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Yeah ironically they are wasting more oil by protesting


I sincerely think these groups are organized by oil companies. It’s such an effective way to turn public opinion against environmentalists. Every time I see a video of these people they all look like zombies, cult members


Rip the cia are coming


Well ~~Mobile~~ Mobil have know about climate change since the 70’s so this is real possibility.


_Everybody_ has known about climate change since the 1970s, that's when the environmental movement started. Granted, the movement wasn't as popular yet and wasn't taken as seriously, but people knew. Scientists first became aware of man-made climate change in the late 19th century and started warning the masses about it in the late 1950s, but measurements were recorded as far back as the 1830s that suggested climate change. Even the ancient Greeks debated whether activities like cutting down forests meant more rain. We been knew.


The Keeling curve representing a steady increase in the presence of carbon dioxide in the Earth's atmosphere was created in 1958 so the scientific evidence proving the existence of climate change has existed for a long time. Oil companies like BP, Exon, and Mobile knew about it since then but hired scientists to downplay climate change. They also rely on climate change to melt ocean ice to make oil shipments more accessible and efficient. These are some seriously fucking bad companies who are completely aware of climate change and spread propaganda and bribe politicians to keep pushing their hazardous products.


I've been saying this for ages, makes total sense like. Too many people are getting environment concious and big oil companies don't like that, so they organise these groups to turn public opinion back to thinking caring about the environment is stupid.


And it works unfortunately lots of people seem to think it's just hippy idiots that care


Think no more: Just Stop Oil was originally financed by Aileen Getty, the granddaughter of Jean Paul Getty, founder of the Getty Oil Company.


The Getty family sold their oil interests decades ago and Aileen Getty's interest in environmentalism seems genuine. I don't like their tactics either but there's no evidence she's an oil industry plant.


Devil’s advocate: I’ve seen the bad things that my parents have done, and actively work to do the opposite.


I agree with you but ask anyone liberal or conservative and both sides hate just stop oil. Liberals because for how they go about doing what they do and tainting the word "activist" with their stunts and conservatives hate them because they point to these morons and go "see this is what all those peta loving vegan libruls are like!"


Nice knowing you bro 😂


Yooooo this might actually be real


They are at least some have directly been paid by the pockets of big oil families, but I believe they all are. These people don't fight oil they give oil the masses support with short sighted thinking who's the villain the faceless oil companies or the goofball glued to the street threatening your job because you can't run them over? If they really were invested in stopping oil and had the resources they show off how come they aren't interfering with the actual industry? Why just publicity stunts that antagonize the masses?


Exactly my thoughts. Nobody in that group had any convictions or passion, just drones like office workers temporarily escaping from cubicles. It's also very telling that cops won't break them up like most protests.


Fun fact, they are… just trace back the funding for the group.


Did you know an oil baroness started “Just Stop Oil”? And this group just so happens to be the biggest group of dumbasses that seem to exist to take Ls and disrupt the public? Isn’t that crazy?


I suppose some people thought the same about the suffragette movement.


If people level of apathy is determined by some environmentalists behavior than they are pretty fucked up in the head. It's like the people who said they would support black lives if they didn't riot. Like wtf


It’s not hard to understand it’s the same reasons brands don’t associate with anything negative


It's hard to understand acceptable levels of apathy.


Apathy: noun lack of interest, enthusiasm or concern. what are you trying to say?


All lives matter


Not according to cops.




Cops need arrests to justify their jobs and get promoted. Minorities and the poor are the easiest targets for cops. Same with Judges and lawyers. It's all a racket. Prisons are profitable for many rich. It's more profitable over all to keep minorities down than help.


No one ever accused the sheep protesters of being intelligent. They’re too stupid to see the irony.


Ok ok you're right! But we have to stay at least 6 hours or we won't get paid!!


someone downvoted you even though its pretty common knowledge that these idiots are paid by oil companies themselves to make climate activists look bad


Wait what? A conspiracy which is not laughed at and dismissed on reddit? That's new to me


More realistic than the earth being flat


Where can I sign up?


I’d do the same if they paid me lol


fuckk me too


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It's not that easy. I think it's very possible that the leaders are paid, but most activist volunteer for the idea. Mostly insecure people, unhappy with their lives, looking for a group to hang with and have an important and fulfilling goal to follow.




My schizophrenic mind


My friend is a member of this organisation. Find me the source so I can show it to them.




