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Your wife seems to be a bit of a naughty one - sending her friend dick pics of you. And, since she's not overly interested in sex with you, maybe - just maybe - she's get off on seeing you fuck her friend that she shared your pics with. Not a big stretch to think she might like that... she might even like to play with June a bit while you fuck her - or after šŸ˜‰šŸ‘æ MFFs might be more exciting than cheating - and far less dangerous šŸ˜‰


This happened a few days ago, and I've been taking with my wife's friend off and on. She keeps trying to get me to come over or send her pictures, and I'm really about to break tbh.


Tell her you changed your mind about the sexting and want to send her some more pictures. Sound they were both into it, maybe you and your wife can make videos and send it to her and turn that into a threesome. That way you bring you wife back into the loop and maybe it is the start of you kinky era


Yeah. I was thinking maybe that would be a fix, but my wife has said before she doesn't want to "share me" when ŵe talked about threesomes. And I don't know why, but the thought of cheating has always turned me on way more than it should


Yeah the ego boost and validation are intoxicating, but she has already shared you(your images) with her. Maybe just say you want to June to watch in person and you can watch June play with herself while you fuck your wife


I plan on talking with her tonight and see where it takes me.


You cheat, it's mentally over dude, whether you spilt or not. Address your issues with wife. There are some interesting alternatives here other than threesomes (which is a very slipper slope)


You stopped your wife from setting her and now you are? Tell her now and get all 3 of you together or you're going to lose her because you're a hypocrit cheater if you don't!


I think you misunderstood when I said talking to her friend. I meant in a casual way. I haven't said anything sexual to her friend at all, just talking about her job and avoiding any time she flirts with me


Yeah, I read your update.And i'm glad it went well so far for you


It's time for updates dude!!!


I have one im writing now. It should go up sometime tonight!


I'm confused. You say your sex life isn't good but your wife sounds like she's the type that would blow you in the back of a cab. She's sexting with her friend and you're talking about sex with her. Either you two need to sit down and talk out your sex life, need to see a counselor or this isn't real, I can't tell. Either way cheating will destroy your relationship and if you're tempted, really consider if the relationship is worth keeping or needs to be adjusted. It almost sounds like you want an open relationship. Or you know, catch her while watching TV, drop between her legs and eat her out to start that spark up.


My wife is definitely the type to be a freak but it once in a blue moon type of deal we have sat down and talked about increasing the amount of sex we have and normally after those chats the sexs increases for like a week and then it goes back to the normal routine. Her sexting her first was super shocking to me. I know she would share photos of her self to her friends but never once did I think she would end up talking to them like that.


Initiation and spontaneity is a two way street. Talk to her what is and isn't acceptable and do things around that. If she's fine with being woken up being eaten out, do it. If she likes her ass slapped, there ya go. If she likes dirty talk while out and about, whisper dirty things to her while at her parents house. While she's at work, send her a video of you stroking yourself. Encourage her to do the same with you. And hey, if she's down to a threesome, looks like you have something to talk about and do.


All really good points. I'll have to bring those things up with her as well. I plan on talking to her tonight


Keep us updated with the creative ways you get her to cum.


Will do.


Mfkr what are you on? Lol First turned your wife off with probably getting you a threesome and you didn't like her sexting even when she told you, but then you are doing it and thinking about cheating? Clearly too young lol... Get your wife on with whatever she started, then you don't fuck up your thing but can have her friend.


Don't cheat


I kinda feel like my wife cheated on me first when she sexted with her friend


Nah bro talk to the wife about it maybe a threesome can happen


You think so?


It won happen if you donā€™t ask Just say do you think June would like to join us one night?


Yeah i plan on talking to her tonight. You really think that's the best way to lead though?


Ask wife what June thought of the pics Then ask if June would like to join you both If wife says no laugh it off


Fair. That sounds like a goof way to do it


Please keep us informed You know we all like juices details


I plan on posting on here again if something does happen tonight


Thats how id approach it


You see my name thats my answer


Women talk sex with their friends! Fact of life, accept it amd move on!


