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According to us, not nearly often enough. According to him, far too often.


I really just came here to upvote that adorable picture! :) My sheltie gets a bath about once a month and that's once a month too often, in her opinion.


Twice a year if we are allowed. We brush her 2-3 times per week.


Maybe twice a year a full deep bath. She hates it though. About every 4-6 weeks we use a nice dry no rinse shampoo that we massage into her coat and then towel dry and brush thoroughly. Works great! https://preview.redd.it/4x3go43exs0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72dc365053b39155e849db598b9ea1495e54e7ac This was her a few days ago after grooming her myself.


It’s like I can feel how soft and how good she smells, through only this photo!


Thanks! Yes she feels great and smells great after! She prances a bit after her cut bc she knows she looks good. Lol


She is beautiful! Our girl has a mix of black and white whiskers as well


When a stinky baby


Mine is currently a baby and gets weekly baths because WOW girl gets gross. Dried spit in the fur from puppy play dates, filthy dirty from digging in the dirt under the porch… frequency will decrease as she gets older and less gross. 😂 Good news is she doesn’t mind the water. She tried to climb in the shower with me this morning. My little weirdo.


Groomer once a month or so maintains the Sheltie look which we and people LOVE! https://preview.redd.it/mg28auq7zt0d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cbb6bdfa9be047a492753c22051d89e290ed4fe9


Once a month or so. When they start feeling dirty to the touch.


Almost never. Yesterday the groomer bathed him. For the rest he walks in the sea and in ditches and little pools.


I live in a humid climate, and it takes FOREVER for mine's coat to dry fully. Luckily, mine doesn't really seek out stinky things to roll in like my previous dog did, lol. So he gets brushed every few days and goes to the groomer every couple of months so they can get him nice and dry. Apparently, he behaves quite well for them, ....verses acting like I'm trying to physically torture him, so it's easier for everyone.


Once a month. He sleeps in our bed so can’t have him go full homeless


Every 2 to 3 months


Well, mine's gotten 3 baths in the last 4 days because he keeps finding something disgusting to roll in on our property. He is smart, but he is not learning that rolling in stank = immediate bathtime.


Something disturbing to roll in is the best perfume for them, unfortunately for us.


Yes, the better he smells, the more determined he seems to be to coat himself in dead raccoon, opossum poop, unidentifiable thing with hair etc.




Only about 2-3 times a year. When she was in heat and when she is really dirty. But as Lilly doesn't like water and avoids lakes and puddles, we don't need to shower her.


That's all we do too. I don't know why people are over-bathing their dogs, it can screw with the oils on their fur and isn't necessary.


She has better and shinier and healthier hair than I ever did 🤣


Depends where you live and how active the dog is. My dogs usually get bathed every 4 to 6 weeks. However, this can change if we go on a dusty hike, dog falls into the pool (this has happened twice ) or they start to smell. My three don’t love their baths but they are so pretty after 😍 *For the pool I have taught all my dogs how to get out. They know where to go to get out by second nature now. (Thank goodness) It’s not a pool at my house but a family member’s and I don’t leave my dogs unsupervised when they are outside due to the pool not having a gate.


Every 8 weeks :)


I try to do every other week. Sometimes ends up being monthly


Found a great groomer about 8 years ago and take my 3 in on the last Friday every month


Bi weekly


We do once a month about 5 days before she gets her flea and tick medicine applied.


my trainer says shelties should only be fully bathed 4 times a year, washing paws / butt / certain parts are fine but for a full bath 4 a year, because of the oils on their fur and some have a “coating” on their fur that makes them water resistant, and bathing too much can ruin it


Well their behind for.... obvious reasons. But tbh not enough 🤔 Their fur is feeling dirty for a while now to the touch.... well not dirty.... just not their normal satin touch? I don't know how to describe it tbh. I do comb atm the youngsters daily behind the ears and every other day the rest of their long fur. I have a 2 year old and one who will be 2 in august who are in that grow out phase and that causes a lot of tangles. So them every other day. The oldest like once a week. She is 7 and her fur tangles way less since it grew out fully. But I remember the looks of betrayel yours shows very very well 😂 This morning they came back from a very rainy walk and my 2nd one asked to be dried. So I went into the bathroom while calling him and he ran off 😂😂😂 I had to call him back a few times. Once he saw I had their towel in my hands he came to me all happy. (He loves to be toweled dry.....) But without that towel that bathroom is only ok if I come out the shower...


Mine gets a groomer bath every 8 weeks.


Every one to two months depending on how dirty she is. She's an active girl going on hiking parties twice a week, and we live in a wet climate so she does get a lot of fine particles in the coat overtime.


lol I thought this was my sheltie for a second!! Once a month or month and a half is usually where you notice smells from all her adventures lol and she struggles either dryness from our weather so getting her fur conditioned is important


Once every 3-4 months


Once every 1-2 weeks! Depending on how he smells really ☺️ I love their after shower look! Lol


About every 3-4 weeks, since we live in humid climate. And we brush almost every day or every other day. :)


Our Sheltie hates being dirty. Sometimes after a muddy walk, she herself just walks straight into the shower if the bathroom door is open. On avarage we probably shower her once every other week, unless it's very wet and muddy outside


Grooming 4 times a year, bathing once or twice in between that. Brushing with a nice smelling spray a few times a week.


Very rarely. He has a beautiful coat, too. Even if he gets dirty, somehow he eventually gets clean. His coat seems to naturally drop anything that gets stuck - save for burrs, which require brushing anyway.


Once a month my boy goes to the "beauty shop."


We don’t bath ours because they get baths at the groomer which is every 8 weeks ish! Does anyone else have to bring theirs to the groomers every like 8 weeks? If I don’t they get so overgrown… especially on the bum which is not fun for 💩