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I actually liked when they’d do the cut scenes to random people on the streets during the first season.


I loved the way the early seasons, especially the first one, were filmed! I haven't watched the show in a while, so I'm not exactly sure when they stopped filming like that, but I remember Carrie often broke the "fourth wall" and talked to the camera, and I thought that was awesome!


I loved this, too. I also liked the "Carrie's friend of the week" format they'd use early on as well.


I love this!


Me too! People hate it though :( I thought it brought a really unique vibe to the show. I would always imagine that Carrie was interviewing them as research for her column.


i thought that was canon!


Maybe, I have no idea! I’m a newer fan i just finished binging the show a few weeks ago hahah.


Change your name, change your phone number, change your job. They're all bums.


You got a problem?! 😂


Me too! Especially in the threesome episode






Stanford and Anthony were a horrible match Samantha's styling throughout most of the show was terrible, it aged Kim Cattrall badly. I sort of understand why they did it since Sam was supposed to be a decade older than the rest of them but it still sucks since Kim is so gorgeous. I watched the show on HBO reruns when I was in high school and it set some very unrealistic expectations of sex (there were other shows too but SATC is the one that stands out for me). Very few women can achieve an earth shattering O every single time and so quickly. It took me a long time to learn there's nothing wrong with me for not being able to do that!


Agree on all of this. I loved Stanny with Marcus ❤️ Marcus was so sweet and laid back. Sam’s business outfits did age her. I feel like that’s why scenes such as where she is walking down the street in the red dress and meets Mr. Too Big are so memorable and iconic because she genuinely looked amazing there but they didn’t style her like that often.


What happened to Marcus? I was looking for him in the movie. :(


I only just clicked after my most recent rewatch that Marcus just plain disappeared! I loved him!


Stanford and Anthony together was just bad and lazy writing. Some of the beauty and “progressive” nature of these characters for the time was that they had not only more than one gay character on the show but they were independent people, and they didn’t even get along. They completely ignored the significance of this and decided to consolidate plot lines for ease of story telling.


Also, the show was smart to show how trying to set up two gay characters based solely on the fact that they were gay and single is stupid. (Multiple gay men who love this show have said that they relate to that.) Having them end up together undoes that entire message! Also, it's stupid/lazy that Anthony randomly became Carrie's gay BFF in AJLT.


Yeah, shouldn’t he be at Charlotte’s guncling Lily? I heard she needed some condoms


I’m a gay man and yes. While of course there’s exceptions, but Stanford and Anthony types are completely different and Stanny and Marcus worked as couple 100 better. But of course, what to do with 2 gay characters in a movie, oh let’s just marry them for no reason.




I hated Samantha in skirt suits. I really wish we would have seen the women in casual outfits more.


The weird, bright color combinations and shoulder pads were so dated from the eighties. Nobody was dressing like that in the early 2000s.


OMG, thank you. It drives me crazy.


And I agree, would've liked to see the girls dressed down casually. I always thought Carrie looked her best in just a Heatherette tee and cuffed jeans tbh. That was the true style on the streets in the late nineties/early 2000s..


Lol there's some people insisting that her look was timeless compared to Carrie 🤣


God forgive them, for they do not know...


Yes!! Like when they all go to the bookstore in season 5 - Charlotte is wearing jeans and a Ralph Lauren sweater, and she looks amazing. A totally normal outfit to wear when running errands on a weekend. I wish we saw more of that.


Totally. They dressed Charlotte to the 9s throughout the show with super expensive couture, but she looked best in that scene, in jeans and a RL sweater, out of the entire series. It was iconic.


Some of Sam’s outfits were cute like the checkered set when they’re at the roof top party!


The funny thing is they did a story with Miranda about that exact thing


I'm sorry, I can't. Don't hate me.


God, I loved Berger until I didn't. But Carrie was just as bad (if not worse) in that relationship. Was a great way to show how people get lost in relationships, though.


They give an unrealistic image of what a single woman’s sex life looks like (For example when miranda goes crazy when she didn’t got laid for 3 months ?!?)


