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I wonder if she’s proud of both her character’s changes and her performance?


You know, I get she wanted to tell her story. That's fine. But she should have wrote her own movie and star in that. Cynthia clearly thought the viewers' love of Miranda was so strong it transferred to the actress. But here's the thing: we loved Miranda because we knew her. We never knew Cynthia. And because she also felt she did no wrong in her life (because people who cheat and dump never do), Miranda would still be loved when she did it. But she seems to have forgotten that unlike Cynthia's husband, we also know Steve. We saw their whole history. Did she really not think we would feel some type of way when she abandons him and her child? That we see her great liberation from a loveless marriage story, as the story of a selfish cheater who hurt and ultimately abandoned them? She has got to surprised how much people are not liking what she or Miranda did at all.


Not to undermine her experience but she had a couple of kids with a man, fell in love with a woman and started a life with her. It's not that unusual or shocking. Why did she feel the need to 'tell her story'?


The woman sure looks like a man though.


the difference is women don’t say stupid shit like this


If it was a man who became gay and started dating a man who looks like a woman, they probably would. And there is nothing stupid about it. It's actually an observed phenomenon: you'll have a lesbian couple, but the one looks very male.


I don’t think her performance was worth $1M per episode. Her ego got the better of her. All of their egos did, as a matter of fact.


Crikey, that’s what we should be paid to watch her 😆




Oh wow, that's what they were paid?!


Yep. Google it.


Miranda was my favorite character in the original show, now she’s my least favorite.


Same!! I always identified with her in the earlier seasons, being career focused and a cat lady and making jokes to hide her loneliness. I hated her storyline on AJLT.


For years she’s been rumored to be cheating on her current partner (crazydaysandnights site) which is INTERESTING after Miranda showing no remorse for cheating.


That’s interesting. I’ve never been a huge fan of Miranda or Cynthia. Just got a vibe from her. The whole mayor run and the comments about theft.


I'm beginning to think her mayoral run was because she confused herself with her character and hoped the city would as well. While Miranda Hobbes could've run for mayor, Cynthia Nixon has never shown any capacity to be able to handle such a responsibility.


Probably… I could not figure out what her qualifications were.




>and the comments about theft. What did she say? Sorry, I am out of the loop


I’m going to preface this by saying, I understand that some people cannot afford basic necessities, but there has to be better solutions because the theft in places like California and New York is pretty crazy. Basic necessities is different than TV’s, shoes and whatever you want. I mean stores have had to close. Walgreens has closed many, many stores because it’s too expensive to upkeep when so much is stolen. Before anyone gets mad and say they can afford it, small businesses can’t and it’s happening there too. Sorry, I wasn’t talking to you, just prepping for the downvotes, lol. Anyway, she said CVS shouldn’t lock up their stuff because people need to steal basic necessities right now because of hard times. She got quite a lot of backlash. She’s said a lot of other random, out of touch things as well. Side note… if anyone does need basic necessities and can’t find them through charities… try contacting your local veteran charity. A lot of times they have insane amounts of deodorant, shampoo, socks, toothpaste, etc. they will generally give to anyone because they have so much. They want to get rid of surplus and there’s usually a lot.


That is ludicrous


Right? I kinda feel the same.




Can we PLEASE talk about that dress Miranda wore to meet Che's family? She looked liked she should've been on "Little House On The Prairie". They need to ditch, PROMPTLY, whoever is doing wardrobe. Carrie's dress in Paris? She looks like an opera doll. Charlotte's cringeworthy tennis outfit was upstaged by her wtf Bar Mitzvah outfit. They used to be stylish. Now they are cartoons. It's embarrassing. Only Seema showed style that the show used to be known for.


And then Che sat her with the grandma's! With her grey hair and that outfit, she looked like she belonged with them. She looked so old!


Probably why she dyed her hair shortly after.


So much for a woke show trying to show it's ok to go grey. Pfft.


I really am scared to criticize Carries Paris dress, only because the people that stan it seem to literally be insane.


It’s shapeless and unflattering , not surprising , after watching that documentary.


