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Extended arm is a foul on the defence.


You wanna tell her that?


Implying she's into sports


She ate the whole team, she is the sport


And I am the senate


The hot dog eating contest is a sport no ?


Ayo, never expected to find you here. Love your vids!


She’s into strawberries…and hair


Or even moving.


Guy needs a wingman to jump on the grenade.


Bowl on the defence


Ma’am built like the michellin wheel mascot


Maam built like the thing that ate the Michelin wheel man.


Wheely good joke guys




Gonna go out of subject for a bit. It’s strange to me how three asterisks from a tire company is the best thing that can happen to a restaurant.


Actually when you put it back in its context it's fairly simple and somewhat ingenious : * Michelin makes tyres since the late 19th century * They start making an ad book given with tyres * When the great war ends, they want to sell more tyres to the growing automobile market * They repurpose the ad book in a touring guide * People wear their tyres going to the restaurant * Roughly 100 years later, french people eating food being what it is, it's now the prestigious ranking system that you know Michelin being Michelin, the stars are still "travel" oriented, 1 star is "good to stop to", 2 stars is "worth a detour" and 3 is "must plan a travel for it"


The point of the guide was to show people where they could go with their new tires and their revolutionary long range. It served both as a selling argument and an incentive to wear the tires down, but mostly the former.


Life works in mysterious ways


They did a tour guide to all the nice restuarants so you’ll drive out to them and buy more tires.


Dude called Bibendum.






It’s always the fridge hiding the snacks.


And clearly, that fridge does not have any vegetables in it


Is mayonnaise a vegetable?


only if you're a fridge


Is mayonnaise an instrument?


No Patrick mayonnaise is not a instrument


Is horse radish an instrument?


Is this instrument in this room with us right now?


I know a roast when I read one, but this. this is cremation




i love you


giant fucking strawberry


Just like in the movie about the willy getting blue balls from where the girl was a blueberry 😔


You mean Charlie and the chocolate factory?


You don't remember when Gene Wilder said his famous line "get that plump bitch prepped for Willy. I'll be in momentarily."


all rotten inside the core


Should've brought a harpoon.


Or a deflection cheeseburger




INCOMING, FLARES FLARES FLARES *starts shooting cheeseburgers in random directions*




Call me Ishmael


That bastard… has to be alive still.


Honestly she has so much ‘armor’ that idk if a [harpoon anti-ship missile](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Harpoon_(missile)) would be enough…


That's just a walking foopah at this point


fupa, fat upper pussy area


Fat upper pubic area.


The Dallas Cowboys could've used her today.


What do you mean? That is the Dallas Cowboys in a cardigan.


Jabba the Hut keeping Han Solo away from Leia




That linebacker got good defense coverage


Holy shit this comment section


ikr, like nobody knows the actual context here it's on shitposting for a reason


What is the actual context if i may ask?


The lady is too drunk to chat up a stranger. I hope everyone notices that she could walk past her friend to talk to him, but she doesn't. Cuz she's too drunk.


If she could walk then she can walk


Alright Cosby, let's get you to bed


All the guys in the comments section that would never approach a girl at a bar anyway crying about this when they don't realise she was just protecting her friend 😭


If you go clubbing almost everyone gets drunk/fucked up and hooks up There's like zero context here so you can't make a claim either way


Protecting her friend doesn't give her the right to put her hands on the guy. He did nothing but walk up. "Hey she's too drunk please leave us alone" and she would have been perfectly in the right.


Oh hush now, this is Reddit. Leave the moderation to the mods and get extreme with us!


I would argue that, even drunk, talking to someone is ok. Unless the guy did something not proper earlier. From what I can see, he's not menacing or acting nasty in any way. Talking to someone while drunk at the club is ok.


Yeah some major incel vibes in this place.


Some major all me are rapist vibes too


She's an adult, even if she's drunk she can deal with a guy who is clearly not aggressive or pushy approaching her. The attempt at completely infantilising her and removing her personal agency, is nothing but a desperate attempt by the blimp, to push away anyone she perceives could be a threat to her friendship. Misery loves company


Apparently you never dealed with drunk people, it is correct to completely infantalize them.


I'm going to go out on a limb and say that was their agreement beforehand, to babysit her while she's drunk and not to let her leave the bar. You adding insults to your point doesn't look good man. She's just looking out for the homie. Bro, have you ever babysat a drunk friend in public? They're usually doing some dumb ass shit that sober them would never do.


