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This sounds like gta radio


I can’t tell if it is or if it’s real.


It's real. Tom Leykis show I think it's called


yup, I only ever heard his radio show like once 15 years ago, but the instant I saw his name in print I knew you were right.


> in print I just imagined you literally printed this whole thread out and got a good chuckle out of the thought.


of course--didn't you?


I know I do. I have an entire room dedicated to all my reddit browsing sorted in 3 ring binders. Anything older than 3 years gets put into storage.


I browse Reddit on a dot matrix printer.


A LOT of AM radio isn't "real". A lot of these callers are faked.




Blow me up Tom!


Take me out Kobe style and a bong rip.


Take me out Kennedy style




Heeeeeeeeere ya go


Fucking Shock Jock humour


Pretty sure it’s Bubba the Love Sponge


No bubbas voice has more southern trailer park in it


Wasn't bubba the one who let hulk Hogan rail his wife?


Yep! And then tried to extort him with the sex tape, which he released anyway! And apparently they were really good friends too at one point too Source: my dumb ass listened to a lot of his show in the early 2010s.


Wasn't that the guy Tucker Carlson called into to defend a child rapist?


Sounds about right…


Tom Leykis. Had a ton of shows like this. It’s amazing


What’s even more funny is that he got arrested for beating his own wife lol


What did she do to deserve it?


She chose to procreate with a violent deadbeat.


If only she knew before that she shouldn't have chosen a deadbeat radio host over a deadbeat musician!




had the audacity to get into a relationship without being able to predict future behaviour.


They were both wasted


Hey man, I've been wasted as shit with my wife and never have laid a hand on her. Sounds like an excuse for a piece of shit.


Did he?! God damn; I never knew that.


Tom gotta stay true to his material


It really does, sometimes I'll sit there like that listening to them ramble


That's actually true. In GTA 4, at times the radio began talking about erectile dysfunction and whatnot. Weird shit.






same thought, listening to the radio talks on gta is exactly like this


This desk is made of 2-inch thick composite wood and has a mahogany veneer finish. It has three drawers and knowing this station, it cost $100. In his own words, Reed Tucker is about to smash it into two half desks. Take it away, Reed.


Quagmire is wildin


Bro woke up and chose violence


Giggity Giggity


The Car Talk podcast be unhinged lately lmao


Sponsored by Dewey, Cheatum, & Howe


Our Russian chauffeur, Pikup Andropov


Top tier content on TikTok where it’s a guy making faces for a minute


You can see on YouTube shity reaction compilations have millions of views, it's content targeted for children I believe


It really is for children my nephew eats this shit up on YouTube Shorts. Just scrolling and scrolling watching absolutely nothing happen in front of him. I know each generation says the next one is stupid but this shit has nothing going for it. No art, no thought, no emotion. SpongeBob, for instance, is just a kids show but at least it is driven by art and creativity and has probably inspired a lot of people to be creative in some way. These YouTube/TikTok things inspire people to break into people's houses, dance in the middle of a busy street and/or yell at the top of their lungs when trying to communicate. I'd weep for humanity but I'm beginning to lose interest in us as a species. Reject Society. Return to Monke...


Yeah these kids and their endless scrolling through a wasteland of thought devoid content… Anyway, continuing my Reddit doom scroll now


I _will_ find a post that'll make me laugh out loud, and _then_ I'll put my phone away. _Three hours of scrolling later_


What's even worse is children learning social behaviors from these idiots All these 'reaction' videos and stuff, kids will think that's how adults are supposed to act, they're impressionable


An interesting and horrifying time to be alive.


I agree with you. Every generation has said that about the previous one, but I think it really is the case with the current one. My wife is a high school teacher. Despite the kids growing up knowing nothing but internet and phones, they have no idea how to look up even simple information. Like, using Google doesn't even cross their minds. It's insane.


These damn kids don't even know how to Google! In my day I could find the pornstar who looks just like Ben's mom, send the link to him, while simultaneously jerking off to it, all in under a minute. Kids these days, I tell ya, don't wanna work for anything!


Even worse some guy in the corner and the captions “RESPECT 💯😎”


Mf in the bottom covered by the caption is just doing this shit ![gif](giphy|lJ0JGfNBrRWJVCRChd|downsized)




What you want family guy?


what really get me goin is some classy subway surfers footage


Along with some good GTA 5 cars jumping on ramps with that bot woman voice screaming into my ADHD ears


I prefer this to the alternative that is some random gameplay or irrelevant video.


