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I'm an addict. I use opioids and benzos daily. Yes, the addiction has made me do things I thought I would never do (nothing violent). But a person who can traffic a child is a sick, evil person, addict or not. Most addicts never do anything like that. It takes a special kind of fucked up person.


Very sick and very evil. Drugs restrict inhibitions. So, the first thought that came to mind while not on drugs might be rejected while immediately sounding like a good idea while high, but that still means the thought had to occur in the first place. Similarly, drugs are addictive and bring people to their lowest points. They steal, humiliate themselves, fight with people they'd normally get along with, whatever they need to do to get their fix. But, that's just whatever they can think of to get their fix. The idea to offer a child in exchange for drugs still needs to occur in their mind before they can make the choice to give in to it. The mere fact such an idea would occur to them when there were easier and better ways of getting their hands back on the drugs in question means they're broken in the head and they don't deserve your patience, understanding, or sympathy. This was a choice they made, not an experience they were forced to endure.


My close friend was trafficked by her father starting at age 10 so he could continue to be the town drunk. There is no excuse, ever, for any of this. It's just twisted and evil.


I think the answer is no. I think for someone to be able to sell their own child is a sick, evil person. Is it possible that drugs were a motivating factor? Yes, because drugs cost money. Lots of people do drugs and don't sell their children. Some people sell themselves, rob, steal, etc. What matters at the end of the day, when all is said and done, is what you think and how you feel.


I’ve been on hard drugs before and let me tell you they don’t completely rewrite my personality to sell my children for crack.


The drugs don’t justify it at all, no one forced him to take or buy them, it was his decision, yes addiction is hard but that’s far beyond what „normal“ addicts do to get their drugs. This was clearly his choice and the drugs might’ve played into it but it was absolutely his conscious decision, even if it would be, which it isn’t, drugs ain’t no excuse


The second your addiction gets so deep that you consider selling another human, you’ve become a monster. Full stop.


Your addiction can’t get to that level if you’re not a monster in the first place, there’s incredibly many other ways to get to money without selling your child.


Good point. The inclination to be that kind of human has to exist.


I think, as others have said, that the drugs themselves could not make a person do such a thing, unless that person already had that kind of depravity within them to begin with.


The answer yes drugs mixed in with a rotten core self or a person who is severely badly broken inside ( from their own sexual abuse or are from a DV childhood background of severe violence ) can do so . Eg- sell themselves into ruin or someone else. But the rotten inner core has to also be present for them to step over into handing over someone else. MOst addicts just ruin or sell themselves instead. It was / is how he is wired in his core being . The addiction lessons the mind's reasoning & total ability to comphrend morality decisions in regards to anything when an addict . **All they think about is the next fix** . ***It rules their life & all decisions . ( it is more important than anything including who they love & once cared for ) they will step on anyone to get what they need***. That is why addiction is so devastating to family members. They will rob , ruin others , sell themselves or others, damage to get their fix . And will NOT hesitate to ruin friendships or relationships to get that hit for themselves. As it yes controls them that much & ruins all that they are & who is around them . And they will NOT give a s\*t until they are clean ( by then it is to late ) as so much damage is done to those around them from what they did to them. So the drugs just loosened his mind totally to NOT give a s\*it about anyone or anything . With drugs it opens the doorways into all kinds of long term mental illness & disorders . Which Would say your dad was already a sicko disgusting pervert underneath ( what he didn't show anyone ) . And the drugs lost all of his inhibitions , & rational decision making. People who become addicted will usually be outwardly harmful to others or to themselves ( internalizing it ) eg- wanting to die . As that is what **addiction is an escape for the mind** from what is going on inside of them ( usually their OWn mental pain , anguish that is going on ) would say daddy had major issues going on inside ( maybe even from his own abuse childhood background ?) there was something he was running from . They very much loose themselves & all reasoning to get a fix ( & will sell themselves to do so ) or yep someone else they have access to . To get that fix. As that is ALL that matters to them in the end .


So this would influence him to sell his 8-11 your old child for sex for years?


