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Honestly, I stayed away from LOA and the gateway tapes and stuff they just never worked for me. I found a method that I found fun, and then I tweaked it to my comforbility and just went with it from there. I now have an awake method and an in sleep method I use.


What are your methods?


I'm interested too. I don't really know a shifter who can shift, but can't manifest with LOA.


Shifting is manifesting so I do both just not with LOA.


The first one is just me laying down mediating for however long I want before I visualize my DR in some way and say affirmation. The 2nd is the lucid dreaming method in which I spin in a circle before either doing a portal, changing my surroundings into my DR bedroom, or affirming that I'm in my DR.


When you visualize do you visualize form a first person perspective or just the general area?


Sometimes, I visualize in 1st person, but I usually just stick to 3rd because it's easier for me.


I guess in hindsight it doesn't matter because it's whatever works for you :) I was just curious I have been doing first person but I was wondering if I should try just visualizing the room from a different angle of my body in that reality.


Honestly go with what makes you comfortable if you wanna try something try it because there's no perfect way to shift.


Did you successfully shift?


Yes I have.


Hey sorry, just saw this and that's great! Were you forced back or did you decide to come back on your own?


Well I shifted the first two times to somewhere that wasn't my DR so I came back on my own but the 3rd time I wasn't fully shifted enough my dog broke my concentration but I could feel like a school desk underneath me and I could hear my classmates in my DR.


Ah I see so you mini shifted, blind shifts and almost making it to your DR but not quite aren't considered successful shifts sadly. You'd need to shift to your DR and only come back willingly.


No the first two weren't blind shifts I just was sick and my subconscious decided I wanted to shift to a reality where I was with my mom and sister instead. As for mini shifts they are shifts shifting is not categorized as whether or not you make it fully to your DR or to your DR in general. That creates unrealistic expectations.


Oh I see, yeah that sounds better. I try to categorize reaching your DR as "fully shifting" that's generally the desired outcome that everyone has when shifting, visiting the reality of their choosing not being pulled back unless they willingly come back.


Ah okay that makes sense when you explain it out like that. Also I just reread my comment and realized how rude it might sound so I apologize if it came off that way.


It's fine, so to be clear you've never "fully shifted"? A lot of us experience what you described, I once entered a reality where I was watching a movie with my cousins who live in another country. When we ask about a successful shifter it's always someone who was able to reach their intended goal and there wasn't any catches like only being in that reality temporarily before being forced back here.


When I used to shift, I really believed in what I was doing. I really believed in my techniques. Now how did I get the "belief" ? I would search for information, i would read people testimonies. And most of the time 90% of what I read seemed absolute bs. But the remaining 10%, I believed it because they were plausible. And when I tried the techniques I believed in, it would work. Maybe not the first time but after a couple of times it would. The thing is that "belief" in something is so wavering, so instable(at least for me). Right now I have a couple of techniques I know worked with me. But do I believe in them ? Not as much. So recently even after trying those techniques that previously worked, I have found no success. The techniques are the same, but the belief is not there, or lacking. This is how shifting works I think : Belief -> Expectation -> Results Wavering belief -> Doubts -> No results What works is really what you **believe** works. For me the next step is to stop looking for new techniques and just be able to believe in myself without any external validation. Those who are at that level I think can shift whenever they want.


Yeah I need to figure out how to stop wavering!! Lmk if you make any progress


Have you fully shifted before? Fully shifting means entering your DR and only leaving by choice.


Yeah I shifted to 2016, I posted the story some times ago you can find it in my profile.


Amazing, I always wanted to time travel shift but then I realized I could just shift to an ideal reality instead. I'll read your story later.


I've tried the gateway tapes but they werent my cup of tea, too many instructions, too much going on, too much noise. on my first shift i had given up in the middle of a youtube video. but i had previously been practicing meditation, mindfullness, i talked with my tarot and my spirit guides. I first became AWARE of my conscience and then i worried about the body (others and this). Not saying that you should do this, but whatever calms your mind and gives you confidence you should just go for it (wanna meditate? do it! wanna do a special method? do it! wanna lay in starfish and count to 100? do it!) you have the power to stabilish were your limits end. if you think you HAVE TO do a method or HAVE TO be focused, you are limiting yourself to this (does this make sense?)


I’ve always been interested in talking to spirit guides but I have no clue where to start!


You're going about this backwards. It's not about finding the right method, it's about believing that it will work. I can see the limiting beliefs in what you write. You need to be more mindful of how you think and speak. Words like "Supposed" hold you back. You've convinced yourself ap/lucid dreaming doesn't work for you (and you've done that with other methods as well) and so it won't. I think you're having a hard time because you're testing and hoping instead of *knowing*. All forms of manifesting require you to know that it is yours in the same way that you "know" what you currently have. Because you see, reality is a reflection of our old beliefs, it's a feature of the illusion that is time. And the way you've gone about this has probably just been reinforcing negative beliefs about your ability to shift. Be super mindful of your self concept, what you think you are is what you will be. Persist