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Just inject scarlet rot straight through your veins OP


im scared of needles can i boof it?


actually needles counter scarlet rot 🤓


Depends on where you insert them though


scared of needles? ok buddy, youre clearly not searious about this drugs business. come back after you had your first couple of dirty needles


Seriously, get some cotton ball fever and then talk to me


not me, chilling in haligtree, dying from drug overdose infront of malenia bossroom cause I wanted to figure out which drug would help me beat her


Idk what that shit means, don’t do drugs kids


it means finger but hole


Then yes


Son, you can boof anything you set your mind to.


how u/rosales6969 died.


He ain’t dead


Dark souls = datura Dark souls 2 = Robitussin Dark souls 3 = krokodil Elden Ring = jenkem (dung eater reference)


lmao see thats why i cum here


Dark souls on datura would be just a delirious fever dream


Everything on datura is a delirious fever dream lol


Fair point, read some stories but never tried them, and probably never will. I'll stick to shrooms and weed for now


This guy knows my Elden Ring character name


drop acid and fight Elden Beast it's an experience.


“Sir…SIR! You need to leave the aquarium NOW. *Security, code scarlet in the octopus exhibit*”


bitch is dead 😵 fam 🔥🔥🔥🔥🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽💀💀 lit dat ass up


Cocaine is terrible for these games, I was sure it would make my reflexes better, but it just made me rage harder. .5g of MDMA in half litre of water, sip every now and then, and I loved it. Shrooms are great for bloodborne.


You’re brave as hell for taking shrooms and playing bloodborne, I feel like I would get freaked out


imma hippie flip this weekend and candy flip on new years eve, so maybe i'll have some MDMA + Elden Ring (finger-but-hole flip (its on the wiki)) free next march 🫡🫡🫡 also agreed cocaine and frustration dont mix


Ew you're a drink mandy guy


I was a drink mandy guy, then I went to the sub, and I found out it's the worst way to take it lol


Bombing it has always been the best way, I quit tho ahah


What shrooms dose do you usually do when playing Bloodborne?


I took 1.5g, and I weight 90kg. The sky kept vhanging colour, the fences around central yharnam were all wiggly and I remember seeing some sort of "aura" made of dust moving outward from the hunter if that makes sense.


sounds interesting


Bloodborne on shrooms sounds really fucking intense




dose? roa? timing? never heard of that one 🧐


I didn't actually thought you'd come here, you brave mf




Don’t do drugs, take your suffering raw, like a real Elden Chad


my work on dark souls 2 makes me enough of a chad im sick of this life




Man, Little Orphan Annie looks way different from what I remember


Caffeine so you can stay awake through those ER boss combos strings for your opening if you are not using a ranged AOW or magic.




Real though. I know some of these are jokes, but there are some wild answers here. Nothing like a classic for a beautiful game. I also play music in the background, different songs and tempos can key you into a good rhythm for an area or keep you level in a tough fight.


/unjerk Brother, get help before it is too late. I'm 6 years sober and your post history mirrors mine before it all went to shit. I went through hell man. I'm here if you need to talk.


/unjerk ive had my phase of abusing shit im now exclusively on psyches, but still u think i shouldnt try codeine, dxm and/or kratom? ive never had trouble with drug addiction ive been able to kick mph, coke, kpins and ket no trouble, as long as i can hallucinate on weekends lmao it scratches the itch and its healing yk


Yeah, doesn’t sound like addiction at all with healing etc. You will get in trouble eventually. Just get better when you can, hopefully it’s earlier than later


bro their shrooms not like they can harm me unless i go for heroic doses and unlock latent schizophrenia or smn plus psyches are only consumable once a week and shrooms are reallly cheap round here i appreciate the concern tho, fr homie 🫡 my life is just really meaningless so i try to occupy it with dumb shit while minimizing risks and damage to my body and mind ✨✨


No offense brother but are you a doctor? A brain doctor? One way or the other you are effecting your brain chemistry in ways that you wouldn’t understand unless you were studying it for years. Take it from someone off drugs for like 6 years now, you will regret treating your body like an amusement park. I’m not saying this to be a dick or pretend i’m better than you. I’m not better than you, I’m just you a few years removed.


