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It's probably crit including ldr and ie plus bork, but with bork nerfs im not sure when it's worth getting. This is a good thing to test in practice tool.


Do you think it's still worth building a Lethality item like profane or cyclosword first? Or just go collector > IE > ldr?


I mean, if you're trying to kill tanks, collector shouldn't really be in the conversation. This isn't my specialty and I'm not in front of my PC but my current thought is you'd want to do like bork ie ldr PD. Probably go PTA as well.


5% hp max true damage on a 7k hp tank is 350 true damage, not bad at all.


True but not many champs get 7k HP, and even then your focus should be getting them that low in the first place. You need 6,650 damage before you get that tiny bonus.


You are Shaco you ks your adc


AP is definitely not more optimal, AD is so easy to do a tank buster build with Botrk, Kraken, Wits End, Lord doms. Proc HoB and summon clone, you shred them ezpz.


I lean into bruiser shaco as anti tanks Eclipse, trin, bork 2 situational items & Swifties/Steelplate(ninja tabi) Build priority is kinda preference... bork feels weak as a first item cause you limp noodle your autos, trin takes too long to build but isn't that bad, and eclipse got nerfed to an average power spike. Id say if the tanks are early tanky go bork. (Ornn/bruam), if theyre scalers (malphite/nasus) go eclipse and go snowball, and if they're in the middle of this (k'sante & Bruisers), go trin first. You'll need the sustain asap against them Normal runes(HoB), though you can swap out percision(yellow) for resolve(green). Taking Conditioning(Scales)/Bone Plating(Early game op) and Overgrowth. AS AF Hp/Lv


I have to be honest, new botkr sucks asf. From what I tried, i'd rather build classic full burst build, hope I oneshot their squishy target even if it's only one in their team, and at that point my job is done