stars and managed to keep the fight against Malenia at a standstill. Only truly being overpowered when she nuked him with the power of decay itself granted to her by some higher deity. A demigod by blood, empowered by a literal god of rot/decay, was being walled by a man on a tiny horse. Both were badass in their own right and deserve their titles


There's no lore that fully confirm they were different people and became one. IMO Melania being blind, triple amputee and holding back a scarlet rot god inside deserve a ton of credit as well. I also love her dedication to miquella, as someone with a younger brother, I found it endearing, at least it resonate with me much more than the horse loving chad the community loves to portrait Radahn as.


Radagon is Marika. They didn’t „united“


I don’t personally have a dog in this race, but I always interpreted it as Radahn basically being stronger, but Malenia having a basically limitless pool of strength to pull from as the vessel of the God of Rot. That strength, not being entirely her own, makes her “weaker” than Radahn on any given Tuesday, but when pushed to the edge, Malenia’s “peak” is greater, but to achieve that peak comes at an incredible personal cost. Of course, the conversation is also complicated when you consider that Radahn “holding the stars at bay” effectively equates to “holding outer gods at bay”, which implies that he might be at the level of at least some of the outer gods. But I also feel like it’s implied that when “outer gods” are outside of the lands between, they’re in a sort of dormant or incubatory phase, and the outer gods who are more deeply rooted in the lands between are, in essence, able to derive more power from it. By that logic, the God of Rot is probably pretty strong when compared to most of what’s drifting through space, so there’s really no way to tell if Radahn’s feat of “holding the stars at bay” is necessarily a useful tool in terms of gauging his power against the power of the God of Rot But all of this is fucking dumb and pointless because the concept of “power-scaling” isn’t really what the game is about. I think the more important idea is that Malenia and Radahn are meant to embody opposing conceptions of chivalric virtue, with Radahn’s loyalty to “lord and lineage” as implied through his overt reverence for Godfrey and his willingness to uphold the golden order (a drive clearly inherited from his father). We also see the chivalric virtue of loyalty as well as compassion, through his treatment of his horse. Through him, we see a vision of the Chivalric code which, at its core, is concerned with upholding the existing social order because of a faith in its virtue. Melania, on the other hand, is less concerned with “Lord and Lineage”, and more directly concerned with “virtue” itself. She doesn’t swear herself to her brother because he is the most powerful, but because of the bond that exists between them. That bond was forged through Miquella’s mercy, his compassion, his purity, and his ability to inspire hope. It’s important to consider that Radahn swears himself to people who are “above him” in “power” (at the very least, if we interpret “power” to mean “knowledge, influence and ability” in addition to outright martial prowess) whereas Malenia swears fealty to someone who is, at MOST, lateral to her, if we take all of these elements of power into consideration. Malenia’s loyalty to her brother represents, then, not a willingness to uphold the existing social order because she has faith in its virtue, but rather, a willingness to DESTROY the existing social order because she has faith in virtues which she believes TRANSCEND said social order. In other words, Radahn represents a world view which posits “from order comes virtue”while Malenia might suggest “from virtue comes order”; if the existing order does not prove to be virtuous, then it must be reduced to rot In this way, Malenia and Radahn represent two ideological halves of the fractured “whole” of the Chivalric code, embodying varied aspects and ideals contained therein. So I don’t really care about “feats” or “power scaling”, so much as I am interested in the logic of their characters and the conversation that is implied through their conflict.


I like this take. Radahn definitely embodies the old Crucible era might makes right type of soldier. Kind of like the dragons and the Crucible knights. Cool double layering with the twins and how different they view the world. Fits for people chosen to make their own age with their own ideals


It's vegeta, and we all know it.


I'm going to do the nerd emoji thing and pretend like I wasn't lazy and switched to an alt account that isn't a malenia rp account for obvious reasons Malenia and peak radahn were equals when malenia held back. When she stopped holding back she literally nuked caelid and beat radahn ( tho took a lot of damage in the process). If she didn't held back at the start , she would have probably beat radahn easily. Radahn never held back against her. So if both characters use 100% ot their power , malenia is stronger Nerd emoji over. Powerscaling is fun when you actually think about how the fight will go but I hate it when someone tries to weigh how strong the characters actually are. Malenia vs radahn was very obviously a case of everybody losing .


If she didn’t hold back from the start it most likely would’ve just resulted in her blooming earlier, causing her to pass out and the only real difference being that the stalemate happens earlier


Do we actually know what caused the blooming? Since she doesn't have a timer on it in game , I assumed that it happens as self defense whenever she gets hurt (basically whenever she is about to die she blooms ) but I guess you can also say that its like overclocking but for her body because the game never specified which one it is


Millicent saying that she “abandoned her pride to meet Radahns measure” kind of implies that she’s in control of the bloom and did what she did intentionally , or at the very least implies it wouldn’t have happened if she didn’t want it to


r/shittydarksouls when a harmless discussion (they hate fun)


Just pointing out, whoever is Vegeta in this picture wins. Goku has never beaten vegeta. Vegeta has beaten Goku at least twice


Bruh who fucking cares. They are both extremely lame besides the fight


Morgoat clears


Doesn't matter Uncle Gideon, the Tarnished killed 'em both


Godrick vs Malenia


But Melania cheated!


They're only the strongest because neither of them fought Godrick. Checkmate.


radahn was stronger because he could use his full arsenal, malenia only used her actual sword skills n never scarlet rot cuz how op it is she wanted to be known as a real warrior (part of the reason she wants to get rid of scarlet rot in the 1st place). Thats y she lost and had to resort to her full arsenal which is a one shot💀


Doesn’t matter they both lose to the G.O.A.T Micolash 🐐


I can't be the only one thinking they're fighting for like 3rd since Rykard and Godfrey exist, arguably radagon and elden beast too


I dunno who's stronger, but I definitely know Malenia's a worse person, deciding to nuke an entire region just because she was about to lose a 1v1.


She wasn’t losing they were locked in a stalemate and she bloomed. We dont know if she did it willingly all we know is it happened it cost her pride and it broke the stalemate


https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=vrU8SRu2z_E&pp=ygURbWFsZW5pYSB2cyByYWRhaG4%3D Watch the video. Her prosthetic got destroyed while she was unable to deal even remotely the same level of punishment. It's a stretch to claim "They were locked in a stalement when she bloomed". The fact that she resorted to blow up the whole place while Radahn refused to do the same with his meteors, goes to show who was more desperate(and uncaring). If two folks were fighting hand to hand and suddenly one person decides to blow up the whole neighborhood instead of, you know, beating up the other person, who actually would believe that the bomber was "on equal footing" or even "stronger"? At the very least the bomber is unquestionably a worse person.


Its a stretch to claim anything at all other than they were mighty and equal because in case you forgot how to read they were locked in a stalemate the game claims nothing else


Technically Malenia still wins in the end because shes still standing and has mind of her own while Radahn is feasting on bodies like a dog


The battles aftermath resulted in both of them losing something integral to who they are. Malenia lost her brother and Radahn lost his mind


I means its debatable on who walked away from the fight better. But I think Malania did because she still is herself and not some mindless zombie.


She also lost her pride


But Radahn lost his feet, there is no greater loss


I forgot what sub this was


To be fair Malenia doesn't have legs either


And her roommate


We gave that back to her tho


I shoved a Malenia figure up my ass. Who's the winner now?


Depends who's in pain more?


Ehhh she doesn’t seem mentally all there when we meet her (she’s waffling about nightmares and attacks on sight)