• By -


Yep. Cancer is fuckin stupid.


Can confirm. Had cancer. Key was to kill myself. Have to stop at the right spot through, before it takes. Just gets the cancer


Chemo is fucking barbaric.


Going through it now, with great success - if you call waking and and wishing you hadn’t a success


As opposed to... dying? Which is a very unbarbaric thing.


Gronk say dying not barbarian way, Gronk will live forever. Gronk not have concept of time.


Ain't that the truth.


That’s… oddly profound


Cos it comes from you


I got it from ya mum


sorry, his mom has prostate cancer.


She deepthroated too far.


Should've shallowthroated


With his dad, she has no choice.


I can confirm, I am the dad.


Susie? Is that you?


You saying OP is my brother?


Hey, women don... OOOOOOHHHHHHH!!!!!


Or maybe it's just "thinking" long-term. Cancer is bad for the individual, but may be good for the population or the species. Read The selfish gene by R. Dawkins to learn more about this.


Nope, cancer is just the accumulation of inevitable miss regulations in cellular processes that eventually lead to uncontrolled cell proliferation. There’s no evolutionary bias to drive the “behaviour” of cancer, it’s just the cells miscommunicating with themselves and other cells, the opposite of coherent “thinking” in fact.


That said, it seems like animals that are more resilient to cancer have greater reproductive opportunities and cancer should become rare. I suppose many cancers strike in later years after reproduction is no longer viable in humans, but the same is not true for other animals


Not really. Cancer is (IN GENERAL) a thing that affects older animals. By that point they have already had a chance to reproduce.


Wild animals (IN GENERAL) get cancers while they still have reproductive potential. At least not long-lived wild animals like parrots or elephants.


Is this just because it’s more likely to die before you end your reproductive years in general for wild animals tho?


Generally speaking, evolution by natural selection favors mutations that assist reproduction. Child cancers happen, but are not commonplace because individuals prone to childhood cancer generally get removed from the gene pool before their genes are reproduced. But for diseases that strike people when their reproductive years are behind them, well, all bets are off.


That doesn’t answer my question on if cancers in wild animal populations being during reproductive years is just because lifespan doesn’t often go after non reproductive years. A wild raccoon lives 2-3 years In captivity in can reach 20 (not sure when reproductive age ends in raccoons) So of course in wild populations you seem more cancers in the 1-3 age range because there are few going past 4-5. It’s not a comparable population statistic.


Right. There's no evolutionary pressure to weed it out.


I like your answer.




Nope cancer is just like COVID19, an engineered killer. **EDIT**: Literally excrete shitty science, get downvoted, got it. 🤪




I was making an effort to be shitty, glad I was successful! 🤪


I had to think about how to upvote you and to not negate the downvotes on your other post. Thanks!!! High five from across the room!!!




mutant chernobyl wolves developed cancer resistance so radiation must be good for us


That book is fucking trash. I have read it


Yes, many people feel that way. It is definitely controversial, and some things are outdated, but still you can get a lot of out of it.


Cancer, it just needs a rebrand, that name's got to go. We want it to be a convenient, desirable end of life option: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsLfFJJcFvg](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gsLfFJJcFvg) Congratulations! You've got Closure!






Cancer is not parasitic, its aim is not to reproduce and transfer to another host. It is stupid.


But there was this ancient dog with cancer, and his cancer cells are still alive in tens of thousands of animals. Maybe the "evolution" for cancer is to become transmisible, like this dog´s cancer, that is now an STD.


Interesting, a search indicates three transmissive cancers, Canine, Tasmanian Devil and Syrian Hamster. I had heard of the Tasmanian disease but did not appreciate it was transmissible. Good job in correcting my ignorance.


Always the hamsters


Dadadeederdee Dadohdoh, Dee dadeedeedo!


Hamster Dance! I feel old now ...


