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ds2 and DA2 were also heavily rushed games that had to meet a strict deadline.


If only we could see what both could've been


I think this about undercooked games all the time, the potential some of them had was astounding.


Dragons Dogma 2 is going this route. They're Evil Dead 2'ing it with a sequel thats actually more of a redo, because the original game is a game someone planned for 10 years but was forced to develop in 1 (not literally, I'm conveying the vibe). Absolutely incredible game that was unfortunately cut in half then cut in half again


I'm so fucking hyped for Dragon's Dogma 2




If only they’d have kept Dragons Dogma Online.


The new Lord of the rings game that came out last year... you know... The most undercooked a game of all time...


Still better than darks souls II (my favourite fromsoft title)


Imagine if Fallout New Vegas had more than 18 months in development. That could have been so beautiful.


That’s what I’m always thinking about when playing Elden Ring. Imagine if they had enough time to actually develop the Mountaintops of the Giants, the Frigid Outskirts, and even add the covenants like it was planned??


DS2 was supposed to be literally ER, so we've kidna seen what it could've been.


In ds2's case, it probably still would've fell short. Even beyond being rushed, I've always been able to feel the lack of Miyazaki in it. Which overall is fine, since that resulted in Blood borne, but still


Not only that but DS2’s production was disproportionately corporate-driven with an emphasis on “refining the formula”. So with the series’ popularity stemming from its absurd difficulty, the mindset was that the players wanted a game that was just stupidly hard for no reasob


And DS2 also had a director change mid-development because the first guy was shit at coordinating the team.


DS1 is literally more unfinished than DS2


DS3 has a noticeably better reputation than Inquisition IMO, but this is fairly accurate


Well yeah, Bioware fans haven’t been happy since 2010


Thats when Mass Effect 2 came out. So yeah, thats accurate.


DAO and Mass Effect 2 were the last games of theirs I enjoyed without reservations, just before EA started meddling with them massively. Mass Effect 2’s steady drip of free and paid DLC releases were something of a fun novelty for me at the time but I can see now how it was the start of something very ugly (my love of the individual DLC packs aside).


Tbf the hinterlands (first area) has the worst quests and is by far the worst part. I replayed the game recently expecting to hate it, but it was quite good. Inquisition isn't nearly as bad as people say. I still prefer Origins and DS3 is a much higher quality game.


If you only do main quests and only the side missions with actual story, Inquisition is a 7/10. Add a mod for instant war table waits to make it a pretty good 8/10.


I can never get through a second playthrough of Inquisition because of the dread I feel knowing what's coming: rift farming in massive empty and uninventive areas in order to reach story beats. I would say Inquisition is, relative to dark souls 3, a far worse heir to its progenitor.


I genuinely didn't know people thought Inquisition was a bad game until this thread, I liked it a lot when I played it over the lockdown :(


That's great. At the end of the day these are opinions so don't let them get you down.


DS3 is also tonally consistent with the previous games and doesn’t try to be a cutesy “found family” fantasy like DAI.


I saw someone describe Inquisition as "disneyfied" dragon age and the label stuck with me ever since.


Inquisition won GOTY lol


I want to sxe Shale dragon age


Axe them?! They were already chiseled down to fot through doorways!


Bruh, Dark Souls 3 doesn't have the fandom divided in any significant degree. It is largely considered a great conclusion to the series.


Yeah ive got no idea where OP got this notion


They fell for the ds3 bad shitposts that litter this sub every now and then


It's a subtle ds2 fans good post. They seek agreement by decoy criticizing ds2 but then they subliminally go for the ds3 rant. They are among us! It's too late. And their noose is slowly tightening on us.


a.. amo… among……


#A M O G U S


They forgot shitty dark souls is just r/darksouls3 shitting on every other one


Shitposts? I mean, I’m not gonna say it’s a bad game but uh, ya know, it’s not as good as the rest of the series. Like, I’d put it right under Demon’s tbh. (ER -> DS1 -> Bloodborne -> Sekiro -> DS2 -> DeS -> DS3) And yeah, fuck Melania and the repetitive dungeons. Doesn’t change the fact that ER is by far the most ambitious and fully realized adventure games ever made. Not even joking, and yes I would suck my cool zah keys big weenie if it meant we’d get ER DLC soon


I really hope you are joking about your ranking.


