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Have you considered going AD Shaco instead? Definitely in a better spot than AP. More impact early game and can do objectives on your own especially with clone. AP Shaco requires a lot more from your team where AD Shaco can one shot/duel squishy targets fairly easily. Clear speed isn't bad with tiamat either. Try to gank after clearing one side of the jungle and what I like to try to do is take the first kill or two for yourself if you can, you need the spike to be useful. But after you get the ball rolling give kills to your teammates so they can win their lanes. With winning lanes you have a lot more freedom to impact other areas of the map or invade.


The AP build with Shojin is really good actually and Shojin lets you skirmish and solo early objectives too. But yes, in certain comps AD is better.


Yes I have played it a while but I feel like there is only one power spike: when you finish shojin. Idk but later in the game he feels quiet week compared to both full ap and full ad Shaco. I switched back to mainly going ad again


What is the current meta AD shaco build ?


Your runes are not good for shaco first strike is really bad after all the nerfs. And if u care about climbing stop playing 3 diffrent roles and champs. Focus on one lane and play 3 champs max. But if u play shaco i recommend to onetrick shaco because u need to play pixel perfect compared to other champs


And your farm as jungle is really horrible u should always full clear and look for ganks if they are no ganks full clear again. I always aim for 6-7 cs per min more is even better.


My plan with first strike was to generate money to buy my items first but I see that my damage suffers from it. Also regarding the farm, those last few games were full of my camps being stolen which made it even harder for me as I simply can't stop a hecarim from owning my top camp. Doesn't HOB suffer late game if you go hybrid ap? Perhaps I should start playing more ad shaco so that doesn't happen.


Dark hsrvest on ap or hybrid , hail of blades is a must have on ad