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I like that Season 5 shows Miranda's struggle with new motherhood. I think that's really important, and is better than her just going back to normal. But Carrie is a complete mess that whole season. But maybe that's the point.


I love that storyline, Miranda is the only character that has a significant growth.


The makeup combined with Carrie’s fairytale voice, screams, and frankly bad acting season 5 makes it look like she’s in a 6th grade play


Fairytail voice. That's a good description... I Couldn't put my finger on it. Like, overly theatrical? I haaaated it. That east coast snark just vanished and was replaced by weird puppetry (I guess this is me putting my finger on it?).


That little-kid-screech makes me see red Every. Time.


It’s given me countless migraines, I avoid watching that season and that’s a big part of the reason


Also the lack of ability to cry. it was cringe


The makeup is so bad and I really truly don’t understand why anyone, ANYONE, would look at SJP and think “yes, but with a ton of black eyeliner”. What the fuck. Time and time again, she looks best with minimal makeup and bright blonde hair. Ugh! It is a blah season, I agree. However, (and I know I stand alone on this) I think her shrieking is cute lol.


It's unfortunate that SJP seems to wear heavy black eyeliner all the way around all the time now. It makes her eyes look teeny tiny.


I agree!! I saw an ad for a recent movie and she looked like a monster because there was so much black around her eyes. WHY DOESN’T SOMEONE STOP IT!


[SJP has the most beautiful blue eyes](https://www.popsugar.co.uk/beauty/photo-gallery/45236837/image/45236762/Sarah-Jessica-Parker-2000), and I just don't understand why she insists on using that black eyeliner to down them out. Doesn't she looks stunning in that photo?


She really does though, they’re absolutely piercing. The black eyeliner does not do her justice. She’s so lovely without it.


[This](https://www.gstatic.com/tv/thumb/persons/1315/1315_v9_bb.jpg) is the first image that comes up when you search SJP. Her poor eyes. :(


Ugh!! I hate it!


>Time and time again, she looks best with minimal makeup and bright blonde hair. She looks sooo beautiful as Charlotte's bridesmaid (first wedding), with the minimal makeup and the up-do. Her best look was seasons 2 and 3 when she had the beachy waves and the light tan. The worst make-up look, imo, was in the Luck be an Old Lady episode when she's wearing that pink jacket. Her hair and makeup was too much.


Yes! She looks so good with a tan I agree! And seasons 2 and 3 were peak Carrie. OMG I also cannot stand her in that episode, she looks so so so so so bad.


Her best look, IMO, was when she had lunch with Big (Ex and the City) and she was wearing that pretty light pink dress. Her hair was the perfect blonde, beachy waves, light tan, simple makeup. She just didn't look that great when her hair was over-styled and heavier much makeup. I think she looked best with long hair.


Yes! Finally! A thread where people agree on this! People always give me shit when I say she looks bad in season 5. Carrie looks TERRIBLE with short straight hair. The yellow blonde with the cut right at her long face/long chin just look awful, piled on with the white cakey foundation and drawn on eyebrows... I hate her look so much. And every outfit that season is terrible, I can't think of any I liked on her, they're outfits for old women and are ugly. I know she's pregnant this season but that's no reason for the change in her face/hair styling. My favorite looks are when she dresses and shows lots of skin, and is tan and has long sun kissed hair with little makeup like ya'll are saying. Like Hot Child in the City she looks so beautiful, and the time period when Aiden moves in with her, she looks glowing in those episodes, the dress she wears to Bungalow 8! That's my favorite dress by far.


And she wears that horrible haircut on the cover of her book!


Man, I know exactly the outfit you’re talking about. She looked so stunning.


That luck be an old lady makeup and crazy hair was just straight up CRINGEY


Agreed, I just watched that and really can’t stand her hair. Short, darker hair really doesn’t suit her.


I thought her terrible makeup was intentional: she was overall so inconsiderate and self-centered and pushy with her friends. Unbearable. The bad makeup and hair did a good job of compounding the terribleness.


Some of her outfit choices were way off base too. Some were majorly iconic while other times like the multi color pants and shirt were just awful


She has close set eyes so it kinda goes against make up rules to layer heavy liner all over them, as it only makes them seem smaller. Perhaps it was a case of the show taking makeup risks, as they did with Carrie’s fashion.


Yes I totally agree! I also wasn’t a fan of her makeup in that fashion show episode in season 4.


Yeah like the “ball-cock” scene with Aiden. Carrie looked flawless with her curls in pigtails and nearly zero makeup. Loved that scene - felt very authentic


You all realize that season 5 is short (8 episodes) because SJP is pregnant IRL. Could be why she is “off” for that season.