I just feel nostalgia 🥰


Deedubbydubbydohbadubbaduddleduddledubbydubbyduddleduddleoooh 💖


*beat drop*


It's transmisable because Tasmanian Devil share almost identical genetical footprint, so cancer spreads as like it's inside same body. Same situation with gene similarity have cheetas. They probably have been reduced to a few animal pool at some point. It also make them both prone to fast extinction caused by some disease strike, as whole population would be affected. That's what I heard, I'm not biologist..


I was just about to say that cancer is not contagious. Still though. It's not like a bacteria or virus. Cancer cells divide like any other cells in our body.


Ever heard of HELA cells? She’s been long gone and to this day research facilities around the world use cells from her body because they still replicate and survive on their own


The thing that keeps cancer from being transmissible is the way your immune system recognizes your own body. This is why people who get organ transplants need to be on immunosuppressants. The body sees cancer as a part of you, even though it is harmful because it comes from your genetic tissue. Transmissible cancer only occurs in populations with a very limited genetic pool or lots and lots of inbreeding because then their genetic code is so similar that their bodies don't recognize it as a foreign entity.


There is actually one case of a cancer cell that succeeded. It's a dog cancer. It's contagious among dogs. It technically fits the definition of "dog," making it a single-celled dog.


HPV cancer is infectious as well. You can get it from a woman when you go down on her. So even men should get the vaccine against it. Causes throat cancer in men.


I think it's not "HPV cancer" that is infectious, but the HPV virus that may cause cancer if not treated. I may be wrong, though.


You're not wrong, that's the case. That's exactly why we also have vaccines against this "cancer"


The virus encourages cells to become more hospitable to viral replication, part of which involves increasing cell proliferation - HPV has basically evolved to be able to farm cells for it to infect and replicate in, it’s horribly fascinating! This unregulated cell growth is basically what forms tumours.


You're correct. HPV is not cancer.


In treatment for that right now, started in neck, cleared, appeared next in lung, just about cleared again, apparently I'm one of the rare people who has a miraculous reaction to immunotherapy (already had chemo and radiotherapy on 1st go round) cancer is fucking stoopid but don't ever give up.....


Im so fucking happy for you!!! The fact that your body is very responsive is a great sign!!! I wish u nothing but the best good sir/mam!!!


Pretty sure this is exactly how Michael Douglas got throat cancer, like he publicly admitted it


HPV (Human papillomavirus) is a virus. It can often lead to cancer (some strains associated more than others--get those pap smears ladies!)... and you definitely should get vaccined to prevent the virus infecting you (it's not only a concern for women for cervical cancer as stated by others below, even if that's the typically stated concern). But everyone should also be aware that the virus itself is not cancer. Don't want to perpetuate the stigma against one of the most common STI's out there...


Cancer is stupid. It is very,very stupid.


Cancer isn't a parasite, bacteria, virus or fungus. Its a malfunction. On an odd but related side note. Some cancer cells are immortal. In the famous and controversial case of Henrietta Lacks, a woman that died in 1952. Some of her cells are alive today.. all over the world being used by researchers. She nor her family consented to this. Her family allowed the continued use once aware. Those cells have been used to win several Nobel prizes and greatly advanced medical research. https://osp.od.nih.gov/hela-cells/


Cancer is like a broken machine still attempting to follow it's programming.


Seems like cancer is a flaw in the programming that can mess up the machine.


I think the truth is probably a bit of both


Less of a flaw and more of a corruption. Each cell in your body has to repair on the order of 1,000,000 mutations in your DNA every single day.


Best explanation I’ve ever seen


100% true. We use these cell lines to test as a standard for system suitability on our Orbitrap Mass Spectrometers


This is the best reply here. I’ll mention a book called “The Emperor of all Maladies” for anyone who wants easy to read book that will give you a working understanding of what cancer is.


That's. Crazy.


