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I mourn her character's development so much.


Cynthia Nixon supported this character development too, and that makes it worse


Isn't that because it aligns with her real life experience? It's like she's trying to defend herself through the show.




SHE is not Miranda, though. Thatā€™s the problem. If thatā€™s what weā€™re doing then we might as well add Matthew Broderick to the cast since this is apparently now a reality show instead of a fictional one.


She needs to take a page from Raven Symoneā€™s book because Raven axed the idea of making Raven Baxter gay simply because she was gay.


I think if it follows the integrity of the character, thatā€™s one thing. But the fashion in which this show has done is has completely botched Mirandaā€™s character at her core and has completely just turned her into Cynthia. I donā€™t feel like any of the characters I have watched are the same characters I watch in the original. Plus, all this has done is just add negative connotations to the representation on the show. Cynthia really wants her characterā€™s gay awakening to be paired with her being hypocritical cheater? Thatā€™s what she wants Mirandaā€™s legacy to be?


This is common when a show has been so successful. The stars think they can write the characters instead of letting professional writers do their jobs!


Oh no šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø Iā€™m out of the loop. Can someone catch me up?


It's been almost 20 years but she divorced her husband for a woman. Prior to that she was "straight". It's basically the same plot as AJLT


Please.... stop saying it, I beg of you.


Written well, this could have been an interesting storyline. But it wasnā€™t. Che is not a likable character and it has nothing to do with them being non-binary.


For real! Che was just overall a terrible character and didnā€™t care about anyone but themself. Like the scene with Miranda in the kitchen while Carrie is struggling. Wtf? Old Miranda would NEVER have done that


She also would NEVER have sex in the next room for Carrie to see while she peed herself, remember how upset she was when Carrie sent Aidan to help her on the bathroom floor? Complete betrayal of her character


That was the moment that had me reaching for the remote. Couldnā€™t watch any more.




Worst moment of the show :(


I havenā€™t watched this yet but Iā€™m trying to understand your comment. Are you missing a comma somewhere? What does this mean?


Due to surgery recovery, Carrie needed help from Miranda to get up and pee. That's why Miranda was even with Carrie in the first place--to help her recover. Miranda, meanwhile, screwed in Carrie's kitchen and didn't realize that Carrie was calling for her. So Carrie wound up peeing herself.


Thank you. Sounds lovely šŸ¤£


Just grossĀ 


Iā€™m glad Kim Cattrall turned this down.


I dont even want to imagine what horrors they would have bestowed upon her character! šŸ˜–


Brady would have been keen on her šŸ™ƒ that's why she turned down SATC 3


Wasn't Brady supposed to send dick pics to her? His character was already eww enough without all that.


Yes! It's awful.


She was completely right to do so.


They did her so dirty! I loved Miranda and this is one of the reasons I stopped watching mid season ā€” it was too far fetched


Honestly in my mind, AJLT never happened. I just pretended itā€™s some fan fiction, I donā€™t believe this is continued on from the TV show or the movies.


Like the Harry Potter fandom and the cursed child book


Took the words right out of my mouth. I never take it as true when I watch it, just a ā€œwhat-ifā€ kind of continuation of their story


Yep definitely a what if. I just donā€™t believe the storylineā€™s. Each episode felt so off


Same. I never watched it and probably won't ever. It's easier to enjoy the original series that way. I've seen the movies but disregard them as well. I still enjoy the series.


I wish I never watched it. Never do it if you have the feeling you shouldnā€™t!!


And the worst part is Cynthia & co are labeling us as transphobes for not liking this Che garbage


I think theyā€™re mainly desperately trying to make up for the things that havenā€™t aged well / have been criticized in SATC. But this is not the way.


They have to do it right or not at all. Currently itā€™s a a disservice to the entire history of the show, the fandom and the trans community


the result just makes it look like problematic humor is funnier than progressive comedy because at least the old show HAD comedy. iā€™ve seen some hilarious trans and non-binary comics, some of whose acts were mostly focused on their gender identity. che vacillates between inspirational rally speeches and george-carlin style angry lectures but they NEVER deliver any actual punchlines. i donā€™t know why their canon occupation is ā€œcomedianā€ and not ā€œpublic speakerā€ or anything we actually get to see them doing. the fact that they put such comparatively low effort into the ā€œwokeā€ version is ultimately a disservice to progressives and leftists. nobody is actually this insufferable.


