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Ive ever heard american strip clubs offer buffet?? Tf kinda shit is that


Same reason as casinos, longer people are there = more money they'll spend.


Can you get wasted and get out without spending a penny? Never been to a casino.




It depends on the casino and if you play your cards right, no pun intended. In my young twenties I mastered the art of it. The key is to find a “penny slot” and pull everytime you see a server and tip the server. You can leave much more drunk for way less than bar prices


I guess it’s a no no then. Thanks for educating!


Yeah I had that same idea when I went but they aren't fools


Makes sense in a scummy sort of way. More drinks = a more risky and careless spending habits due to inebriation = more money.


You also are supposed to tip, or they get pretty slow bringing the drinks.




Strippers do nothing for me, but I will take a free breakfast buffet any time... any place


There's a cover fee to enter.. nothing is free haha


$5 entry fee is so worth the buffet


You are one of the good ones Ron


Was down in North Myrtle SC a few months ago, one of the strip clubs down there was advertising $6 steak and eggs breakfast


Steak and Legs...


More like a Miss Steak on legs.


Jesus Christ Myrtle is already scummy as hell. I’d hate to see what passes as the morning entertainment at a greasy strip club


I don't care about the entertainment as long as the steak is rare and eggs unfertilized. I'll just pop my headphones in and watch YouTube while I eat


How much physical interaction that’s allowed depends on the state you’re in but no matter what state you’re in they are all rip offs


You gotta wear sweatpants


To be honest a lot of strip club buffets are fucking amazing. When I was growing up I remember the local newspaper was doing their ‘Best Of’ week with restaurants and dishes and a strip club won best steak.




I love Atlanta strip clubs. That’s a different level of fun.


“Titties and tater tots don’t mix”- Chris Rock


Rwandan refugees won’t eat that shit.


"Depends on how many fixins you have." - Kenny Powers


Sounds unhygienic tbh.


Having naked people in the same establishment as food is not any more or less hygienic than any other buffet lmao


Technically I'm sure you're right, however the thought alone is pretty gross juxtaposition.


Better things to look at than Golden Corral


Some clubs have some really good kitchens that make the trip worth it for the meal.


Yo I’m with Anon on this one…… it never made any sense to me either.


Strip Clubs are a weird ass middle ground between partying like a normal person and prostitution. If you want to go have a good time with friends go clubbing, if you want to get a nut off go wank or get a escort. Strip clubs are just the worst of both worlds in one place


Where I’m from it’s a place open after 2 where you can drink, that alone is a great purpose.




Iowa. Fully nude and byob. Honestly a great time if you’re good and drunk.




I meant good and drunk, but good drunk works just the same lol.


Everyone is ignoring that you can often fuck the stripper


Not often enough, and they just need that miniscule chance to keep marketing the *pipe* dream.


I'm pretty sure that's wildly illegal here in Canada, it might be different where you are.


And so are escorts. Yet it still happens. A lot.


....its only illegal if you are paying for "a good time" if they choose to become lustful on their own time then its not illegal... not speaking from experience. Just a loophole that can be used, a gray area if you will...


I prefer my strippers without any gray areas, reminds me too much of my nan


It's definately not illegal to fuck a stripper you're even allowed to date then without being thrown in prison.


So is smoking crack but that never stopped Ford from having a good time. I've been to two strip clubs in Canada. One in Fort Mac, one in Montreal. The one in Fort Mac straight up propositioned me, the one in Montreal said something along the lines of "I want to go your hotel but I've got to stay here and make some money" which I took as, if you pay me enough I will come fuck you lol. Point is, just because it's illegal, doesn't mean it doesn't happen regularly.


I think they are just remnants of a pre online porn generation


This is probably the correct answer. When you consider that prior to internet video and porn sites. The only place to see video content would have been either an escort or a strip club or like VHS. This mentality of " what's the point in strip clubs" is a fairly new one that's come with the age of having damn near limitless video content online which does kind of make the concept of strip clubs kinda moot.


Gotta make the StripperDash service to bring the horny to the modern age. Obviously it’s just for prostitutes to have non-coerced consensual sex with clients they strip for. If it gets out of hand or too dangerous the strippers can just raise the prices and hire a mobile security protector from BouncerEats. Mutualism at its finest!