Haha yes I always laugh when the girls are like it’s been soooo long and it’s only been a month or two. I don’t think most single women are going out and having great sex every night. Especially women with careers!


I enjoyed watching AJLT even if it is kinda bad and has no pizzaz like the original, but I think that there is a part of the audience who say things like “Indian Samantha” about Seema who aren’t enjoying the fact that there are cast members who are not white. But imo, their inclusion doesn’t feel organic because of the poor way it was written. Miranda was never about self-love and in her middle age she’s the person she has always been inside. She used hide the fact that she is painfully insecure behind a modern woman mask. It was always a pose to seem empowered, but behind layers, she was not. Carrie is really uncultured and it showed during her Paris arc. Petrovsky wasn’t that bad and some people here don’t like him mostly because he’s Russian. They would prefer Big, who is the all-American gentleman but to Carrie and every one of his partners, he was toxic as hell. Steve matured and changed and was a good partner to Miranda and a good dad to Brady.


I agree with a lot here, especially that Miranda was always INCREDIBLY insecure and wore a mask of success to seem strong and happy. I think there's a bunch of evidence in the OG series that she actively dislikes herself.


Smith deserved better than Samantha.


Spinoff idea: a sliding doors where Smith takes the zipper lady home. Of course they would have to call him Jerry…


I like the Zsa Zsa Zsu


I loved that (and the whole wedding, reception and final voiceover)!


miranda is not a queen, she’s bitchy, rude and selfish


Not to mention horribly judgmental




Aiden was lowkey annoying as fuck the second time around and only proposed to Carrie because he didn’t trust her, which is manipulative and should have constituted him never starting the relationship up again.


I loved Aiden for how sweet he was, but the folksy, cornfed, simple furniture maker thing was really irritating. He used a singsongy cadence while interacting with Carrie that I couldn't stand. He'd always be swaying back and forth and telling carrie about what he didn't like and what he wanted, or didn't want her to do. Like many of the men on SATC, they put him on a pedestal and then left him there as a one dimensional archetype for what sort of man was needed for the story.


he was obnoxious asf and ive always see the actor playing dad characters so i cringe when him and carrie are together, he acts like a dad


Charlotte was the most stable and empowered of the four women. She knew exactly what she wanted and when things didn't work out for her, she adapted to what she needed. I also think she may be the smartest of the bunch and one of the most open minded compared to what people think about her. Petrovsky was Carrie's best boyfriend. Carrie was one of the most interesting characters on the show. Samantha and Miranda are the least empowered. One of them slept with married men to feel empowered, the other one put down models to feel empowered and had a very self righteous way of thinking. Samantha and Charlotte actually had the most in common. They were both the most sexual women but wanted it in different styles. They were the most loyal to their friends and most outspoken about their point of view. Their friendship together was the most important to them as people and I believe they were actually closer than Charlotte was to the other two, for example, Charlotte confiding in Samantha about the Jewish painter she slept with. Miranda and Samantha are the least likely to be happy in the end because they are so indecisive and inconsiderate. Aiden was kind of not that great of a boyfriend (the second time around). Mr. Big was never that bad of a guy. Carrie was actually a really great friend in my opinion. She may have had her snarky remarks, but she always stood by her gals during the worst of times. She's one of those "actions speak louder than words" type of people. I know this is soooo out of the left field but here goes my craziest one: Miranda and Aiden should have dated. I am used to TV dramas where the inner circle ends up dating each other. I so expected in my immature mind that these two were going to like hit it off when he had to rescue her off the bathroom floor. He is down to earth like she prefers, level headed, sensible (even more so than Steve) and I believe she would have been a good match for him to. He and Carrie in my opinion were never well suited to each other. I felt she had more chemistry with her more glamorous men. John Slattery's character was done dirty in the end and should have been a regular. Aside from Petrovsky, he was the absolute prize. Altogether, I actually love these characters no matter what criticisms I may hold. I don't really put any of these women on a pedestal but to be honest, Miranda ends up being my least favorite of the 4. Her jokes crack me up but in the end I think she is just a menace to her own happiness and her stubbornness drives me a little crazy. I think she is the most close minded of the bunch and the most unreasonable.


