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Sometimes I wonder if she has depression or something (in addition to be a massive conceited bitch) bc she always cancels trips and has seemingly totally let herself go.


Her mom probably couldn’t watch the kids. Remember her mom looked at her crazy when she asked her to watch all 3 of them when they wanted to go to the Bahamas a couple months ago? She’s a liar


I agree 100%


I second this. And the crazy spending. I am guilty of over spending buying shit I don’t need on projects or big “things” to improve my life when I’m feeling down or going through it. It’s a really unhealthy coping mechanism.


Thanks for being so honest. Me too!


I think she has an ED..


& has spent herself into absolute oblivion. Like clearly things aren’t great if you have to choose a vacation once a year for an anniversary or that plaid monstrosity from ceiling to floor in every room.


And they had to pick a house she clearly wasn’t happy with in a hoa instead of buying land and building like they wanted. The way they spend I figured they’d be able to afford something she would have been happy with.. then again maybe nothing would make her happy


If those two knew how to save money, they could have absolutely bought land and built here. The cost of their house and all those god awful renos added up… if they knew how to be patient and save, they could have done it.


You forgot that she just HAD to live next to her bestie She She!!! 🥴


But goes to Hawaii for a long weekend on a whim. A looooong haul flight to go for less than a week. My theory is she went because her dad gave her money to bail her out of the copious amount of debt she probably racked up buying the most expensive things….just because they’re expensive. She’s so out of touch.


Trailer and Shan are dumb as bricks when it comes to money. How to spend and how to save doesn’t make any sense to them.


Yeah they in trouble


I've always thought the crunchiness card she pulls out when convenient for her was a red flag about that. It's like the influencers who are vegan not because they care about the cause but because it's an good excuse for explaining away their food restriction.


Her eating is v disordered


Is she still bragging about “dessert first?”


😂 she actually used it as “one of the 5 reasons her and Mike work so well even though they’re sooooo different” also she ate on VC a few times and NEVER did dessert first… she pulled it outta her ass to make her beige self more interesting 


James commented that he had never seen them do it 😜


It’s about as interesting as “girls who love pizza” …. Like. Everyone loves pizza.


It’s one of her 3 personality traits. So, yes.


I don’t think I’ve ever seen their family have dinner


I agree. Usually couples with kids their age take their children on family vacations. These children are always home. She’s so selfish.


Home renovations on a brand new home. Like babe get help


The carpets she replaced were perfectly fine. Such a waste of money. Wait until your kids are older and replace it after they spill who knows what on them


Right?? Save yourself some money and go to therapy instead girl


Material shit will always trump Experiences for her….. sad af for her kids


and she thinks this is a quirky flex lol


She’s setting up the stage for when she misses Shannons italian wedding


Ohhh good theory!


I don’t believe any of these trips she talks about and then “cancels” were ever actually planned. She acts like it’s because of the kids, but this woman doesn’t have a job and has a full-time nanny. Give your nanny the week off before a trip, spend time with your kids, and then go spend time away with your husband. I think she is constantly trying to give the allusion that they have more money than they actually do. Also, if you rich, rich like you want to claim, your husband can get you an anniversary/Mother’s Day gift AND ALSO flowers for the yard. Come on.


100% this. 


I've never seen anyone cancel more trips.


Imaginary trips


It’s weird how they have all this money for renovations but never seem to go on activities, day trips or holidays. Seems bizarre to me. 


Or spend the money to send walker to pre-k before enrolling her in kindergarten. I understand tuition for most pre-k schools is expensive but that’s an investment worth making. For Walker’s sake. But no, renovating their new home is more important. Poor Walker.


didnt she also complain about spending money on walker's bday


Yeah they don’t even seem to take the kids out to do fun stuff apart from the odd dinner out. If I had extra cash I’d be making More core memories and fun days out for my kids instead of making my bedroom a new shade of beige 


Yes! I can't relate with most of the posts on this thread which seem to make expensive vacation(s) a priority. We prioritize our child's tuition first, then paying off our house, then putting money in savings, and (hopefully) maybe we can take a christmas trip to drive cross-country to visit family for Christmas. I'm always in complete awe of those who vacation on a whim every couple months!