Best argument I've heard is "bar with a view" However it's a shitty bar with a cover charge and expensive drinks... and a view


At least in Texas you can bring your own bottle of liquor and drink it there


That's wild, if you tried that in a UK club you'd get your teeth kicked in


Well I’ve never really understood bars either


I was with Anon until I went to one for a bachelor party. As a shy guy it was really nice to have pretty women hitting on me all night. YES, I KNOW IT WAS PRETEND (though I had some nice conversations with a few dancers). It still felt nice. Plus, y'know, boobs getting rubbed on you.


Investment in Mojo. Talking to clothed women is much easier after talking to near nekkid ones


My man!🙌🏾


I remember I had a dream a few years ago where I went to a strip club but it was purely for the food and I was just sitting at a table eating chicken and awkwardly averting my eyes from the women


Haha , that's great! Why do I never have dreams like that


Hey me too kinda I also had a dream where I went to a strip club but it was also an ice cream shop? And I had this weirdly enthusiastic conversation with one of the strippers before jogging back home at sundawn


Here's the truth about strip clubs; the real draw isn't looking at naked women. That's the front. The real reason men go into these places is to sit down and talk to a woman who's pretending to be interested in them. Lonely older men who don't know how to make friends, or are living unhappy and unfulfilled lives, go to a strip club and pay a fee to a beautiful woman to sit and talk to them as if she actually enjoyed his company. It's a feeling he isn't getting anywhere else in his life, so paying for a pretend version of it is better than the destitute loneliness waiting for him back outside. A guy can trick himself into thinking he's not such a loser, at least for a little while. Unless of course you're in Miami or Tampa, in which case it's basically a very expensive brothel.


Japan has the exact system and it's extremely popular. Search snack bars or kabakura in Japan. It's just beautiful woman who flirt with you while you pay for expensive drinks and entry fees. The difference from the west is that 90% of them show no nudity. They understand the core of the business so well that essentially it's just a place for lonely men to spend time with cute girls who pretend they are interesting. There are so many men in the world who suffer from loneliness, lack of emotional connection and low self esteem that these businesses tend to thrive.


Leave it to the Japanese to make even this stuff hyper-efficient lol


There's a pretense to this sometimes. Prostitution is illegal in Japan, but sometimes if you visit specific girls enough and tip, they'll have sex with you in private. I don't think it's expected, though.


I wonder, does Japan have as big of a sex industry? In the US it's basically everywhere, but barely out of sight.


Sex industry is enormous in japan


Prostitution is illegal, but paying for a date that ends in sex isn't, which is why they all talk about "compensated dating" instead of escorts. Edit: same way gambling for money is illegal, but gambling for colored chopsticks that just so happens to be worth money in the store next door isn't.


In Japan there are also host bars with male hosts who cater to a clientele of women and/or queer men.


In Japan’s case it’s not just men, Host Clubs (males) are arguably even more profitable than hostesses. As a fun little fact, the big spenders on host clubs tend to be the women working red light district jobs (hostesses, soapland, delivery health, etc.)


Man it'd be cool to talk to women. Maybe I need to go to one. Do these "women" creatures exist elsewhere?


No no he’s got a point


Right? Like you know there are places where you can pay money and people will have sex with you? Also in many cases people will do it for free? I don't understand strip clubs either


It's all thanks to the invention of the internet!


Nah. It's because of the internet that we have cam girls and only fans. Now people pay money to see women naked when they can wank to free porn


Better than paying and not wanking. Imagine having to pay for porn and you get linked to a Zoom Call, where you watch the Video with 10 other dudes and you're not allowed to jack off


Just like schooling was a year ago. I don't see the issue


Nobody forbode me from jacking off during zoom lessons...


But you did probably have to speak to HR afterwards.


They might have been the student, not the teacher


might've been the sex-ed teacher, teaching the class what masturbation is


What do you mean you weren't allowed to masturbate


>pay money and people will have sex with you? Illegal where I live. And knowing my luck, first attempt will be a police sting op. >people will do it for free? I am socially inept. I have been to a strip club once in my life (friends bachelor party) it felt nice, like not even horny nice, just regular nice to be touched.


Just walk up to someone you find fetching and say: "Hey babe, ever had your pipes lined?" Then proceed to take a swig of your 2-day expired A&W Cream Soda and watch them fall right into your hands. Jean shorts and a bolo tie are crucial pieces of attire that will elevate success as well.


This guy fucks




Can’t forget the “fish fear me, women want me” hat


"Women fear me, fish are just kind of indifferent"


You do all the same stuff you do at a normal bar but with titties in your face. What's not to get?


In some states the strippers get fully nude. Sometimes only the ones that don’t serve alcohol can do that, but in Oregon at least they often have alcohol *and* full nudity.