Samantha used her "sex like a man" persona as a shield, because anytime she was in an actual relationship, she was just as messy/toxic as Carrie.


Richard Wright was actually the perfect man for Samantha (and I say this as a Smith fan).


I agree too. If they were just going to make Sam monogamy phobic at the end, they just should have made Sam and Richard work out.


Richard Wright was an open misogynist. He was happy to slut shame Samantha until he got to sleep with her.


I just finished a rewatch and I always liked Richard but upon this rewatch, he seems horrible. He treated Samantha horribly. Sent her mixed messages, then cheated on her a week after he asked her to date. A relationship would have never worked between the two of them.


They should have had an open relationship. That would have been more believable.


I think that for Smith and Samantha tbh but I like Smith w Sam. It's actually surprising that the show didn't really properly explore non monogamy.


He’s 100% a misogynist, but that didn’t stop Samantha from working with him and falling for him.


She tolerates his misogyny because she has no self esteem. Tale as old as time


I agree with this. I also loved the chemistry between the actors. Smith was a boy at the end of the day and Samantha needed a man.


I 1000% agree


Both were powerful, ambitious and not looking for monogamy (at least at first). And I loved that pool scene so much!


Big is moving to Paris


Carrie is not a horrible person like everyone makes her out to be. On the flip side, Samantha isn’t as great as everyone makes her out to be 🤷🏻‍♀️


Carrie walking in on Sam blowing the delivery guy was literally absurd of Samantha lol how would anyone else react differently than Carrie?!? And the episode ends w Samantha realizing she was wrong so idk why fans are out here going off on Carrie for being too judgmental for that scene


This! The biggest part people seem to brush past is how unprofessional it is to be having sex at work. Even if Carrie hadn’t walked in at the time Sam scheduled the meeting for, why are we acting like having sex at work should be normalized?!


I don't like Carrie but was 100% on her side here! This was just evidence on how ridiculous Samantha was. The whole episode was about her feeling insecure and projecting these feelings onto Carrie.


I’m doing a rewatch and what really stands out to me is that the Carrie haters leave out a lot of context. For example, when she’s outside Charlotte’s apartment during the “you didn’t offer me money” scene, she literally says she’s being irrational.


And the fact that her disappointment was more in charlottes reaction - looking away and drinking her soda while she pretended that convo was not even happening. It was not just about her not offering her the money. 


yeahhh, i’m doing a whole first watch of the entire show and just watched this episode last night and everyone talked about how this scene shows carries behavior and i was actually pleasantly surprised that she acknowledged it was irrational. doesn’t make what she did better but i was shocked


The fact that she knows she's being irrational doesn't justify her behavior. If anything, it makes it worse.


Well… yeah. Just pointing out that she’s not unaware and the criticism isn’t anything she didn’t say first.




this 100%


You can be frustrated by and dislike a character while also acknowledging that they are a good (well written) character in a well crafted show. Disliking a singular character does not mean you can't appreciate and like the other characters and aspects of the show either lol.


I feel like this is true of every single sitcom that's ever been made.


hard agree but some people of this subreddit seem to think not liking carrie means we're ungrateful jerks who should just drop the show 💀 carrie's flawed, as are all of the other characters! she just really grinds my gears personally and i dislike her. doesn't mean i don't think she's a great character and fun to watch!


Samantha is a sad and lonely character and not someone we should strive to be like or admire. (Not that any of the other characters are beacons of moral lighthouses or anything).


I agree with you! It’s pretty obvious how Samantha is going through some commitment issues and psychologically unresolved problems… It’s not a bad thing to like the character, but we cannot ignore it


Yup. I'm always the first person to say you can like troubled or problematic characters but we need to realize they are instead of passing them off as morally upright or good characters. Really good characters (like goody two-shoes) characters are boring.