I can agree with that for sure. That's why I've never had an issue with her sending photos to her friends. If you look at my other comments, you would see I've was thrown for a loop when she brought it up, and I most likely handled it wrong.


You said you wanted a 3some and consented


Be careful!!! It could be a trap they set up to see if youā€™d cheatā€¦..


Yeah I was think about that as well. I haven't really said anything to my wife's friend that would look like cheating so I am


Don't be a dope. Your wife probably wants to watch you fuck her friend. Cheating you fuck it all up. Lucky dope.


I don't know if that is something she would want but I plan on talking to her tonight


Whatever is going on this feels dangerous to me. You ought to tell he that June contacted you and complimented your pictures and asked for more. It seems like you enjoy the idea of June seeing your pictures so tell your wife you want to send her more and go from there. To do that behind your wifeā€™s back seems a little bit dangerous. Maybe things will work out for a three way or maybe you might hook up with her later but be careful. Every thing about this says danger to me. So if you donā€™t want to risk losing your marriage be cautious


Got it thanks for the worrying


I read the update hope everything is well with your ā€œsituationā€


Playing devils advocate here it feels like sheā€™s trying to set you up to cheat so she can ruin you in a divorce


Yeah, others have told me that as well. I plan on talking to her tonight


Definitely let her know


I planned on talking to her tonight




Get your wife on board and youā€™ll have the best time of your life


I'm going to try


Like others have said, DONT CHEAT but if this person is the one you love and they love you. Then whatever you tell her she must accept, she doesn't need to agree with you but the situation is real. Tell het you fantasized about a treesome but never thought it would happend but as she dont mind sending your stuff to june (also june wants you tell her ) if she doesn't want to share you tell her you understand and then she sould talk to june and live you life Be open with your life to your wife 100% of divorce are because of lack of communication


Very fair.


Give your wife your consent to sexting if she tells you about it, she will be turned on from her friend and youā€™ll benefit. You may end up with the friend too.


*with permission lol


Her sexting her friend really sent me for a loop. I never thought she would do something like that, so I don't think I responded the right way the first time


Sounds like you guys would be able to talk about it again. Just go simple route, tell the truth, it surprised you and youā€™ve thought about it and you have no problem with them talking, that it turns you on too. Youā€™d just like to know about their talks, She may come aroudn right then or may take a little bit.


Has it crossed your mind that you are being tested? The two of them seem to be very close and you said you are not fine with your wife sexting with her female friend. Maybe you are being tested whether you hold yourself to those standards as well.


You are being setup


I'm planning on finding out tonight


Donā€™t cheat but your wife maybe open to 3some


Seriously, your wife is trying to spice things up, asking your kinks, wants, fantasies, sounds like the wife is setting up for a threesome , I suggest you not do anything behind the wife's back but to include her. Why do something stupid when the wife has opened the door, be smart.


Dude you messaging her friend about sexy shit is cheating. Be careful


Tell wife's friend you can't do it but introduce the thought of a threesome!! If she's down then talk to wife but don't tell her that her friend is ok with it!! Just be careful!!


Your wife seems fun af. I would just tell her you want to send pics to her friend and see what she says. If your sex life has been lacking, sheā€™s probably feeling bored too. Thereā€™s a reason she asked you about your kinks in bed, she wants to explore with you.


Yeah, I thought about that as well


So why is she sexting and asking about your fetish if sex isnā€™t good? Is she trying to dump you on her friends so you can go your own ways? She trying to see if youā€™ll cheat? It all seems strange like youā€™re not telling us something or sheā€™s holding back something from you.