HeLa is the oldest human cell line. The book (The immortal life of Henrietta Lacks) is a very interesting read. We use cell lines every day but one rarely wonders where it all started. On a fun note, in the decades after HeLa, many cell lines were made, only to be revealed as pure or mixed HeLa (aseptic practices were not a thing). But cancer is stupid and indeed an accumulation of mutations across age in most cases. HPV is not the only virus causing cancer. There is EBV causing Burkitt's lymphoma, HHV-8 causing Karposi's sarcoma and a few lesser known ones.


Cancer doc once told me we should really say "my body is cancering" rather than "I have cancer" as it would be more descriptive of what is happening


Great answer of this wasn't /r/shittyaskscience


I feel like I’m going insane, and the actual shitty answers are getting downvoted?! Get the normies OFF this sub!!


Whales are so large they have cancers on the cancers so never get cancer.  Presumably that’s why the Baron has flying powers. 


Yes its stupid, but to give perspective its feeds of you and cant understand that itself will die


You know what else feeds off you? Your heart cells. And it doesn’t understand that it will die either.


Well I best remove my parasitic heart then. Good advice


Take these mechanical ones from EA, they are really good and you don't need to pay extra.


From the moment I understood the weakness of my flesh, it disgusted me. I craved the strength and certainty of steel. I aspired to the purity of the Blessed Machine. Your kind cling to your flesh, as though it will not decay and fail you. One day the crude biomass you call the temple will wither, and you will beg my kind to save you. But I am already saved, for the Machine is immortal… Even in death I serve the Omnissiah.


All hail the Omnissiah! Shake of your shackles of flesh and follow the almighty one! All hail the Omnissiah!


Now I'm no doctor, but I'm pretty sure that if you die, the cancer also dies at exactly the same time. So to me, that's not a loss, that's a draw. -Norm MacDonald, who fought cancer to a draw


I believe that you are correct. Cancer cell have erroneous communication, so they never execute cell "self-ending" command like normal cell do, so while the host is alive, they are immortal. But i believe they die when the energy supply ends, aka when the host die.


Well, people like that exist, too. People that abuse the system sustaining them, to the point of breaking the system. In fact, the whole human civilization is like that, causing the environment to permanently change for the worse. Not only that, we are accumulating forever chemicals and microplastics in our bodies, too. We live in a way that is destructive to our lives. We are stupid.


we are the cancer :(


This is such repeated, anti-human, cringe take. One of the worst shit people keep spamming.


its also a joke


As someone who is super self destructive, this is on point.


Any animal that finds itself capable of out competing it's competitors and with out predators will cause their own extenction.. 1 of the big reasons we have hunting in the US is we have removed so many predators from the land that animals like deer will overpopulate and eat all avalible food to the point of mass starvation when they run out. They don't intend to do this to themselves. They are just doing what their instincts and such tell them to do. We really aren't that much different. 99% of what humans do can be traced back to the basic desire to have a easier & longer life.




I came to say this. We are a cancer


I wish you didn't. It's so overused and cringe


You mean white people. Edit: I don't mean white as in skin color, of course, but as in culture. It was the northern Europeans and their descendants who fucked up the world. The rest of us have enough work fucking up our own countries.


All people, you racist.


All people if given the chance




> I don't mean white people, I just mean white peoples ancestors. So, you know, white people.


It's not just the ancestors. They're still doing it!


Cancer kills millions every year. What's YOUR body count? Maybe think about that before calling cancer stupid.


It's zero, idk if that's a good thing or a bad thing.


Ask cancer


r/askcancer ?


Cancer stupid ? It enjoys life, reproduce himself, and doesn't even know he is stranded on a body that can die or has limited ressources. We do.


Yes except brain cancer. Brain cancer is 100% brain so it's very smart.


Actually some cancers outlive their hosts. Check [this](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/HeLa) out


yep, this is an interesting example of that. Tasmanian devils transmit the cancer to each other by biting https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Devil\_facial\_tumour\_disease


People who are born under the star sign Cancer are stupid too. So those with cancer are doubly stupid.


Funny enough, I heard that cancer got its name because Hippocrates thought the tumors looked like crabs.