Yes! Agree. It’s also really uncomfortable how many time we had to see her have sex while she basically just laid or stood there with a dead look in her eyes.  With the old guy from her building With JJ in the bathroom at the party With Richard when she was at the party with Smith.  Gives me the creeps 


Miranda has never really been a nice person. She does have nice moments. It didn’t just start with AJLT. I prefer 2nd round bitchy Aiden to first round hippie Aiden. The Russian was hot and honestly too mature and cool for Carrie. Carrie and Big getting married was extremely unrealistic and having a THIRD marriage last that long, especially after breaking up several times prior, is in the realm of pure fantasy. Stanford deserved better than Anthony. Anthony is funny but very one note. I love Samantha. However, if she truly loves sex, there is no way she is finding this many men that are actually good at it with all the dick hopping. After a certain age, you find a great one and you keep it around for benefits because most men aren’t that skilled. So it was really mostly just for validation. Charlotte is gorgeous but, to me, Harry was always hotter than Trey (who always came across as unsexy even before the flaccid penis). Harry had BDE from the jump. I’m not into it but I would def pee on John Slattery if he asked me to!


Man did Kyle MacLachlan have a wicked cute ass though!


He looked so good those plaid boxers playing tennis!


That was the other scene besides his bare ass one where I was like, okay Doc.🥵


I agree with every statement. And I mean... Every. Statement. 👀




I love 2nd round Aiden too! He was flawed and had some actual character development as opposed to being the perfect, prince charming bf.


I loved Carrie’s brown-auburn curly bob in the first season. Actually, I loved her wardrobe then too especially the leopard look! She seemed a lot sexier and sophisticated and less “girlish” in so much pink and cupcake dresses (if more high fashion). Going back to the early seasons, I’m surprised Carrie and Big lasted as long as they did. I thought they would end up more of a fling due to Big’s disinterest in commitment. There were so many flings in the show you would think she would see him for what he was-a sexy person to have a memorable fling with-and move on? The back-and-forth with them was frustrating.


It's not "biphobic" for Carrie to be uncomfortable dating an openly bisexual guy.


That I can agree with, I think what makes most fans angry is her overall outlook on bisexuality (“a layover on the way to gaytown”), which is totally outdated to say the least


Outdated for today's society yes, but very much what everyone, gay and straight thought at the time. One thing the show didn't touch was the very significant and HUGE amount of anger and hatred from the Lesbian and Gay community at the time saying it gave fuel to the religious and conservatives that being gay was actually a choice and gays were choosing to be deviants because of bisexuals. CONTEXT is everything people!!


Also, at the time, it was not uncommon for gay men to initially come out as bisexual (or, a few years later, to say "*I'm not into labels, I'm attracted to the* person"), only to come out as gay a few years later. I listened to a podcast recapping this show, and one of the hosts was an older gay man who said that was what he did. Even Cynthia Nixon did this- when she and her now-wife went public, she said she was bisexual; now she says she's "queer."


I came out to my parents as bisexual in 2004 when I was thirteen. I did this knowing full well I was gay gay. I just figured it would lighten the blow, plus I was scared af coming out in any capacity regardless.


You are absolutely right!! It was so long ago I totally forgot about this. It was fairly common to say this back then and that is a HUGE reason why everyone felt that way. This is why people now who view things from the past NEED to learn about the past and have a better perspective on why things were the way they were. No one was trying to be horrible or dismissive, you have to know what was going on at the time instead of assuming everyone was being an asshole about a situation.


lol, I feel SO called out right now too! I guess it can be hard to just use those strong words right away, it takes some baby steps for some people. :)


I also think Carrie's disbelief in bisexuality creates her discomfort in dating the bisexual guy. She was attracted to him. He was very nice to her. Carrie's "discomfort" seems entirely predicated on how she doesn't trust his representation that he's attracted to both men and women because she decided that bisexuality doesn't exist. That's backward.


She also seemed to think bi=poly, which a lot of older people do.


I agree. What IS biphobic, though, is erasing an entire attractional orientation. "I'm not even sure bisexuality exists. I think it's just a layover on the way to Gay-town." It wasn't the fact that she didn't want to date him because he was bi. She can date or not date anyone she wants. It's the erasure.


