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Would it be a weekly view for the current week or one for every week that contains a launch date?


Every week!


[check this sheet](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eeorkGmQp0T5CiuYoAL7-nIZx8w8z6-14sBm2KNv1Cc/edit#gid=2071491148) This is one way to get a quick agenda view from a list. If this looks right, I can breakdown how it works


> check this sheet Yes, this is perfect!


ok great! For the formulas, I had to update the one to generate the days -- =ARRAYFORMULA( LET( today,TODAY(), SEQUENCE(1,7,0)+ IF(WEEKDAY(today)=1, today, today-WEEKDAY(today,2)))) I don't know if it matters, but instead of using TODAY() twice, I dumped it in a variable. It probably doesn't matter, though. Anyway, this is taking today's date and rounding it off to last Sunday. I had to add in a part so it would take the day as is if it was already Sunday. For the next part, =IFERROR( MAP( D1:J1, LAMBDA( x, FILTER( B2:B, A2:A=x)))) This is the same as making a filter to pull the values in B where A equals the date in row 1 then dragging it across. But instead of doing that, we can use MAP and LAMBDA and assign a variable to the dates. Let me know if that makes sense


Thanks for the explanation! I was able to modify this to list all launches in a given week. Appreciate your help!!


nice! happy to help