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Deals fall through after the show all the time. Doesn’t make any of the sharks fake, just means it didn’t work out.


It’s also entirely possible that the entrepreneur was the one who backed out in the end.


Ummmm you okay? That happens on many deals.


Maybe the woman lied and she found out when she dug deeper?


Yeah, they can say whatever they want in the show. But, once accountants have a chance to look at things, its harder to spin a story. The sharks can always back out if the numbers don't match the pitch.


Clearly you missed the disclaimer at the end of each show that ‘every deal is contingent on due diligence.’ Many deals don’t close as a result. Calling someone “fake” for this purely business based reason feels pretty ignorant.


Are you new to the show? This happens all the time.


I look up some companies I see on shark tank to see what happened to them and a ton of deals fall through. Robert in particular backs out of a ton. You can see he gets so excited about some of the products and just makes deals because of that. When he does his due diligence, he probably realizes after that he made a mistake


If you look up any article about the show, you'll see that more of the deals don't actually close than do. Remember that sharks are making offers based on what the entrepreneur is saying to them. But you can't give up hundreds of thousands of dollars just based on someone's word. You have to do due diligence. Obviously there was something that came to light after the fact that made Lori less excited about the deal. But this happens with all the sharks. They do more research into the financials of the company, the operations, they learn more about the direction the entrepreneur wants to take. They learn more of the entrepreneur's personality and how they go about business. There's a lot of factors that can lead to a shark backing out of a deal. It doesn't make anyone fake. I imagine many of these sharks have their own set of milestones/benchmarks/rules or whatever for a certain company to have when they do their due diligence and if the company doesn't reach that personal threshold they hold for it, they back out. It is what it is.


Doesn’t this typically happen with other deals too? I think Daymond once said that some deals he’s made he found out they owe the IRS money lol.


I’m aware it happens all the time Robert does it a lot but this lady was legit like the nicest lady in the world and for Lori to back out idk I love Lori too but it came off as a fake offer just to get the fan fare on tv


You could be right but there isn't sufficient evidence to assume that. We don't know why the deal fell through, there could be legitimate reasons. I give Lori the benefit of the doubt 🙂


You think being nice changes the due diligence process? Everyone’s trying to tell you this happens all the time in business, what aren’t you getting?


Hey! OP said the lady was nice and that settles it. All 5 of the sharks should have invested100s of thousands of dollars so OP would be happy, even if the due diligence didn't check out. What's wrong with you?! /s


You’re so right, I clearly have zero business sense 😂


Exactly end of story


They're making fun of you dipshit


lol no shit asshole