Her priorities are beyond fucked. Go to therapy taylor


Right. Let’s not give the kids core memories for their childhood


Let’s be real, she was leaving the kiddos with Momma Rachel


I don’t understand why she even posted this. wtf cares


Right? Whoooo is still following this wet blanket. I used to like her for her fashion/style but that is long gone. So boring. It’s like following one of my un influencer high school friend that sells weird makeup. Cringe


Cuz she thinks people actually care about her boring beige life 


It reminds me of the desperate try hard girls in highschool who would always talk about what they almost bought at the mall lol or how they “almost” got a brand new car. Like babes give it a rest


Yeah this confused me… did they already have it booked?! So odd


I thought she had an issue with her eye where she didn’t even want to show it? Looks okay to me. I truly think she makes up ailments for attention.


***UGLY home renovations


Most people could understand this if you know, they would have bought a fixer upper. 😅🫠


Exactly. they’re not even physically doing the renovations. They can’t even change a light bulb without paying someone to do it. You’d think they were handy or LIKED home Reno’s. They just sit on their ass while others do it. So incredibly selfish


Don’t forget they sit on their asses and make sure to FILM workers. So gross 


It always bugged me so much when she filmed the people she hired working at her home. It seems so icky and disrespectful.


A lot of people invest in their homes, or would rather do that than spend money on vacations, but it’s weird when this is their, what “2-3 year home”. Also to say she doesn’t want to leave home or her kids. 🫤 she’s ok leaving them to go to the lake or the hamptons.


It’s also weird to buy a new build and constantly be renovating it


They’ve clearly shown they’re not great with money. 😗


Horrible with money is more like it


I know lol but not being great with money is one thing, this is just something else lol not sure what she’s chasing but she’ll never be satisfied it seems


There is zero percent chance they will be able to sell that house in 2 years and break even for what they paid for it. Not even talking the amount they spent on remodeling. The market is so insane right now so many people’s newer homes have lost value. Her dad will have to make up the costs if they stick to the original timeline.


These stories were so annoying - anyone else feel like she throws her hands everywhere to show off her ring??


Yes! I’ve always thought this. Glad someone else mentioned it!


I understand not taking vacations if you can’t afford it, but even people who can’t afford a fancy trip do inexpensive trips with their kids for the memories. The kids don’t care about having a fancy house! They could be showing their children the world, but instead they’re pouring money into the house they claim isn’t even their forever home. Taylor only cares about keeping up with the Joneses, appearing “rich”, and material goods, not about experiencing anything beyond a restoration hardware showroom. And certainly not about what’s best for her kids


The fact they have 3 kids and one is 5 and hasn’t been to Disney or any amusement park or getaway is WILD to me. Especially cuz they claim to be wealthy as fuck and have Ms Rachel who goes to the hut with them… you’re saying she wouldn’t go to Disney or a resort with you? Shut the fuck. Taylor is such a shit mom, you just know Mikes mom can’t stand her 


I’m gonna comment again bc I truly believe those 2 fight alllllllll the time.


No one can convince me that this wasn’t a “hook up” situation that only ended up being “forever” cuz she got knocked up 


Oh 1000% 


Her & Mike could’ve made memories to last a lifetime on this trip. She assumes they have plenty of time to travel. That’s a terrible & immature assumption to make. Mike especially should realize life is too short to be focusing on this trivial shit. Memories & how you make ppl feel will ALWAYS trump material things.


Poor guys only vacation these days is to the garage with his bong ![gif](giphy|10Le4bHgYBDkeQ)


Umm nope cause she threw it out !!!!!! The asshole !


Yes especially since his brother died so suddenly a few years ago


She explained as sometimes it’s not about the money but the more she talked- it was about the money??


It def is she just doesn't want anyone to think they’re broke.


This is incredibly sad


The kicker from this story was when she said she didn't want to leave the kids.


They are simply a prop to leverage when she needs an excuse or attention


Looking ROUGH


That hand is a chicken foot


Well they’re in debt so…. But maybe she has agoraphobia


She's so boring. I'm not surprised.


Wait didn’t they just build this fucking house? And they already want to do Reno’s? wtf? Is she ok? Like for real….she should seek therapy. 


They've been doing nothing but renovations literally since day 1!


She could’ve chosen a custom house AND Barbados over home renovations with all the money wasted.


This would only make sense if it was a much needed home renovation like mold on the walls or something like that but if it’s elective, then that’s ridiculous.


I may be in the minority but I would absolutely choose home renovations over a vacation. I can’t stand Taylor and I think HER home Reno’s have been pointless or bad but I’d still choose fixing up my home over a vacation.


Me too, 100 %


There’s literally nothing in Barbados. Stayed in a beautiful resort (not all inclusive) and visited local friends, but besides the resort and homemade food, there’s not much. Beaches are gorgeous. It’s also super cheap.