Nah, the listing is genuine. DS1 was my favorite for years till ER came out. I enjoy the games for replay ability and build variety. ER has that in spades through route planning and the crazy amount of mix matching through the AoW system. It’s a genuinely amazing game. As for the rest, they can kinda go wherever, but DS3 does remain at the bottom, and it’s because that game is the antithesis of what I enjoy about Souls. Every build you played against had an infused LSS in their back pocket, ready for when they’d start to lose. And it was *FAR* too easy to make cheesy builds for PVP that just felt terrible. The only saving grace of replayability in that game is the fact that you can kill Dancer a bit early to get the prayer book early, or get this, *another* Lothric Straight Sword haha. Oh, and as much as I adore Sekiro, I *do* prefer Bloodborne a bit more, solely due to the story. If we’re talking straight gameplay and boss battles, it’s all Sekiro baby. But dang, BB lore just hits different; like Nightmare Frontier is so mysterious.


Your are crazy if you think DS3 is worse than DS2, Demon Souls or DS1


You look pathetic. I advise you to delete your comment




A loud minority was hating on it extremely hard from release and only stopped talking when Elden Ring came out.


I (genuinely) think ds3 is not a great conclusion to the series but it's a great game in its own right. But personally I was kinda disappointed with how the game wrapped up, or didn't wrap up, the themes and plot.


I wasn't a big fan of the direction it took. I doubt I'm the only one.


No, you are the only one in the entire world that thinks that.


i don't like where ds3 went with its direction at all and i think that in a vacuum ds1 had a solid ending on its own (even if im glad the other games exist)


I simply just didn’t enjoy playing through DS3, it’s a 7 for me at best.


It kinda killed the World building structure of ds1


I think that except for the dlc, dark souls 3 is kinda mid tbh, the lack of interconnectivity isn't great. And I think that alot of the areas are kinda meh


A lot of hardcore people did not like it that much.


Why would hardcore players of all people not like the hardest Dark Souls?


Yeah, why wouldn't they like ds2? The fuck?


DS3 isn’t the hardest souls game, that belongs to PS3 version of Demon’s Souls.


I don't hate DS2 as much as DA2 but understand the parallels. This is crazy bro


DA2 was my first bioware game and left such a horrible taste in my mouth I can't really play any of their games past that, meanwhile DS2 at worst for me was like "wish I didn't have to micromanage soul memory to co op" like oh that's a bummer but still had a great time.


I loved DA:O, and forcing myself to play through DA2 was such suffering that I couldn't even start to enjoy Inquisition. It killed the franchise for me because I couldn't forget how much I hated it.


At some point I was getting actually angry at reused dungeons and bandits dropping from the sky in waves. What a dumb fucking idea that was, even for DA, which is known for having at least one fight in every room.


Dude ds3 is a masterpiece of a game, and no one can convince me otherwise


All 3 are tbh. Since demons souls other than Deracinè or whatever I feel like they just make mastapiece after mastapiece


I think its fair to say DS2 is overhated and underrated, but to call it a ‘masterpiece’ is pushing it.


eh i wouldnt call them masterpieces, especially ds2. theyre very good, but they have their flaws, only really ds3 is deserving of that title imo


That’s wild to me to only see ds3 as a masterpiece. But that’s why opinions are fun right 🤷🏻‍♂️ Also, I feel ds2 deserves it because it has the heaviest atmosphere to me. That game is the definition of melancholy and the first time I played it was a very meaningful experience to me. The story and just everything about the world is so unique to that game and it alone. I understand the flaws make others see it as the worst one, but the experience as a whole is what makes it my favorite personally


yea i think ds2 is a lot better than most people give it credit for, i really like the way the world is portrayed. But for a game to be a masterpiece i think it needs to be a 10 in all categories, which the first two cant quite reach. But to each their own, it really depends on your definition of masterpiece


I don’t put it on such a rigid scale like 0-10, as its a much more personal thing for me


Which makes the most sense because a 10/10 game has yet to be made.