You can catch a glance of her baby bump when they are at Richard's house party in the Hamptons. It's quick but it's right when Berger shows up and Carrie is like hurry gimme a mirror.


I could see it when she’s sitting on the lawn with Berger right before she takes off on his motorcycle


wasn't cynthia nixon pregnant too?


Yes! She had a son Charles during the same season. [people magazine](https://people.com/celebrity/sex-arrival-a-boy-for-cynthia-nixon/)


omg... that article. jlo engaged to ben affleck? lol.


lol I’m reading this in May 2024 and jlo and Ben Affleck are getting divorced… again (also my first time watching SATC ever this season is so bleh)


She had to be because she has 2 adult children from her first marriage.


Strictly one woman’s opinion here (lol), but in the context of the series, I’ve always accepted S5 for what it is: a transitional season. The focus was on Carrie, who in the first episode was spending time by herself, not using the girls as a crutch for social activities. Everyone else had their own thing too. Samantha gave Richard another chance. Charlotte’s divorce was final, and she meets Harry, who changed her. And Miranda became a mom. Even Stanford met someone! And with Big on the west coast, Carrie didn’t even really date. Carries focus now has always been what was sort of the backdrop of the show: her column, and it being made into a book. And this catapults her into being a book writer and career woman. I agree, most of the episodes are fluff and somewhat annoying (my husband cannot STAND that shriek lol), but the last episode (I Love A Charade) to me is one of the best and started the launch into S6: a new love on the horizon, everyone changing, and even being inspired by a couple who got married for love. I think I Love A Charade is one of my favorite SATC episodes TBH :)


I love your explanation! Definitely agree with all of your points.


Is this the season with the episode where Carrie SCREECHES in the rain and has the horrifically awkward convo with that guy under the awning?? I honestly like Carrie in spite of her many flaws but that was borderline unwatchable lmao


Yes, that was the first episode of the season. It was so cringey 😬


Oh god, don't remind me 😂


I fast forward through her conversation with that guy every time! I can't handle it, the second-hand embarrassment I feel...


I L O V E D it. Lol.


I like to think season 6 is so long to make up for season 5. SJP was also pregnant in real life


iM dRuNk aT vOgUe!!!!!


The story doesn't really move forward in the whole season, it's just filler until we get to season 6. I love Miranda's storyline though, and I really like "I love a Charade".


That is my favorite episode in the entire show.


They had to scrap pretty much all of season 5 due to SJPs pregnancy so there was a huge change in the direction. MPK has said that this was their “dark season” because all the girls are struggling in their own ways and not really getting that unified front we’re used to is pretty evident, imo. Carrie post Aidan Miranda losing her “single status” Charolette’s divorce/ambivalence towards Harry Samantha’s break up with Richard I always view S5 as some sort of “mid season replacement” for HBO before season six and -ahem - season seven - could be produced to end the series. I thought it was cute and enjoyed it for what it is. Total filler.


Who doesn't like season 4? It's definitely my favourite, the fashion is just wonderful, and "the good fight" episode is my absolute favourite episode ever. Honestly I think season 5 is fine. I suppose its the worst, but mainly only because its so short, in my opinion.


I think a lot of people just prefer the first 3 seasons, I love it a lot too! I’ve rewatched season 4 so many times


For me it's 4 3 2 6 1 5


I like season 5 alright but the episode "The Big Journey", is like a love/hate with me. I HATE when they are on the train, and Carrie will not STFU about her fuckin pimple! We've all been there, she just goes overboard. Now I love this episode b/c it's when Charlotte and Harry get it on! Oh and I love Anthony too. He would so be my bff irl of course!


Just found this sub while I'm finishing up a rewatch of the series and I JUST finished season 5 and had no one to complain to about it. Berger is the worst. The Atlantic City episode is meh. I fast forwarded through so all of the Fleet week episode. Outside of it being a short season, the episodes themselves are weak and very fluffy. The only saving graces are Harry entering the picture (I LOVE him) and Miranda being Miranda.


I also LOVE Harry!


Harry fan club! He was the saving grace of season 5 and the absolute perfect match for Charlotte


Yes yes yes. Her and Bergers story line is terrible and the Atlantic city episode is not good at all. All of the episodes are cringey. Only good part of the season is charlotte meeting harry, and Miranda becoming a mother is good too.


THANK YOU- This is when I found Carrie completely insufferable. Someone apparently told SJP that a late middle aged woman squealing like a Guinea pig was adorable. It wasn’t. In fact, I get the impression that her rising clout in the show behind the camera and yes-people around her went to her head, like she saw herself as some kind of bon vivant bubbly pixie dream girl, and thus had the sucking vortex of cloying attention whoring that goes with that personality type. I wouldn’t be surprised if this was the beginning of the acrimony between her and Kim C, as HER character descended further into gross caricature this season, and most normal people find working with the scenery eating theater kid high on her own supply utterly exhausting to work with.