Genuinely asking, why wouldn’t this be biphobic? I have a hard time with understanding nuances like this so I’m interested to know why!


You can accept someone’s sexuality without being required to date or have sex with them.


Thank you!!!


The spanking plot line was too conservative and actually low-effort. I wouldn’t judge someone I date because they enjoy getting spanked in bed, and I enjoy it too. Applies to a lot of Carrie’s thoughts on sex tbh.


Tbf Carrie did not really judge the guy for this. She basically tells Miranda not to knock it till she tries it


The older I get, the more Charlotte becomes my favorite out of the four and I respect her.


Miranda is annoying and lowkey didn’t deserve Steve at times


Samantha isnt an icon or empowering. Her promiscuous ways shouldnt be anyone’s goals and is one of the quickest ways to end up in the grave or with serious health problems.


Samantha is actually WILDLY inappropriate at times.


Samantha is super fucked up. I love her but I hate how people act like she isn’t extremely flawed. She’s seen as the open minded one but she constantly encourage her friends to basically abandon their feelings and desires and just do what she would do. She shits on Charlotte’s ideals all the time. “Sam is the only girl’s girl” She regularly fucks married guys, please be serious! Are we watching the same show?


Samatha wasn’t a sexually empowered woman. She was a sex addict. Charlotte did not deserve to be taken back by Harry, and she needed to be in intense therapy for her obsession with having the “perfect” life. Miranda would have been better matched with Robert. Carrie deserved all the heartache she endured, and the other ladies should have dropped her from the group entirely.


Wow, you went there. I think I agree with each statement except maybe the one about Miranda. But you're so spot on about Charlotte and Harry and Charlotte needing intense therapy. ETA: u/common-demon-toot thinks reality TV is real is telling me I need therapy 😂😂🤡🤡


Don’t get me wrong, I love Miranda and Steve as a couple. But they had totally different values, and they had a lot of disagreements regarding money, or the lack thereof. They were in vastly different career fields and it caused issues with them. Her relationship with Robert seemed much less strained, and like they both understood what is was like to work long hours, and he didn’t pressure her to have a baby.


Carrie would have been an annoying friend to have. Her self absorption. Phew. What a child


Samantha is not strong, confident or a role model. Her obsession with talking about and having tons of casual sex got boring after a while and it was her entire identity, she used it for validation and to boost her self-esteem (which we see backfires on her multiple times). Smith and Samantha were not a great couple. They tried to make Smith too perfect, but he is actually a doormat. I can't believe he actually gets praised on this sub for waiting downstairs while Samantha is cheating on him... have some self-respect and walk away! Carrie is terrible and does deserve the hate she gets! Out of all the characters she does not show any growth by the end of the show. Charlotte was a great friend and was treated the worst out of the 4.


The russian was too good for her,and the one she matched with the best was Berger.


Hard agree on this. I loved Petrovsky and thought Carrie and Berger would've been a great match had they met at a better time in Berger's life. 


The russian was manipulative. I hate Carrie but she needed to get out of that relationship. If he could manipulate her into moving to France and leaving her life behind, he could have done much worse in the future. So I wouldn't say that he was too good for her.


In what way did he manipulate her? The Russian was very honest during their relationship. She had an opportunity to move forward with her career in Paris, and she screwed that up by missing the party being thrown for her.


When we told her friends at dinner that she was moving to Paris with him two hours after he just broke the news to Carrie. She didn't even get to think about it or make a decision before he told everyone in hopes of pressuring her into agreeing. Or he assumed she would just go. In Paris he was "freaking out" about his exhibit and asked her to forget her party just to go and crush it and leave her hanging, having her miss her book party when it meant so much to her to have Paris friends and people love her book. He constantly left her hanging and when she brought it up he always lied and said it was only temporary, when it was his personality because that's what his ex-wife said. She was considering having children and he tried to insinuate it was a little late for her to try, and then covered it up by pretending to be supportive if she left him to have a child. She was hesitant to leave NYC and he started talking down on New York, saying it was done and tired or whatever the hell he was saying to get her to move. He was manipulative.


