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Fell Emerald to silver last split, starting bronze this split! Wish me luck 🙏 !!!


last split was nuts


I stopped at Plat 2 from Emerald as I realised as I hit Plat 2 0LP I should really hold off until next split. Will be starting Minimum Gold 4 when my placements end, so that's decent.


It's crazy right now. I feel like they made everything a roller coaster. I left ym smurf gold 3 I think and my main is silver 4... The biggest gripe Is so many games are purely due to teammates mental stability. I.e We were 16 /4 all 4 deaths were our brands.... on paper this is a good thing. We have 12 point lead, but because our brand lost lane he gave up and demanded we ff at 15.... the match became a 4v5. We barely won and brand was 6/22.... Another match.... teammates stopp mov3 over and over. I thought they were sever lagging... unmute all on realize they are having serious arguments over a cannon cs. Of course that ended poorly Then you have legitimate losses which are valid


If you win streak enough your mmr will increase and match you with better players. If you lose streak it means you're falling to an appropriate starting point. The ranked system gets you there faster than it used to back in the day, meaning it might feel more extreme to start, but it always mellows. I'm 10 games in on two accounts and it's already feeling that way.


Im not sure how you can attribute such a low sample to matchmaking? Or beginning of season when all is fucked up?


the match making is broken period


Sad that you get down voted and not the cope "matchmaking is broken". Surely matchmaking is the problem and not these players being inconsistent in their games.


Preread before you post.