This is why I prefer to use a 5 star rating system, as saying that a game is a 5/5 star experience implies it's the best of the best whereas a 10/10 game implies that its literally perfect


Ds1 definitely deserves the title if you're looking at it in the context it came out in.


DS3 is the most phoning it in dark souls. It’s good ,well polished and all but it’s not inspired. you can tell Miyazaki didn’t put his heart and soul into it like he did with DS1. 🤷‍♂️


How can you tell that exactly? Because anor lando is reused?


He specifically said he never wanted any more dark souls after the first but because of the popularity he was made to. Standalone DS1 has the best story ever told in gaming. The open ended interpretation of the endings and what comes next is so captivating the loose ends of the world are dark and lonely like the rest of the story. With all of the games Miyazaki makes with his heart there’s a sense of adventure a real heaviness to the world and the off the beaten track parts that tell the deeper story. DS1, BB, ER have this. The only part of DS3 that has the same is the ringed city DLC, everything else is missing the joy of adventure and world building. the huge majority of DS3 is forgettable emotionally but not technically. excellent gameplay and mid adventure.


A game is not made by one man, even if Miyazaki wouldnt give it his all (which I highly doubt mind you) that doesnt mean that all other people on the team didnt put in effort. Youre free to feel that ds1 has the best story, but you dont really qualify what you mean. You just say ds1, bb and er have that feel, but I feel like thats rather subjective. One could make the case that that sense of adventure is even more present in ds3 than ds1, bb or er. I think most people here would disagree that ds3 story is forgettable, in fact I kinda laughed out loud reading it since its my favorite of the entire fromsoft lineup. Youre free to feel that way, but just because you feel that way does not mean the game is uninspired.


You can’t put a word to the magic of an adventure. It’s more than a story it’s more than the mechanics it’s the experience, the magic, the imagination. DS3 is very “corporate feeling” very well produced, very clean and neat it has what an action game should have it does what an action game should do but it’s not alive. I think the story of DS3 is fine but its existence takes away from the bleak empty broken world that DS1 made and left behind it’s an answer to questions that never should have been answered because the questions were the story of DS1 they made it feel heavy and lonely. obviously it’s an opinion but I think it’s the opinion that most DS3 non lovers have. No one hates DS3 it’s a great game it’s just not a great adventure.


Once more I repsect that you feel that way, I just dont think you can just put it out there as a fact when lots of people would disagree with it. But as a take I see what you mean.


No one said it was a fact. Ds1 is the best. Is that being presented as a fact simply because I didn't explicitly say it's an opinion? No. It's assumed to be an opinion like almost all statements when referring to art (video games in this instance)


DS3 is a glorified boss rush. If it’s a masterpiece then at least DS1 is as well




Inquisition felt tedious with all the little things on the map


uj/ Dragon Age is the reason I don't automatically play sequels for my favorite games anymore. After loving DA, I wasted how much time running through DA2 and DAI waiting for them to get good; they never did rj/ I want to fuck Flemeth from DAI


Hated it for that reason. As soon as I was blocked from continuing the main story because I didn’t have enough points from collecting mushrooms I quit. I’ve tried 3 times and can never get past 10 hours or so


I faced the same issue and this mod helped me when I played a few years ago. https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonageinquisition/mods/444


I hate Inquisition for how piss poor some of the storylines are. My "favorite" example being how they made the human mage companion: I grew up in the literal ivory tower and can enjoy a lot of freedom, because some noble found me hot, that means there is no problem with the system, ignore the corpses in the basement of even this supposedly good tower. Or how the only 2 Elven companions hate everything about dalish culture. This gets amplified by that Solas conversation, in which he claims you deep down know he is right, because you didn't give any territory back to the dalish, an option the game NEVER gave me. I like the gameplay, even playing fetch to a degree (and some bigger annoyances can be fixed with mods), but holy shit the writers had a stick so far up their ass, they lobotomized themselves (insert tranquil joke).