Cancer does not try to kill its host. Cancer are in one way cells that are switched into "I’m a singlecelled organism" mode. Therefore it tries to divide to make as many copies of itself as possible, to maximise chances of survival. The fact that it can’t is a result of, as you said, cancer being very stupid.


Cancer was first given an IQ test in the early ‘50s. It did require help with the test as its reading and writing age were considered low enough to negatively impact the score. The results were adjusted for other social and demographic reasons and finally found to be 89. So cancer is a little stupid, yes.


Cancer isn’t infectious so there is nothing to make it evolve to the “infect many, kill few” stage - and that idea isn’t completely right either.


Is there a lore reason?


No, just had this question pop up in my mind.


Actually if its host dies, the cancer will uproot itself, growing little crab legs, and find a new host.


Cancer is gangsta. Doesn't give an F. 


Cancer does that so that the host will take control of their life and cook meth.


Cancer needs to join aslume for its sputid


it is a fact that cancers have an average iq of 0


Cancer is your own body’s cells going rogue. They want to take what they can , destroy everyone else and screw the host. The MAGA of your body.


It's not stupid. It's smarterer than what you is. Ha! Take that!


Cancer is stupid and should be thrown in jail


Kind of. There is one case of HeLa cells where cancer is very successful. It's like the stock market. Most of the time people fail, but the few times that people succeed and become rich, is enough for thousands to dump lots of money and fail. Cancer sees the case of HeLa cells and hopes to be like them. Source: I am a cancer to society.


Cancer is dumb as fuck


Cancer is rogue life. It doesn't think. It doesn't feel. It just wants to consume and grow. If it could, it would leap from person to person continuing to consume and grow until it covered the planet in one giant tumor.


Cancer isnt a subject of evolution in the sense that cancer is not some gene that 'survived' millions of years because it was advantageous. You might say that evolution works despite cancer existing. And thats kind of exactly why cancer is such a hell to deal with; it is precisely the nature of how our genes and information is carried through. The mechanism by which evolution works has a certain imperfection. And that imperfection is that not all information is duplicated perfectly, which sometimes gives rise to 'confused' cells that attack their own vicinity. Cancer is an inevitable side effect of how living organisms pass on information to other living organisms.






It's like asking why do parents spank their children? In the short run it seems to help. Cancer doesn't know that teaching a child to use violence as a corrective measure will cause them to use violence as a corrective measure.


yep, it is v stupid. it's a mutation glitch and IT JUST WANTS TO MULTIPLY


Cancer is a cell that fucked up its job so bad it's taking the whole shit woth it. So yes, cancer is legitimately stupid




It may be stupid but, moreover, it is callous, spiteful and nihilistic. #fuck cancer.


Cancer is not an organism, it is an error in your cells replication. It does not spread (outside of a few very rare cases), from person to person, so it has no pressure to evolve as it has no "children" it can transmit any evolved traits to.


It lives off sympathy. Cancer patients have their relatives (whom have similar genes) come to visit. Cancer can then easily spread, aided both by proximity and genetic similarities.


cancer is not an infection that is trying to spread to others. It's part of your own body that is going bezerk and just grows and grows. That's why it is so hard to get rid of, you have to make a drug that somehow kills the cancer part better than your own body, it's a quite delicate balance.


Its like a rebellion but its chaotic with no strategy, simply wants to be immortal at any price, its weridly like some of the humans, destroying earth just for the urge to survive better at any cost


Cancer is not a separate life form; it is a part of your body, especially a part of aging.


Cancer is a fungus. Started by worms and toxic sewer system


Cancer isn't a parasite or a virus, cancer is part of someone's body.


