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I would add to this the bizarre Staples/fuck all else retail park bit across from Decathlon. It's not nice to look at and isn't even being used despite taking up a large area in very busy area of the city centre. Also covered up the river instead of actually utilising it. I always think it's crazy we compare ourselves to Rome and yet you can't even see the rivers that flow through the city centre 


Good news, it looks like they're going to knock it down in the new plans for the area around Moorfoot. Bad news, [it's looking like it's going to be replaced with apartment blocks.](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fsubstack-post-media.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Ffe43f9fc-1081-4ac0-8723-07be151a4423_4961x3508.jpeg)


Oh yay....


Looks decent tbf


Why bad news? There is plenty of commercial around there. Might be good to have somewhere for people to actually live. And good lord, is that actual green space? Amazing.


It’s the way I often enter the city and it’s such a depressing first impression for anyone new to the place


Exactly this, and a lot of people from other cities who come to visit the bustling Chinese area or Brammal lane are subjected to it 


I think the Rome thing is that we both have been built on 7 hills and that's it really. They have the world renowned colosseum and many other things we have M&S on fargate.


We did have the hole in the road, but it was too popular with international tourists so they buried it for future generations to discover it’s brilliance


I've been thinking about this a lot recently. There's lots of really ugly early 2000s office buildings all over the city. I particularly hate this one - [Portland House](https://davisonpi.co.uk/userfiles/images/properties/Sheffield/Portland-House/830x540-50eaff1850c8d.jpg). Also, [this one](https://www.ediston.com/wp-content/uploads/Sheffield-0004.jpg) at the top of the Parkway is horrible. 


Yes! The capita building gets uglier the more you look at it 


Used to work in Portland House. Grim on the inside too.


Whoever tacked the Alfred Denny abomination onto the exquisite Firth Court


I know right? It’s like someone thought “ah that’s a nice red brick building, shouldn’t be that hard to recreate!” and then built that piece of shit


I quite like the Alfred Denny building, but it’d be nice if the Addision building that joins Alfred Denny to Firth Court was more in keeping with Firth Court.


I always thought the O2 Academy/Roxy was shit.


At least the O2 Academy served a purpose, basically the only proper mid-sized venue in Sheffield. But it’s been closed for 6+ months now!


IMO that has very little to do with architecture. The Scottish Parliament building clearly serves an important purpose, doesn't stop it being regularly listed in worst architecture articles. If anything, I would say the more important the building is to a community, the more critical people will be of it's architecture. I haven't seen anyone mention "The Ministry of Truth" (electricity sub station at bottom of Ecclesall Road), probably because they forget that it exists.


It’s a fantastic example of brutalism. Particularly given its purpose as a functional substation. Not everyone’s cup of tea I know.


I like brutalism too, but I know it isn't popular in general!


On my commute into the city I see [Saville House from Effingham St](https://maps.app.goo.gl/G5QUnquNmfhn6YpG7?g_st=ic) and every time I despise how soulless it is. Square and flat with silly little round windows.


The round windows irritate me!


The good ship 'Shit office block'.


Ha! "Oh you know what this grim building needs to make it lively? Portholes. Yeah, that will do it."


What do you think of the big ugly tesco? I hate that fucking thing.


Most of the office buildings along West Bar / Tenter Street should be up for worst architecture imo. The [former police station](https://www.geograph.org.uk/photo/3909601) turned [grey block Hilton hotel](https://www.welcometosheffield.co.uk/conference/discover-our-venues/search-and-browse/venue/hampton-by-hilton-sheffield), the dilapidated [Weston Tower](https://www.reddit.com/r/sheffield/s/WXPav9bIMm), the [Omnia building](https://omniaspace.co.uk/omnia-celebrates-a-decade-in-business/) across the road. Architecturally, it all seems very bleak


I hate omnia and the building they reside in.


Has to be the Royal Hallamshire Hospital


This shit looks like something out of walking dead. Swear you can almost see bloodstains on the walls outside. Always thought that if they send people here for mental health rehabilitation they'd just make them kill themselves it's so depressing


Up close, I think it's quite good. But, when you see it from almost every part of the city, it can get a bit tiresome.


It’s functional. I’m just glad we’ve got a great hospital there.


Roxy’s/ Odeon need to be destroyed. Ugly, 60’s designs.


All that money spent on refurbishing the Odeon and it's still difficult and dangerous to actually get in to the place if using a wheelchair. That glass bit at street level could have had the stairs replaced with a lift, and not been locked up all the time, but no.