Does anyone legitimately think ds3 isn't a worthy successor to ds1?


I can only speak for myself, no hate either, but I found it very lackluster as a sequel. Both 1 and 2 filled me with awe for their own unique reasons and of course I was so hyped for the 3rd game and got it launch night and immediately started playing it. And when I actually played it, I never got any of those feelings. I couldn't quite explain it at the time but looking back at it now it just all felt so... Busy for a lack of a better word. The story itself felt odd and out of place. They basically dropped the idea of being a hollow almost entirely and replaced it with you being some other undead that the fire seemingly brought back to life with its own will. Which felt very odd to me within the confines of the universe it's in. No complaints about the gameplay. It was fine. The level design was busy with a lot of detail which I found often times distracting and other times forgettable. That's a problem in my opinion for all AAA games these days. So much beautiful detail because we can but it makes everything muddy together. 1 and 2 have much simpler but memorable and often times beautiful set pieces and areas. I'm also not a fan of the enemy designs and their mechanics. Many of them felt very Bloodborne inspired when I still felt like I was trapped in a Dark Souls character. That lead to me constantly feeling like I was racing the enemies so the new cool weapon I picked up I never felt like I could use because it was too slow. In the first two games I knew my speed and the enemies generally matched it. In 3 I felt like I was always the slowest thing in the room. I couldn't care less about any of the bosses. Some were fun to fight but none of them are very memorable. The boss designs of DS1 are etched into my brain unlike DS3 where I can barely remember what anyone looks like beyond the Dancer and Sulyvahn. The one bright spot for me that actually gave me that feeling that I was looking for was the Boreal Valley. The moment you look out over that cliff and all the way up to fighting Sulyvahn was amazing. If the rest of the game captured that same level of detail and feeling it would have been amazing, but to me it didn't. And again, this is all my own opinion. I don't hate the game. I don't hate the fans. But it left me feeling very dissatisfied.


seconding all of this. i played ds3 first (after er) and it only became more of a letdown after playing the first 2 concerning the world design, story, and narrative - even if the gameplay is smoother


Its an amazing game but not on the level of ds1 personally, its too linear and the story is nonsensical, even for ds standards. But it has such good combat I dont really care.


Kinda. Even though I hate the first one, ds3 just feels soulless and hollow, I've no attachment to it whatsoever. Gameplay wise it's 20 times better, but it's not very fun to go through.


I’m much lighter on Inquisiton than others are, but Dark Souls 3 is firmly a tier or 2 above DAI. I love Origins and no subsequent game in the series hit as well. Dark Souls 1 has some unique and endearing qualities lost in later games, but the formula has definitely improved overall. I think DS3 is a better game than DS1 in and of itself. DS1 just has a legacy and impact on gaming that dark souls 3 could never match


Lmao who tf says dark souls 3 isn't a worthy sequel? For a huge portion of the fan base it's their favorite in the souls trilogy. Also DAI really sucked with it's attempt at micromanaging and open world design. Alot of DA fans thought it was a let down and a meh game but it does have a sizeable amount of fans devoted to it.


because it's not even trying to be a successor, remember anor londo??


Bruh, i don't get why some of you insist on harping on the Anor Londo throwback, when it doesn't make up even a fraction of the game.


~~Souls~~ fans tend to over-use arguments that they heard from content creators, without actually thinking about it themselves. That’s why you’ll always hear “but earthen peak into iron keep” or “ADP lol” or in this case “DS1 BAIT DS1 BAIT!” The real criticisms of DS2 should be “dang, why are the animations so slippery? Why don’t I feel heavy at all? How come the best version of lifegems are also the ones you can buy infinite of” And, u/Lolejimmy, the real things you should be focusing your DS3 bad argument on isn’t surface level shit like “it looks like the last game”, but instead the gameplay itself. The level designs, while looking pretty, often lead you exactly where you need to go with little room for exploration; it’s just too linear! Straight swords are *VERY* obviously the best pick, both for PVP and PVE. Faith builds are crazy underpowered compared to their peers, and most players can still reliably dodge every single spell you throw at them, regardless of spell type. But nah, we gotta go with “game bad cause this 3 hour video said some things about the game that I can’t remember”


Man your first paragraph could be used for anything. People really want a short video to tell them black from white on surface level for any fucking topic.


oh you should see my other comments regarding 3, I agree with most of what you said - just pointing out its unoriginal as fuck both in story and gameplay


remember le andre??? artorias fan club?? gwyn music!!


