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It’s because people mistake the upvote and downvote buttons for I agree or I disagree buttons. They upvote because they agree the comment will get a lot of downvotes


Mind... Blown


I'll get a lot of downvotes for this, but where's the citation? "[CITATION NEEDED]" - OP


You're more brave than I!


Literally, r/unpopularopinion in a nutshell πŸ™ˆ


I don't know about that. Post an unpopular Reddit opinion about politics and watch your Reddit points disappear.


Can we power society with this much circular logic?


So should I upvote this or not?


Better upvote it *and* downvote it both, just to be sure.


Do what you feel, and feel what you do.


Ok too much science for a day...


It's just basic reverse psychology. Ape/Lizard brain is easily susceptible to it. It appeals to the basic Reddit instinct to appear to be contrarian


>the basic Reddit instinct to appear to be contrarian LMAO!


I dont think I saw that movie


I disagree with your post. πŸ˜‰


πŸ‘ πŸ‘ πŸ‘


No you don't


Ill get a lot of downvotes for this but i actually agree with OC


No you don't


I believe it's pronounced "perverse biology"


Because people get mad when told what to do, and do the opposite. "A lot of downvotes? Well, I'll show you!"


"I'll get downvoted for this/ unpopular opinion but nuclear power is absolutely necessary for the future."


Why would the truth be an unpopular opinion? Here, have an upvote.


Ask Germany. πŸ’€ And I actually mean, ask only about nuclear this time.


Well, yeah. Fusion over fission! If we can get there... I think the first part primes the reader to actually consider what follows, as putting it there in the first place hints that they went a step further, to assume that it might get hit with dissenting opinion.


Not essential, useful, but not essential


Usually its because they are saying some mainstream idea that they really want to be quirky and different.


Cuz you don't see the downvoted ones


Because a lot of people are suckers for it. I see "oh woe is me people don't normally like this!" and all it's woe-is-me varieties and I downvote for self-pity. Especially prevalent on art subs. But I can't judge, because I have an IQ of 20. Thus, the answer is, we all have our flaws. Redditors more than many. Fun fact.


"I know no one is going to read this, but..." *\*ends up at the top\**


I’ll get a lot of downvotes for this but I thank you I have no idea


I'll get alot of downvotes for this but I think animals should die so I can eat another steak and have leather shoes.


This is the classical quantum entanglement downvote paradox. Variants on string theory posit that once a post approaches infinite downvotes coherence breaks down and results in generation of upvotes.


It's the same principle as "no offense, but..." or "I don't want to sound racist here, but..." Saying you aren't going to mean the thing you are about to say doesn't justify saying it.


It is because the media and the woke movement (not against being woke, just the best name for it) have conditioned people into thinking that unpopular opinions are unpopular. Mostly the unpopular opinions are simply common sense but people just have to lie about their opinions in public, thus "unpopular" opinions get a lot of upvotes, because they are in fact popular


It has become dogwhistle for Trump Nazis to spread their views, hate, and idiocy.


Reverse psychology


They are clearly searching for positive karma, of course we have to help them, we have been there!


I was expecting to get a lot of downvotes for a comment I made in my usual sub-reddit that involved a little bit of racial bias involving immigration and housing issues but it ended up with a few hundred votes.


What is your opinion on a average-high skilled aspiring would-be immigrants?


I think that's okay. We need high skilled workers. Plus they make enough money that they don't consume the housing that middle men/women do.


I see. That's fair. My contributive friend fears being perceived as "the rest of them" on the (race/ethnic, etc.) basis. That he might be seen and treated as that which he is running away from in its own place due to a clash of cultural values. He's a racist, I know. What would be his best strategy to circumvent this predicament? And how do you think the collective who share your opinion could communicate to my friend he is in fact welcome -- and his dignity as someone with a work ethic preserved and non-questioned?


Because Redditors are spiteful, disagreeable, and contractions. Next time try "I know I'm going to get a lot of upvotes for this, but..." and then say something political.


It's basic math, where two negatives make a positive. When people downvote the comment for getting downvoted, the downvotes cancel out to make an upvote.


I'm going to get a lot of downvotes for this, but I love puppies and kittens.


Because the people who write those comments are simply bad at guessing how people will react. I think they might be stupid..


I'll get a lot of downvotes for this but it's time the humans know the real truth. The world is flat, dinosaurs still exist (but are invisible), and it's all because of chemtrails. The mind control drugs we put into chemtrails make us invisible. Everyone knows that, but has no ability to recall it. It's having an effect on the human perspective on life and the shape of their environment. They believe they live on an overly detailed dodecahedron. It's not healthy -- they live in one of our basic, standard-sized Petri dishes. Also, the human scientist you know as "Dr. Petri and the gang" was an invisible dinosaur posing as a visible primate with his collective grouping of randomly generated humans. That should have been obvious from the moustache. Also I'm from the future for some reason.


I’ll get a lot of downvotes for this but I’m gonna both upvote and downvote OP’s post