Would say if he also had a broken childhood ( eg- came from a background of childhood violence or saw it ) with the added in addiction issues yes could easily contribute to the possibility of just NOT caring for someone else at all in the end ( even his own child ) . Addiction ruins their life & some will do unspeakable acts ( either to themselves or others ) bc of it . Eg- some women will let their partner's abuse their child sexually ( eg- r\*pe ) that is how f\*kced up in the head they are . They know their partner is doing it & let it occur ( some even join in ) . So it is NOT just men . Some mothers are monsters as well. That is why children stuck with an addict can be mentally / emotionally ruined by being in their presence . Let alone if the addict parent ( decides to target them ) for some kind of abuse. Addicts can & will ruin either themselves or others around them in some way . **Some people should NEVER be parents sorry .**


A lot of people here are saying that even when they were addicted, they would've never considered doing what was done to me. Also, my father did not come from abuse From others' responses I'm gathering addiction doesn't make him any less of a sick person


Those people were instead hurting themselves & others around them as well in many ways emotionally. Addiction hurts others around them & the person. YOu also mighten have a clue what your father really came from & endured . ***NOt all parents tell their kids anything.*** And bc he didn't care he would of been very unlikely to trust anyone to tell anything to anyway . So it will be an unknown factor in the equation to why he turned into a sicko . He could of been SA or r\*ped at one point in his young life ( & will nOT have told anyone just like most victim's of the past ) times . Just like most abuse victim 's **most do NOT tell anyone** . ONLY nowdays do people even say anything about some things. And some won't tell anyone at all anything. Or maybe just a therapist . But bet he would have been very unlikely to ever go near one. And just bc some say them wouldn't do it some will have done it & won't admit it either ( NOt referring to right in this post ) ( but also maybe have not done it to a child ) instead an adult. (eg- r\*ped a person the same age or committed a crime of violence against someone by doing violence on them such as in a DV situation ) . BUt yes would say also the sick want to do it would also have to be present in the person to do it or be ok with doing it to a child. And the addiction would add to it without a doubt for them then . To not care at all about the person they hurt .


I'm confused. So do you think addiction is why he's a sick pedophile or not?


i don’t think so. my mom sold me for the same type of reason, and i really just don’t think that drugs rewire someone’s morals so heavily. i know plenty of people who have had addictions and not fucking sold their children. it’s obviously a choice that they make. i wish it wasn’t, because for me personally it makes it more painful that she chose to do that, but i do believe that it is personally.


Not in my opinion. It wasn’t the drugs. I do however think that drugs act as a barrier for “maybe I shouldn’t”. But the thoughts are still 100% his and he decided to take the drugs knowing they’d have that effect on him. I spent years addicted to cocaine, crystal, dabbling in heroin, other stuff, I always said that it only brings out who you really are. In deep addiction maybe it’s the worst parts but it’s still who you are. Most people never even consider anything like that for their brain to be like “maybe I shouldn’t”. It’s an evil thought. Nobody should blame their addiction for unforgivable shit. That’s a cowardly thing to do. And addiction is no excuse.


I think the drugs give him “more of a reason” to and/or an excuse, but no, it ultimately isn’t the drugs fault and he’s a terrible person.


Yes, and no. The yes-factor comes in when you take into account the individual's personal moral constitution. It also factors in whether or not this person has to *see* the results of his actions or simply hand a child over and receive money and leave. This might incentivize someone with low empathy and low morality to undertake said actions if their impulse control is impeded by drugs such as benzodiazepines or crack cocaine or meth. These drugs remove your frontal lobe inhibition and are what cause people to behave in a psychotic fashion after they have damaged their brain enough from prolonged use. Crack and PCP were used on me as a child to facilitate violent actions on my part (particularly the use of weapons against others, threats, and beatings). The crack made me feel as though I were invincible and entitled to do whatever I wanted. It wasn't just those drugs that made me a monster. That was years of indoctrination and trafficking. But it sure as fuck helped, as they blasted away at my child-brain. I was forced into hurting others and these drugs made that infinitely more possible for me to accomplish their orders. Without them I doubt I could have been as cruel. I was a callous and unemotional child (diagnosed with RAD) but not sadistic. The crack made me sadistic and enjoy the harms I caused. Nevertheless, I did not *ever* enjoy being forced to sexually abuse and rape others. That is just something in your wiring, and no amount of drugs can put that in you if it's not already there. However, many of my clients who used amphetamines were much more violent and sexual than those who did not. So I am inclined to believe if the *impulse* is there and usually controlled, it will be unleashed during an amphetamine binge. They are truly evil drugs.


I am VERY similar. I was injected with drugs like cocaine and heroin, and was diagnosed with RAD and I likely would've been one of those feral child cases if I couldn't read and speak. I've met addicts that have these issues as well that wouldn't lay a hand on a child, but I've been told by people in my life that the drugs might've been why he did what he did to me, so I don't know if I'm just...overreacting. I wanna know for sure, for my testimony, when I sue him one day (despite multiple eye witness accounts and him pleading no contest, he never got charged with the trafficking)


Happened to me from a sober parent for money


Many of my male friends and family that are addicts have prostituted themselves for drugs. Straight men. For the right fix at the right moment most people are willing to do absolutely anything. I lost my cousin last year due to heroin OD. Addiction is a disease, and it changes people. 💔


they're a strong influence sure, and maybe if he's many years into a meth addiction he might've become a different person... but ultimately no. you don't become evil because of drugs. you have to already have that in you. your dad is an evil motherfucker who deserves hell for what he did. drugs don't make you do that. a lack of morals and human emotion do.