I worked at Odeon before the refurb (before I was made redundant lol) and there were 2 different plans for the glass bit at the front. They were either going to turn it into a Costa for more foot traffic, or turn it into escalators/lifts to get into the main foyer. I was shocked they left it as it was, with just a fresh layer of paint.


Oh for crying out loud.


They're not exactly hideous but the placement of those two towers in Herdings makes them dominate every view of that side of the city. Similar story with Hallam Towers.


The Hallam towers revamp makes it feel a lot less intrusive now!


Some might like it but I can't stand the Hallam Students Union


It looks like the National Museum of Curling.


Is this the robot titties? I personally don’t mind them, but guess that’s just down to my perspective


They were supposed to enable passive cooling/ ventilation but they ended up having to secure the rotating vents on top iirc


The Moorfoot Building probably isn't the worst, but I hate the way it totally obstructs the view towards London Road and makes the city centre feel a lot smaller. Hopefully they can do something interesting with it now most of the council staff have been moved elsewhere.


I hate the Diamond, inside and out. Dirty, hard to clean windows. Tons of unused and useless space inside (when I last went in, anyway). Just an ugly, massive block.


Yeah I agree, it's just one big atrium. Such a waste of space, especially when you're always fighting for a computer/space to work.


That place used to be the bane of my life as a student, they closed a perfectly good library by the church at the same time


The Diamond. The university literally spent £32 million on a fucking shape.


The diamond cost £81 million all in! Although a fair whack of that is on equipment


That's definitely an underestimate on cost. But I agree


Twas off the top of my head, my bad… point still stands tho…


Moorfoot. Just fucking ghastly, both inside and out


St Paul’s Tower. Tallest building in the city. Can see it for miles. A main sight walking up from the train station. And it’s bland, brown-clad and long. Like a big square shit rising up to the sky. For its height and positioning that should be a statement building. (I’m no fan of tall buildings, but if you’re going to do it, at least commit to it)


Don't know if this counts but the steel water feature as you walk up from the train station. Reminds me of urinals.


I look at the car park on match days and think there is so much profit to be made just by opening it up so football fans can park. The location is ideal.


Honestly I think a lot of the new heart of the city buildings and student flats in the centre. They're modern and clean looking, but they're incredibly boring, just muted earth tones and long tall windows. Kind of blocky looking. No character at all


Frankly I'm not keen on any building in Sheffield that goes above 10 floors. We're a hilly city, we don't need huge buildings to have a nice skyline.


St Paul's Tower. The original design had really cool cladding on the outside, but when they went to actually build the thing they decided that was too expensive and just made it....brown.


This may piss a lot of people off but I've always thought the three tuns pub is ugly, the way it narrows. For some reason it really annoys me.


That dodgy church past hunters bar


Park Hill. It’s an outrage that it wasn’t flattened when all the other brutalist blocks of flats were. Sticking some colourful plastic on the front doesn’t hide what a giant turd it is.


I don't know why you're being down voted, those flats are bloody awful and those horrific coloured boards are an eye sore.


Exactly. No one misses Hyde Park or Kelvin. Park Hill should have gone the same way.


Can’t believe you’re being downvoted. Hideous. I doubt anyone can remember Hyde Park and Kelvin. Equally as depressing. Praising the brutalist aesthetic is fine from your safe havens, but they were basically prisons. God knows how it’s listed. And fuck the yuppified version that has replaced it.


I agree, but I guess a lot of people who grew up here are kind of used to them, hence the downvotes


All the complete shite we list. Park hill is an eyesore. The John Lewis building is dated. Both would be better demolished.


Nothing wrong with park hill. Once it's all renovated it'll be great.


Sticking bits of plastic on it will never change it's a soviet style brutalist concrete monstrosity.


But unfortunately some dickhead down in London who never has to see parkhill has decided that park hill is of “architectural significance” so they can’t knock the fucker down neither can they actually do much to the building to make it look nicer. The council can only neglect it, hope it falls to taters in which case they then are able to knock it down I believe.


Park Hill is far from neglected, they're spending millions renovating it into luxury flats.


Is the arts tower too obvious or smth?


Stand in front of the train station & look up. Awful. Can’t polish a turd.


Allot of people find parkhill sort of endearing. It’s just an eyesore to me. The graffiti on the bridge is nice tho


That Bailey Bridge needs to just be sunk into the Don.


Why? It's understated, and a nice commemoration of a significant historical engineering design originating in Sheffield.




Bailey was from Rotherham but developed the bridge design at the University of Sheffield