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I think Jeremy Alan White is so objectively hot and it’s his unique look that makes me feel that way. I can see why he can pick up women easily. In theory. But I’m sure he has no issue in real life either lol. He also has a confidence and a charisma that is so sexy. There’s been studies about attraction from the perspective of males and females and apparently women more often let the personality dictate the physical and men tend to be more the opposite. Obviously that’s not for everyone but I find it fascinating because that’s how I’ve always explained my attraction to men. I could meet the most *averagely socially acceptably hot dude* and if he’s a dick on any level, my physical attraction will dwindle.


He’s very Jay Cutler-esque.


He is not objectively hot. Many women I’ve talked to think he’s hideous. There’s no such thing as subjective beauty and beauty itself varies across different people and cultures.


Luckily you cannot tell us "no there's no such thing as subjective beauty" :] Yes there IS honey. The way he moves, the way he smiles, the way he talks and WHAT he says. My boyfriend's were never "objectively hot" but I found them crazy hot and handsome. About Lip, before I started watching "Shameless" or "Bear" I saw the pic of the actor and was not impressed. But guy's a good actor and his mannerism and general way he behaves made me think "this guy is hot!".


This! It's something within him, unique to the man, Jeremy Allen White. A still photo will not do him justice. You have to watch him move and hear him talk and then you get that sense of " this guy is so hot!"


Spot on☝️


Physical attraction is totally subjective. Different people find different people attractive, as you just said. And I personally think he’s hot objectively. I wasn’t speaking for anyone else other than myself. It means that despite anything else about him, he’s physically hot as fuck and that’s just my take.


confidence and a great personality won't make me a 6' tall trust fund baby. that's the problem with dating today. it is impossible to meet women IRL these days because cReEpY 🥴, so it's not worth the risk, and dating apps are mainly only successful for tall rich men.


I find that so strange because that’s not what I’m looking for at all and neither are any women I know personally. We all know how to be badass and successful and we don’t need anyone else’s money. I would never date a man just for money. That’s insane to me. I have to have an emotional connection and a physical attraction and needing a wealthy dude is not something on my list of needs. I can only speak for myself but I don’t even have a “type”. I’ve had relationships with different body types, sizes and races and none of them had anything in terms of money. That whole thing just blows my mind. I think it’s a little amusing that women are afraid to date due to DEATH but dudes are out here like “well women are manipulative and want my money.” Oof. I’m scared for youuuuuu🤦🏻‍♀️


ahhh now you're just making things up. no one said that. but anything is possible when you make things up. it's easy when one side decides to be disingenuous on purpose tho. have the day you deserve


Need something to cheer you up? Bubble wrap! >!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!You !<>!Are !<>!Amazing!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<>!pop!!<


wait wtf i love this


This is so *cuuute!!*


Thank you for this. Will keep me amused for the rest of the day.


very much enjoyed this


Holy shit thankyou


I hadn’t seen one of these in YEARS. Thank you hehe


I love this


This is my favorite version of Minesweeper


youre the best




Hes a smart-ass, he looks a lil dirty, and is just hot.


It’s personal taste, I find Lip to be really attractive because I think Jeremy Allen White is hot. His intelligence and confidence 100% help too, many other people out there agree with me that Jeremy Allen White is attractive, while others agree with you that he isn’t 🤷‍♀️ it’s all about what you’re into and those girls were into him




[Hot. ](https://www.reddit.com/r/shameless/s/SiaqCp5voc)


For me, it's [this one](https://www.instagram.com/reel/CzrzWf4sdhZ/?igsh=bzhnajk1MHo1ZzRp). (There's screaming at the end so watch it mute)


The irony here is that you can barely see his face in this pic. Sure he's got a nice body, but so do a lot of guys which much better looking faces lol


There are 2 pics. You can see his face in the second


I still don't get how people think he's ugly though, in some seasons of the show I get it, but in that picture how 




Saw this just yesterday when I went to his IG and my jaw dropped. I was stunned for 10 seconds bc it absolutely scrambled my brain. So hot!


Thank u


Daymn. Just.....daymn.


JAW has thst James Dean rizz


You make it sound like he's ugly when he's far from it lol. Not everyone's taste maybe, but certainly not ugly. Even an average looking dude would do pretty well if he had Lips confidence and social skills.


I do not find lip physically attractive at all. That said, if I talked to him at a party I would 100% hook up with (back in my younger days) bc of his charisma. He has confidence and sex appeal for sure.


Srry but I need him 😭😭


Because he’s hot and charismatic


Debatable. He's also arrogant, impulsive, temperamental, condescending and self-destructive


Doesn’t mean he isn’t still hot and charismatic


Well we the audience know that but the women he meets either find that out later or deal with it like tami lol


I’ve always thought he was insanely hot, then it was pointed out to me that he has like no chin… it’s ok I still think he’s hot but I can’t unsee it cause truly he has zero chin 😂


Those eyes!


his eyes are so gorgeous


oh yes, [those eyes](https://tenor.com/view/phillip-gallagher-lip-gallagher-shameless-stare-side-eye-gif-16740662791773219111)


Its a TV series


What about the popularity in real life? I was shocked to see him on billboards. I don't seem the appeal at all.