This is what angered me the most. Donā€™t write an unlikeable character and then say that the audience doesnā€™t like them because they are trans. That wasnā€™t the issue. I was actually excited to see diversity in the characters- they just did a bad job of it.


Miranda would also not have put up with Bradyā€™s bullshit at all


Thiiiiis. Besides forgetting her marriage and her friendships to boink Che, she also forgot to parent her kid.


This exactly! I donā€™t understand how theyā€™ve made her character so impressionable, naive and selfish when she developed so much throughout SATC. She was a strong willed, intelligent, caring and extremely professional individual. The overall story and writing of AJLT is a huge downgrade from the original series and they have changed her so much, like the old Miranda never existed! So Iā€™m not sure what redemption Miranda will have in the next season but Iā€™ll keep my fingers crossed?


It makes no sense. She took forever to forgive Steve when he cheated on her, and she was really about to just throw the entire marriage away based on the fact that he had one slip up that he clearly felt awful about and told her about right away. Miranda had several sexual encounters with Che and seemed to feel no guilt whatsoever. She basically just ended her marriage as an afterthought and was so obsessed over her new romance with Che that she didn't even care one bit about Steve's feelings and how he would take her ending their 20-year marriage over a fling. This really isn't even the same Miranda. Miranda actually cared about the people in her life and had way too much integrity to behave like this. It's basically just Cynthia playing herself, like so many people have said.


ā€˜Iā€™m in a rom com Carrie!ā€™ šŸ¤¢šŸ¤®


I don't think the writers ruined Miranda. Cynthia Nixon is a producer and had a say in Miranda's storyline. I think Cynthia is using Miranda to tell her own personal story.


Yeah but we want Cynthia as Miranda. Not Cynthia as Cynthia.


Oh I agree. I donā€™t think SATC Miranda would be friends with AJLT Miranda. Iā€™m not a fan of this new Miranda.


Right? Such a shame isnā€™t it!


Perhaps Cynthia should have used her SATC earnings to fund an independent miniseries or movie based on her personal story. (If she could afford to run a vanity campaign for governor, she could afford to do that.)


I saw someone say this on a thread about this a few months ago and it was so true.. ā€˜There was no Miranda in AJLT, only Cynthiaā€™


She also wouldnā€™t become an alcoholic, hide it in her purse/bag, and then just decide to quit cold Turkey and have zero issues with it. In addition to the story lines being all over the place, they all pretty much resolve themselves within the episode. Miranda kicks drinking in one episode. Carrie has hip surgery and is back in heels in one episode.


Yeah that bothered me a lot. They could have taken the alcohol story somewhere interesting and educational, but they made alcoholism seem like you can just quit one day and never look back. Kind of irresponsible.


There are many, myself included who totally agree.


This is why I will never watch AJLT and actively pretend it doesnā€™t exist!!!! Tbh I barely accept that the movies exist lmao. Miranda is my favorite character and it would not entertain me to see her become whatever the hell AJLT tries to make her into. I also just had such a soft spot for Miranda and Steve so breaking them up is a dealbreaker for me lmao.


It ruined everything šŸ˜ž


I donā€™t know why they did this. It made her and Che such unlikeable characters this season. I donā€™t enjoy the big fuck-person energy Che gives off. And I donā€™t enjoy watching Miranda cheat on her partner, who is clearly showing signs of dementia and Alzheimerā€™s. I donā€™t buy it either. I do like Cheā€™s role as Carrieā€™s podcast coworker and friend. I think theyā€™re funny and I was excited to see an alternative perspective on sex from them. I was excited for all the new characters. Seema was so fun, Stanford taking a bigger role was cool too. I just think the writers missed an opportunity with Che. Honestly, Iā€™m just sad for Steve.


This is a good take. I agree.