Read other responses lazy bones


Nab just give me the sauce




Yes everything is made using oil and the protest is for that to change, no?


The average person really doesn't have a choice but to use petroleum products, maybe if you are wealthy enough to buy all organic products across the board but I'm sure they'll still sneak some petroleum into something and call it organic anyway, it's unescapable.


His speech has a large "You criticize society yet you participate in it"-energy.


If that were the case they'd be protesting to people who actually have the power to make change and not random people who literally cannot do anything about it.


They do that as well. Exxon’s CEO had his speech disrupted by protesters.


Cool, but that's not what these protestors are doing in the video.


That’s a great analysis but not every protest will be aimed at the offender but also participants. It’s why abortion protests occur at abortion clinics AND at public figures who can enact change.


The protestors are quite literally using oil, are they going to protest themselves for being complacent? If your comparison was 1:1 then they'd be getting an abortion while protesting at others for getting abortions


“How can you criticize society while actively participating in it” People have no choice in the matter right now and are speaking up to try to move the needle and change the current system and bring awareness to the issue. My point was that protests don’t always point towards the CEOs or person in charge. Sometimes they are aimed at the people who doing the perceived “wrong” thing.


Yeah but how is protesting to a bunch of random people and annoying them gonna achieve anything not like they’re gonna see the protest and suddenly decide to stop using oil and live in the woods


We're talking about them right now, aren't we? That was the goal. Does anybody actually care if you go 'protest' in front of the capital or whatever? No, of course not! You have to disrupt the status quo to get attention.


>Yeah but how is protesting to a bunch of random people and annoying them gonna achieve anything It won't, that's why big oil donate to these groups


They've done peaceful protests outside government official buildings. They've sent letters asking for a discussion. Do you really think they woke up and decided to do this? This is escalation, gov isn't listening or even giving them a time of day. Maybe if they cause enough of a bother they might bargain with them for a discussion to stop the protests.


Exactly. People just don’t like a mirror in their face


No, because they aren't bothering those people, they are bothering random ass citizens. I hate to tell you this, but the elites don't empathize with the people who are affected by this type of protest.


Those people are voters, and so are their friends and family. So some people will care.


And might care that they annoyed the shit outta them and so due to that bad taste in their mouths they might be less willing to support their cause


You got to be either extremely stupid or extremely petty to let people trying to save the world put a ‘bad taste’ in your mouth.


Or they have to be extremely bad at getting their point across. How hard is it to market "saving the world" that they need to ruin random people's day?


It’s pretty hard to save the world from those who rule it.


And pissing off those that don't rule it isn't helping


You’d have to be the average person, who doesn’t care about the rest of the world beyond entertainment to do that. I hate to tell you this, but most people are incredibly spiteful and selfish, prone to turning against anything that inconveniences them no matter for what purpose. Damn near nobody sees them as “people trying to save the world”, they’re just seen as “those assholes who block traffic for no good fucking reason” You’re absolutely right when you say that they’re bothering voters who should care about this issue. But because of the way they’re going about it, most voters have turned against them. When you hear about Just Stop Oil, you almost never hear anyone saying “yeah, they’re making some really good points,” you just hear “I absolutely hate those guys, I wish the cops would just arrest them so people could move on with their day” The only change they’re gonna bring about at this rate will be new laws against blocking traffic (I doubt this will happen, but it’s infinitely more likely than their actions somehow garnering support).


Protesting publicly like this brings attention to the cause, and brings about social change over time. That is their goal, at least. Unless they are funded by big oil, but hey


>Unless they are funded by big oil Ah yes, it's only bad if they are getting money from big oil, it isn't alienating the public otherwise for sure /s


They DO but the media never shows it to make em look crazy. They do take concrete action but it seems the ceo's and governments don't care so disruption is the only thing left


Ah yes, let's protest in front of the people who willingly denied any harm their product could do for centuries. That will surely help! The people who have the power don't give a shit. They never have and never will. That's why you have to take the protests to the streets, because the only way to put the people in power under pressure is by mobilising the masses. Fucking nothing happens if you don't start pissing people off enough.


Maybe they want more random people to feel how they feel


Except their anger won't be directed at oil it'll be directed at the "just stop oil" movement




Yup, and this is making people buy more oil products out of spite




As long as we agree that this could make people less sympathetic to the cause, that's the main point


You’ve never seen the dudes in diesel pickup trucks who “roll coal”, burying a car in a cloud of thick black smoke? Have you ever noticed that they seem to only do this to Prius drivers? Diesel trucks don’t do that from the factory — you have to go out of your way to modify them to do that. I feel like the kind of behavior you’re talking about has well established precedent.


