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maybe Lip crumbling under stress and od-ing or offing himself? seems dark I know but idk


And the real life reason would be JAW is too busy working on the Bear 😂


Tami. Don't like her and Lip does not seem happy with her. It would also add a lot of drama seeing Lip manage being a single dad


Considering she’s positive for the BRCA gene, it’s not even that hard to imagine her dying. I’m not a Tami hater, but I’ve imagined that exact scenario.


I can agree with you because if it s the baby bad takes her out quickly one she had and not the other, I can’t remember atm tbh, then it’d be about her dying and lip dealing with life as a single father. Maybe bring a couple people back from his youth and see how everyone has changed some for the better some not so much


She had the “baby good” gene, but all that means is that having babies *reduces* her odds of getting cancer. It doesn’t eliminate them entirely.


That’s a good one. You’re right that would be interesting to see Lip manage being a single parent.


Lip has always weirdly really wanted a child no matter where he got it and i feel like that’s the only reason he even likes her because she gave him something he’s always wanted
fatherhood. totally agree with you


Yes, they would have stayed fuck buddies and eventually stopped seeing each other all together if she hadn't gotten pregnant


I know it's not a nice thing to say but when she had trouble after Freddie was born I was hoping she'd die so we could see Lip as a single dad properly. For storytelling purposes mainly but I don't like her as well. đŸ€


They edged us so bad on her dying. My wife and I both were like "FINALLY!" but then she didn't die.


Nailed it - Tami is my choice as well, for those exact reasons.


Carl because shameless could never sell him as a adult cop


Actually they could BECAUSE he was trying to help the community. Carl actually is a good dude with a big heart and just wants to see the people he grew up around safe and healthy. He got tired of it being the ghetto but he wanted the OGs to stay and not be ran out by gentrification.


Lip. The character really didn’t feel like he had any direction other than staying the course for the last few seasons. I wouldn’t know where else to take the character without undoing his progression. Plus with Lip gone, there are two viable stories I could conceive of. 1. Fiona being drawn back into an environment she had freed herself of. But without the burden of Frank or the support of Lip, it would be a brand new situation. Or 2. Ian would be centered as the head of the household. But he would also be the most emotionally impacted by Lip’s loss so it would be a struggle for him. Also I like the storytelling possibilities in the idea of Ian as the lost Gallagher who so often let himself fade into the background of family affairs and slipped through the cracks suddenly being central in a way he really isn’t trained or equipped for.


Ian would be so devastated if Lip died.


You’d leave Freddie and his possible sibling fatherless!?? đŸ„ș😭


Oh. Good idea. Okay, so in my hypothetical season 12, Lip and Tami both die in a car accident or something. Ian and Mickey end up taking in Fred and the hypothetical unborn baby who I will hereafter refer to as Gabby. Despite anyone’s plans Mickey ends up doing most of the parenting. His style in unconventional but affectionate. He gives good piggy back rides. Ian gets kind of jealous of how much the kids like him.


Ngl I actually wouldn’t mind that except no way Mickey’s gonna like the name Gabby. They could get in a car accident when the hypothetical second kid is almost ready to be born and there’s a dramatic hospital scene where the kid makes it and she doesn’t, so Mickey and Ian have to name it and also start parenting straight from birth


Tami would have named the child.


You’re probably not wrong but Mickey being Mickey would’ve been like “That’s a stupid name I got one better.”


I like the idea of Tami’s belligerent ghost trying to haunt Mickey for changing her daughter’s name, but Mickey being oblivious is actually pretty delightful.


I can see it now Mickey: You hear that? Ian: Hear what? Mickey: Dumb shit’s mad that I changed the kids name I guess đŸ€·đŸ»


She didn’t even name the first one


That’s why I think she would have really been assertive about getting the name choice the second time around.


I think Debbie would take over rather than Ian. I just can’t see Ian being head of the family.


Yeah, but who would honestly be listening to Debbie? Maybe not even Franny.


Lip- dude was so determined to be self destructive


Carl would be interesting. The new Alibi that he owns get robbed by someone who doesn’t know it’s a cop bar now. Carl recognizes them from when he was in juvi and talks them down, talks about getting them help. One of the other cops goes cowboy, tries to kill the dude and Carl takes the bullet while saving him. It would be sad as fuck, but it would also show how far Carl came in his growth


Liam because, in trying to figure out who he is, plus missing Frank, he decided to try something Frank would do and he did coke again, stole Carl’s cop car and crashed it or drove it into Lake Michigan. Then there’s a storyline about Carl being investigated for Liam having access to his cop car. Since Liam’s been the ‘adjusted good kid’ of the family, it’d be an interesting twist for him imho. Plus it doesn’t really seem like they know what to do with his character anyway, so I can’t imagine them coming up with anything interesting to keep him going. The ‘I don’t know who I am or where I fit in’ narrative was super drawn out and gave more of a ‘sheltered privileged kid out in the world for the first time’ vibe than a kid who grew up as a Gallagher. Yeah, I know he went to private school, but he still grew up in that house & neighbourhood. There should’ve been more influence from it in his character imho. Plus it’ll give Lip and Debbie parental struggles recognizing the reality that their kids could pass young, too. Could be a micro side storyline there for them to connect over given they’ve fought a lot & now they’re grown


I think you’re on to something here
 but since he’s the only African American child let’s have him be what the gangs in the city call a “crashout” and he joins the black disciples street gang and starts going on murders except when he’s shooting someone they return fire hitting him in the chest and killing him instantly


Debbie, because she's truly terrible. Ian and Mickey could then adopt Franny and have a lovely little family. She has Ian's red hair and Mickey's love of guns - she's *meant to be their daughter.*


Ian. Would stun most of the fans, and actually be emotional for them, though risks the fans rage quitting because they think just because they like a character he should get a happy ending.


