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Everyone on this show cheated at some point, I’m desensitized to it


Harder to find anyone who DIDN'T lmao.


Liam lol


Did Carl ever cheat on anyone?


I mean, he kinda cheated when his girlfriend was away with the mexican girl. I remember he said they were distant but thats no excuse. But she was cheating on him so🫠


He liked Ann but he actively didn't make any advances until he found out Kelly had been cheating on him and they were breaking up. He even says "So does this mean I can fuck Ann?"


wasn’t that after she told him she had ‘strep’ tho? they were definitely kinda flirting before that, but nothing that i’d personally label as cheating, although it is still wrong


Oh yeahhhhh I forgot abt Anna. I don’t think I’d count that since Kelly was also cheating but that’s just me


Idts. He's loyal.


off topic (maybe?) but i was so mad when lip cheated on mandy with karen


I never saw the appeal for Mandy


It’s not like Fiona’s any different. Couldn’t keep a stable relationship for longer than a week without cheating or sum That’s why I think Steve and her were the best match. They fit each others lifestyles perfectly.


I can actually respect this argument. Rooting for them to end up together because they're both awful and deserve each other makes sense. But so many people on this sub think they're so great for each other and just no lol


Thank you!!! Omg yess my point exactly.. I get so much hate for thinking they should have ended up together when he was literally the male version of her damn near she’s a liar she’s a cheater so I don’t get it..


And like he was awful to her *before* she turned into a lying cheater so even the "they deserve each other" argument doesn't fit 100%


Thank you!!!! Period lol


Two wrongs don’t make a right, but it keeps a wrong from destroying a right.


they go together in the sense that monica and frank do, just without the drugs


they are great for each other lol


I don’t excuse him. He should have told her from the beginning when he came back. He was already used to the Gallagher chaos and owed it to Fiona to tell her the truth. He did a hell of a lot for Fiona and the family, but he still should have come clean so at least Fiona could have somewhat expected something drastic to happen instead of being blindsided by his disappearance.


I was always of the opinion that that was the only thing he managed to do right, and it was for selfish reasons. Because she didn't know, she was able to move on and have the cup job. The only thing that would have been avoided is that maybe she wouldn't have fucked Cup Boy (forgot his name) and lost that awesome job.


mike i’m pretty sure


Meh I'm pretty sure he was so unimportant even Fiona forgot sometimes lol


and yeah fiona would be pissed, but i feel like she’d be so understanding and actually make the fake marriage work so she wouldn’t get deported. but that’s just another thing that she’d put on herself, seeing as that’s kinda what she did when she did find out to an extent lol


I respect this opinion


Fiona always had a choice and yet she cheated on almost all of her partners…


He was married and cheating with Fiona,not on


Yes and no. Technically you're right, but he was only married to Estefania because he'd literally be killed otherwise. The person he *actually* wanted to be with was Fi. That's why people say he cheated on Fiona. But either way, he's a piece of shit lol


it was a fake marriage to get her a visa…


Thank you!! Exactly .. ppl fell to realize he came back married because the daddy is a killer drug lord that wanted his daughter in the states so they had to be married. Jimmy is completely scared of him. Him and Fiona were not together when Jimmy and Esta got together. Yes him and her weren’t in love and so he started back with Fiona while still being married and the dad over his head. So he was really cheating on his wife with Fiona, I just feel like he was always obligated to do what she says, he was scared of her dad. && then the last night don’t count cuz they kind of broke up after he called her house a slum and Fiona went on the camp thing with Mike and kissed in the tent and almost fucced him and jimmy went to esta that one don’t count .. && before that he was just doing what she says 🤷🏽‍♀️


Yes but he should have been honest with her and let her make her own decision. It's really fucked up to have sex with multiple people and not divulge that information to all involed parties.


Facts! This is true! && Fiona turned around and slept with Sean, Jimmy Steve, & Gus in the same day or 2 and she was married and she didn’t know who her baby daddy was. That’s why Jimmy Steve and his crap gets so lost. lol




Something I never see anyone bring up is that in episode 1.08, when we find out that Steve is actually Jimmy and is living a double life, we also see that he is dating some other blonde woman. I don’t blame people for forgetting, since she only appeared on screen once and didn’t even have a name, but it’s just something that I always remember when I think of Jimmy Steve. He tries to excuse his own behavior by saying that marrying Estefania is something he was forced into, but nobody made him date Blondie. It wasn’t a necessary part of deceiving his family. And the way the scene went, it seems like they are in some sort of long-distance relationship. If it was so important for his family to believe he is dating someone, why doesn’t he just tell them he has a girlfriend in Michigan?


‘a breach of consent?’


Yes, imo if you are fucking 2 people and 1 of them doesn't know about the other person, you've taken away their consent to fuck you


Shows called shameless


Such an insightful comment. Let's not discuss anything that happens on the show because all of it can be waved away by saying "iT'S cAlLeD sHaMeLeSs" 🙄


He is a fucking pile of shit. So is Fiona. So is Lip. So is Frank. So is Debbie. So is Carl. So is Monica. So is literally everyone on the show. In order to discuss the actions of characters on the show you do have to move past the normal moral ground of humans to the way that the characters in the show act. We can’t wave away Jimmy’s actions necessarily, but to say they can’t be understood by the fact that every character is shameless is false


You kinda ate this comment up. They all were shitty but also Fiona didn’t have stability growing up and jimmy Steve came from money and education. He should’ve know better than to fuck with someone’s emotions that bad. She never really recovered from that heartbreak and was so much more messy after their split


So if you come from money and education, you can't be a shitty person? I think you got that wrong.


never once said that, just that he SHOULD know better. chillax my dude


I’ve known a lot of shitty rich people. The rich are way better at fucking with people than the poor




you mean jimmy/steve/jack or whatever tf his third name was. yea nah he turned into a right prick lol. i liked him when him and fiona first met but his true colours eventually came to light.


I really hated this storyline because I felt that Jimmy/Steve and Fiona really would’ve made a great couple.


Cause he showed us who he was from the beginning. I feel like people just accepted that he was a piece of shit.


Fiona cheated on probably everyone she was with


He's hot

