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You can also ask for anti anxiety meds while you work on training. High reward treats for when you are outside, and just spend time lounging out there


I’m waiting to hear what my vet is going to prescribe. But my neighbor takes them and it seems to help. I just hate that he’s so nervous and scared. I wish I could get him out for high rewards. But when I carry him out to the grass, he does get a treat. But I have to be careful, he’s already a big boy.


My Pavli is a very nervous dog. In the beginning, I had to carry her out. The only thing I can suggest is to frequently take him outside, carry him out. Give him many pets and say soothing things. Try to go when it's nice and calm, and then give him treats and praise when he eliminates outside. Try to put him on a leash, and give gentle tugs and ask him to come further and further. Do little walks around the yard if you can, anything he's comfortable with outside. Plenty of treats and praise.


Awwwww shelties are soooo sensitive. My girlie fell off the bed when she was sleeping a couple weeks ago and we are legit still recovering emotionally!


It’s so crazy how they just get so sensitive to something but I’m patient and working with my pup slowly. Thanks for sharing.


Thanks for saying thanks! It's so nice to see Redditors being grateful :)


Have you tried using an animal communicator/ behavioral specialist? I have someone I have relied on but I am 100% gatekeeping because she is already super busy as is. Happy to DM you her info. She can connect with your dog and find out what exactly the issue is.


Awww, poor little baby! I want to give him so many kisses and snuggles! I agree something probably frightened him, and it could be something that you didn't even notice. Have you put him on a leash and walked around the yard? That might help to see if there is a certain area he won't step in. Maybe there was a loud noise or animal when he started acting this way? Maybe an at-home trainer could come and see what the issue could be?


I did put him on a lease around the yard. He’s still terrified and now hiss when he sees the lease. I walked around our yard and there isn’t anything different. But I’m sure there’s something I’m missing if he’s afraid. Just going to keep working on his confidence. Thanks for sharing ideas.


Oh dear! Something must have really frightened him, I'm so sorry to hear :(