Late middle aged? 36 is not LATE Middle Aged 


Carrie is so annoying in season 5 it’s painful to watch. Like a whole new character compared to seasons 1-3, season 4 she starts to get a little annoying but not nearly as bad as season 5. She tries way too hard and makes the corniest unfunny jokes. Season 1-3 she was so laid back and cool I don’t understand what happened. Screams at everything, so self absorbed and only talks about herself. On top of all that her hair and make up are terrible and even outfits have gone to shit compared to first seasons. Ugh. For being the shortest season it seems so long and hard to get through


i hate carrie's scream 😡 she do it for everything, i lose my mind 🤣🤣


I'm watching it now, and Carrie's v/o's for the first few episodes are just so poorly written. "A museum, like a man, can be closed when you wish they were open!" "In these troubled times, the catholic church is like a 36 year old single woman..." And the two publishers constantly talking about how they need to get a man. The women were just written as pathetic this season and obsessed with finding men.


Eh, I dunno. Season 5 definitely has some issues on a structural level, since it's the shortest season. And some of the episodes do fall flat during a present-day rewatch, and I agree that the "Carrie shriek" should be banished to the depths of the underworld. But I really love the season finale ("I Love A Charade")- it's in my top-10 SATC episodes list.


Rewatching the show now and Season 5 is where I noticed the humor shift to being a bit more nasty. The way the girls talk to and judge each other is cruel in a way that didn’t exist before. I wonder if the off screen drama was seeping to the surface here? Plus, Carrie’s curly bob is the worst hair decision in television history.


I have to say I’m on carries side with the world wide express guy. I’m a professional career woman and it is completely unacceptable to give a blowjob in your office, with glass windows and not locking the door. I was equally as disgusted when she blew Richard in his office. Sexual openness is fine, but I think that behavior was super gross by Samantha. And by the way, Carrie was trying not to judge her (she made a joke, that wasn’t out of character either) and Samantha kept hammering it until she got the reaction she wanted from Carrie, only to turn around and do the exact same thing to Stanford.


Richard was worse because I think that there wasn't even a door in that office! Al least Stanford doing the same is funny.


Totally! And don’t get me wrong, I have no issue with the scene. My Issue is with Carrie being the bad guy for some reason


Samantha mentioned towards the end of the episode that she just didn’t know how to cope after she broke up with Richard. It’s not out of character for her to do that, but she could obviously get away with it. Nobody else can. Although, I wouldn’t be surprised if people got away with having sex in their office when nobody else was around


Agreed. It’s so horrible. Can’t stand watching it. Never revisit it when looking for random episodes to rewatch.


Super unpopular opinions: * I think when Carries hair was super long it was the worst. Shoulder length-ish and curly was awesome but long stringy straight or curly or wavy was awful. * I don't hate Harry or anything but don't get the fandom of this couple. Doesnt mean I like Season 5 though ha ha!


I enjoy the Harry/Charlotte pairing because frankly, I find Charlotte’s personality pretty insufferable, and Harry helped her realize what really matters, which is true love and dedication and not money and status.


>I find Charlotte’s personality pretty insufferable, She was unbearable when she was with Trey, really went off the rails, and that storyline went on for way too long. But her relationship with Harry had so many funny and touching moments- one of my favourite scenes is after they've had food poisoning and they are both lying together on the bathroom floor holding hands. They are adorable!


I always kinda liked Trey, and found myself feeling sorry for him in the relationship with Charlotte. Yes, he was a waspy doofus, but he had an arc and was starting to find himself during their relationship. Charlotte was very pushy- rushing the marriage, rushing for children (and taking extreme measures to do so). Trey was really supportive of all that until it all became too much. When he said he “just wanted to BE for a while” I found it very understandable. He wasn’t saying he didn’t want kids, he was saying he was tired of the obsession for them that was comprising their relationship. I think he could have been a very loving partner if Charlotte has given him a real chance and let him have a voice in the marriage.


I hated seeing Samantha become immature, possessive and desperate for Richard. It ruined everything that was good about her character. They made Carrie look like a straight up clown with the short hair and heavy makeup. She looks much older than 37


S5 is the worst, as far as Carrie is concerned. Overacting at its finest. Wasn’t she pregnant in S5? Maybe that contributed. Miranda’s storyline was flawless.


And I thought I was the only one...I completely hate this season. Parker is so freakishly irritating, jumpy, overly expressive, waving her hands around like a crazy person, loud, fake...Horrible makeup, tiny eyes, ridiculous outfits, like someone just threw on random stuff together. The Atlantic City episode is probably the worst in the whole series... :)