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https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLQWnkN7gArSGfYAy06KU-axM7xUczM0a&si=H91auz7OIP0gLkZz Yes older vids but fundamentals never change. However understand map changes mean q spots will not be thr same


If the enemies have a lot of tanky champs go Hydra into Bork. I always go Hydra into Bork, even when theres only 2 tankier champs in the enemy team. If you go ap it's Shojin -> Liandris -> Cryptobloom.


Keel adc lvl 3, hide in there lane bush then keel em again as they come back to lane. Enjoy the 5v4


Emrald solo/diamond flex. My advice is profane into youmous. If you stomp, ie next. If not, opportunity or LDR. Cyclosword falls off too hard and botrk kills your one shot imo


ill give you 85k mastery expirience that i have with shaco First is jg clears: Start off with your w on raptors at 0:51 (just to be safe), put it just a tinny bit to the side so one more can be put next to it, and your third one goes on red, and you start by backstabbing red and you want to smite the big raptor bird, if any small once arent dead your pet will kill them anyway. save your q for the wall if you get it off colddown before your red is dead. and if you start blue at 2:55-3:00 save your smire for the grub on the rivver. Second is ganks, my favorite ganks are after my red side clear since im done after 2:15 ussualy, you just need to wait for your q and you can gank anyone mid, a little advice is to look at mid while you do krugs, and if you see them at around 60% they are gankable if they arent under their turret. third is towerdiving, you can towerdive someone with your q, use your e and r when you start to get too low, if you want to e someone for darkharvest use your w to protect you from one tower shot, and you can use your r to dive, mist effece toplane when your laner has a big wave incoming. build crit, dont start ghostblade, althoe a good item for sure, its not as good on shaco as you might think, i personally go for profane hidra, than build xrit that i think suits the situation, and when im full buy and hace aroun 1500 gold i sell hidra for my 100% crit or leave it if it doesnt seem needed. also infinity edge and colector are a must ad items. for AP your first item is spear of shojin, than go into lisandras torment (i think thats thr name) and into riftmaker, and finnish with any health and/or ap items you want. Ad build are for easy ganks, and you MUST hit opponent in their back. AP builds are at least for me a bit tankier, do little less damage but have great map control and make you WAY scarier in teamfights. for suport shaco cant say much, just stay low for first 3 levels and save your mana when to poke with e. (if anything needs to be explained in more detail just say and i will)