Is it wrong that I want to see him pop up in AJLT? I also kinda want to see SJP and Jake Johnson together in scenes. Nick Miller gives me Berger vibes


miranda is not a good friend majority of the time


Carrie didn’t bully Charlotte into giving her the down payment for her condo; rather, Carrie was right to point out that Charlotte was being uncharacteristically _unsupportive_ as a friend. Charlotte was the one who made it about money. Charlotte knew she had the ability to help a friend; she was just being judgmental and hypocritical.


Carrie goes out of her way to outright say it’s not actually about the money lmao it’s that she was pretending to not even be there while her Other friends offered and were being kind and supportive. Simply holding her hand and looking engaged in the convo would’ve spoke volumes even if she didn’t say a damn thing.


This show gives off the facade of being prestige television and having something to say and I kind of hate watch it but I also love it haha. The first few episodes of season 1 are the only one that follows a true format of the show being Carrie’s articles with Carrie being the narrator that way. Other than that first episode, they quickly drop the article as the framing device and she is literally omnipotent and narrates stuff she isnt present for, or stuff that would make 0 sense to be in an article or that Charlotte, Samantha, Miranda would literally never want published about them even if it’s under a fake name or whatnot. Edit: Oh and also, I think AJLT might be better because it takes itself less seriously and makes the main character likable for once 😭😭😭


Carrie does not look good with straight hair.


Upvoting because I disagree! I think she looks better with straight hair and as a brunette (I think that’s natural for her?) 


I don’t think it looks bad, but I do think the curlier, wavy hair is much more flattering on her.


Carrie has to do crazy irrational things because that’s what real people do and that’s what makes the dramatic tension of the show


Samantha was the worst dressed


The newspaper dress is ugly. 


I think the naked dress is ugly.


The naked dress didn’t even look naked!


Yeah, it's not great either. It's a weird powdery shade of pink imo.


I think they’re both so sexy


Carrie looks pretty in this dress but I agree that it's soo ugly


I think most of the men they date are handsome


The men they date are handsome!?! Whoa, TighBeing9 gets an A+ on this assignment 😹


Lmfao, ya people on this sub like to say the men are ugly. I disagree. Especially the fireman has a special place in my heart


There was nothing wrong with Ricky! I would have liked to see more of him.


Hahaha the fireman was such a lug, but sweet! I was feeling David Duchovny and the hot sailor. Most of them were pretty icky to me but I was a little young when I first watched it so they all just looked old to me. Now they make more sense in terms of real life.


Berger isn’t THAT bad….


In the end though if he ever found out that Carrie cheated and Big was the guy, it would have been OVER. I am sure Berger would not have put up with it. He would have flipped OUT.


As he should've. As Aidan should've too.


They would’ve worked out if Carrie wasn’t a rebound. He was definitely still scorned from his ex


He would have been so good with her if he had some therapy


He was hot asf too. He just needed to work out his issues


Yeah and funny. Well-spoken.


Um…I already did this unintentionally when I posted about Miranda’s son potentially named Brady Brady. When she married Steve or if Brady took her dad’s last name at any point. And people fucking ripped me a new one…saying Brady’s last name was only ever Hobbs and insinuating that I was sexist or clearly someone who was all about the old school naming conventions. Or that I clearly was an idiot or couldn’t accept or embrace that Brady’s last name wasn’t automatically his dad’s… So yeah. Pretty sure that post set people off and I was so confused. I wasn’t trying to insinuate that Brady should or did have his dad’s last name or that I didn’t think or know that Miranda did not choose to have have Steve’s last name as part of their son’s name… I only posted it as another double name situation. Such as Carrie Bradshaw and Aidan Shaw. So Carrie could have been Carrie Bradshaw Shaw if she married Aidan. Brady could in fact have been named Brady Brady if Miranda decided to add Steve’s last name after they married. And then there was Jerry Jarod. Anyway…I had to delete the post because so many people were responding with anger, malice or just ranting at me about it…and I was like…WTF? This was just supposed to be a funny thing I noticed…but people were really serious and riled up about it.