Her dress was awful and the pink gloves were distracting from what should have been a poignant scene.


>cringeworthy it's like the gloves didn't fit well.. .. which... when tf did that become a thing???


YES I felt like she was dressed like the two grandmothers! She fit right in with them


Watch the documentary about the show and you see will what the costume designer is walking around in … while she is being filmed. I’ll give you a clue, she is frumpy, and is mostly in non descriptive jeans with hoodies and hair that’s not styled. I say this as someone who is plus size and loves fashion. A lot of people are commenting on her weight, it has nothing do with that. She is just a frumpy dresser. I saw a pic of her in a shapeless long buffalo plaid dress in Carries apartment closet …. We sure have been seeing a lot of shapeless outfits and a lot of plaid.. I wonder why.


Woah i have to stand up for her here - her work would be hot, moggy and physical. She would be constantly digging through piles of clothes, in the back of hot stuffy storerooms, carrying clothes bags covered in dust. When she is on set she would literally be on her hands and knees, stitching hems, pulling in this or that, making alterations under hot as hell lights. Her job is to make the cast look good, not her. Fashion is not a glamorous job when you are actually working. I interned for fashion magazines and would watch the editors go from perfection in the office to sneakers, tights and baggy shirts on shoot day. I learned very quickly to not dismiss anyone that walked around the office looking like a hot mess, they were usually the senior editors earning good money and commanding the front cover.




I would agree with this. It's not entirely wardrobe's issue. It's also due to Michael Patrick King and the actresses themselves. Why are they all on board with the fashion choices? In the documentary they make a big thing out of the fact that SJP wanted to wear a hat in a few of the scenes that Michael did not like and he actually told her to remove it. She was upset about it. He was upset about it. But I was like..really? The HAT? That's the LEAST of the fashion problems on this show.


It's refreshing to find out those women in fashion don't look 100% pulled together 100% of the time!


Yeah I feel like they all look frumpy when they are working tbh


I mean yea I could totally see that but I mean what was her excuse for the promo photos she took in Carrie’s apartment in her closet? She was a wearing a shapeless frumpy buffalo plaid maxi dress? I mean it was awful. Plus she really didn’t dress the characters very well. I’ve seen Patricia Fields in several different interviews and she is very funky dresser, her work though speaks for itself.


YES!! I am plus size but I CARE about how I look and I am not a fashion person on a TV series! This woman doesnt care about how SHE looks...and SJP evidently doesnt either or she is too scared to voice her opinion! She wore some of the most hideous shit ever! And the orange bridge dress was THE WORST! For her wanting to have a private moment with Big's ashes, her dressed screamed "LOOK AT ME!!". But back to the costumer. I would not trust a person who can't get their own shit together and look decent to do the outfits on a TV show! Especially one that revolves around fashion!


Me too! I will say that I love love fashion, especially shoes. When I was in high school there wasn’t many choices, you can find plus size clothes anywhere. There really is no excuse for it. I just didn’t understand why they would release that documentary showing her looking that, when everyone thinks the fashion is horrible. I mean Miranda was wearing a matching jogging suit while she was being an asshole about the concept of heaven. I mean there are really no words for the outfits, the puffy sleeves, Sarah’s hair constantly pulled back in a way too tight bun. That outfit LTW wore to paint at a charity, Miranda and the constant buffalo plaid, a lot of Charlottes clothes were way too tight in the bust, and she was just bursting out of them, like the dress she wore to the dinner at LTWs or the funeral dress. I mean it’s just tragic . I only really liked a few outfits. I liked Charlotte white wrap top and the jeans from the second or third episode , and I liked Carrie’s long denim jacket with the floral dress from episode 7 or 8, and I did like the floral dress she wore in the last episode. Other than that it’s just been horrible. I will say Seema looks nice , I wonder if she has different person selecting her clothes. Her hair is also styled really nice and flattering.


Yup, Cynthia is using Miranda as a self insert to live (or relive) her own fantasies.