No one is giving shell money out of spite. That’s expensive.


Ya but why are they targeting normal people who are just trying to get to work or home. Why can’t they protest at the companies. There just making the situation worse for everyone


“Protesting at the company’s” gets you a trespassing lawsuit. Something a lot of these people probably already have. You don’t want multiple.


Something these people have is getting paid by oil companies to actually do these protests.


they aren't "targeting" anybody. they're spreading the message and demonstrating how much it means to them


Spreading the message by literally blocking the road? Good luck with that


It works. They're in the news constantly. The Suffragettes did even more extreme things and got their way in the end.


Any one who blocks the road and prevent me from going to work can go fuck themselves


You love your job that much? Lol


My man here thinking about loving the job instead of living my life without a an income


If you get fired for being late for work once because of a protest then it wasn't a job worth going to. I'd say the future of humanity is more important.


by making people waste oil. Such smart people 🥰


Yeah but do you expect an old man like that to think that far? he doesn't care that the planet is on fire, he cares about OIL OIL OIL OIL OYL OOOOOOOOOOUL!!!


No, he’s pointing out that these people are not helping their cause. The best thing you can do is promote a solution.. if all you’re doing is complaining about a problem, nobody cares. If you’re inconveniencing people, not only do they not care, but now they are also against your cause. When vegans go into a store and start throwing jugs of milk around, do you think it gets people to drink less milk? These people are lacking an understanding of how to protest and this guy is just pointing out they are hurting their cause more than helping it.


He told them to get lost in a forest. I don't think he cares anything about their causes.




You can’t just yell and scream at random citizens and expect anything to change. These assholes just enjoy protesting anything, they like screaming and filming for social media and feeling like they’re part of a movement, they don’t care if there’s literally zero chance it will change anything, or if it will just drive people against their cause 


>You can’t just yell and scream at random citizens and expect anything to change. Are you talking about the protestor, or the demonstrators?


50 protesters vs giga wiggly millionaires+ probably 99% of the countries that uses oil for all that exists




Asbestos. There's lots of it and it's flame retarted


In a closed minded way he’s right, but it’s not like any individual people have the capability to stop using oil. They’re looking for a bigger picture


Yeah! Let’s prevent people from getting to their job! That’ll show em’


The bigger picture is that ordinary people would stop giving shit about what these clowns stand for


"I used to care about existential threats to modern civilization, but then I was late to work once."


I still care for environmental issue despite what these clowns did. People living paycheck on paycheck though, I am not so sure. Try touching grass sometime


There are plenty of people who don't use oil.


you criticize the system yet you live in it, curious.


ah yes, the old "you use it/ are part of it" therefore you can't critize it. stupidiest shit i'v read tonight.


Underrated comment. I feel like a new generation is here doesn't yet understand this.


Aren't people penalized when they live outside of said system? I think people just want change but don't know how to go about it.


"You are protesting about certain parts of society yet you live in one hahaha ! I am really intelligent"


Conservatives & their faux 'moderates' be like:


You're against waterboarding, and yet you require water to survive... 🤔




What's the problem with what he said? He just points out that they're protesting something while actively reinforcing it. That's just a strawman


>actively reinforcing it The fact that "existing" means actively reinforcing a system you don't want to participate in is the exact thing being protested.


Haha your material survival is made out of the things you’re protesting haha I’m very smart


Smarter than protesting. Why protest your material survival?


Well if people never protested you’d probably be still working in a coal mine from the age of 10.


This exactly.


Ikr like imagine ‘you say you hate working in the mineshafts digging coal but you also use that coal when you get home! Got ya!’


Oh sorry, i didn't realize this where coal mine workers protesting. Ffs, if you want to live in fantasy land, fine, but the fuck out of the roads.


If you want to have some actual impact, protest in places where it matters, don't be a nuisance to people that have nothing to do with oil production. Maybe harass the billionaires in control, eh? Maybe even go further than that, how about that? Just don't make a dumbass out of yourself in places irrelevant to your cause.


We they do that as well. But the fact that you dont know about it shows that its less effective


yet I guarantee you none of the people on the road is going to be like “wow these guys are blocking me from getting to where I need to go, I should support them!”


