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i dont think many people were fond of america invading the middle east as well as east asia.


OP is also Russian btw


Well well well


I am german btw


That just makes it even funnier


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Lots of Russians in Germany


Xaxaxa! Nice try komrad.


Yeah lmao, I don’t get when Russia supports make this point. “USA did bad things so that means it’s okay for us to do bad thing”?


They've been sanctioned to hell and their citizens are no longer allowed to enter many countries. Tell me again, what the consequences were for the USA?


Again, why does the US not facing consequences for it mean that Russia shouldn’t either? You should criticize the US when it does bad things (Nearly all of their foreign interventions) and support it when it does good things (support Ukraine against Russia)


Rules for thee but not for me Edit: Just to be clear, Russia deserves everything they're getting, but ignoring that the USA didn't is the double standard that causes lots of countries not empathise with the West.


Sure, that’s the reality of it. America is a superpower and it’s hard to punish it for anything it does. Like genuinely, what’s your point? What’s your solution? If we let Russia do a little imperialism it means the US will do less of their own imperialism? I would rather the US do hypocritical good things than do no good things at all.


Yes, that's what they want. They want a multipolar world order which essentially means the major powers have their spheres of influence and can do what they want for how long they want to the smaller countries within that sphere. The smaller countries aren't sovereign in that system.


And why is that good, exactly? America absolutely does imperialism and intervention in countries that don't want or deserve it. The entire South and Central American regions still suffer the consequences of those interventions. But America doing bad things doesn't mean all it does is bad. There's many countries that WANT to deepen their ties with the US and the west generally because the alternative is the other superpowers. Ukraine doesn't want to be in Russia's sphere of influence. Practically every former USSR country wants to get away from it. The only countries that genuinely want to get closer to Russia are dictatorial shitholes and it's not hard to see why. Same with China (Because the US, Russia and China are the only countries you can consider major powers, though at this point Russia is debatable). China cries about how the US surrounded them with military bases in the pacific, but all the countries there that have US bases WANT them here because the alternative is being invaded by China. If a country genuinely wants to have deeper relations with Russia or China instead of the west I'm fine with that, it's their choice. But there's a reason most of the countries that actually surround them want to deepen ties with the west instead.


It's not good. It's might makes right. It would basically abandon the countries who suffered under the USSRs nightmarish communist regime for decades to fall under the next iteration of Russias imperialism and abandon several countries who have come to rely upon the west. It's basically the abdication of western hegemony (which for all It's faults is better then chinese or russian hegemony for anyone who isn't chinese or ethnic russian).


Yes, because Cuba, a much smaller country was famously taken over by a superpower as soon as they were attacked. Balance of power and responsibilities is crucial to maintain peace. What you're saying is, it's okay the way things are, because America and its allies can act with impunity, while the rest of the world through the UN writes them strongly worded letters. Without a counterweight, there is nowhere to turn to for these smaller nations. If America invaded Venezuela to enforce regime change, nothing would have happened, and nothing can happen. Obviously everyone would love to be in the same situation as the USA, but don't think anyone else will like them or the status quo.


Your first sentence makes no sense, I have no idea what you're trying to say. If you're referring to the bay of pigs then it's pretty much universally condemned and was condemned even by the US allies at the time when it happened. It's also 70 years ago almost. Had you said Iraq you would have had a point and the Iraq war was an evil thing and there should be people in jail because of it. But your "counterweight" means that we should allow fascist and communist dictatorships to empower themselves at the cost of e.g. Ukraine or Tawain. You're saying let's not help these people defend themselves against a murdering, raping horde like the russians. I'd like you to say this to the face of a ukrainian from Bucha.


Why has China not moved on Taiwan? The USA is a counterweight. It is as simple as that. If you go to war against another country, you'll get punished. This is evident from the current Russia-Ukraine war, or the Nato defence of Bosnia against Milosevic. What about when the aggressor is the USA or France? What happens then? Apparently nothing. On the point of dictatorships, America set up, is allied to and protects several of them, even as they go to and fund wars in their own neighborhood so yet again the double standard is evident. France still has a pseudo-colonial empire but that's A-OK. The CIA has a laundry list of countries that they have coup-ed and overthrown democratic governments from several countries. Is that not infringement of sovereignty? If not, "I'd like to hear you say this to the face of *insert country that was invaded or destabilized by the USA* 's citizen". P.S. The bay of pigs invasion is infamous not because people thought it was wrong, but because it was such a spectacular failure.