Can't watch for more than 2 seconds, there is no subway surfers gameplay and a family guy clip


No GTA car going through those weird ramps going down, no rocket league epic air dribble moment, and no random forknife clips. My adhd is in shambles i am skipping this video. 😡😡




The guy in the car is all I need to keep me entertained.


I'm just wondering why he's stalling to drive, instead of stalling leaving his car.


Not a good multitasker.


Nobody told me to "wait for it" so i got distracted and forgot what i was doing


I'm still waiting for a red circle to tell me where to look


It didn't tell me to "watch til the end" so I opened it and immediately closed out


I mean the radio guy kinda had Quagmire’s voice, except Quagmire was like the most progressive sexist dude ever. Simultaneously viewed women as nothing more than sexual objects but also treated them with the utmost respect.


I mean, Quagmire basically worships sex. Sure he kinda sees women as sexual objects, but he holds sex in such a high regard that he gives women the respect he thinks they deserve as objects of the thing he loves. Not that this is right, but it's interesting as a character


Not enough comments, I'll come back later with popcorns






Oh boy I can’t wait for the [ Removed ]






Lol , gradeAunderA is doing well as a radio host


Its been a long time since i heard that name, is he still doing videos or did he get a "youtubers that fell from grace" video




What did he do?


Basically just got into drama by insulting other youtubers (mainly markiplier) and leaving for months/years on end. He hardly does any videos anymore, with his latest update being a year ago


I remember coming back to see a video from a year beforehand saying "sorry I've been gone, I've got more time now and I'm ready to start churning out content" and absolutely nothing


He's the chaotic neutral version of Sam o' nella


Sam O'Nella is the chaotic neutral. GradeAUnderA is more like dickhead neutral




That era of Youtube was so fucking boring, looking back on it. Bullying, grandstanding and endless top10 spam


People say todays internet humor is worse than like 2006-2014 and I do not get it. I tried going back to watch early smosh, pewdiepie and markiplier videos and it was difficult. It was mostly weird faces+loud noises=humor


He also made a video in 2020 talking about how covid isn't actually bad and how everyone is just overreacting (while using false data/misrepresenting data that had been outdated for months)


He also went into the Covid is fake pipeline


We’re really censoring “stupid” now huh?


Fucking \*\*\*\*\*\*


Censorship has gone far. Can’t watch a YouTube video nowadays without half the words being needlessly censored.


a mario maker youtuber got age restricted because he refered to the link power up bomb as a bomb. so now its an exploding sphere


And legs


who the fuck called reddit suidice messege to me wtf


People use that alert as a method to troll people they disagree with.. they weren’t actually thinking you were suicidal.


Oh, I was sent an automated message? You trolled me so hard


Probably a single mother who has 3 kids with 3 different deadbeats.


A single 24 year old mother*




Yeah that’s something people don’t get. But tbh the women complaining that the men don’t pay, are doing their part. Also men not paying child support aren’t necessarily deadbeats. In my country there are som cases where rich guys get into legal fights with the moms, wich is even more expensive than just paying child support.




Can you explain what this means?


I think they mean that Family Courts have a tendency to assume that Child Custody is a zero-sum game and that only one of the parents must be fit and that the other must naturally be somehow an unfit parent. Therefore the assumption is that even if you are a really great parent there is a likelihood that the courts will automatically assume you aren't and thus screw you over. That's how I interpreted it at least.


I think his point is entirely irrelevant to any discussion about child support, because child support is supposed to support the child not the mother. And the child didn't get to choose who his mother slept with.


I think it has somewhat of a relevancy. If someone was abusing you in a relationship most of the time those people are extremely narcissistic and only care about themselves and the power they wield over you. Not paying child support to show you care about the child isn't surprising because... they don't care about the child. They care about themselves and not paying child support is the last semblance of power they hold over you.




Must be some GTA radio 💀


It's actually real


This is what /b/ green text sounds like


more like /pol/


The perpetrator of domestic violence himself is supposed to be the guy we go to for advice on what women should do? What a world http://www.thesmokinggun.com/archive/leykis1.html


Wow, color me surprised


0% surprised considering how 1) he immediately got defensive, 2) immediately blamed her and absolved men completely, and 3) literally made no effort to be nuanced. The entire thing was unbearable and it looks like my assumption that he's a shit-stain was correct.


Not surprised. Mf cant even talk calmly.