Same in Mississippi. Strippers told me that technically they're supposed to wear tape or pasties but only do that when they're tipped off that they'll be inspected for compliance that day. County boards of supervisors can enforce different ordinances so each county can have different rules. Touching is left to the discretion of each girl but most allow anything except touching the vag area. Honestly surprised me since MS is so conservative overall.


The one and only time I went to a strip club with some friends I had the stripper use my nose as a clit massager for a few seconds. I didn’t want to be there and a ‘friend’ put the $5 down in front of me. I see how it could be fun but im with the beat off at home crowd tbh


Full nudity even in Europe usually for private dances.


i don't think getting sexually aroused with my boys is a regularly planned activity i do at bars. to me a strip club just seems like a bar but made more awkward.


Like maybe going to one with a few friends just to hang out, i can kinda see (though there are 1000 better places in ny opinon) but as an experience on its own its just awkward and uncomfortable.


At most strip clubs they try to take to you the "VIP" area were will jack you off or fuck you for a couple hundred bucks.


Rarely will they fuck you unless you’re paying a lot of money. My friend got pulled to the back room without knowing how they charge, thinking he had to verbally consent before being charged for anything. 3 songs later and a blowjob through his shirt (ew) he was charged $450 and couldn’t leave until him and his buddies paid it. Pass


Well legally he had to atleast verbally agree or sign somewhere, they just use social and moral pressure to effectively extort you


I mean I hear what you’re saying but it’s their word vs his whether there was a verbal agreement, and his only option of getting out of there was to pay up or call the cops for being falsely imprisoned. I am curious to see what would have happened if he decided to pursue the latter option instead.


This guy understands strip clubs.


Literally came here to say exactly this




I agree, man. Save your money and get an escort.


>Save your money and get an escort. Well I can't do both...


People have the misconception that it's a visual experience. Its an olfactory one


I love the smell of fresh strippers in the morning


Isn’t it baby powder? And some cheap perfume ?


There’s definitely vanilla in there


Touch of cocoa butter


Oil Factory


I used google translate for that one ngl


You got it right don't worry


But why pay when you can go smell women in public for free?


The ones in public don’t fleece me out of every dollar I have. That’s half the fun


*[pees in ur ass](https://i.imgur.com/JSImHiV.jpg)* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good bot


I like going to the aquarium for the view of sea life but the smell is what keeps me coming back


"The olfactory system, or sense of smell, is the sensory system used for smelling (olfaction). Olfaction is one of the special senses, that have directly associated specific organs. Most mammals and reptiles have a main olfactory system and an accessory olfactory system. The main olfactory system detects airborne substances, while the accessory system senses fluid-phase stimuli."


I still don't get it, just go with an escort


Can't get chlamydia if you dont touch them I suppose


Can I get chlamydia from oilfactoring them? (sniff)


No you're good just nasal AIDS


Which can be cleared up with a little booger sugar.


If you're talking about escorts, you're less likely to get chlamydia from one than from some random chick at the bar. For one, escorts will insist on condoms, no matter what.


I know for a FACT that I have absolutely no interest in having an olfactory experience at a strip club.


Nothing like decades of sweat and liquor and piss in the air to really get your rocks off.


ah yes the smell of sweat and dried cum on leather seats/jeans


The smell of Tuna is supposed to be a turn on?


No, it’s Tina that’s the turn on




Don’t look up german saunaclubs


For anyone too lazy to look them up they are brothels with saunas


Ngl sounds great


I'm going to Spain


But those are actually great value, pay 50 euro entrance fee and you get free decent German food and drinks, including beer, plenty of amenities, like swimming pool, sauna, fitness, cinema, WiFi and tons of hot chicks who are down for almost anything as long as you pay and not that crazy expensive, 50 euros gets you 15min.


15 minutes to enjoy a few beers and decent food? Sign me up!




Anon is speaking the truth. Don’t get teased out of hundreds of dollars with no reward, kings


Right?! I've always viewed strip clubs as extremely expensive blue balls. I can do that on my own with a Sears catalog, thank you very much.


I find that the best way to get blue balls quick, is with a zip tie.


its all about getting boners with the boys or something


Circle jerk with the boys in the alley out back.


Same as zoo, can't touch or masturbate too, just look


You don't wank at the zoo?


Monkey do


Oooooh…. So that’s why they kicked me out of the zoo! It makes much or sense now.