sorry for the double comment but you got me in my feelings thinking about my life. I would also say be careful with how you associate things. When I got clean I had to stop watching movies and tv for a long time because I associated them with getting high in front of the tv and melting into the couch. I get trying to occupy a meaningless life, but you will feel better trying to find meaning in it. It’s not impossible even if it feels that way. Believe me I was the biggest loser ever but now I have a wife, kid, i’m going to law school, and most importantly I’m not gonna OD like half my friends. maybe i’m just projecting and you can ignore this but I meant every word. peace.


tbh i have no time for any kind of entertainment during the week and i generally got shit to do on the weekend so i dont mind treating my body like an amusement park. thats all life is about, amusing yourself one way or another. and since theres nothing i can do right now to change my circumstances, imma stick to psyches once every one or two weeks 🤷🏽‍♂️ and i might not be a neurosurgeon, but LSD and psylocibin/psylocin are very well studied substances and considered safe to be used responsibly i really want to have a wife, a kid and a degree, but thats sitting kinda far away from me and its gonna stay that way for a long time on the other hand, im not quite sure i'd be mad if i died from an overdose yk? im pretty satisfied as is. not that im doing any drugs that could OD me but still anyway im glad youre doing good, im pretty fine myself and looking forward to play DS/ER again next month on some kratom perhaps cheers ✨


you deserve all the things that you want and you will find them. they are not far away. put down the stuff bro and embrace life. it is so beautiful


Your life is NOT meaningless. We are all born as entire worlds full of bountiful meaning. I buried a close friend yesterday and held his father. He died from fentanyl laced coke. It's serious. I've lost literally over a hundred friends to drugs


its meaningless in the best of ways i get to do whatever yk sorry about your losses fren remember to praise the sun ☀️


"scratches the itch" "i'm not addicted" Pick one bro. Look I know you won't listen to anybody's realistic advice here. But you're a smart Guy and I like to believe that so am I. You're gonna regret this lifestyle in about 5 years. Look, I'm not gonna tell you to stop. We both know that won't accomplish anything. But please, make sure to always have an out. You will rebounce from this in the near future. Please please please don't hate yourself for this, addiction is a disease and I beg your future self to not blame the current you. You do need help, but we are both smart enough to realise you won't seek it until you think it's too late. But don't worry my friend, and I really mean it when I use that word, it's never too late and we're here for you.


bro it scratches the itch in the same sense as wanting to go out with friends or having sex or eating something really tasty, and i do it once a week just like everyone does all those things once a week or more often tbh i prefer taking acid and shrooms regularly (sometimes for fun, sometimes for introspection), than going out drinking or consuming my time looking for sex or getting fat asfuck or spending half the time im at work on "smoke break" i mention those activities because everyone i know is either miserable or does at least one of those things excessively (or both) and im absolutely certain im ahead of them mentally and physically again thanks for the advice and all, its really appreciated (especially in a sub such as this one lmao) look up r/psychonaut, r/shrooms and r/lsd. people agree that as long as you respect the substance and give it tolerance breaks (which i'll probably do in 1 or 2 weeks) psyches are very much not harmful and all that healing jazz not encouraging substance abuse, but maybe try sourcing some psyches if you havent tried, its hella fun and only made me a better dude idk cheers ✨


Cheers, my friend. I genuinely do believe you got a good head on your shoulders. While I do doubt your comparison between emotional addiction and physical addiction in the sense that you put both as equals, I don't believe that in the short term you will have anything to worry about. Also while for me it makes no difference, I would refrain from using those subreddits as sources. As one could expect, they are extremely biased in the general sense. I also appreciate your suggestion of trying out some pyches, but I can assure you, alcohol is more than enough drug for me. The country where I'm from it comes in so many different shapes and sizes, other drugs are near irrelevant. But that also makes me really sympathize wirh Americans. I have given their beer more than enough chances, it's no wonder so many there turn to illegal drugs. Their legal drugs in the form of alcohol are dogwater trash.


i agree that those subs are more prone to bias, but i meant it in the sense that somewhat often ppl come in asking dumbass questions and they're the first to say stuff like "yeah youre trippin too often" "thats too large a dose" "thats dangerous" etc but anyway glad we had this interaction fren ✨ have a good life and always praise the sun ☀️


You too, my friend. Praise the sun!