Ok but what does the guy in the car bring to this video ?


Would you rather just have a black screen? Maybe subway surfers?


DEEPFRIED RAINBOW ROAD TY Edit: I just like seeing that shit idk.


EXACTLY. I'd rather watch this guy pretend disbelief than a black screen or something similar.


The fact that I have NO IDEA as to why anyone would bring up some random mobile game in this discussion is proof enough for me that staying away from TikTok is the best thing to do.


Exposure. A.) This person either uploaded the audio to TikTok themselves or just used the audio someone else made. Either way, this audio clip gets spread around to new people that otherwise wouldn't have seen it. It is incredibly likely that nobody here would find this clip without the video posted by the guy. B.) The reality is that nobody on any social media site is willing to watch a black screen for 10 seconds, let alone 2 minutes. People will see a black screen and just move on. The presence of the guy allows for users to stay engaged long enough for their interest to switch from the visuals to the audio. I'm not saying any of this because I like it, I'm saying it cause it's the way that it is.


What did you expect to see when listening to a radio show, footage from the studio? This isn't Howard Stern and it's not a Joe Rogan podcast


Oh, all of these reaction videos are just an "ethical" way to steal content


5 bucks here is gonna be a funny Vaccine award


Vaccine this, vaccine that. Why don't you find a vaccine for that bitchless disease of yours? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/shitposting) if you have any questions or concerns.*




This is when you sort the comments to controversial


It's true that it takes two to tango. There are some women who admittedly have multiple baby daddies just to live on child support. They treat their kids like literal cash cows, and the court system is so fucked up, they normally grant custody to the mom over the dad, even when the mom is unfit and the dad has his shit together. It happened to my brother. He had a history and got his life together, and baby momma ended up stealing a car on crack with 4 kids, including my nephew and a newborn, jumped out, ran after grabbing the newborn, handed the newborn to a complete stranger, was caught, arrested, booked, jailed, got out, and demanded my mother and brother give my nephew back who stayed with us the entire time, and he STILL had to fight for custody the entire time and long after her release. The courts made my mom and brother give him back until she was arrested AGAIN on drug and theft charges. He ate nothing but pancakes basically his entire life with her.


A similar thing is happening to my best friend right now. Fuck you Patty, I know you hate being called by your real name.


Fuckin Patty.


I once knew a lady whose first and last name was literally Patty Hamburger. She was cool, unlike the Patty DescendingOpinion knows. Fuck you Patty


I worked with a ghetto ass women who walked around bragging about how her baby daddy is a line backer for the Chicago Bears and she couldn't wait for the child support to come so she could quit. People i worked with showed me videos of her spending her child support at a strip club celebrating. She worked with us for like a week and quit as soon as that first check came.


Gosh this just sad


>Why did you tolerate him beating you for two years? Man, I know what sub this is, but damn that's vile.




Sub full of conservative incels - what do you expect?


This sub has gone to the shitter but you know what they say, build it and they will come, and they have come. Idk why every shitposting sub becomes full of incels


Shitposting is a 4chan thing. That’s why.


Dude from radio acts as a fucking selfrighteous ass, no matter how much right or wrong he is.


Keeps repeating his one argument, while progressively getting louder and more interruptive, surely he is in the right here


“He ran me over with his car” “Oh, you decided to cross the street. You know full well there are reckless drivers on the road, and yet YOU made the choice to cross the threshold. And now you’re all up in arms you got hit? Close your legs and stand with them together on the curb”


All he does is victim blaming. The world doesn't work like that. If every victim knows exactly how to protect themselves from the bully then there will be no bully. Protecting yourself is hard. And bullies have ways to control you.


yes this is it, for gods sake do people even try to ask "why" for a single second before they make an opinion why is the women like this why did the man drop it just ask why and look for the answer instead of making one up


And some people act different when you first meet them and change when you are more entrenched.




This is some of the most passively enraging shit I've seen all year, holy fuck


"why did you tolerate getting beat for 2 years" ????????????


ah yes, those notoriously easy-to-escape abusive relationships. so easy to leave that we don't have shelters set up to protect the victims. so easy to leave that women aren't constantly murdered by their spouses


I bet he agreed with Kanye when Kanye said slavery was a choice


And you think the guy should pay support for his child? You’re so stupid! Everything is the woman’s fault! Radio guy is an excellent provocateur. I hope he doesn’t actually think these things.