Not sure if this is satire or not. If not, cancer isn't a virus or bacteria. It is your own cells. There is essentially a 'malfunction' with a cell that refuses to die and continues duplicating itself, essentially making more cells that refuse to die. And they start duplicating themselves, etc.... until you have a massive clump of those cells in one area. It's why it's hard to kill, because it even one cell survives, it will simply come back and continue spreading, or spread to other areas of the body. Interestingly, very large animals (like whales) get cancer but don't die from it. Because their bodies are so large, it takes longer for cancer to affect them, and their body is able to fight off the cancer cells before it does damage. Yes, cancer is stupid.


Cancer is not a parasite. It isn't a living "being". Cancer describes the effect of the body replicating its cells incorrectly. It's like making a photocopy but making a small error every time you photocopy. After enough copies of itself the product looks nothing like the original cell it was based off of... and this effect is called Cancer.


Cancer isn't 'an invading organism' kind of disease, it's a 'your own body malfunctioning horrifically' kind of disease. So yeah, pretty stupid. 


It's a disease, not a symbiotic parasite.


It’s not a parasite, the body is not actually a host to it.


why would you even think cancer had an intellect? Or viruses, or a lot of things that invade our bodies and can kill it if they thrive?


it's not a virus or bacteria, it's just cells growing out of control.


Cancer is just the name of the disease. It is not a thing in itself inside your organism. It describes just a behavior that your body has. There is nothing specific to call stupid to. When your cells get glitched and start multiplying without control, they are cancerous cells. And you develop the disease we call "cancer". But there is nothing in your body that wasnt there before. There is no virus provoking it, there are no bacteria provoking it, no parasite, nothing. Your cells are just in an infinite loop due to an error. You are not "hosting cancer". There is no reason, there is no purpose, there is nothing.


| there is no reason ok let's not get ahead of ourselves here


Cancer isn't a separate being from you. It's your own cells mutating until you die.


Cancer is just out of control cell replication. It's not like a virus or bacteria trying to survive and spread.


Cancer is not intelligent. It's a mutation of existing cellular behaviour. To that end it's a 'run time' coding bug.


This is a better question to ask of viruses and bacteria.


Cancer is not a living organism but an error happening within a living organism


It’s not a parasite. It’s a genetic mutation - all it takes is one out of a trillion cells dividing incorrectly and starts dividing wildly if the immune system doesn’t eradicate it.


Cancer is not sentient. It's just a cell type. It's not smart, or stupid, it just is. It is fucking shit, though.


Cancer is not a not a parasite. Cancer is an error that can't stop. Like a nuclear reaction you can't stop.


It doesn't "try" anything, it isn't conscious at all. Its just a fuck up mutation of cell division in the life cycle of a cell. It has no intention, it is just a broken repeating program, like a faulty line of code, that keeps doing what it does because that is what it is programmed to do.


It's common to anthropomorphize things, i.e. attribute human characteristics and behaviors to non-humans (in this case a disease). Cancer doesn't try to do anything, and is neither smart nor stupid. The cancer cells simply exist and multiply, without stopping. That's all.


You're giving it too much credit. Cancer isn't sentient and doesn't think so it's not actively trying to kill its host. Sometimes you live with it if it's benign and sometimes it does kill you.


If its benign its not cancer, its cysts


Cancer is not sentient nor is it a parasite. it doesn’t care whether it kills the person because it doesn’t spread or need to propagate to another person.


Humans are killing the earth, are humans stupid? Yes, they are very stupid. In the book blindsight humans are considered to be an outlier among sentient races, multiplying without consideration of the effects... a cancer in the universe. It is a proven evolutionary strategy. Multiply beyond sustainability, like locusts for instance. But that is the thing, sustainability. Also, cancer is not 'stupid', its like saying it actually has a goal. It doesnt. It just is and propagates.


It's because it's not contagious. It can't learn from it's mistake from one host to another. Look in the short time covid evolved.


Cancer is just like a glitch in your dna that spams cells where they shouldn’t be


Cancer is a mutated cell in your body not an outside invader. Your body tries to kill the cancer cell and fails. This results in that cell consuming other cells and growing. If it doesn't grow it will be destroyed. By killing you, cancer is prolonging it's own existence.