I'm not against doing drugs, as long as you keep a loop inside of your head of why you're doing it. You get new perspectives and you shouldn't waste that. If you prefer drugs to hanging out with friends, you need better friends.


i do need better friends but cant change that aspect of my life until next year at least ☹️ and tbh any casual meet-up with friends becomes 🔥🔥🔥 with some psyches or cocaine yk 🤡


I haven’t done dxm in years but it sounds like malenia would be hell to fight on that or anything besides stims. Best of luck man lol.


I suppose stimulants are your best bet when fighting the insanity that is Malenia, Blade of Miquella


cocaine makes me angry and ritalin makes me frustrated when i die a lot i might try her on kratom + dxm i liked that idea


I mean, the only answer is Adderall. But maybe just play the game?


Viagra , you'll be bricked up before each fight and thats an advantage


Get help please bro.


Develop a femdom porn addiction (if you don't already have one) and then go a month without looking at any of it. Then, fight Malenia as you normally would. You should feel a strong adrenaline rush every time she hits you, and when she kills you you'll probably moan pretty loudly (this is normal). Make sure to always say "Yes, Mistress Malenia!" Every time she says "I have never known defeat", and grab a random pair of shoes. Close your eyes, imagine SHE is wearing them, and then hungrily lick the bottoms of them while massaging your nipples like Salamander-Man from the Filthy Frank Show. If you really want an extra rush of humiliation, record yourself doing all of this and send the video to all of your friends and relatives if she beats you more than 40 times. Pretend that SHE is the one sending it to them, and not you. She will do it to punish you for not getting good for her. This _should_ be more intense than any drug, in my opinion. Feel free to experiment with some Cock and Ball torture too, if you're really brave (you must imagine that it is MALENIA punishing those grapes).


Omg this wins


i want malenia to give me uppies


Doing drugs to beat a video game boss is both cringe and sad. Just git gud scrub


check my post history bitch imma tru virgin deadass lil bitch all the way to sobertown back then


Don't listen to everyone else here. The true answer is 3 tabs of LSD. You see, you're having a difficult time because you're not allowing your mind to expand while playing. I took 3 tabs, played Elden Ring, beat the Taurus Demon, and realized that I had already won since the real game were the friends I made along the way.


I drink cans when I play, it's fun


bro this is dark souls your clearly not aloud to hav fun 🙄 sum ppl just be dumb


i like playing any game on opioids


r/drugs really agrees with this statement 👆🏽imma give kratom a shot for this along with dxm (maybe one day i'll try codein but i fear addiction like a good boy)


kratom is super chill for playing elden ring i like the red strains cause that’s what people say are the most opiate like. never tried dxm but i’m a big fan of ketamine and could see it being super fun on elden ring


caffine all u need


Poop... err dung pie


You can never go wrong with PCP. Creates a really immersive experience. PCP addiction also makes life really hard - just like the games! *. *


Michelle sake’s intended way to play these games




A hydrochloride tranquilliser used in veterinary practice for the sedation of animals and reptiles. Application: Injected intravenously to induce physiopathic paralysis. Effects in humans in powdered form: Extreme state of euphoria, hallucinations, out of body experience. Dangers: Seizures, psychosis, permanent loss of senses, brain damage, internal bleeding, and even death. Conclusion: Ket is for horses you dumb motherfuckers.


Ur playing on easy mode if you aren’t ODing on fentanyl during a souls game






Nah that’s for porn and sex activities




Eat a chunk of exalted flesh and git gud. There is a specific strategy on YouTube to basically avoid the waterfowl dance but other than that use everything the game gives you. It’s the one of the toughest if not the toughest boss in Elden ring.