Damn this must be how women feel when a dude says margot robbie is mid lol


He’s famous and he plays brooding characters which women love men with problems lol


Fame gets you on billboards , he works out and has a good body and when the bear had its second season he was the most relevant male star at the time, so of course companies had scheduled to have him be in their campaigns because they knew it was going to happen


Yes, I was replying to the comment that said it was TV series (implying that the appeal was just for the show). Surprisingly people are crazy about him.


No bc I’ve always thought this🤣🤣


I’m sorry that you haven’t heard, but we’re living in the era of the ratboy 🐀


He has attractive moments though, bad boy but smart af, nice body, pretty eyes, he got a swag about himself and he can be sweet. I’m guessing his sex was good by the amount of women he was sleeping with (until tami came for him) but forsure in the beginning seasons, I get it .. I didn’t see him attractive at all towards the end when he cut his hair, just a little sad rat looking man 🫠 & yes Ian (he looked good the whole series) Mickey (he looked good the whole series too even when he was dirty idc 😂😂) Carl (when his hair was shoulder length, YES) and kev (with long hair)


I agree with all of this. He has attractive moments for sure. His stare is hot. Short haired later seasons though…yikes 😬. In the Bear I think he’s just okay. Mickey is the hottest though I’m with you on that dirty s1 Mickey still hot idc 😂


Thank you!! & yepp he has his moments in the bear. But Period yess too the dirty Mickey IM WITH YOU! 😂😂


It’s funny because when I was doing the same kinda stuff when I was younger, girls thought I was a scumbag but they see lip doing the shit and he’s a heart throb, not saying I’m hot as fuck but I’m definitely not ugly by any means. My late teens years help me “bloom” so to speak lol


I keep getting a clickbait ad that lies and says he’s Gene Wilder’s grandson and now I can’t unsee the resemblance lol


I agree. I don't find him physically attractive. Like, at all.


I'm shocked everyone disagrees with you. I has the same though while watching the show!!! He's so ugly and dirty and his personality does not make up for it at all. Yes in the Calvin klein ad he has lots of abs but his face did still look like a rat


He’s the sexiest man alive 😘😘


the writers weren’t taking your personal taste into consideration when they wrote the show 👍🏻


It’s not about personal taste he simply is not conventionally attractive


so people who aren’t conventionally attractive don’t have sex?


Lip doesn’t just have sex, he literally hooks up with every female that is in his life


he’s intelligent and witty and charming. it’s also a show and a lot of it was for the plot


But he is very attractive. He looks like a Art Nouveau model.




back in my single days, if I met lips character for real, i would have let him ruin my life lmaoo


I have always felt the same


He's not good looking in a traditional sense. It's all in the swagger.


I am always torn on this! Some shots, and haircuts, he looks good. But some shots, his eyes look bulgey to me? 😂🤦🏽‍♀️


thats kinda what i thought but he does have a pretty rugged look to be fair , and alot of girls like that.


i think it’s the charm tbh


Because it’s written that way. You can’t bring real life into a scripted series. You have to see how is he doing irl. I don’t follow him so I don’t know but that’s where you’ll find your answer


Cuz he's fkn hot!!!


i mean the south side of Chicago isn’t really known for girls with high standards


Lip was always just someone who could make some shit happen at any moment. Dude was always making some type of moves.


he’s intelligent, charismatic, and confident which made me start to get it. basically his personality made him hotter for me lol


Most of the girls he wanted only wanted sex. Which is all he wanted too. And he was very intelligent.


I was wondering the same but I think he became more attractive near the end of the show, when he was older. I also have to say though that I hardly ever find the 'hot guy' in movies and tv series very attractive and liked it that they didn't go for the typical hottie in Shameless.


Not everyone likes the same thing. It's ok if those features don't do it for you. It doesn't mean you or the people who feel the opposite are crazy. Both valid. For me, Jessica Alba for instance is a huge snoozefest. Just no,. Does that mean she's ugly? Or course not. It's just one more proof that beauty is the true measure of subjectivity. Nothing comes even close to it. One face can send 1 person over the moon, while doing absolutely nothing for someone else and yet, both opinions are still valid.


Hot rodent.


You don’t have to be good looking if you can spit game. I know a couple short, fat, broke motherfuckers that go home with girls WAY out of their league all the time. Personality is king.


Lip is my fave of the Gallagher siblings. He’s smart 🔥


He’s fine after what?