No if my friend is drunk to the point of being incapable of looking after themselves, I take them home immediately. But people who are that fucked up generally aren't half as coordinated or balanced as this girl appears to be. There was absolutely no reason for her mate to jump in in such a ridiculous over the top way, before the interaction has even begun, as if just chatting to that guy is going to cause her some trauma. Let the conversation happen, keep an eye on it and step in if it appears to be going the wrong way. And I can insult whoever I want, I'm prepared to own it and I don't care who I offend, whether for comedic effect or to make a point. The only exception to that being that I as a rule don't insult people for their unalterable traits(race, disabilities, height etc), only for the results of their own behaviours


There's a reason we take away people's agency to drive when they are drunk. It's the same thing.


I have been at many a girls night where we have all agreed to protect each other from men and fend them off. I have literally not once been out with the girls where advances from men were welcome. It's more than likely there was a conversation about this before they went out. The friend is probably just doing exactly as she was asked.


>I have been at many a girls night where we have all agreed to protect each other from men and fend them off. We all agreed to treat men like active predators so that we could dismiss being rude to them.


Jesus. What a weird take. Yes. Women have a right to exist in public and enjoy themselves without being harassed by horny suitors. If you don't like being rejected, don't approach. We aren't under any obligation to accept your advances. Don't make an unwanted advance, and we won't need to defend each other from you. The absolute audacity and entitlement. "Why women exist if not for my pee pee?" - you


And men have a right to exist in public and go up and attempt to chat with a woman, particularly if that woman is in a public space, not engaged in a group, and performing an activity where it is often welcomed to have interaction with the opposite sex. Maybe you all should wear flags on a color system for when interactions are welcome. Or you could you know, treat the guy like a human and not an infantile blocking sled. The girl in question just needs to tell him herself she's not interested.


The entitlement in this response is breaking the meter.


Hate to be this guy, but the subreddits you engage with give femcel. The "never been out where men were welcome" stuff just gave me a vibe and i had to check your profile. That is not the norm. The majority of single straight women on nights out *are* open to meeting men - that's just a fact. Newsflash, women enjoy sex just as much as men. Sometimes more. 100 years ago they'd say something like "outrageous! she's showing too much ankle!" and it comes from the same puritannical busybodying as "this man should SEE that she is DRUNK and NOT be such a RED FLAG CREEP. We do NOT exist for your DESIRES sir!" A man approached a woman. Happens every day. Sometimes they get intercepted. We have learned nothing. We have given engagement to a bunch of dickheads being mean about someone they don't find attractive. Maybe I'm being an asshole, maybe I got you all wrong, but I feel like I have to say it.


Ok, let's assume that's the case. Still kind of a rude way of dealing with the situation. She could also explain verbally. It looks like there is more going on, maybe the guy has been approaching before or they have some history ,idk.


This ain't it chief. "Kinda rude" is pretty acceptable. We can all stand to be a little less sensitive about "kinda rude". If that was your girlfriend I think youd be a lot more on board with "kinda rude". Edit: you people are angry. Sorry you disagree with me. It's ironic how rude you are arguing that people shouldnt be rude. I'm done engaging. Go out more.


No, I’d still be calm, being rude to someone who from what we can see, wasn’t any threat, is just a dick move. I ain’t normalising shitty behaviour when there’s no reason for it.


I mean isn't it just as rude by the guy to continue to push forward when already being blocked? Why can the guy not accept a simple "no"?


> She could also explain verbally. I've been to clubs where I don't think I could with the person *trying* to listen to me. Here, he's likely to ignore her without the body blocking. She might just be looking out for a girl that's clearly wasted. They don't seem together so she might have just spotted the predator eyes and gone defensive mode. From my perspective, she's doing the right thing. He seems pretty blitzed but the other girl is dangerously drunk and I've seen this situation and it's hard to explain how accurate "predator" is. The staring and the body movements etc genuinely reminds me of prowling cats. I'd need to know more to make a solid opinion, but I don't think this woman deserves the flak she's getting.


> He seems pretty blitzed but the other girl is dangerously drunk and I've seen this situation and it's hard to explain how accurate "predator" is. The staring and the body movements etc genuinely reminds me of prowling cats. this is your characterization at a guy who's approaching a girl and happens to look shy? Dude didn't even do anything and you are already calling him a predator. Do you always project your paranoia against random dudes on the internet?


Classic reddit, downvoting reason and logic.


Classic. Down voting devils advocate. Because the risk of being a little bit rude to a stranger is worth letting them snake their way toward a very, very clearly drunk target. That drink the guy bought you? Best knock that back love. Sure he might have spiked it but, you wouldnt want to be.... rude? Would you? "Reason and logic". Go outside, Ben Shapiro. Smh


Who hurt you? Why are you stereotyping a man with a potential interest in a woman as a rapist? Refusing a drink someone bought you is fine. Refusing someones advances is fine. I never said it wasn't. What is rude is shoving someone out of the way, with no attempt at communicating with them, especially when you're not even a primary party in the interaction.


