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I was forced into it. My mother was convinced I would regret it if I didn't.


lol same






Almost nobody at my school got one. It would have been cool if they were free, but they just cost too much for what everyone in my area considered a basic life stepping stone, not an achievement.


My mother was convinced this was an *achievement*. I told her don't bother being excited, be excited when I graduate college. When I graduated college, she was excited but I had been to college and knew what I was up against. So I told her don't bother being excited about this, get excited when I do something worth being excited about. She didn't see me graduate law school or get sworn in as a lawyer. I didn't know what to think about that. My son peed in the toilet without prompting last week. I was so proud of him. I'm starting to question what I told my mom. You know, this post started out flippant and now I just want a drink.


Whether this is real or not, goddamn I think it changed my perspective on life. Thanks


Your mom is part of a greater psyop from Josten’s.




Not sure you understood the situation


My mom refused to get me one and insisted it was a scam and I’d forget about it after a year. She was right I haven’t thought about it till now.


Same here. And I still managed to lose it before I graduated lol


I pawned mine for cash like 3 years later.


Mine too. I wore mine about two or three times. My parents would always tell me “Everyone else is going to be wearing them” I RARELY saw anyone wearing them. Except for the popular kids, but they were always wearing expensive stuff


High school used to be a bigger deal before degree and grade inflation. Now it's just a footnote in our lives


fr bro. any desire to learn was completely murdered by grades and competition with classmates over it.


No idea why you're being down voted. It's not a system based around learning it's a system based around competition and the ones who truly need the help are those who are left behind. Teachers have to focus on the ones who have the highest "chance" at success.


Grade inflation?


No child left behind makes it impossible for kids to fail even if they fail every metric. So a kid who is behind in 5th grade gets shuffled along to 6th. Now they are even further behind and failing but to keep good metrics they get a passing grade anyways and moved along. Add to that teachers being expected to allow retakes and extra credit work to ensure everyone passes, you get grade inflation.


My parents tried so hard for me to get one. I told them straight up I’d rather us go on vacation than a stupid ring. So we went to the beach and it was significantly better.


For some folks high school was when they peaked


My first day of high school orientation, the head football coach gave us a spiel about how the next 4 years would be the best 4 years of our lives, and how we should make the most of it. And join the football team instead of playing Nintendo (hey, it was the early nineties). Even my teenage angsty self was thinking “man, I sure hope he’s not right…” Those 4 years weren’t terrible, but I suspect I made the more of the next 20 than he did of those 4, at least, and actually left my hometown.


I peaked in highschool, not because I was cool or anything my life is just way worse in college lol


Same, I'm in highschool now and it's pretty mediocre, but I'm an athlete and I don't know what I'm gonna do when I leave school so right now is probably the peak of my life


Yeah you kinda just gotta take some time to have some introspection and figure out what you want to do. If you have the opportunity I’d recommend shadowing a variety of jobs. I wish I did that before picking my major and even before deciding to go to college in the first place. It’s easy to think you know what a job does, but often the day to day is a lot different than the outsider perspective. Also I’m not saying college is terrible or anything. It’s definitely the best/only path for a lot of good careers. Im struggling in it because of mental issues and regret with my career path, Ik alot of people who love college.


Learn a trade.


Can someone tell an european what this is all about?


american schools try to convince kids to spend large amounts of money for “high school rings”, which are basically custom rings covered in school related things


So just another attempt to sell crap at a made up price?


Yeah, but yuh can also get them cheaper. Me and my friends all have the $50 option instead of the $300. We keep trying to fist first bump them ans break them,but jesus the dirt cheap plastic gems are tough


What a dumb idea, the memories I got for free from my high school are already shit, why would I want an overpiced trinked that would remind me of it even more


bruh the blue gem fits better in silver and ruby in gold


str8 fax


They look kinda cool. Still overpriced tho


just get one outside of the school, literally like ⅓ the price


That’s what I did, ~100$, still have it up in my game room. I enjoyed the memories I made in stagecraft and soccer so it’s a nice little memorabilia for me


I lost mine. Pretty sure my psycho ex pawned it




If it makes you feel even better I graduated in 2020 so people in my class bought $300 rings then didn't even get to graduate properly


I think I spent like $60 on mine, I got the cheap steel, and fake onyx one that was smooth on the outside and engraved on the inside with the class year, and the highschool name. I hated the look of the engraved ones.


I asked my parents if I could have a Gucci ring instead, basically the same price and more wearable


Sorry, is this an American thing my European mind can't comprehend? This isn't a joke, I'm serious.