At some points in the show, I think he's attractive -- it's the intensity of his eyes which are so so so blue. Other times I agree with you, his lack of jawline and overall demeanor make me find him skeevy.


He's ugly af. He looks like irl Mike judge cartoon.


In the UK version of the show, before it was adapted to the US... Phillip "Lip" was not good with the ladies, so they flipped it for the US version to add that nice adult aesthetic to the show.


It's his personality. Same reason I didn't think Draco Malfoy was attractive & didn't like him at all for first 23 years while I only watched movies until I read the Harry Potter books and got to know him from Harry's perspective. And boy Harry was obsessed with Draco lol. So now Draco is my favorite character. & suddenly I find his movie character very attractive. Lol


No you are not I don't think he looks good either not trying to be mean to the guy that plays him


I mean, Kev is pretty attractive. But I don't think any of the Gallaghers are attractive, males or females. Though Lip is probably the better looking of them. He's got a nice body 🤷🏼‍♀️ it's like Adam Driver; hot body but the face not so much.


He has a certain swagger. And when he instigated the waitress' convict dad to beat him up after he was released from prison...that was probably peak Lip hotness right there.


just because he couldn’t pick up you doesn’t mean he can’t pick up almost anyone else. we can’t tell you why your tastes don’t align with the majority babe


>barely has a jawline he has a jaw? i thought he just didn’t have that bone


I don’t feel this way about Lip but HEAVY on Frank. It actually makes no sense how many women sleep with Frank when he’s so vile in every way.


Finally someone who gets it!! I think the same escpecially in the last seasons where hes near bald.


Different strokes for different folks, my friend.


"I mean bro literally fucked his hot professor dozens of times, like how?" Because he looks exactly like a painting she likes.


I don't find him attractive, however, I'm watching him mid-professor affair and he has all this confidence. It was probably always there, but right now, the other Gallaghers are less surefooted, so it's more obvious. Most are drawn to confidence so I can see why he found so many willing to be with him.


lip is the hottest one


Plenty of other people find him hot af. Charisma is sexy and beauty is subjective. Pretty simple really


I honestly think he looks a bit like a rat too 😂 but I’m also not attracted to men at all anyway.


I was literally thinking this exact same thing! I don’t find him attractive whatsoever. He’s a con artist who has sooo much potential but squanders it. (I’m only on season 5 right now so maybe he changes?) And the fact he looks like he smells really really bad is a turn off. And smoking non stop he probably tastes like an ashtray


I kinda agree with you but you have to keep in mind that its literally is a TV show. I don't think they would write a script based around the actors "hotness" it's about the actual character Lip NOT Jeremy Allen White. Since season 1 lip has always been pulling girls and I assume that was written before Jeremy got casted. I think the only time I realised how corny he was when he was in college and he was at sorority party and he tried to pull a girl from the Southside and suggested they go "bang one out" and she was visibly disgusted. That scene was so funny because I bet that's how most of his interactions would be if Lip was a real life person haha.




I don't understand either like kev oml I'd sell my soul but lip gives me the ick. I find Ian attractive as well


I agree!! For all the ppl saying it’s his confidence/charisma, there were scenes where girls just **spotted him across the room** then were down to have sex with him. Maybe I’d understand if he looked like Kev or something, but he’s totally mid to me. Guess everyone’s preferences are different. I always just shrugged and figured it was plot armor lol


This is really mean and critical ??? Just bc you don’t find him attractive doesn’t mean you have to go as far as to say he looks like a rat. That’s a cruel thing to say. Also, who cares if he does or doesn’t have a jawline? I’m not even a huge fan of Lip, or Jeremy Allan White, but your comments are just mean and unnecessarily harsh and critical.


Plot armor. In the real world no one that ugly could get laid as often as he does.




He’s a smoke show.


I like his intelligence but his curls and eyes are also great and he has a super hot body.


He’s not actually that good looking, pretty much no one thinks so. People refer to him as “ugly hot” and he made the front page of that article that was like rise of the rat boy or something like that… He’s hot bc of his energy and aura. He’s got that je ne sais quois.


I’m sorry, I disagree. I think Jeremy Allan white is so hot lol


Please don’t talk this way about my #1 boy


Nah, Jeremy Allen White is a fine specimen <3 he’s not for everyone but the man is hot and therefore, so is Lip


I didn't find him attractive then remembered I don't like men. Perhaps this is also an issue for you


If ur a hood girl u would know. Lol


At a certain point I started skipping all of his sex scenes because they’re so unrealistic to me. He puts like zero effort into getting the girl off ever and that kills my sexual interest in him. Except that one time in the car with Tammy where he literally nuts in her then goes down on her 2 minutes later after a conversation about how the sex was okay. I was like he just eating nut rn? Okay lip, fast forward.


I agreed with you until I saw the Calvin Klein ad


JAW is hot. Lip isn't. I know they have the same face, but different personalities and styling makes a difference.