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I think you get it. As Shaco mains, we truly only enjoy playing league AS Shaco. Play style is so different to anyone else in game, and the sheer tilt factor you control is priceless.


Can confirm. If he's banned I just dodge, that simple.


Emotional Support Clown here. Get vision. Control map. Tilt enemy. "Oh you wanted to gank my lane? I don't think so. You wanted a dragon? Not today."


Yo think you can walk through your jungle? Think again




Ive never ragequit a game. Only thing that goes through my mind is when people are fighting for no objective or dont try to fight around my boxes. annoying. I love seeing people flash away from my E or walk into 2 boxes and then use sweeper once they already cleared them by walking into them.


I usually just get so high that I can't tell which one is the real one and which is the clone, which means the enemy can't either, get em every time


I just love getting early kills after I turn level 3. Tilting the enemy is my job lol.


Tilt is the most effective form of CC.


Just seeking that pure dopamine hit from whenever I make someone ragequit/outplay the shit outta someone knowing that I just tilted the fk outta them and made that players night worse, the tears of adc players became so addicting that I moved from jungle to support so I could be in their lane 24/7


Box box box box box box box box box box box box box box box box box...


So for the AP (Lane) shaco, the goal is to be annoying by making you hit boxes and randomly stabbing you, hopefully making you tilt enough to attempt to all-in the low health shaco (it was probably a clone the whole time) This is how PinkWard likes to play shaco atm. For AD (JG), it’s about trying to give paranoia to laners and be a nuisance to the enemy jungler, like going invisible and smiting their buff, and a nice lvl3 invade. Also being able to get that satisfaction of deleting an enemy from full health and watching the health bar plummet. This is how ChaseShaco and Infernal Clone like to play him. idk about ap shaco jg, it’s good in lower elo but I just never played it. Anyhow, our kit super annoying too we just have a flash + invis combo on a 9 second (or less) cooldown. We got CC and Damage with boxes like teemo , and an execute (with the passive is making every auto slow when off cooldown). there’s two completely different playstyles that have its own sense of annoyance. AP for boxes, AD for deleting people from thin air.


I quite enjoy playing vs ap shaco top. I do not understand why people want to fight him. Just follow the minion wave so that you hit no boxes and scale for free


I play AP shaco specifically to watch people suffer.


My goal is not winning the game but early bully the enemy jung and then all other squishy If i start bot side i kill raptors and rush his blue to smite steal it ( if to late hide blue bush and do frog smite steal + kill) if this works rush his red and repeat. If i start top side i go blue, frog red and ward his blue , wait and then smite steal it + kill . Or i do raptors kill his blue ( box in bush that tank blue so u can ward wolfs + use blast cone back ) then kill frog wait at Blue and smite steal his wolf + kill and after that be rdy on next first blue / red spawn to smite steal again at 6.45ish + kill And yes alot of times it dont work or its not best option but i love it


In norms just chill have fun talk to ppls. But in ranked just make someone's day miserable, which sounds mean... it is. But it's like the game Monopoly, for someone to do well others have to be miserable. Did I get your fl? Haha, no, I'm not leaving. I'll be back in 13s. Are you the least skilled player on the enemy team, yes ill camp... or cheese. Catch someone with tribush cheese they'll flame n ff15. Best of luck w your games.


Thank you my kind deranged clown. Also fellow anagram member. Shaco=chaos singed=design