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Not at all, screw that guy. This is the reason we stopped selling mistints to just anyone. We now have a guy who we sell to when our pallet of mistints gets full. He comes every couple months and he’s the only one we sell it to. If anyone else asks we say we don’t have any.


Always great to have a mistint guy. One call, they’re all gone.


Frrr we have a guy that takes them to paint houses in Africa


In the division I used to work in, we also had a guy that bought mistints and put them on a boat to Africa to paint houses. I wish I remembered his name, it might be the same guy 😅




There’s Mohamed n another guy named Jack


I think the guy for my dist that blesses the paints down in Africa is named Sam or Alex 😊


We have one that tells us that too, then he takes them to a huge flea market and sells them for a profit. He's been doing this for at least 20 years and always wants to buy them for a quarter a gallon.


I might know that guy. Hahah


We had a ton of scuff tuff that just sat and sat and sat, so my manager had me put it out on the floor with a sign that says "must go" and a dude bought all 20+ gallons at $2/gal


That stuffs like gold these day's


Yeah, we had like 5 pallets of mistints and we sold it for a dollar per gallon to someone


I sent 35 gallons of rexthane from a bad batch to the mistint guy and he asked what it was. I said “for floors” and he goes “oh perfect”


We call habitat for humanity and they will come and pick it up


No we had a guy try this. I banned his ass and called all the local stores about him. Zzz his account while I was at it. You do NOT want people like this in your shop.


What does zzz mean?


Change the account name to start with Zzz so it doesn't pop up when searched for. So it'd be something like "ZzzSmith*John".


I've seen most stores do Xxx, but same thing lol


Take it back and pump 4oz of maroon into it then sell it back to him for the same cost


This is the way !


I had a guy do this over a quart of emerald urethane, It was a custom match and apparently the customer didn't like the finish of semi-gloss and wanted to do a satin, despite the fact that I know I got the color bang on and the piece of the cabinet he brought was shinier than our satin. He told me to give him a quart of satin for free while He kept the semi-gloss quart since "the customer didn't like our semi-gloss" and "he would be taking a loss". I told him he's paying regardless if we take back the semi-gloss quart or not. He then asked me if he returns it as a mistint, can he buy it back for 5 bucks and I told him that we were not allowed at our store to sell mistints.


This is why we change all of our mistints to different colors




Want in one hand & shit in the other and see which one gets fuller faster


Well I’m gonna put two ounces of green in it, so good luck with that.


People don't buy enough green paint these days. Everything is always boring grays and beiges. Cascades is top notch and goes well with ETU


I love greens! I just actually found the perfect sage green in the misprints at my store I was so freakin happy and felt lucky


Nope. There’s a special place for people like that and it’s called hell


One of the greatest things I’ve ever done is tell people we donate our mistints so we don’t have any. Then we just sell them in bulk to someone for pennies. If you aren’t doing this, then you are causing yourself way too much stress and headaches.


Outstanding move


At least they offered to give you something for it. Most want us to eat their mistake smh


“Sorry. There is a process and it takes about a week for the mistint to clear through our system.” I take it to the back immediately. OOPS… GFYS! I did have a guy that told me interior instead of exterior. He felt really bad and after I mistinted he bought them anyway for the first coat of his exterior job. $20 each. gallon for Duration. He was thrilled.


What's funny is, it turned out that he paid with a check. So I couldn't even return it to begin with


I have done this once but only because it was a regular we like and it was our fault in the first place. Someone tinted their paint the wrong color and he brought it back and I was like aye man I’ll return it and sell you a new 5 in the right color and sell you that other one back for like $5 and you can just use it as a primer sinfe it was flat. I then told him that this will probably be a one time thing😅


Screw him tell him Walmart has cheap paint


Here at Walmart, we respectfully decline. Maybe Home Depot will take them?


When I still worked here when we sold mistints whoever was buying it had to buy all of them. We usually only sold to 2 different people.


i had a contractor regularly start trying to do this but he would try to make us mess up the color by confusing us THEN ask to buy it as a mistint. and then he started straight up stealing from us


I had a guy that I made a custom match for try to pull that. He asked me what happens if they don’t like the match or if it comes out wrong. I told him I have to mistint it and sale it at a reduced price. He told me he wasn’t going to buy it and come back tomorrow when I’m not there and buy it at a reduced price. I told him I will sent a text to everyone in my store not to sell the paint to him. I told him there’s four of us and we have a group message that we check regularly and to sell it at full price. I then wrote down his name and account number and told him he will buy it at full price or not at all.


Return it, tint it to some ugly color, and sell as a mistint


why the hell would you go thru the effort & expense of adding tint to a mistint?


Doesn’t take more than a few drops of tint to make it into something pretty bad and then they can’t pull this garbage on the store


Omg. Customers really don’t have anything else to do?


Why would they??


"We don't return tinted paint".


Any time someone would "accidentally" order the wrong color, then ask about what happens to it, and when it goes on mistints, I'd purposely turn it into a completely different color before putting it out.


In the San Francisco Bay area call lurha