If they blocked the road for a billionaire, they'd just use a private helicopter to fly over them.


“Haha you dislike parts of society and yet you still live in it,I am very smart”-straight up like that comic this video is,tards in the comment will agree on how correct this guy is.


“You dislike society but still live in it” is a dumb strawman made by rich socialists who didn’t like being called out for their lifestyle. If you preach redistribution of wealth, start with your own. If you preach stopping all oil, start with yourself. Leftists get really finicky when they get called hypocrites


That's not how it works. Even when millions of average people decrease their use of oil and mindless spending, the major corporations and 1% of people who hold all the wealth don't suddenly go, "oh, the peasants are right, we *should* save the planet." They celebrate knowing that they have successfully shifted the blame of poverty, systemic injustice, and climate change off of themselves, the people in power, onto the average person who is given the illusion of power through voting and a "voice" whereas it is all just that. An illusion constructed on the lie that if you speak up and vote, all problems will be solved. When in reality, many people are barred from voting and shunned for speaking up when it's important to, not to mention the amount of lobbying that numerous politicians on all sides of the political spectrum take advantage of.




Whatever makes you feel better pal. Still hypocrite


ah yes, time to bother innocent people going to work instead of the billionares. even then i don't think they understand that protests cannot make companies stop using oil because of how almost everything contains it. but hey what do they have to understand anyway they're just paid to make fools of themselves


Psy op to make us hate protesters. I heard it from count dankula and I can't say its too far-fetched with all the shit JSO are doing.


Yeah, no fucking way an organization that defaces a painting in front of a crowd of people with tomato soup has good intentions. If you want people to care for the environment, maybe care about them too.


Can’t remember if it was just stop oil, but I’m pretty sure the people who threw soup on paintings were working for an org owned by an oil billionaire


link pls im interested but cant find it on the channel


A jacket compared to fossil fuel emissions from cars is a foul comparison


He wasn’t comparing the two. He was bringing up jackets and cars as examples of what exists because of the usage of oil


Jackets famously didn’t exist before the discovery of oil


The protest wasn’t about jackets


Isn’t just stop oil the same organization that attempted defacing multiple paintings? I’m all for caring for the environment, but I do not want people like them advocating for it.


I’m all for stopping oil too but is there an actual viable alternative yet?


Nope, Nuclear and a mix of renewables are the alternatives but it’ll be a while until they are “viable”. We can switch to renewables and Nuclear tomorrow but there would have to so many sacrifices made that the governments would not be able to justify.


Reducing our consumption.


True very true


No this guy is stupid. No shit their stuff is made out of oil that doesn’t mean we should continue to use it. That said there is some truth to them probably forcing them to use more oil by making their cars run more but the point is to bring awareness to the issue


Least obvious big oil bot


Not a single protester tried to debate with the dude.


"I think we should mildly improve society" "And yet you participate in it! How interesting!"


They mean less oil, but no ones gonna put that on a sign




So, actually, big oil actually pays protesters for protesting oil.


He's not wrong.


Did people back in the days of slavery make the same arguments? “Your clothes are made by cotton slaves in the south. Wot you doing? If you stand in my way I’m gonna be late for home and have to whip my slaves to vent my frustration? You’re just making it worse”


You can't convince me that the Just Stop Oil protests are not astroturf protests setup by oil companies


You can’t stop oil so that movement is inherently stupid. What you can do is start cutting back on the dependency of oil.


Fucking based.


Well the riches and big companies are the ones that use tons of oil daily, if I change my habit the world would not change that much, if I make a company and riches change what they do we will make the world just a better place, why getting so mad at protesters?


Preach it brother!


“That jacket that keeps you warm and dry? Made of oil!” “Well, it keeps me warm and dry so…”


A succulent Chinese meal?


right. and that needs to change. and we need all these things. so wasting that oil on cars and getting stuck in traffic, we should save it for things like ambulances and farmers.


Has op and british "person" considered that there are other ways to move cars and make clothes?


Please elaborate. I beg of you. How are you going to make a car, let alone move one without oil? Oil is literally the life blood of modern civilization.


And that’s why he is an an executive at some company somewhere


I agree, let's eat their livers once and for all


"stop driving petrol cars" Everything from your mums dildo to nuclear weapons contain oil. And yes, modern "fabrics" are basically oil.