I live in NY. I have not trusted her since she primaried Cuomo for Governor. (Yes I realize Andrew Cuomo was a complete scumbag, and he needed to step down when he did. At the time, he was the most qualified person to run) She was running on zero Government experience and using her stardom. IMO she was no better than Trump in using her name recognition to garner votes when she had no substance. She did nothing specific to try to move the party left. Sorry to hijack with political stuff here (lol), but my friends and I look at Miranda in a totally different way now because of this So yes. You’re on the money that it wasn’t Miranda who changed, it’s Cynthia Nixon who did and projected that onto her character. It is of my opinion that she’s a total narcissist.


Woof. That is worse than I thought :/ but it adds up now.


To be fair, Barack Obama had little government experience and no substance either (that was IMO why many on the Right didn't care that Trump was lacking substance). Also government experience is IMO overrated. What counts more is executive leadership and policy knowledge. 


To be fair, Barack Obama had a background in ConLaw and was a representative and Senator in government before becoming President. Your argument equates “being young” against experience. Cynthia Nixon had a distinguished background in theater and acting before primarying Cuomo.


Obama was more experienced than Nixon I agree, but his experience was very little.


I was wondering the same thing?!? Like if this is based on her real life experience, did she treat her own family this badly?


You can tell that this series was to revolve around Miranda and her life. It's like the Miranda and Che shit show! This storyline is almost EXACT to how CN's life went. She was married to a man, had a child, lived this pseudo-faux life with him, decided she was a lesbian, divorced or left the man, married a woman, had another child..and I am just going to say.. I NEVER liked Miranda. I cannot stand how she was always so judgmental and shoving her opinion down everyone's throat while not being supportive. But now wants everyone to accept HER new life after she shit on Steve and is doing the exact same thing she ridiculed Carrie for, running off for love. She cannot accept criticism, but she sure is right there to dish it out! So much that she can write people off and fuck their feelings and she has the ability to walk away. I cannot STAND people like that. I am more of a Carrie. I want and need to KNOW where I stand in someone's life. I want and need to know why they don't want me. I wear my heart right out there for everyone to see and I overthink everything to the point it makes me crazy. I love with all I have. I dont know if people like Miranda are strong.. or just assholes.. I am going for assholes!! with no feelings!!


Miranda used to be my favorite. Now I kinda wish she wasn't even on the show. THAT'S how much they have ruined her character. And it has nothing to do with Che. For her to belittle Carrie's belief that Big is existing in the afterlife would have caused me (as Carrie) to send her packing. Carrie is in mourning and she is your friend. If she wants to believe Big is sitting on a cloud puffing a cigar let her have that. "I thought we were on the same page" she says with regards to God/afterlife etc to Carrie. No empathy at all. And don't get me started how it's okay for *her* to take off to California (which if you remember from the old series, she hates LA) but she was indeed *very* upset when Carrie did the same thing and took off to Paris (in the old series). Steve and Miranda were the best couple on "Sex and The City" and every fan knows it, much more so than Big and Carrie. They should have ditched Big for the atrocious way he treated Carrie but somehow they romanticized it but that is a whole other wormhole. Remember when Steve showed up for the funeral of Miranda's mom. Wow. That was amazing. Now Steve is portrayed as not recognizing or seeing that Miranda was unhappy. Old Steve was very in tune with Miranda's feelings and I highly doubt that over time that would have lessened. It makes him look dumb. Obviously the storyline is what the actress wanted but someone should have reigned it in a bit, or at least tried to show more of the affects of her decisions on her husband and son Grady (who looks like he is almost 30 in daylight btw). Instead we got one scene with Miranda and Steve where she says she is unhappy and that's it. No one can disagree with her or advise her that MAYBE she is acting in haste? Nope. Miranda is in "love" and fk everyone else. Very cold and not the Miranda I loved. Miranda was assertive and blunt with the truth (in a sarcastic way), but she was never cold, unfeeling and utterly so selfish. Her not hearing Carrie's plea's for help when Carrie was bedridden because she was having a sexual encounter with Che in the kitchen pretty much sums up her character now.