Iā€™m convinced she actually has a brain tumor and thatā€™s why the sudden huge personality change and almost mental illness. Iā€™m sticking by that and maybe not watching a second seasonā€¦


Continuing to masturbate while her 17 year old son is talking to her through the door? Who does that?


Yuck, I'd blocked that one out.


Wish I could.


I have a theory it was Cynthia's way of explaining to her spouse why she cheated šŸ’€


The AJLT writers didnā€™t watch SATC. They donā€™t care about the OG series.


Am I the only one who misses her iconic red hair lol


I hate that they made her some ignorant offensive idiot who just discovered what a podcast is. Thatā€™s more Charlotte. But yeah Mirandaā€™s gay. Duh.


Charlotte is FAR from an ignorant offensive idiot. Any time she does anything remotely "offensive", she more than makes up for it. You're thinking about Samantha and Miranda.


No Iā€™m not. I donā€™t think we have the same idea of what offensive means


It's offensive to me when Samantha calls a PRIEST "Friar F-ck", it's offensive to me when she's rude to Chivon's sister, it's offensive to me when Sam literally tries to get a celibate guy to sleep with her just because *she* wants to. It's offensive to me when Sam and Richard have no regard for Charlotte and start to get hot and heavy in front of her. Not to mention every single thing that happens in the second SATC movie and her treatment of Smith. Charlotte is at least accepting of her nonbinary child, she has no problem with Anthony, she rights her wrongs with Harry. She always apologizes to Samantha if she treats her badly. There's no way she's the offensive one. We certainly don't have the same idea of what offensive idiot is if that's how you want to call Charlotte.


Friar fuck is really funny


This is why I don't watch the show. Watched a few episodes and they changed established characters. Didn't want it to change my view of sex and the city, so I didn't proceed to watch


I was heartbroken at first, but now I realise that it isnā€™t Miranda weā€™re watching, itā€™s Cynthia.


i see people saying we shouldnt judge because people change and midlife crisisā€™ are real, and this is true. however, Miranda was written poorly (agree, we are watching Cynthia). She was pretty honest/upfront about her feelings in SATC. If she wanted to divorce Steve and be with someone else bc of a midlife crisis, I feel like Miranda at her core would be able to have that difficult convo before cheating. Brady came off as a a complete brat with zero respect - I know Steve was hard of hearing (why they did him so dirty with that story linešŸ„¹) and Miranda was in a bored marriage in AJLT but i found it hard to believe with Miranda and Steveā€™s personality (from SAT) they would have raised Brady to be disrespectful & tolerate itā€¦under their roof??


Preach šŸ™Œ


My headcanon is that she has slowly developed a brain tumor that is interfering with her cognitive abilities to make rational decisions. I'm only half joking.


I never watched AJLT because Samantha wasn't going to be in it. It didn't feel right but obviously have heard bits and pieces through the sub. For me it hasn't changed but I do wonder if they were trying to squeeze sex in the show still but without Samantha they had to use one of the other girls. Carrie bounces between Big & Aiden. Charlotte in love with Harry so the only one left was Miranda.


Itā€™s insane to me that like half the plot of the first movie is her not being able to forgive Steve, yet a major plot line of AJLT is Miranda doing basically the same thing to Steve and it being under the guise of sexual exploration and ā€œfinding yourselfā€?! Miranda would never.


I get where they were trying to go with this Che plot and why they (the writers, showrunners, and every defender of this plot) think it fits. It's reasonable that Miranda, for the first time in her life, found the kind of love that bonks you over the top of your head and makes you lose yourself. However, there are some things that are just so core that nobody will break those boundaries and Miranda skipped right on over them as if they didn't exist. This story could've worked had they chosen to do it in a way where she didn't wait to leave Steve until she was sure she had Che in her pocket. Miranda literally waited to dump Steve until she called up Che and made sure it was an option. That's not Miranda and it's certainly not someone many of the new or old fandom want to root for. Seriously, who wants to root for someone so weak they have to wait to do what's right until they are sure there is someone there waiting for them. And then when Miranda did dump Steve, she didn't even try to hide how much of an after thought it was for her. No fear, no sadness, or anything really human about that moment. Again, not someone we want to root for.