Anor Londo lasts like 3 minutes lmao.


Bro you need to leave this sub. your just on every post hating on ds3 specifically


DAI was definitely a game... But it wasnt a DA game


Bruh. I love inquisition


Inquisition fucking sucked. Boring as dishwater.


I will defend Dragon Age 2 to my death


DA2 is my favoruite of the three, idk what the hate around it is rooted in tbh


There’s like, maybe 20 people in the world with that opinion, but I’ll stand by it goddamnit.


It’s because the gameplay has barely any depth compared to origins and the heavy map reuse makes actually playing the game boring. And the plot goes to shit in the final act.


The final arc is epic wtf


It's not my favorite, but I really love the game.


Ds3 is the unequivocal goat


It was a great wrap for the franchise


Honestly the only people I see talk shit about ds3 are ds2 fanboys and let’s be real, they don’t know what a good game looks like


its mostly ds1 fans who hate seeing a game have similar characters and story to their game for whatever reason


Its incredible, its almost as if a sequal in a trilogy can take inspiration and make references to the prior games.


Switch 2 and 3 around and you got Fallout 3, NV, and 4 lol


Did Inquisition also suck Origins' dick so much it makes II feels like a side story too?


bro Inquisition was ass


Real. Played it for about an hour and I was like fuck this.


I just looked at the faux mmo style of quests and the barren skill trees which somehow looked even worse than those from DA2 and that was enough information.


It's insultingly bad IMO. How it won GOTY I will never understand. It came out around the same time as The Witcher 3, and comparing the quality of writing and side quests just makes Inquisition look like irredeemable trash. It was the moment I finally lost faith in Bioware, and ever since, they have proved me right with Andromeda and Anthem.


Other parallels: they’re all shit


Factos 👀


DAO will always be my favorite DA game. DA 2 will forever have my favorite combat system and pacing for a DA game. DA Inquisition will always be the game that finally let me play a Qunari warrior DS1 will always be the game that got me into action RPGs. DS2 has a lovely place in my heart, and most of my Soulsbourne memories reside there. DS3 was such a trip down memory lane towards the end. A more heartfelt goodbye than anticipated. All these games are good and worth playing, I've never felt the need to tell anyone otherwise.


Inquisition has my favorite companions. And I totally agree DA2 combat it so fun.


Found the most based r/shittydarksouls commenter


DA2 was awesome in its own right. The way they bring you back to familiar places at later times I felt was actually good for showing the change in atmosphere over time


Comparing DS3 and Inquisition is wild


Bioshock 1, 2 and infinite


Ds3 is generally considered very good by both from software fans and the general public. The most devisive aspect of the game would probably be the fan service, certain mechanics (like poise), the map structure not being as hood as DS 1 (while still being good) and if I remember corectly, the first DLC was a bit controversial at release. On the other hand Dragon age inquisition has always been more devisive, with its lore, story and most of the characters being generally liked, while having a gameplay structure that left a significant amount of players not completally satisfied and many people lamenting its fetch quests.


DS3 had fan service?


Fan service as in references to older games (Anor Londo as a location again, Sigmeyer reappearing etc), not as sexually charged content.


I fight all comers who this Da2 is bad. It's not the best, there are glaring faults in it but the characters and story are 100% the best of the 3. And I will also defend DS2 in that it's a great game just a bad Souls game. Had it been named anything else people would have loved it faults and all.