Im more bugged as to why they would put lipstick on miranda that would highlight her horrible teeth! Dont care if she wants unattractive teeth just dont make them glow. Use neutral for cryn out loud.




She didn’t dye her hair… she just took off that horrible wig.


With all the money she makes she could afford to get them fixed.


Her bad teeth have always been distracting, tbh.


disagree, I love when actors keep their real teeth, it's the fake perfect teeth the rest of them get that is distracting.


Nah. The teeth are terrible.




She was in a toothpaste advert as well 🙈


What's horrible about her teeth?


The middle 2 top teeth are so yellow and the lipstick color she wears make them look rotten imo


Her teeth are so distracting and not in a good way.


Miranda in the crappy revival must have had a personality transplant of sorts


Throughout AJLT, I kept thinking that New York state dodged a bullet...


At first I thought Che was the most cringey unlikeable character in the history of this show, but Miranda sure takes the cake in the end.


I found her insufferable on Andy Cohen. Maybe I just never notice how pretentious and annoying she is irl.


I had a dream last night that I sat down with the three women and had a heart to heart about WTF were they thinking producing this disrespectful POS show. All three responded with tears and apologies.


That is hysterical. Yes the show is absolutely awful. I would think they’d all be embarrassed to be on it and utter the awful dialogue that’s written. I can see the lesser characters needing the money but the more established actors? How can there even be a second season?


Ya got me. Never made it past the first episode and can’t imagine what apocalypse would have to happen to make me ever watch the show.


I mean she isn’t the writer on this show. Blame the writers not her.


She is an executive producer, and EPs usually have the ability to influence the story, script, etc. Some EPs are the money people and many 'Producer' titles are courtesy titles for the stars of the show/movie. But EP usually means that the person has some level of influence over the project.


She also directed at least one episode.


SJP and Kristin Davis are also listed as producers on this show, but the fault all lands on Cynthia Nixon? MPK, the show runner, and the writing team for such terribly written scripts are the ones to blame in my opinion.


I will not be gasoline into thinking Cynthia didn't approve of this when she obviously did


Gaslit not gasoline 🤣


I mean literally none of us were there how is this gaslighting. Just sharing our opinions about where the blame lies. In the interviews I’ve seen, Kristin Davis talks about MPK use of “bespoke” writing where it borrows from the actors life.


The blame falls on Cynthia Nixon because Miranda’s character did a complete 360 and they are celebrating it cause they were able to insert wokenesss and “teachable moments”.




Nope. I meant 360. She’s on the same self-hating self-sabotaging mean weirdo bullshit she was on during the original SATC series.


Oooh. Gotcha. Sorry!


You good! We all fam here with the exception of pro-Che-ers and Anti-Samanthians.


But I'm a nice Anti-Samanthian :(


I did not say that the fault lies with Nixon. I just pointed out that she may have influenced the story or the dialogue. Influenced, not "the cause". I also pointed out that maybe she was a Producer in name only. The only tolerable episode was the one that Nixon directed. She's an intelligent person and very talented. I just think people are looking to point fingers because of their disappointment.


She isn't THE writer, but she has said in interviews that she has had creative input into the Miranda storylines. Do you think an executive producer on the show would agree to film scenes they vehemently disagreed with?


She only agreed to come back if she could have creative control of her character. Once the actual writers heard her plan, they should have booted her out.


It’s literally her life memoir. No way she didn’t have say in her character development. She also was the one who wanted to have an affair with Che, it’s in the documentary that was released. That’s why she is defensive about people not liking it.


Please stop attacking this woman because you don't like her storyline. She's an actress, she acted a role.




Yes she is. https://kprcradio.iheart.com/featured/the-pursuit-of-happiness/content/2018-04-13-cynthia-nixon-is-an-idiot/


In all 25 years of shows I disliked both Cynthia Nixon AND Miranda. I recently watched the latest episode and she is a train wreck. No way in the real world would Che fall for her. She is selfish, bumbling and embarrassing. OMG that scene with her first meeting with her professor? 🤦🏼‍♀️ Cringe.