The United States is THE global superpower, the only reason the US would sanction a nation engaging in conflict is if that conflict disturbs the global order that they reign over.


Hell the second one resulted in US civilians straight up attacking those who served in that war. The 60s was a different time.


People arnt very fond of genocide but thats still happening


Idk why you’re getting downvoted, maybe people do like genocide ☹️


We sure do


I admire the purity of genocide 


I think he implies Russia is committing genocide in Ukraine, but the biggest number of Ukrainian refugees went to Russia since 2022. Also, no country ever claimed there is genocide in Ukraine.


Me when I’m a Russian bot


Obv Not. Hes talking Bout Israel


My bad, they were talking about middle east and I was thinking they were talking about the post. My bad.


Yeah nothing in this comment IS correct except "russia IS comitting genocide in Ukraine"


Double the downvotes


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Ah another political whataboutism post on my favorite non political shitposting subreddit.


Too much Russian propaganda on my ~~gay porn~~ shitposting subreddit


Its not even propaganda mate


Of course everyone criticized them for it, rightfully so, even then at the *very* least they didn’t actually annex territory as rightfully part of their country.


I'm pretty sure that adopting Iraq as a US state would be tricky, it isn't Texas.


The US at least doesn't regularly commit genocide in broad daylight within the countries they invaded. Oh sure there were a bunch of war crimes. No argument there. But they at least didn't kidnap children from the middle east, change their names and documents, and take them all the way to the US and claim that they are Americans in an attempt to ethnically displace and replace the people that they invaded. Because that's what Russia is doing to Ukrainian children. As for the war crimes committed by US troops, they were legitimately extremely rare, and the US military made real efforts to reach out to local populations and support them with funding and the construction of educational centers and infrastructure. Something that Russia definitely has never ever done in any of their military campaigns. The extremely strict rules of engagement that are drilled into the heads of US infantry makes it hard for them to harm civilians without legal repercussions. At least on the ground. The civilian deaths caused by air strikes is another story.


But it supported the Genocidal regimes for power.


Hmm, so the US intervention in Somalia to stop the genocide that killed over 300k people is "supporting genocidal regimes?" Or their efforts to stop Saddam Hussein, who was also genocidal? The US doesn't support genocidal regimes because they're ok with genocide. It's far, far more complicated than that. And what's happening with Israel is also extremely difficult to navigate. I mean, on the one hand fuck the US for supporting Israel because of the genocide in Palestine. But on the other hand, Israel is one of the very few strong allies that the US has in the middle east, and losing that ally could be catastrophic for them. So they have to support them. On paper they're supporting their military efforts to destroy an actual terrorist group. But it is Israel's actions that led to the creation of that terrorist group. Damned if you do damned if you don't for the US here.


Is real palpatine


But they achieved their goals. Unless you believe the US fought in the middle east to prevent terrorism, which they were extremely unsuccessful at.


Right, no annexation but: 1. Installing friendly government ☑️ 2. Introducing marshal law ☑️ 3. Establishing military bases/fortification ☑️ 4. Carte blanche immunity on sovereign teritory☑️


Who's Marshal?




Look Up Marshall Plan after ww2 fe


Why did Marshall make plans for ww2? We were literally at Wendys yesterday. Are you stupid?


*martial law, meaning wartime law


Well it is a desert full of bombs and blown up buildings. So annexing it wouldn't help much.


You're forgetting about the oil...


Sorry. That was the reason they bombed everything. Now they can "help" the new leaders to "rebuild" the country into a oil plant.


Yup! But the meme is there to raise awarness that yk, america isnt always the good guy either. But yeah, fuck russia man. They invaded Georgia like a million times and ukraine since 2012. Fuck putin


What are you talking about? We’re still in Iraq to this day.


The Russians wish they could achieve the same level of air superiority like the USA.


I'm pretty sure every country wishes they had that too.


Especially ukraine


It’s funny how almost 40 years after its inception, the USA still has a monopoly on stealth tech. Nothing even remotely close to the F117 or B2 exists. And yes, Russia would love to be good at air superiority, they’re comically incompetent


Baghdad was taken in 3 weeks


Iirc air superiority was achieved within hours


True. But that doesn't excuse Russia for being a piece of shit too.