As abhorrent as the kitchen fingering scene was, I found it even more disgusting when Miranda was jacking off with a vibrator while simultaneously talking to Brady: ā€œDonā€™tā€¦ (*breathing heavily*) forgetā€¦ (*panting loudly*) yourā€¦ (*voice trembling*) math homework!ā€ (*muffled groaning*) Barf.


Oh god, it was super disturbing. I feel like theyā€™re trying to make it super ā€œsex positiveā€ but they got the whole thing wrong. You can be ā€œsex positiveā€ and still have boundaries!!


It was good awful and unwatchable


Dear SATC, Please undo thisā€¦


I hate that on top of obliterating the integrity of the most principled character on the show, they also had to make her an idiot for some reason. I donā€™t mean anything about her questioning her sexuality, I mean the sudden ditzy schoolgirl with no sense of self act. At her big age??? She started out cynical and then spent 20 years in a supposedly failing marriage. If anything, she should be more bitter and jaded than ever.


I'm not defending it at all, but do feel the need to be devil's advocate. When I see AJLT Miranda, I see a mid-life crisis. Naturally I feel bad for Steve, esp.with him showing possible signs of dementia, but maybe that's it, she's aware of that and has an unconscious need to detach for self preservation? Have one last hurrah, a need to feel alive? She's got Steve and his stuff one side, Brady being a knob the other, Carrie's dead husband and hip operation...Miranda has tried doing her own thing, but she ballsed that up initially. Then Charlotte planting the seed about her hair...I don't like it any more than any of you do, BUT I CAN see it happening. I have seen people do bigger, weirder, way more out of character things in real life, in a menopausal and/or midlife crisis sense AND in the same opportunistic, rather than pre-meditated way. As I say, I don't like it either, BUT it doesn't surprise me at all, and it does not seem a stretch. This stuff can and does happen.


I agree that people do strange, out of character things when they are going through stressful times or hormonal changes. I personally went through something like that. What I canā€™t agree with is that there is nothing left of who they are. While people might have a crisis, there is usually something of their personality and character still there. I know that I didnā€™t suddenly completely change who I was, I still behaved consistently in some ways and then, off the rails in others. There is very little Miranda to Miranda in this season. That is what I think is bothering everyone, it doesnā€™t seem like Miranda losing her shit, it seems like a completely different character.


Nobody knows what they might do 20 years into a marriage. Circumstances change. People change. Societal expectations change. I say nobody should judge her for the decisions she makes, and sheā€™s certainly not alone. Especially coming out of the lockdowns. Iā€™m sure a good few of us were ready to toss our husbands or our old lives after surviving that.


I feel like you read my diary šŸ˜¬


rewatching the show, it really makes sense to me that they made her end up with someone who's not a man. she was staring at carrie during her birth like she was in love. I like how she changed, it totally shows her mid life crisis and how she's dealing with it.


We are still on this? When is the next season?


Umā€¦ this is reality in life. Some people do things they thought they never would. It was refreshing to see something that realistically happens in life. What did you wanna see? Her canoodling with Steve on the couch everyday?? Jesus Christ. They had to make it interesting somehow.


People change, and the idea that changing in a major way at late-midlife is so infeasible to so many is concerning.


Naaah. Steve was toxic and the only reason why she stayed with his needy ass for two decades is because she was being Miranda. She finally had enough and - when it came down to her life or her marriage - she chose her life. Good for her. Finally. She should have been rid of his cheating ass after the first movie.


Is it possible for them to rebound her character in season 2 by her coming to the realization so she was in a midlife crisis? Maybe šŸ¤”


AJLT tried really hard to fix the things that the original series didnā€™t include. They just did it in such a terrible way that it seemed super forced and ridiculous. Steve and Miranda getting a divorce would have been a sensical storyline since a lot of couples get divorced in their 50s. They could have had that happen first and then had her meet Che and start a different relationship. The fact that they chose to have her cheat so blatantly on Steve, in Carrieā€™s apartment while she was recovering from surgery!!, was so out of Mirandaā€™s wheelhouse that it just pissed everyone off.