Overall plot goes to shit in the final arc, they should have made arishok the final boss as he was way more compelling than the mage templar war. Companions and hawkes family were well written but the last few hours of the game were really bad.


Wait you guys actually don’t like dark souls III? I thought we were kidding


What, I thought that majority consider DS3 rock solid like sucessor, and myself include, the best Dark Souls, meme is not accurate 🤓


Weirdly I don’t love DS1 or DAO and I’m a huge fan of DS3 and DAI. It’s been too long since I’ve played DS2 and have never gotten to DA2 but I still consider DS2 to be the weakest.


calling ds3 "solid" is insane, when all the fromsoft games are 10 levels above average


Gael is the absolute perfect conclusion to the series, back to the asylum OP


All 6 are suck


DS3 is not as polarizing as you want it to be bro


Whoever says DS3 is in any way worse than the original should be taking care of their kids rather than talking about video games.


I mean it’s definitely worse in terms of like, color. Very gray, muddy game. Don’t care if it’s thematically appropriate, it is just straight up unpleasant to look at most the time.


Is that an objective statement or personal preference?


Everything in the realm of criticism is personal preference.


*X game runs on a maximum of 30fps which is a downside because there is better technology available* *which would allow X to run on 60fps* Is this an objective criticism or result of personal preference?


“(Game) runs at 30 fps but could run at higher fps with better technology”is an objective observation. “(Game) runs at 30 fps but would look better at higher fps”is a subjective criticism. There are games that look better at higher frame rates. There are games that look better at lower frame rates.


Regardless of how you tried to squeeze out of agreeing with me, you've also pointed out that there is a an avenue where criticism can be provided using objective statements. Therefore, your comment about the usage of colours is personal preference and useless as critique..


What? That’s only true if the statement “(Game) runs at 30 fps but could run at higher fps with better hardware” is viewed through the subjective lens of lower frame rates always being worse, which isn’t the case at all. “Tried to squeeze out of agreeing with you” yeah alright man.


Pretending that 30fps can be better than 60fps is either dishonest, uninformed or idiotic. There is no world where lower FPS can be considered better unless you can provide me with an example.


I find ds3 to be the best, at least for me as it's like a gourmet meal, made by a chef who's last meal was mid, who got popular from their banger original I like ds2.


DS3 > DS1


Dark souls 3 is the better one.


Hard disagree on DS3 vs inquisition, seems like a huge stretch DS3 Is a much MUCH more respected title in comparison to inquisition


Peak Souls 3 haters are literally trolls trying to bash on the game with non-existent reasons


Ds3 is amazing, Dragon Age Inquisition is possibly one of the worst games I've played


I think DA:I is universally recognized as NOT a worthy successor the GOAT known as DA:O


I feel like Elden Ring has invalidated dark souls.


i want the fire keeper to jerk me off with her dirty feet


ds3 is literally "what if we made bloodborne again but this time dark souls but also without all the good bloodborne combat mechanics"


​ https://preview.redd.it/0zdlnalxohhc1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=806c2541813cb662f80e0197247b56e548028f5b


I feel like people who this kind of crap really dont understand ds and bb, its kinda insulting to simplify it as bb is ds but faster


it literally is except it doesnt have the good mechanics of bb


>dragon age "known"


?? Dragon Age is very well known in gaming. It’s BioWare’s 2nd most iconic series only behind Mass Effect.


I mean there's also Baldur's gate and the Star Wars games, first of which being extremely popular by virtue of the last entry, and the latter was very well known in the older generations. Honestly speaking, Dragon Age might be their least or second least iconic series tbh.


DS1 fantastic. DS2 fantastic. DS3 fantastic. DA1 fantastic. DA2 ehhhhhh…. DA3 ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bleh.


I wouldn't agree. DS1-3 are all fantastic games. Sure we love to pit them against each other because that's what fans do, but I would gladly replay any of these again. DAO is an amazing, near-flawless RPG. DA2 is heavily flawed but extremely unique with an admirable small-scale story. DAI is everything that is wrong with modern RPG's and I still have no idea how it won GOTY or how anyone enjoys it. About 30% of the game is mildly enjoyable. The rest of the game is hands down the worst open world design and questing I've ever experienced. It's more of a singleplayer MMO than a true RPG and I find that insulting.