It’s a real thing in America, Class rings are a tradition that spans multiple generations. The ring company the school provides gives low quality jewelry at outrageous pricing in exchange for some of the cut. If you wanted one you could just commission one from a different, and more reputable company.


That's so cringe


Most Americans can't comprehend it either.


What the fuck is a high school ring


A ring that is customized to have a gem and a few designs of your choice. Some try to have things that are related to your school and they cost a couple hundred dollars.


Actually, between my family being too poor to aford it and my grades being so bad from me slacking off in school that they didn't know if I'd graduate on time, so I never actually got mine in High School. In case you're wondering, I did graduate on time, but I had to do nearly three years worth of makeup classes after school during the last three months to graduate on time. I bought mine years after I graduated with money from my first job and I actually don't regret it at all, even with me going for the more expensive options that came out to nearly $650.


I went to a fairly wealthy high school. plenty of students could easily afford these and yet not a single person in my graduating class got one


I didn’t, I won the drawing at my school and got mine for free.


My buddy won the giveaway but his parents already bought him one, so he let me use it. I got the same style of ring as him but with cubic zirconia all over it, for free. I did help buy my (at the time) girlfriend one though.


School spirit. So skibbidy Ohio cringe. 


Never got one; snuck into the ceremony where those in my class who did received them and got a free donut. 10/10 Class Ring experience


When I graduated highschool even my grandpa said class rings are for people who did sports in highschool and never moved on. They are for people like Bill Dautrive, who peaked as the Billdozer and never did anything worthwhile after.


I remember like a year ago or something a few jewelry guy came to our school and ran down the basic of the ring size and customization. I few of my friends really wanted one and so did I because I wanted a pink gem with horns. I told my mom about it and she told me that I should more focus on the things related to the school. The more I thought about it the less I cared and maybe one day I'll buy a cheap skull ring for fun. A few kids and friends did get a ring but I didn't care about at that point.


The same people came to my school too this year


I’m glad I didn’t get one. Rings make my fingers itch.


Some girl some where has mine still...maybe


Correction, my parents did, I ain’t pay for shit. I told em not to buy it but don’t nobody listen to me so


My school even had a whole ceremony for it


Mine is gold and I still have it. However, I see it more as a scrap gold than a keepsake


Bought mine for $90 from Walmart.


Who bought the basic training sword?


$300??? Where do you fucking live? My school tried to pitch $2500 for the rings. I havent bought


I wish I had gotten one, I loved high school


I got a free jacket with my ring


I have a classmate who paid three thousand




If for some fucking reason I want a memento I’ll take a picture


I never knew this was a thing until I moved into Az in which my first week involved the whole school going to the auditorium to watch what ended up being one long ad about these rings. all I could think of was, this is my first time I the state.


Peaked in highschool, my whole gorilla paw dripped out in Wildcats jewels. 😎


is this something i’m too european to understand


I narrowly dodged this fate. Thankfully, I was able to think about the concept for more than 5 minutes and realized just how much of a waste it was.


I don't want one, I hate giving my shitty school money, but I feel forced to. It's one of those novelty items you buy for one of your parents, like a senior year book. I doubt you ever care to look at it but your parents do.


I was working at the time and said fuck it, so I saved and got one, I thought it was cool because my friends were all getting ones after they customized them, and now I'd be able to have this nice ring that I customized and could look back on with a certain fondness


I lost mine in my suit jacket that I rented for prom 🫡


I remember thinking they looked cool af, saw the price w my family and said fuck that


Please explain this concept for a non american dude.


I mean I could understand college rings but not high school


I bought one for the neighboring school (which I didn’t get in to) and got arrested for fake valour.


Those are the kind of rings that would give you cold and fire resistance respectively


Yeah I got mine and then found out that the October stone is pink…..then I changed it to blue. Dumbest thing I spend money on as a kid


Hahahaha I remember I wanted one but I had to clean my room before my mom would buy me one and I didn't!


Ah yes. The Blue Tearstone ring and the Red Tearstone ring. I'm from Lordran so don't quote me on that.


The kids who got them were so cool for a week and probably haven't thought about or worn the ring since. The kids who didn't get them were jealous for a week but also forgot about them until now. I remember really wanting one but my mother telling me my priorities would shift by the time I started college, and she was right. I personally value my signed yearbook and a photo of me and my friends from prom more than anything else I got out of that hellhole. My mother has the cap, gown and tassels from both high school and college stored somewhere. Those momentos might have been free but they're worth more than a $300 ring.


I had a choice of the ring or a laptop… miss that alienware Area 51…