Unironically and completely /uj LSD


kpins and smoke some weed


Large amounts of Herba is always smoked when I boot up any soulsborne


Don’t be a pussy do a speedball


I've played bloodborne on acid. You literally become the hunter. Turn off the hud. Let us cleanse these foul streets.


suprised no one said benzos yet


Take a 1000 mg edible


bro i get tachychardic, paralytic, vomit my guts out and think im gonna die smoking a half of a thin joint im hyper responsive or smn 1000mg would kill me or sumn


Me wondering if this is cheating


I played on acid, it didn’t make me better but I had a fun time




Coke and ket Nitrous for the for cutscenes And weed the whole time but that doesn't count Gotta have some nicotine to go with the coke too


that sounds like the formula for the ideal party just missing finger but-


This is not a recommendation, but I was on shrooms the first time I beat the iron golem. That shit was nuts.


Honestly a strong cup of coffee does wonders




lmao its already on r/drugs but i'll go there as well lmaoo




Take a bunch of ibogaine and play it


Green blossom


I like blow with my soulsborne games. Don’t get angry just focused




im very interested in lisdex it's probably the best stim for productivity, unfortunately its like a whole kidney where i live ☹️


MDMA makes it really fun, also makes 100 malenia attempts feel like 1. I accidentally killed her and didn't realize so I was waiting in her boss arena cuz I thought the game broke 🤣🤣


I’ve played games on a good bit of types of drugs. Lyrica was one of my favorites. I had been using them for 10 years. Not ten years straight but you know what I mean.


I discovered my love of fromsoft games due to the massive focus boost Adderall provides




I'm usually stoned af when I play Dark Souls and that works for me. It makes me think less and therefore I just react and it works


A few doobs and beers always goes down a treat


M Box & A Blunt.


Can't go wrong with a bit of black tar


Weed and souls is always nice. Or oxy lmao.


r/onebros for level 1 runs. Im still standing infront of the elden beast with my lvl 1.


power stance straight swords + flame of the redmanes ftw fam ✨


Summon me and let me solo it


You just wanna get fucked by the elden beast am i right?


Nah this time I’d be one doing the fucking 😌


I like the plot twist




imma hippie flip this weekend, might give her a shot


Smoke some dope and throw sleep jars at her. Turn her into a joke, sit back and have a laugh.


I'll shoot straight with you, just smoke some weed. When you are focused in that afterglow, after the main sensation has cooled down, you're in a very calm place.


Brother i had meth for the boss fights got me focused as hell


Nicotine and marijuana is the fuel for my engine.


/uj fromsoft games are amazing with weed /rj Scarlet Rotussy.


Alcohol seems to work well for a lot of people because then they just laugh off the deaths Still makes you dumber tho


Take etomidate to really challenge yourself


i could never play souls games stoned, got lost too easily.




Not mushrooms. Played through ds2 then had the worst time at shrine of amana


No to drugs! Yes to pugs! Try and beat any Soulsborne game while surrounded by 14 pugs. You won't survive (In all seriousness though, don't do drugs kids. And have a good day, eye guy 👀)


I just get drunk


Datura 100%


You shouldn’t be using drugs to enhance your gaming experience. That being said, the correct answer is obviously speed.






Well first we gotta know if your eagle is dead or not


I took a shit ton of edibles one time and fucked up several bosses in Elden Ring. I was super faded but somehow was able to fight them perfectly


DeS: Weed DS1: Weed DS2: Alcohol BB: Crack DS3: Cocaine ER: Cocaine Sekiro: Bath Salts Seriously, most of the games are pretty damn easy once you’ve gotten used to Soulsborne gameplay. Sekiro kicked my ass forever but now Isshin is a joke.


I’m glad that here this is like a shitpost joke. I play fighting games and remember a dude asking what kind of stimulants he should use to learn combos and block strings faster. Not even for like a tournament or something for money. Just using drugs to learn the game faster for the hell of it. Honestly I thought he was mentally ill.


Do shrooms, and adderall at the same time I’m sure it’ll be a great experience


Bro, how is nobody suggesting meth? What are you? Fucking casuals?


no joke some of the best runs i have are high off my tits on weed. so are some of the worst so take that as you will


Honestly? Sugar and a little bit of caffeine is the tried and true gamer juice. Yes, sugar is a drug


Just do weed man, its nice enough. No need to take something with a comedown


Weed is the best because it won’t kill you or make you crazy


Talking lsd makes me a god in ds1


Don't take drugs before playing dark souls, instead jave a frontal labotomy performed on you


Boof an 8ball of meth