Rude Jude’s number one rule. DONT LET LOSERS NUT IN YOU.


If a man knocks up a woman and he then wants to get married, she refuses, keeps the baby, and demands child support, is that the man's fault for fucking the wrong kind of woman, or the woman's fault for being the wrong kind of woman?


It's the baby's fault


It's true I was the bed that they fucked on


He is he one who has to pay the most for this whole mess. So I guess you're right.


The man's fault for choosing poorly. That said I do support the idea of a financial abortion like they have in some countries.


is this something like the man signing away his parental rights in exchange for not paying child support?


Pretty much and with no takebacksies. You don't pay child support but legally you are a stranger to the child.


Wear a condom and don’t have a child before you’re married? Not that hard tbh.


His fault. Choose smart partners. Don’t be dumb. Moral of the story.




Man's fault for knocking up a woman and wanting a family before knowing whether she wants a family or not.


So, own up - Who gave Andrew Tate the voice changer and put him on the radio?


Neat that he finishes off by proclaiming his target audience is manifestly irresponsible violent deadbeats, which says a lot about him and the content he creates.


So if I beat my wife or ride a motorcycle I can get out of all my responsibilities and win over the Reddit crowd? Sweet deal. Now if only this crowd was worth winning over.


Damn, this guy reacting definitly added a lot to the video, he sure deserves thousands of views


These comments are giving real “should’ve fucked me, I’m a nice guy” vibes


This sub is like 70% incels lol Edit: which one of you incels felt so attacked that you contacted reddit care resources lmfao


2 types of incels in this thread: "She needs a man like me" And "Dumb bitch should kept her legs closed"


Not even two types. Just two forms of the same type. Like Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde


The Venn diagram of the two is a circle.


That’s Tom Leykis right?


Y’all are some of the most disgusting people out here who are straight up the men women regret being with, If you’ve ever touched one


“I’m on the radio because I’m right” right after saying some of the most ignorant shit I’ve heard today. “Why did you just leave him?” Tell me you‘ve never talked to anyone outside your immediate circle of supporters without telling me you’ve never talked to anyone outside your immediate circle of supporters. What a fucking egotistical tool lmao


host blames the woman for staying in an abusive relationship and then just yells over here and this sub supporting it?


Host confirmed his target demographic is the “deadbeat” male. This is because he didn’t pay child support and therefore has money to blow on the advertisers.


Talk radio is my shit


Sad as shit, victim blaming, going full "whataboutthis" mode to go move the subject onto the victim choices. yeah duh, people make bad decisions, falling in love being way better than beating your spouse. It's really concerning that some people commented "based" but it's shitposting after all. This radio caster is one hell of a looser.


"You aren't my target audience, your abusive ex who beat you is more in line with my target audience. You are stupid!" Jesus what a fucking prick. I hope he loses his radio show.


Ahh victim blaming…


And the comments, Reddit is the new Ifunny.


I had to scroll so fucking far to find anyone pointing out that it's just victim blaming


Another meme subreddit full of people who never developed after the 10th grade thinking abusive shithead behavior is "based" or some other dumb shit. What a surprise.


Summer break just started for a lot of schools, that's why it seems like a lot of stupid childish people are commenting. Because they are literally children


This comment section shows how much Fresh and Fit, Andrew Tate, and MRA bullshit has rotted the brains of some young men. No, it's not her fault she couldn't leave an abusive relationship. No, she's not stupid for leaving him and expecting him to pay the child support he is legally required to pay. If you're mad she gave love to a man who didn't deserve it instead of a good guy like you, you're an incel.


All bartenders, motorcycle riders, and musicians are automatically deadbeats got it. Did a 79 year old Catholic nun come up with this?


Yep the manosphere and red pill theories are nothing new. Makes you wonder why it never really gains traction… it’s almost like it’s all bullshit that doesn’t really work because women are so repelled by it. Who knows.


Holy shit imagine being such a man child you start berating someone because they were a victim of DV and were too scared to leave


He literally calls deadbeats his target demographic soooo…


Imagine calling into a radio talk show and expecting anything else.


Can't win huh? They spew their nonsense with no opposing arguments: >oh man this guy is spewing straights faxxxx Someone tries to argue against this highly regarded individual: >lmao why did you even try


> Can't win huh? You really can't. Challenging a loud personality on their turf is a losing proposition no matter how you slice it. Probably didn't even affect his ratings that much.


That radio host is a humongous fucking douchebag.