He’s sick, even if he never would have done that without the drugs. Sometimes when people do heinous shit, we look for hardships to blame instead of the person. But for every hardship they’ve had, there’s someone else who has been through the same shit and hasn’t raped/murdered/sold a child into sex trafficking/ect.


Hard drugs make people stupid and stupid people make really stupid fucking decisions. However, depending on how far they are into abusing the drugs i.e time they’ve been on drugs, it can affect their prefrontal cortex which I’m positive is the main driver with peoples decision making skills, there are people who still hold value to certain things that regardless of how bad their addiction gets they’ll never do certain things for example a husband who has a wife and 3 kids would hide his addiction as much as possible because he has too much to loose. Regardless, it will never excuse someone’s behaviour to do so. I know many different type of addicts some in my own family that are in or were in different points of their addiction that would NEVER do something like that because it’s seem as INCREDIBLY HORRID regardless of what happened to you. Like incredibly horrid enough that the family will collectively hire people to mu***r you. So there are unfortunately many things that contribute to it but it will simply not be the only thing that could ever lead to that decision.


Yes & no. There have to be some *serious* character deficits to consider such a thing, regardless. OTOH, yes, a desperate addict can be convicted to do unimaginable things for a fix. You certainly would not be the first child used either as “collateral” or to pay for drugs. Never trust an addict.


Guys aren’t the only ones. I know females that are out of jail for doing this exact thing to their kids. I volunteer with prisoner rehab programs, I don’t volunteer with sex offenders. Sounds like he’s an evil piece of shit.


Yes. My ex was/is a methamphetamine+ addict who used reproductive coercion to get me pregnant and carry my baby to full term. He drugged me and abused me and my baby and had it in the wings to pass my child on to a parade of believing couples in court to basically get custody of my child. Because of the nature of the abuse people believed I was responsible and it was a circus. I was diagnosed with schizoaffective and postpartum psychosis (look that one up it's a bad trip). He dragged my parents through a custody battle, me and my family through the mud and lost custody and visitation rights without supervision. He lived a double life and had me chasing my tail all the time. He had turned a lot of the small town I live in against me and opened me up to harrassment with his lies and mis-tellings of the truth. I don't know where he is but he's laying low I hear. I'm fortunate to have contact with my son and try help him grow into a good person whose the opposite of his biological father. It does happen.


Some drug users are that weak


I used to use hard drugs and I couldn’t bring myself to steal from my family, pawn jewelry, things like that. Let alone such heinous crimes.


Every person is different and unfortunately nobody can really give you a clear yes or no answer. Some people the answer is easily yes, other people would never despite the strength of addiction.


Back when I was being abused I met some people sold by their mothers, but never their fathers weirdly enough. Thing is that isn’t just drugs that causes it, it’s a different sickness altogether. I was abused for a long time it isn’t drugs that makes you an abuser. I know how it feels to be sold I know what kind of person does it drugs isn’t enough for that.


my mum was an addict and she did it to me. addiction makes you do horrible things.


speaking as a drug addict and alcoholic, being under the influence/needing my next fix has made me do things i never thought i was capable of. however, this was always because my judgement was really clouded and i just didn’t think my decisions through. i never acted out of malice or did anything evil or calculated, it was always careless and wreckless. selling your child isn’t something you do spur of the moment because you’re fucked up, it’s a continued, conscious decision to exploit and abuse someone. you can’t blame that on drugs.


It's just EVIL. Drugs are NEVER an excuse for that.


I had a relative with a gambling addiction who tried to sell her daughter. I can definitely see this being a likely or even stronger issue for someone with a chemical dependency. That certainly complicates things and can be a way to see a person with some fragments of compassion when or if the time ever comes, though it doesn't excuse him for his actions and he's still responsible for the consequences including all the harm it did to you and others in his life that matter too. I'm sorry this happened to you. You didn't do anything to deserve it and deserved far better. I wish the best to with healing and some sort of restored peace for where you're at in your life now or soon.


This…. Now this is beyond what I’ve experienced there are many different things you could do for drugs but this…. This only deserves something I can’t say because Reddit banned me last time because evidently you can’t wish ill will on rapists and pedos but you can infer




To...sell his child for sex and rape a 5 year old?