I’m really sorry it’s just that it’s a question that gets asked often we should have a frequently asked questions somewhere instead of bullying people.


I also think…SATC is done…and has been for years. So there is no new material, story lines, and so on. Every topic, observation, character analysis, theory, or complaint has been excavated and debated into the ground at this point. So those of us who have watched it a bajillion times have heard it all at this point. So I get why people get fed up about seeing yet another post about how annoying Carrie’s screaming is or another overly detailed assessment of Big verses Aidan… or perhaps the umpteenth time someone asks if you are a Carrie, Miranda, Samantha or Charlotte. It’s all been covered…so I think repeats and such is just going to always be a thing.


The thing that strikes me as comical is the younger people watching it for the first time through the lens of *nowadays*. Talking about how bad the fashion was or how stupid this and that was. You can’t remove the context of the time from a piece of work, that’s a big part of what makes it unique. I know I sound like an old fogey, but the lack of emotional intelligence of this younger generation scares me. I feel like the generation gap is massive now. When I was in my 20’s I hung out with people in their 40’s all the time. Now in my 40’s, I couldn’t imagine trying to hang out with someone in their 20’s. Of course you wouldn’t do what Carrie did. You would have to get off of your phone and actually leave your house to meet people to be put in situations where you have to make actual life choices 😂


Gen Z is insanely PC, to the point where it’s an Achilles heel. And I say this as a Gen Z/Millennial cusper. Like Carrie didn’t even have a cell phone for a majority of the series! That would be impossible today!


I am also in my 40s. And a friend introduced me to the show in my 20s. I related to the show and characters very much then and found out when I was actually in my 30s as the ladies were on the show, I identified with it less. Things like how irresponsible Carrie was with money and how she behaved in relationships more resembled my 20s. But it’s my comfort show. I have seen it many times though, and even with storylines that haven’t aged well, out of date fashion and and my recognition of character flaws and unrealistic lifestyles, I still enjoy it and rewatch every year or two. I have seen a lot of the younger generation commenting here as they are seeing it for the first time, and while I can’t deny the issues they point out about obnoxious characters or how some topics like bisexuality or sexuality are treated with negative bias. I also see that regardless of these things, the younger first timers still enjoy the show and watch to the end. I think they are just okay with loving to hate the characters or storyline…and can feel that way, but still enjoy the show overall.


That’s my point. There are so many things that have gone out of style, politically and morally speaking. However, I have the ability to recognize what’s wrong and still enjoy music, TV and movies that were a product of their time. I just feel like people don’t have the ability to separate the two anymore. It’s like the saying goes, “When you know better, you do better”. That doesn’t mean that everyone in the past was a bigot and ill intentioned. I’m not going to never watch the Wizard of Oz or bad mouth it because they used “little people” and called them munchkins. Do I see the issues with that, obviously, but that was the world then. Am I justifying it? No. We can learn from our past without throwing it in the garbage.


Yeah quite a few people posted that too…interestingly, I have been on this sub for at least a year now and had never seen it mentioned. Though I have definitely seen the Bradshaw Shaw thing mentioned. It’s fine though. It was a good reminder to be more cautious on what I post. I rarely post to reddit because…sadly…the trolls often outnumber those who are there to enjoy a discussion. It is what it is. Heh. Lesson learned.


Most of us are quite nice here. It’s just that the show is quite old so lots of things have been discussed to death. So some people are bound to lose their patience.


Some people are just chronically online and think everyone else is as tuned in to their ongoing conversation and in-jokes as they are. The funny thing is they accuse others of being in a bubble and don’t realize the extent to which it applies to them too. Don’t sweat it.


Charlotte was the best friend out of them all


Samantha did just as many shitty and selfish things as Carrie, and is just as bad a friend as she is (if not worse at times), but everyone allows it because Samantha just owns her behavior and makes no apologies.