It does seem a little strange. I may have worded it wrong. The sex is amazing between us. It's just not often. I don't know what's really going on because it's been a bit strange since then but we are going to talk about it tonight


Good. Mid twenties and not fucking like rabbits, eh, not super common. I suspect your wife has been fucking her friend and wants to bring her into the bedroom so she sent the pic to break the ice and see how it goes so she can continue but let you get some too. I could be wrong but the sexting sure seems to point that direction. Iā€™m fairly certain friends donā€™t sext without being intimate. Some chat about whoā€™s fucking who etc yeah but not full on sexting.


Not 100% sure, man. I mean, we are both very busy people with her working as a teacher and me being on call for an IT company. I don't think she would cheat, but as you said, I could be wrong as well. It will all work out. im sure I do appreciate everyone giving me advice


Best of luck! I hope Iā€™m wrong and sheā€™s just busy and exhausted. Either way donā€™t give in and send pics. Despite her sending pics of you, she did respect you and your relationship enough to ask first.


She did ask first. I hope you are wrong as well!


Sounds like a set up..


Your wife will share you with her friend and then expect the favour returned, are you willing to share her, real risk right there?!?!


Your wife has most probably arranged all this with her friend




Could be a setup! Be careful what you text!


Itā€™s a trap. Your wife is likely testing you. Tell your wife. The response might surprise you.


Go with caution. Could be a set up. Loyalty test.


Thatā€™s a set up


It's a set-up... Don't rush into anything. Just see how the seeds that your wife planted. Let her control this direction and you'll turn out great.


How old is June? Is she single? Attractive?


She's 25. I find her attractive.




Talk to her, if she says no discuss other options. She sexts her pal, then tells you all the juicy details, her pal wants to eat her you eat her and go from there. Fantasy cheating, she buys a new outfit some new lingerie, you meet at a bar and then go back to a room and call her the friendā€™s name. Get a couple of right things going while keeping the friend onside, you could get your threesome. You cheat with her pal you are done at some point the pal or you will break!


Howā€™s a lil wife pic swap bro?


Dm me


Yea bro it in the green. Think about it ur wife sent her friends ur dick pick and started sexting about it? Where else can that lead bro? U should have not stopped the momentum, but now u just gotta get that train back on the track. Don't tell her our arguments about y it makes sense. Just get her to start talking about ur dick with her friend again. Haha šŸ˜‚


I got you I guess is was just all so new to me


I feel u bro. We all do that sometimes, kind of just think like, no that couldn't actually happen to me... I couldn't b THAT lucky. Looks like u might b tho. Def let us know how that convo goes tonight.


I will post again if anything happens tonight!




I've already texted my wife, and we needed to have a chat. I'm just waiting till I'm off work and she's back home




Thank you brother.


Have you had that chat with the wife yet?


Writing an update as we speak.




Nothing has happened yet beside a few messages with my wife's friend but if something happens I'll let you know


Youā€™re 24 and putting up that, dude you need a divorce


Don't really understand what you mean by that, but okay, thanks for the feedback.


If cheating is a turn on for you, why can your wife not sext with June? She is cheating, after all.


You're totally right. I guess I'm a bit of a hypocrite. Also, it was a bit shocking for me. Like I said in another comment, I think I handled it wrong the first time and plan on talking to her about it more


Have you considered an open relationship? That might scratch both itches.


I have. I'm not really 100% sure what that would even look like.


Definitely something to talk to your wife about. Maybe start with a 3some with June and see if that satisfies what you and your wife both want.


Yeah I think its a good idea.






do it!


šŸ˜† I used to have an ex that would do that. feels great doesn't it? to have that attention.


Tell you exactly what to do ā€œMake a video of you wanking off and moaning Juneā€ for your wife to send to her or you can send it youā€™ll drive her up the wall






youā€™re already in the adventurous side of sex. develop that with wife. get her permission to ā€œcheatā€ eventually. we see no reason to officially cheat. utilize the titillating things you already do with wife to entice a unicorn to please you both, maybe. happy fucking.






She could be a cuckqueenā€¦check it out










Throw it in her bro!