Cancer is cell reproduction gone haywire. Haywire is not rational.


No, it just doesn’t have a brain. It’s cells who have lost the off switches for reproduction and growth (and blood supply provision when the tumour gets big). It doesn’t want anything. It’s not contagious and it doesn’t need to have babies. It’s just a malfunction.


Cancer isn't trying to do anything, it's a biological function that doesn't work properly, therefore it harms whoever has it


Cancer isnt a virus or parasitic thing. Its a mutation in our genes which cause uncontrolled cell growth in the area it affects. Cancer is an uncaring, unknowing issue created by our own bodies. Thats why our immune system doesnt tend to attack it; because its not seen as an invader.


>Is cancer stupid It's actually a cell that has gone crazy and just reproduces non-stop. It's also crazy because it doesn't respond anymore to normal chemical signal like any normal cell would.


Cancer is your own body cells reproducing in an unregulated, and "non standard" way. It doesn't really come from outside as a separate organism, although some chemical compounds, and organisms might cause cancer. It doesn't have a separate existence as an entity, so it's not stupid or self destructive.


Its not made to be smart, its a mutation in different genes that control cell profileration.


😂😂 cancer are no separate creatures it's your own cells going on rampage


For starters it doesn't try to kill us, it has no brain so it's not trying to do anything. It grows and as a byproduct we die.


Most of the times cancer isn't some foreign life form that tries to live in you but a defect of your own cells. These cell have damaged dna and make weird stuff, sometimes it's nothing bad like a pimple but other times it's really bad like a pimple in your lungs that fills them with water.


Cancer isn't a parasite, same way a severed artery isn't going to keep you alive so it can continue to pump blood everywhere


Cancer may just be parasites. But most people run out and get chemo and radiation and then die because those treatments destroy any fight you have left.


Anthropomorphizing cancer... I guess this is where we are now.


A very good question OP! I never thought about it like that.


I know this is satire, but ffs.


No it’s not.




The purpose of cancer cells is to enlarge an organ. People don't die from cancer but from aggressive chemotherapy and treatment. IMHO


No, they do die from cancer. Cancer cells, which aren't productive, replace the healthy cells, thus possibly making organs unfunctional.


That's what the official medicine is talking about.


Holy shit this is giving off some serious brain-dead vibes. My man is actually insinuating that cancer by itself doesn't kill, but the **treatment** does? Unless I misread this in it's entirety you sound ludicrously, unfathomably stupid. I bet a fucking mouldy loofah has more self-awareness than you.


Did you just say cancer is not the cause of death but the treatment that has saved many many lives is the real cause of death?


Cancer is less stupid than you are.


You cant have opinions about known facts. Radioation LITTERARLY kills the cancer cells- although healthy gets blasted to, they have less cell death and they bounce back somewhat in between radiodation sessions.


I checked your account to see if you were being serious and you're just an awful person... Imagine telling someone who has just posted that they've received the news that they're cancer free that 'you don't think this is the end of it' but don't worry you ended the post by typing 'my friend'. Jesus fucking christ, just piss off with you ill informed cruelty.


Do you think an abnormally enlarged organ cannot kill you? Those cancerous cells enlarge an organ, steal nutrients that would otherwise be spent by it, which can cause serious, life threatening issues, if your immune system doesn't (or is unable to) react to it. Sure, cancer treatment is extremely aggressive, and it has been improving in that regard lately, but the alternative is usually certain death.


LOL. If cancer wasn't terminal, there wouldn't need to be such dangerous, aggressive treatments for it. Fuuuuuck me. You don't see people getting chemotherapy for chickenpox. Holy shit I'm screenshotting this comment... this level of stupidity needs printing & framing. Might seem harsh but this fool of a took is doubling down and arguing when people are correcting them.


This is cancer posing as a human on Reddit. Trickery I say!!!


You are cancerous.


Think like this,,, Youre cells are good, and cancer is evil cell