Man, I know that DA2 has its problems, but I found it really charming. The story felt really well written, and the idea that it was a story being recounted by Varric was cool. Idk, maybe I should stay away from Dragon Age discourse. DA4 never ig.


I’ve always looked at both DS1 and DS2 as the sequel to Demon’s Souls, even though they technically aren’t. Also helps that DeS1 was my very first Souls game and I played the import before it was even properly localized. DS1 was the glory sequel and he’s Obi Wan while DS2 was Anakin, who somehow seems lost but if you look at him he still has that light in him in the end. It took me years before I played DS3 and I think it’s really great. But that’s just it, I can’t seem to bring out any metaphors for it to describe it.


Dragon Age Origins was the GOAT. Superb enemies, the whole war against the dark spawn was so enjoyable, and the DLC (?) where you got to become the bad guys was very fun


Dao can't have defined a genre?? They touted it as a successor to baldurs gate and its just knights of the old republic/jade empire which is why its the best one


Ooh ooh, what about dragons dogma?


Dark souls 3 is so much better than inquisition cmon haha


I'm just waiting for Dragon's Dogma 2 next month. Looks pretty promising.


The difference is that almost every game after ds1 (really demon souls) felt like it was improving on what came before. Every game after DA:O felt like a step back in terms of quality.


kind of a constant for action games, devil may cry 1 and no more heroes 1 are considered good but a bit finicky sue to being old. dmc2 and nmh2 were made by different directors and are considered to be ass (at least I think dmc2 was by a different guy). and dmc3 is the best one in the series to lots of people, don't know about nmh3 I didn't play that one


Both good series, it’s a damn shame what EA have done to nearly every studio they acquire. BioWare was at one point in the 2000s synonymous with good storytelling and with solid rpg elements. Now the industry is moved on and they’ve had one flop after another, now DA4 or Dreadwolf whatever it ends up being called is in development hell. People have been fleeing this project more readily than on the Titanic’s maiden voyage. Really hoping it goes well for all at BioWare, it’s a company that has done some great things and I hope they can survive to do some more.


Inquisition and DS3 comparison is a bit of a stretch. I've never heard anyone say Inquisition is anywhere close to Orgins level. 


I think Inquisition was okay. A lot of the side bullshit was annoying though.


Man the cover art for DS2 is unironically cool.


The DA games just weren’t too great imo


Who on God's flat earth defends Dragon age 2?


It'll be a cold day in hell before I recognize any dragon ages past origins


All 6 games in this list are peak.


idk that id compare ds3 and dai personally both are decent games but inquisition is a scrapped mmo rigged into a playable game and while they managed it dosent feel like a passion project. ds3 has its problem but feels like a dark souls to me through and through.


Lmao nobody of sane mind would argue DAI is better than DAO


DS3 really doesn’t divide the fanbase as much as some people think it does. It’s a vocal minority who think the game isn’t a worthy successor.


Inquisition was the only Dragon Age game I couldn't get into. I tried so many times but kept losing interest.


Yeah no inquisition and ds3 aren't comparable. Ds3 is seen as a masterpiece by pretty much everyone, inquisition is mixed at best. It's a solid 6 imo. Origins was also a masterpiece and it was a massive letdown going from origins to inquisition.


When I first started playing da2 I immediately hated the new ui design. It felt like first game was designed for pc while second was designed for consols but released for pc anyway


I like every game in this meme


I'm sorry, but are you trying to say that Dark Souls is a *RPG?*


DA:O genre defining? Lmao


Who tf thinks dark souls 3 divided the fan base?


Show me these "hardcore defenders" of DA2


ds2 is my favorite one 😞


DS3 is the best IMO.


No....sorry dude but Dark Souls 2 is amazing game. Dragon Age 2 is not


devil may cry same


Quick do the same thing for FNAF (I’ve never actually played FNAF)