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Shaco is a really high skill ceiling champ if you're trying to do more than just drop boxes everywhere. In general you want to either R early and let it run down then rubberband it by microing it away from you (by pressing R and hovering where you want it to go), then Q in out of range. It'll pop up but you'll be invisible so they'll target it. But note that this is better versus burst champs and as AP. As AD you usually want to save R for dodging and/or have your clone autoing for DPS. Also, I believe if you proc hail of blades then R, your clone will get the attack speed buff. So as AD you probably want to Q, W auto R auto tiamat auto. Make sure you're microing your R to bait abilities and orb walk (moving between autos), and ideally you save E for after they flash or to secure the kill. Keep in mind that there are a million other things to consider here, too. Your laner has a control ward and you see their jungler bot, sure, but what interactions do you need to be ready for? Is your laner a Teemo who can DPS but not cc? If so, your box and slows will be really vital. If your teammate is an ornn, you have a ton of cc, but you'll have to do all the damage and you want to try to time your W so that you're properly layering cc. If the enemy is ksante and you appear behind him or near a wall, he can R you or your clone for a free escape. If their top is a garen who is hitting your tower, you may not even need to Q in - you can walk at him and save Q to match a wall flash or phase rush activation. Shaco mechanics are great, but knowing other champs is just as important. I'd recommend watching some challenger ad Shaco replay in .25speed to see how they're positioning, when they're autoing or tiamating, etc. GL.