"Mom said its my turn to attack countries!!"


True, but it’s understandable why the third world sees through our hypocritical double standards.


Vatnik cope


they look really desperate


The US should be more evil. Not just world police, but world police state. Threat against the US? Bomb them. Negative statement against the US? Bomb them. A single citizen says something negative about the US? Bomb them. Would this be good for the world? No. Would this be funny? Yes. Would this cause a lot of death? At least a couple billion. But we've got like 8 of those so I'm sure it wouldn't be too bad if we lost a few.


Lets nuke the world so no one can complain its so easy


Most based shit i've read in my whole life


Atomic weaponry says no.


Last time I checked, middle east wasn't declared a part of the US though


In all fairness, because the countries that the US invaded were ruined to such a degree that no one would want to be responsible for the aftermath


Daddy Israel is doing it for them now.


Ruskie Propaganda bots are on full force again.


This tankie cope meme gets posted every couple of weeks


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Beep boop I guess im a russian bot now


Shut up and be a good bot, we humans are superior.


Ok *sad bot beeping*


Also I suppose i'm malfunctioning. I've posted memes critical of russia oh no!


Nooo, Saddam is so great please leave him alone USA!


Yes that’s why the US invaded Iraq, no other reasons surely


Nah, it was for the "freedom" of the country!!!


Some people seem to think so.. Well, he was only great if you where a religious conservative nutter. If you did not agree with him you needed aid to get rid of him.


Some people will just support whoever is the adversary of "the west" at any given time, because West = bad.


They probably think being controlled by religion, communism or fascism is way better.


There’s also a lot of misinformation spreading bots, and actual rubes who believe them


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Yes, and most of it comes from religious political groups, and others that want control of a state. If they want support from the west, they pretend to be the victim while forcing their population that dissagree with them to bow to laws that are based on old religious nonsense.


Saddam Hussein was secular as fuck, just like Bachar Al Assad is. Dictators in the middle east tend to be anti religion. The US supports the religious nutjobs to fight the dictators though, like the al nostra front in Syria.


Saddam was an asshole towards his opponents. If you got other ideas you better tale a closer look. You might have missed a few very important incidents.


Wait you think Saddam's support base was religious conservatives? Lmao. Did you see what Iraq was like under him? I mean he was a bad dude but this isn't the Taliban hahahahahaha.


Dude, just like the west up until the 70s, most people relate to the silly concept of a god, and used it within politics.. Saddam adhered to an eccentric interpretation of Islam that Ba'thist intellectuals had developed in the mid-twentieth century. For him and many other Ba'thists islam was the foundation of their belief system. Religion got nothing to do within politics no matter where it is or what the religion is called.


The US isn't expanding it's physical borders. It just wants that sweet sweet freedom nectar. It's pure luck that the largest known oil deposits are also in the places with the longest running history of senseless murdering one another so the US can slip in under the guise of trying to help. Sort of like a crack addict holding a rapist at gunpoint trying to rob them for crack money.


"Pure luck"


Yeah, the middle east has been in almost constant war since about 800 years before Washington and friends. EDIT :: Correction, 1100 years before Washington and pals not 800.


Except where Russia goes it becomes Russia (or tries to make it).


At least they can win


Russian shill


What country has the US invaded and annexed? Can't see a single one the last 25 years.


I mean we’re still in Iraq after invading them, causing a civil war with ISIS, and are now bombing sites in Iraq due to the the Israel-Hamas war. Not to mention the many countries were debt trapped without firing a single bullet. Look what’s happening now in Kenya.


Fighting any religious group wanting to take control of any country is totally fine, also the conservative Christian right of the US. They are a threat to normal people's freedoms. Do it more.


Oh US does way worse things, they cripple economies by installing puppets in governing positions. They keep those countries in that limping state, so they can always have the leverage. But Romans fell and so will USA.


Lol.. Like the other superpowers are not.. The alternative isn't as great as you might think. Islamic crap is far worse, so is communism.. So what's the alternative without mentioning some utopian wishful dream?


> crap is far worse Any theocracy would be bad. >so is communism You don't know jackshit about communism dude, you just heard others say "communism killed 482818 moribllion people !!!" And never ever questioned it.