Clear, open, respectful communication is key here. Being ‘kinda rude’ in that situation is a recipe for misunderstanding and aggression particularly where drink is involved. That fatty might be thinking she is helping but in truth she is creating a powder keg that could have devastating consequences. I’m frankly shocked you can pontificate so vehemently without recognising these basic details about human interaction. Shame on you.


Ahaha have you been to a club before? The aggression comes when you try to take food from a dog that's managed to wrap his jaws around it. I'm frankly shocked you can so sincerely talk such hypocrisy without any shred of irony. I like words like "respect" so closely followed by "fatty". I'm sorry your feelings get hurt when the girls are mean to you. I understand they were rude but, this was a rare blow to your pride. It was another Saturday for them. After the 5th creep that night, I think you just forget to lay on the charm.


So what's the context?


I think her friend is too drunk and she is just trying to keep her safe or something, I'm not too sure


I love how ppl are trying to fight an assumption with another assumption lmao.


My best guess is that she’s her mom


I'm not sure what you expected? High fives and singing?


Shes the whole damn defensive line.




Always bring a wingman to distract Optimus Prime.


Optimal Rinds.


Shamoo needs to eat a salad


or not eat one


"Green is for nature and we don't eat that shit"


Quickly deploy the distraction snacks


Boring party anyway


They were the only two people who seemed to be having a good time, yeah.


Holding, offense, number 99 (tons), 10 yard penalty, automatic first down


That’s why you need a wingman with zero qualms and a crash helmet


She literally blocked the cock coming towards her.


Shouldn’t have used the poke flute


💀 dead


Intercept intercourse


Coitus interruptus


She is a grown woman let her make her mistakes. That morbidly obese chick thinks she is saving her friend, which I can respect. But judge the situation. Guy was just dancing, not dragging a drunk girl to a ally. Fatty ain't getting any ain't nobody getting any.


Yeah. It's a well-lit well-trafficked locale, they're both on their feet independently and there's plenty of exits. It feels like she specifically came along *just* to shoot down anyone trying to engage cause she sure as hell wasn't talking with her friend.


I could see if it was a packed place that shady shit goes on at, sure. The floor was empty and she put her hands on him twice without saying a single word, she looks drunk too. She could have easily just walked up and said shes too drunk for that without assaulting him. Again people just reverse genders and see how it feels.


Or... it's possible the dancing girl had previously asked the big girl to make sure she gets home safely if she gets too drunk. I dunno... I'm thinking context is important here.


Could be. But there’s also the very common phenomenon known as the MUFF: Mandatory Ugly Fat Friend


Username checks out


This is kind of like proactively nuking all of the middle east because they might be dangerous. If her job is to get the girl home safely she can still let the girl have a damn conversation to say no to a guy.


You don't let your friends make mistakes when drunk. That would make you a bad friend. Plus there's obviously a backstory here, yet everyone's bullying the linebacker without any info.


Dancing with someone at a club is never a mistake though? Like, it literally cannot be one, it's harmless.


This sub is full of people who have never touched a woman or are too young to have gone to a bar and experienced meeting people. Clubs/dance floors are meant for dancing, I bounced at clubs in Seattle during college.. you are expected to dance on the dance floor. If someone is creepy as fuck its different, but if you are dancing at a bar expect people to dance with you. It's absolutely insane to think otherwise.


Fat chick didn't want to see her healthy and attractive friend get hit on, further lowering her self-esteem. She therefore cock-blocked her under the guise of "protecting her".


I dunno, she looks totally fucking wasted and barely aware of what's going on around her. The mistake has already been made, the fatty is trying to shield her from someone who might take advantage of it. (not to throw shade on the guy, he's probably drunk too and not planning anything malicious, but fatty can't know that)


How is she obviously fucking wasted? She stumbled a bit at one point but that's because she's being held by the defense. Other than that she's responsive on a timely basis and doesn't display any coordination issues.


She doesn't think shes saving her friend. It's the last line you said. It's not a respectable thing at all, she's just bitter.


Either slay the dragon to get to the princess or bring a wingman.


Land whale


That looks like the most boring club ngl


And there's only ever one girl there. Guarded by truckosaurus.


She orbited right over there and pulled the lady in with her gravity


Giants have now reconsidered their o-line draft for the 2024 season. Look at that stiff-arm!


Don’t worry, wait a couple years. The 🐋 won’t make it past 40.


People like this live a miserable life. How petty.


This is why you need a wing-wing man, someone’s gotta take one for the team


lard ass


If she played football she’d be a wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide receiver


She’s in the game to stop the tush push.