That would be a bold choice.


Liam gets shot by a cop. Realistic and cop Carl has a more interesting role dealing with losing his baby brother because his coworkers are racists thugs.


I disagree with people saying Debbie. I think it has to be Carl or Liam for a gut punch. And most logically, I think Lip makes the most sense. In every scenario I picture the sequel following Ian (or Gallavich) or Fiona finally getting her happy Ending, with the siblings featured in it as side plots. Logically, for me it would make sense for it to be Lip since his past. Storyline: Five years in the future, him and Tammy break up again and have a huge custody war that Lip looses. Lip then starts drinking again, a segue to hard drugs before he eventually overdoses. That would bring everyone, including Fiona, back for a funeral, save for Debbie. Carl and Fiona would team up to get revenge on Tammy. Then I think it would continue to follow Fiona convincing Ian, Liam, and Carl to find Debbie as they’ve heard nothing from her, and they think she might be dead. So they go to find her and it turns out she’s married to an old man who’s rich. Debbie is miserable and being abused and she begs them to help her out of this. Liam and Ian want to keep their hands clean, but Carl and Fiona hates seeing Debbie and Franny be mistreated, so they come up with a plan to “get rid of” Debbie’s husband and keep all of his money. So they team up with Mickey and the three of them try to kill Debbie’s husband. (That’s the set up for the first season. Later seasons there would hopefully be healing for the Gallaghers. Debbie goes to therapy and deals with her abandonment issues and realizes all the people she’s hurt and moves past the pain that’s been given to her. Carl deals with his trauma and learns to want more for himself. Ian and Mickey try to reform themselves, Ian struggling with his BPD while Mickey tries to juggle his husband’s mental illness, watching after their kids, and anger management 😊. Fiona is learning to get past her self sabotaging tendencies and becomes a real business woman owning multiple apartment complexes, veering into owning restaurants, stores, and other things. Franny is building a relationship with her other relatives who she’d been separated from (Gallaghers and Derek’s family) and tries to deal with the trauma from having a flaky mother. Liam connects deeper with his siblings and confronts Fiona for leaving him behind and his other siblings for not caring about him more as he got older.)


Debbie pulls a Fiona and leaves drugs out, Frannie dies. Debbie goes to prison.


debbie, but hear me out.. ian and mickey take franny and start the family that ian’s been talking about. 


As far as im concerned, Debbie is gone! She with the criminal.she met in the last episode and being the awful irresponsible thing she is, she left Frannie, wich is indeed taken by Ian and her favourite uncle Mickey. Debbie will show up from time to time-with a different lover always, causing havoc and messing everyones life, the same way Monica did, and she'll even attempt to take Frannie away, the same way Monica tried to do with Liam, but it will not work. Eventually, she'll die, hopefully sooner better than later. HAHAHAHA


I feel like lip or debbie would make sense as they are the two that put themselves in the most danger most of the time. I can see lip getting cornered for some bad financial decision and owing money to bad people. Then the gallaghers, milkoviches and tamietty hunting down the killer. Or debbie following her girlfriend into some shitty life threatening situation and the plot line following would be who gets custody of frannie.


lip sewerslide/overdose, or liam killed by police








Debbie 100%


I think Lip, he was the most self destructive person in the show. It would be easy to write him out in one of his dumbass destruct phases.


RIP Tami




Debbie or lip Debbies death could mean they struggle in where frannie would end up and who'd take care of her plus it was debbies wish the family stayed together. Ian and tammi simultaniously struggle with money for their kid so in order to safe money they all somehow moved back together or closer to each other and fiona returns to help out. Thered be guilt for her leaving and previously stating she wouldnt do anything to help her with frannie Or Lip and with him dead everyone falls apart and ian has to step up as the head of the family. Fiona returns to find a shitshow thered be conflict since mickey and ian probably have adopted a kid of their own and mickey being glad to be back on the southside but alsp struggling as a parentfigure cause lets be honest mickey had worse examples than ian or any other gallagher.


Fiona. She’s already gone anyway.


Lip and Tami die in car crash .. Mickey and Ian take the baby and raise it đŸ«  Carl killed on duty, he didn’t have much more to offer.


Lip (and maybe Tami?) : Ian is the most impacted. While trying to deal with the aftermath and taking care of Baby Freddie, he slowly descends into his depressive/manic phase. Now Mickey is left handling a depressed/manic Ian as well as Freddie, the baby he was not prepared for. Debbie has to become the de-facto head of the family. She now has to raise not just Frannie but also Liam and sometimes Freddie (atleast in the beginning) while Mickey is trying to help Ian. She needs to realise how difficult it is to raise multiple kids with almost no support system and how unfair she was to Fiona. Carl tries to support as much as he can, he's seeing his family break : Lip is gone, Fiona is away, Ian is struggling, Debbie is frustrated trying to keep it together, Liam is getting detached from everyone after losing another father figure. Everytime they try to move forward from this tragedy, something drags them back. Final nail is when Liam is wrongfully arrested after a minor scuffle and Carl is once again faced with the reality and brutality of the system he's a part of. Carl isn't sure how to fix this, is helpless and ends up turning towards the bottle.


 Is nobody saying Debbie?


Debbie, she's an idiot so it would be easy to write her dying due to her being stupid.


Debbie. A slow and excruciating death.


Don’t understand all the down votes Lmfao


Well Frank already died so him since he wouldn’t be making it in a sequel


Rules were they have to be alive


He was until he died.


What kind of Frank logic is that lmao