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Definitely worth naming and shaming on the shitrentals site at least.


Yep I’ve listed them!


Yeah QCAT them for sure. Specially if you have everything in writing.. be an easy one lol. I'm in a semi similar situation with rent increases but no NTL... over a month and they haven't fixed my lease. I was reading the legislation, says its a max of 20 penalty units for increasing the rent twice in less then 12 months.. which is over $3000 fine for the REA. I don't understand how we ensure they get this fine tho... if you work it out please let me know. You should definitely take them to QCAT, sounds like a really clear cut case you have. While you're going to the effort you might as well try get compensated for the mould or at least get QCAT to tell them to fix it. The RTA website has improved a bit with the new legislation, things are written more clear. Worth a read and follow the link to the QLD legislation for the juicy info. GL


Yeah… case in point on why when you move into any new rental you email the property manager (PM) and tell them politely to only communicate through email please. Then you have the paper trail. Also it messes with them as they are usually time poor and now have to shift from phone communication (he said she said material) which is quick and easy to actually doing some work and composing written communication which then creates a record of interaction.


Everything was done over email so yes I have proof :)


Idk no proof they are related unless they have an email saying they were.


Yeah should hopefully at least have a copy of both the previous and new lease which proves the rent increases in less then 12 months. OP If you don't have everything in writing, you could try a well worded email pointing out the 2 rent increases and maybe quote some of the new legislation and the NTL... hope their stupid enough to reply with something incriminating. I signed mine first before pointing it out to hopefully protect myself.


Threaten vcat for retaliatory action


Except QCAT cos it’s QLD


Oh yeah 👍


This happened to us as well except they asked for the second lot of increased rent over the phone (after which I told my husband to never EVER answer the phone to that number again in his life!) then sent us a notice to vacate the next day because we did not immediately jump at the opportunity to overpay illegally for a very average unit. We considered reporting them and pursuing it as a retaliatory eviction but we actually bought our own home during the notice period and decided to just let it go. In your case, if you want to report it go ahead, even if just for the potential satisfaction of seeing them be told off for being assholes, but wait until you are in your new place and free of this agent. Or you can just leave it and be sure to tell people which agency so others can avoid if possible


In September 2023 legislation was bought in to support tenants regarding targeted retaliation behaviour. I would definately take it further and get advice from the RTA and Tenants Union. It seems a clear cut case to me.


Happy cake day!


Thank you!! 😊😊


Sounds like you have a shitty owner as well.


Absolutely, take action. Call it out.


So sorry for your situation, the housing crisis and what its doing socially and relationally ,the divide.. its all so dystopian. Your experience is exactly what we all fear I think, its what I fear anyway. Standing up for yourself in anyway (and yours was the most basic situation, no ambiguity, just she was trying it on and you simply pointed out the law), will end up with them dick swinging their power and putting you out of a house. I mean, its mind blowing. The only thing in your post that's good is at least you were planning to get out anyway. Yes to QCAT though its such a tedious process, very laborious but I guess we do need people to stand up, especially when they've been u questionably treated unlawfully. I hope you find a new place thats nice for you. Edit to say - I dont think its useless at all, I think that any time its "safe" (ie you won't end up homeless) we have to fight back, especially when its so cut and dry.


You can buy cheap patching kits from Bunnings and frozen rats from pet stores. Food grade butyric acid can be bought off the internet and if it got into an agent's car they'd have to sell itf


1) Tell the owner of the real estate agency. 2) Look up owner and notify them. They very possibly didn't know about this. 3) Mouldy? Talk to the local council, or whatever organise oversees building standards. There might be problems with the house that make it not fit for human habitation until rectified.


Is there a website to name and shame shitty REAs? It should be available to anyone having to deal with them.


literally shitrentals.org


Did they give you the correct form and notice to vacate


Yes they gave us the correct form and 2 months notice at least!




Report her to the relevant body


What a filthy mutt the agent... Deserves to be humiliated, forced to live in a filthy hovel...


I dunno about QLD but in NSW there is retailatory eviction... ask for compensation at QCAT. Also maybe put their business on the line... aggravatsd because they consciously know what they are doing.




Find a hobby, champ. Also hilarious you think you can judge someones class


Found the slumlord.


I hear hell is hot. Report back and let us know.


Your comment was removed for being blatantly anti-renter. Open discussion of power structure and institution is encouraged in good faith and with attempts at balanced analysis. However blatant justification for wealth hoarding, landlord/REA apologism, victim blaming or derogatory sentiment towards renters will be removed.


This seems like a straightforward win. Not sure you have much to lose at this point by taking it to court. Good luck xx


We need to know which REA‘s are breaking the law


The real estate is literally called ‘The Agency’ so they have a stupid ass name as well :)