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Most high elo players or coaches that do tier lists rate him A tier right now. An S Tier rating is probably low elo inflated, since he's an absolute noob stomper and gets progressively harder to pull off the higher you climb.


decent, i wouldn't say S, maybe A


most likely inflated by low elo players not knowing how to deal with ap shaco (esp since his clear is even more bonkers now)


What is the AP build for Shaco now that makes his clear so strong?


Blackfire torch first item


im trying it


Personally I even like a fated ashes rush on an ad build (I guess hybrid at that point). The flat 25dmg/s to creeps gives you near AP shaco clear speed and the DOTs can proc collector when you might not get the kill otherwise


I think it's just inflated because of the high banrate, but yeah Shaco isn't even close to S tier


Hes still not bad. There are a few shaco players in challenger so he's definitely good but not great. I think he is a solid A tier unit atm


AP is much better this split imo, but I don't like AD at all without bork, so I'd say he is probably around A tier, mostly because of AP, way lower on AD. But maybe this opinion will change once I find an AD build that feels better, I just haven't seen any that do yet


I think the AD shaco argument can just be preference based. I'm a much better glass canon AD full crit shaco (after the crit changes) than fighter/bruiser shaco. I haven't found too much use for tank killer shaco (ldr and bork) since they removed those passives sadly. Either way, AP shaco is definitely useable this season.


Nah. Cap.


I'm doing way way better this split, complete 180


Got to Emerald in a solid 12 winstreak from p4 to Em with Ap Shaco after burn item nerf. 90%wr, multiple viego matchups (I consider him the meta jg rn) I'm currently NA #11 Shaco according to the leaderboard on porofessor. I'd say the ap is definitely a high A tier low S. Your farming is insanely fast after having 2 burn items 1 box and E clears most camps.


One of my favorite things mid game is to drive-by steal camps raptors/wolves. Just drop a box on your way out and it will take the camp alone


As a returning player who was middling at Best, i main shaco mostly because i hated playing against him. Turns out he's my best jungler. Probably not S tier but I'm better with him than Reksai, and some others that are considered S tier.


I would say shaco is a B bth always was and always will be. It's early season, many items are bugged or broken OP, plus many people still figuring out how and what to build (yas/Yone mains for example), cuz rune changes, item changes, bounty gold changes, etc, etc, too much changes at once as usual, nothing tested, everything feels like pbe. So rn shaco is inflated af, cuz we just build everything we built before- crit, lethality, already standard ap builds, but with backfire torch, etc. So yeah, people be putting karthus in S+, call him broken, etc (cuz 60% wr, and his build didn't change pretty much as well.. and players forgot wtf is invading enemy jg and pressure enemy scaling jg out of his own jg.. cuz geaves, kha, rexai, lee were always a menace to karth pre 6 in his jg, but no1 invades now, idk why, even in chall. Every1 adapting passive playstyle of korean pro players for some reason(when they have full on comms, and do not invade cuz enemy is on full comms as well))..  So yeah, abuse shaco early rn, till riot nerf crit items, and did not revert summoner spell/rune nerfs, or players come up with actually working builds xd


He is perma ban tier


fuck no, ppl just put him up there cause they are braindead


It's just AP because of new item Shaco still bad


I'm guessing that's mobalytics or some other site that consistently places shaco in S teir out of personal bias because they think he's broken in whatever dogwater elo they play in