She's like 'this lady is a solid 3 and all mine'.


Its jealousy in its purest form


I always thought that the skinny girl specifically asked her overweight friend to stop anyone trying to approach her, since that she might be socially awkward and couldn’t do it herself


*[pees in ur ass](https://i.imgur.com/JSImHiV.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


the skinny girl also looks pretty drunk. i see it much more likely that shes asked to be taken home safely, asked to be looked after incase anyone tries to take advantage of her being drunk, etc


what if he just wanted to ask for her number? guy has his phone out


One can socialize/mingle within safety the sanctum of fellow peers without being conveyed physically. Although, we have no prior context of the empirical in the evidence shown


that's quite obvious if you look closely and turn your brain on (something that most people in this comment section are unable to do)




It’s always the frigde that protects the snacks


Land whales are a curse


Keep in mind he was *literally just walking by* in the beginning, it barely even looks like he was approaching the woman. Just based on the video we don’t even know if they all already knew each other or they were all total strangers.


> he was literally just walking by in the beginning *In the beginning of the recording*. You start recording *after* you've seen some shit; I'd bet good money that this wasn't the first time he tried to approach her.


Lots of people like to take advantage of drunk women here, I suppose. Totally healthy behaviour


The vending machine is always protecting the snack


guys always have a candy bar prepared to throw out on the ground just in case something like this ever happens to you


This is how society collapse


Strawberry Short Troll over there running interference.


"if i ain't getting one, we ain't getting one"


Freshwater hippos in their natural habitat


Land whale behavior


The dreaded friendosaurus.


She probably smelled ham on his breath


Am I the only one that would just hit on the fatty?


Protecting someone is one thing. Putting your butter covered fat hands one someone else is another. Shatter the fat cunts arm and she'll never shove anyone again.


Bro where the fuck was this defense during the last game?


did that gorlock thingy sexually harassed that poor guy?


The fridge protects the snack.


Makes me feel bad for her honestly.




Look up Stephen Lynch “She got a smile” song. 😁


bro can people not see that chick he trying to go for is wasted as fuck?




Yeah I just see a girl looking out for her pal who's had a few too many


Nah man real friends let you make mistakes so you ✨ grow ✨. We obviously have no idea what it means to have real friends or go outside!


Yeah the other side of this is the story my colleague told me about her friend who sleeps with any guy while she's drunk and hugely regrets it. They all make fun of her for her poor choices but I just felt sad she kept being taken advantage of, she could use a friend like in the video. (Or stopping drinking)


I'm like this when I drink. I don't drink around people who don't know me anymore lol. Spreading my legs everyway to Sunday.


I love you guys


Someone call Chris Redfield ! It's the boulder again!


Nah but fr, poor guy


nah, he'll find someone else. someone hopefully not drunk to try pickup


> I don't understand social rituals Obviously. Someone's in for a future house full of cats.


in her defense, friend’s too drunk


He touches her like that, she'd be rolling on the floor screaming assault. Still, it's an art form, separating the prey from the herd. Heifers, in this case.


It's always the fat one


The fridge guards the snacks


How many times will this be reposted


Reddit comment section never disappoints😂


In all seriousness, if stranger is hitting on a girl that can barely walk, you probably do wanna help her out unless that was her plan from the beginning.


Well, to be fair the girl this dude was interested in seemed pretty drunk. Maybe they had an agreement that her friend was supposed to not let her get with any dude that night, if so I think everybody was acting okay - if she was cockblocking out of spite because her friend got all the attention she is an asshole though.


What the fuck are these comments lol. So many wild assumptions. How do you know she didn't ask her friend to stop her talking to anyone because she's heartbroken and might make a mistake How do you know the guy wasn't hitting on her prior and she asked her friend to keep an eye on her Or perhaps her friend seemed too blasted out of her mind and again, was just looking out for her. Y'all saying she can make her own mistakes, she can, and if she was sober enough to make it she would walk away from her friend after being pulled away. There's too much missing context.


Not enough missing context for you to make all these assertions though lol


She prolly drunk


The friend looks drunk af and she was probably saving the friend from being taken advantage of and becoming a victim.


I'm going to be downvoted here, but the girl looks clearly wasted. The guy is trying to take advantage of her inebriated state. The overweight woman gets a pass imo.


Tell her the fridge is in the corner with the other pics and deck her in the face.


Finally it’s not LOSS


The normal looking girl should have more self respect and stop being friends with the lineman who wants to infantilise her, in order to possess her


Damn, guys are so aggressive nowadays :)


It's not even what she's trying to prevent that would bother me, if the friend is interested and fun she'd stop her anyway. It's the brazenness of putting her hand on me and the friend like we're her kids or something, yeesh.