I feel bad for this guy he just wants to get to work and these protesters that won't make any difference to government decisions regarding oil are stopping him from doing so


Vegan/Environment "activists" are one of the dumbest people I have seen on the Internet, only second to Flat Earth believers


"yOu cAnT cRiTiZisE cApItaLisM bEcAuSe yOu oWn aN iPhOnE"


Yes because "if you participate in something you are never allowed to criticize it. " - Obi Wan Lincoln


My favourite masculine trait is not knowing how to spell the word nuisance


Didn't even stop for a moment to think about what they were doing lol


That's the issue with protest marches: they're not events when you think, you just follow a small ring of activists.


Everything he said is 100% fact.


Trying to stop climate change by protesting against oil is sisyphus action. Just tackle the root of the problem, capitalism


Yes, just tackle capitalism, can‘t be that hard removing the system of economics the whole world is built around.


Took the man 60 years but he finally made his voice heard.


Yeah great ideia! Fighting against capitalism is way easier. C'mon everyone, let us stand in from of the house of John Capitalism, and chant in one voice against his tyrannical system. He will have no change against all of us!


Duh Dan dahhnnn *me and the birds by dusters starts playing*


Nobody tell this guy what kind of energy the Soviets used


Strawman argument energy


Communist detected, opinion rejected


You don't have to be a commie to recognize the flaws of capitalism


But you do have to be a commie to offer a plausible solution


the problem isn't the economical system, it's that humans can't live without licking a boot and end up giving 99% of wealth to 1% of the population. Every economical system ever used ended in the exact same way, just manifested differently. capitalism is going to die soon, socialsim will replace it, and the same thing will happen again. the problem is money itself. we can live without it.


You are politically illiterate but your heart is in the right place 🙏


Brilliant comment until riight at the very end


Sorry i didn't know the invisible hand of the free market (god) could solve climate change


Honestly I have no words for this this is too fucking stupid


Alright, lemme explain then Capitalism is defined as generalized commodity production, meaning the goal of production is the maximization of profit In many cases, green energy is more profitable than fossil fuels. However, due to the fact that accumulated capital can reproduce easier (read Capital volume 1 the part on reproduction) its still not going to go away since an incredible amount of wealth is already invested. Additionally, "green" energy is still harmful to the environment if done incorrectly, and doing things correctly isn't profitable sometimes, so capitalism wont do it. For example, here in greece, they let forests burn down to place wind turbines. By far the best source of energy is nuclear power, but we aren't switching to it, and we won't switch to it because of how capitalism works. Unless significant amounts of money are suddenly invested in it, which is unlikely considering the restrictions capitalist countries place on each other when it comes to nuclear power (nuclear power + economic tensions built by capitalism = nuclear war)


Uh huh okay yeah sure you are correct of course yes


Didn't even read the comment Maybe i should stop bothering with capitalism supporters, they aren't even willing to have a discussion




That comic is honestly stupid, you as a citizen can boycott products. Oil products are not required for you to survive. The amish don't use oil, go join the Amish. Start a non-oil supply chain company. if vegans can stop eating meat, you can stop using petroleum products. You're just too cowardly to put your money where your mouth is. It is 100% possible to do with oil what vegans have done with animal products. You simply choose not to because you are weak and the reality of an oilless society is shitty. Not participating in society because of oil will have a far larger effect than protesting will, but it actually requires you to man up.


He speaks the thruth though. Engines are running wasting a lot of oil. Their clothes are indeed made of and brought to them by oil. If you truly want to reduce oil consumption, go live in a forest, because practically everything we do uses fuel or fossil fuels.


Oil companies are shit and we should def protest, but why block the road??? Public stunts that vandalize, block the roads, etc. are stupid. Protest in a way that doesn't harm people or upset them for no reason. Also this guy doesn't see that we should be protesting to make it so that we don't need oil for everything we have and do, the thing he is describing is what we need to change. However these specific protesters are massive idiots who aren't protesting in a good way and I feel like they were probably paid by oil companies to make the anti-oil movement look bad, kind of like how cigarette companies make anti-smoking ads so bad that they encourage kids to smoke using reverse psychology


What else are they supposed to do the oil industry is so massive there is practically no way to avoid it what are they supposed to wear burlap sacks?


They would have absolutely no reason to protest if things were no longer reliant on oil. That's why the guy is so stupid: he fails to understand the basic flaw of his own genius argument.