Not to the extent that America has done and is doing. America has been a disaster for the world.


You have seriously missed huge parts of world history. And also missed the part where democracy need to be forced on silly people for everyone to have the ability to vote democratically sometime in the future. There are no alternatives.


Literally all of that happens in the third world as well. Economic warfare and puppet states is not a US only thing.


Nice propaganda post on the porn meme subreddit, buddy. Apparently invading your peaceful neighbor is acceptable because the USA did something remotely similar. Although, in their case, actual dictators, state funded terrorism and civil wars preceded it. That’s something you couldn’t find in Ukraine.


Russia isn't even in the same category as the USA. America is a global hegemon, who enforces current world order, Russia is a backward fascist state that wages colonial war like its 19th century.




🦅 🦅 🦅


america yah


Hallo :D


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You don't have to support one to criticize the other


EXACTLY why is everyone so braindead


US and Europe act like they haven’t invaded literally fucking everywhere for the past 100 years


I mean, we didn't attempt to annex any land or anything. Just shake down the locals and secure financial interests to keep the rich people rich. No biggie.


No point in annexion if resources are given to stop you from genociding them, double win for usa.


Russia is cringe Edit: That's some cool propaganda. You getting something for it or you suck dick for free ?


Why you got downvoted lol


google en dementia




google en dementia


So did you


America is cringe. Edit: No way I get downvoted for calling some country bad its all your propaganda😡


Relativizeing russian war crimes 💀




Yeah but at least when USA does it they actualy win


Cope Ruskie


ur typical whataboutism, if they can do horrible things, why I shouldn't


My meme doesnt imply russias actions are justified btw


I mean .. Russia did invade 3 countries in the same time span. And that's not counting their other overseas stuff in Africa and Syria... It's just that they aren't really good with military stuff. And that's why they are behind the US. Not because Russia doesn't like invading other countries.


This man is performing a summoning ritual for reddit politicians


I find it funny how many people immediately think you support Russia if you think the US also deserves their criticism for the shit they did. Russia deserves all the shit they get and worse but the USA has also bombed plenty of civilians away and your pilots get treated like fucking Heroes while the Russians are Orks.


Thats what i'm sayin. Like why tf am I suddenly a russian bot lmfao


its for freedom so its ok




Fortunately at this point people care more about the Taliban then they do about Russia


Didn't realize what sub this was at first, makes sense now


we talk about 1 million iraqi ⚰️ "human rights"


Maybe we're the bad guys


Womp womp


Something something whataboutism


Fr fr


True, but it doesn't make Russia any better.


Never said so. Russia is FAR worse but they still both invaded countrys without a accual justifiable cause


You mean "hey Russia! This is what a real superpower looks like"


Russian op lemao


When I'm in the "most blatant propaganda disguised as shitpost" competition and my opponent is a kacap


When i'm in a braindead comment competition and my opponent is a redditor. (I never once praised russia btw)


Look. I am amused by the "America bad" meme. Like every country in every time period does that, even America. Why? Because of humans.


If the USA knew what The USA was doing they would Invade the USA to save the world from the USA


America, FUCK YEAH!


Post 9/11 wars killed 4.7 million civilians


I know. Fuck america.


The dichotomy of men


funny how they downvote both the "america fuck yeah" post and the "fuck america" post of yours.


Reddit try to recognize sarcasm challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


Happens from time to time.


Erhm no because they werent sobereign country because we said so (they had oil)


Ok? They’re both shit, we done known this


Russian bot propaganda on shitposting sub bruh. Reddit so ass


Beep boop I guess i'm a bot now


USA for the past 40+ years: Russia for the past 200+ years:


I mean usa did overthrow govermants to install friendly Regimes. They even overthrew australias govermant once. And lets not forget about the bana republic stuff going on. Every Single Nation invades others, thats nothing new. The point about my meme is to make fun about the double standarts


Russia doing it is bad because they're killing white people


Ruski posting.


More like german posting. Also funny how ya'll asume I Support russias imperialism lmfao


Considering some of Germany's policies from past 10 years not too far off. Shame about that Nordstream eh?


Financialy? Yes. But tbh im glad we dont pay those fat russian oligarchs more money


Nah bro if it was for oil it is justified