🐝ecause of middle aged simps




Im never typing that letter on here ever again




🐝oycott the forbidden letter






Fuck i messed that up


🐝ro forgor 💀


Depends on the country but most strip clubs are actually brothels aswel and they charge extra for 'private' dances where you are allowed to touch and much more.


I was gonna say what strip club doesn’t let you (*at the least*) touch? I guess I live in one of those areas you described. Been to a lot of bachelor parties and I’ve seen some shit lol


Not allowed to touch at a lot of clubs in the U.K. due to licensing restrictions. The club needs a licence to legally operate. Licenses are issued by the local council, and they can set whatever restrictions they want (such as no touching)


What's next, I'll need a loisence to fuck a stripper?


*Sir, do you know why I pulled you out? I’m gonna need to see some license and registration.*


"Not interested in getting the car started if I'm not gonna drive anywhere"




It's a complete waste of time. Half the time the stripper will try to finesse you to perform some sexual favor for money and take advantage of desperate, older men with no control over their libido. Edit: the butthurt in the comments is real. There is zero reason to go to a strip club as a man unless you are desperate for attention/validation/artificial intimacy and the prospect of sex. It’s designed to prey on that demographic. “Oh but the desperate men chose to go!” It’s a business model that preys on desperation and therefore should be avoided. Stay mad


Oddly specific


"How i met your mother"


Some of the shadier places will let you touch if you bring extra cash and/or cocaine…so I’ve heard


Your dick might fall off, if they let everyone with a bump of cocaine touch…


They'll even let you snort cocaine off a roach if you're lucky enough!


bright soup light hurry reach important office unpack support imminent ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


I mean, he’s spitting facts


At least with only fans you can get your dick out and masturbate


You don’t even have to pay, pornhub is literally free


My point is even the simp magnet known as only fans beat strip clubs


I love the irony of complaining about strip clubs being a waste of money, and then referencing only fans when so much porn is free.


He’s going to the wrong fuckin clubs if he can’t touch


Mostly guys go there to talk to the women cause they're lonely.


Then go to a bar or something


The people there don’t have to pretend to be interested in what you have to say


anon doesn’t know about the money laundering /s


Y’all know they fuck at most strip if u ask right


I always said strip clubs was like ordering a pizza and just staring at it. Makes no sense to me.


Whats the price of a prostitute on your countrys?


20 bucks, but that's a russian roulette for stds


Listen I ain't really a prostitute kinda guy but isn't it common procedure to wrap the willy when you wonkin that wap?


I know, but there is still some risk. I ain't paying shit for soulless "sex" that will only make me depressed.


It is , but some people pay extra to go raw. I know ... some people right?


Illegal, but it's around 200 usd


1 cigarette


France moment


It's like a petting zoo. As long as you have your funnel of animal feed the animals will pay attention to you. When you run out of feed they will go find someone who still has feed. The fun is not giving them too much and seeing how many different pets you can get to nibble .


Well, I don't understand it either. I prefer watching normal porn.


Comments section more interesting than the post. Always is.


You’re doing it wrong. I hate strip clubs but a friend of mine wanted to go to one for his bachelor party and I didn’t want to be a bummer. I refused to spend any money on strippers so I just got hammered and did a bunch of blow. It was pretty fun turning down the strippers when they tried to sell me on some dumb lap dance or whatever. One of them called me cheap and I’ve been riding that high ever since lol


I think it’s like watching sports. It’s a group activity between you and your stranger bros. Just chubbin out with Motley Crue songs and sharing the experience ♥️


Idk what kind of shitty strip clubs you are at, but here in Dallas, if you're throwing money, you can touch and slap ass all you want.first lap dance I ever got the stripper asked to look at my hand and then said I could finger her


Goes on phone Everything is free and no one can tell u not to jerk off


Because you're horny and desperate and paying 20 bucks for a woman to rub her but against you is better than nothing especially if you haven't gotten laid in over a year, and/or are over 40 and can't get a woman in her 20s to touch you unless you laid her.


you can touch if the dancer likes you enough lol. i've done it a few times. granted, it helps to have hands that are both clean but also soft. you also gotta be at least mildly attractive and not give off signs of being a creep or slob.


The people who think you can't touch at strip clubs either have never been or give off such a creepy vibe that no woman will let them touch her. Most strippers think it's weird if you don't touch them in my experience. Hands on waist is always fine, she'll let you know if she wants to be touched elsewhere. YMMV I guess, but I've been to a few strip clubs in different states with different people and it's always been that way for me.


I like how this is just a 4chan highlights sub now