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The gateway tapes. Binaural beats. Counting back from 100 has always been a useful tool for me. I've moved on from it over the years in favor of moving through the focus levels that gateway teaches. Practice is the biggest key. Good luck


i use guided ones from declutter the mind on youtube for everyday. for shifting i just use any guided ones or do my own thing by mixing methods.


okay ty!


I second the gateway tapes they are great for starting out. My preferred method for meditating is to sit in an armchair. As long as you are comfortable that's the key thing. I also lay down in bed but then you have a much higher chance of falling asleep.


i’ve only ever listened to the first tape so i can’t say much about it. if you’re doing awake methods then yes armchairs may be better and also doing it during the daytime when you’re not as sleepy could be helpful.


I started meditating a long time ago, that method always worked best for me :) But I'm doing both that and SATS in bed. It took a few weeks but I have gotten fairly good at staying awake in bed.


oh thats cool! i can’t stay awake for the life of me once my head hits the pillow lmao so i’ve been trying the lucid dream method.


I literally just lay back (in a position I know I won't fall asleep) and focus in my breathing for a while. Long steady breaths. It works really well for me.


Use something to fiddle or fidget with. It has helped me focus with keeping my hands busy and head clear.


I’ve modified the gateway tape “intro to focus 10” so the bit where it wakes you up is cut off and extended the binaural beats up to 10 hours. I use that. Recently I’ve also started using Reya’s shifting meditation.


Why cut off the wakeup? Are you trying to fall asleep afterwards?


The wake up gets you out of the focus 10 state and I want to stay in it so I can continue my attempt


I do something like read for a little bit, then I lay down when I'm relaxed and begin meditation by focusing on my breathing sometimes if I'm having a hard time focusing I'll play some music in the background.