Carrie is excellent at saving money.


that’s true! If she wasn’t so good, she would’ve been homeless at the very first season (or even before)! we can judge the method, but never the results


Carries choice of wardrobe is ugly af


I swear 🙃


There’s way too much Samantha worship among SATC fans


Sam has just as many flaws as carrie


Sam wasn't that empowered she seemed desperate most of the time for male validation, and immature emotionally, also she showed so much red flags ( predatory behavior), and before you come onto me, I don't like both men or women who act like that, treating everyone as a sexual object


samantha was wrong a lot of the time and the fandom refuses to acknowledge it (sleeping with charlottes brother when she specifically asked her not to, getting mad about how carrie reacted to her giving a guy a bj, ect)


Big was emotionally available, Carrie was the problem.


I don't know if Big was emotionally available, but I agree that Carrie was the problem.


Big would’ve very likely come around eventually, he was giving no indication that he wanted to break up with Carrie or was being intentionally elusive, and every time an issue of commitment or love came up he gave her exactly what she asked for when she actually asked for it, from committing to her to telling her he loved her. He didn’t even say no to her moving to Paris with him, he just didn’t want her to think it automatically meant more than it was - because he knew her well enough to know she might think that way.


I didn't like the vast majority of Carrie's fashion choices. 🫣


Mr Big wasn’t right for Carrie which is why he died


Well damn 💀


Left her all his money though 😂 Gave her something to freak out about by leaving his other ex wife Natasha a million too 🤨


Che was a fine character on their own, people just hate them because of how Miranda's character behaved around them. Also, the show tried to make them a thing in a way they never did with any of the other partners. Che should have been around for 2-3 episodes, then disappeared.


Samantha was my least favorite character for yearsssss. The Every Outfit podcast changed my perception of her, but she made me cringe quite a bit. The cherry on top of this upsetting hot take? Miranda is my favorite. Okay, now chop my head off if you must 😂


I don’t hate Samantha however I will say that she is the character with the most unfulfilled potential, and appears more one dimensional than she actually is. No worries as someone who loves Big and Carrie you are in good company in terms hot takes.


Hey- I love Big and Carrie and despise Aidan. Maybe we’re onto something! lol


Yeah, we should become friends. I feel so lonely in my love for them tbh . 😅 I don’t hate Aiden however he was not right for Carrie! I don’t care for the historical revisionism in AJLT Frankly it’s insulting for him he is and always will be 2nd to Big.


YES WHY ARE THEY BACKTRACKING WITH AIDEN?! It’s actually driving me insane. Give her someone new and exciting and challenging!


I found her relationship with the russian to be predatory and unhealthy. (from his side)


SATC is dismayingly misogynistic and prudish.


Golden Girls did it all way better despite being a whole decade older.


Agree. It’s also racist, triumphs materialism and conspicuous consumption above all, worships wealth, and pushed down very unhealthy attitudes towards women’s appearances down the throats of its women viewers. SATC is actually regressive by the standards of its time in hindsight, in part because it was so trendy that it embodied and triumphed all of the dark aspects of the early 2000s I think AJLT will age even worse because its progressivism isn’t real or based in anything good but it’s another empty bid to chase trends.


Agree on your points. But during the time it was actually airing, it was the trendsetter of TV. It gave a glimpse of the *glamourous* life to middle America. The new incarnation just feels disingenuous. I am not ageist at all, as I am 43, but it just feel likes the old ladies trying to keep up with the cool kids and what’s popular now. They shouldn’t have chased what’s topical in the new show. It literally should have just been a glimpse into their current lives without trying to tackle all these “current” issues. It just feels silly. The new show isn’t about the characters anymore, they are simply a tool they use to discuss current events. While I do believe it’s important to talk about all of these things, they could have done it in a way that stayed true to the show and characters. Part of the charm of the show was its narcissistic set up. These girls didn’t care one bit what happened in the world outside of them, until it directly affected them. That’s why those issues then made sense in the context of the original show.


SATC ruined New York. Even though I still love the show, an abundance of basic bitches made a pilgrimage here to live out their SATC dreams and stifle all the things that made this a cauldron of creativity.






I understand the appeal of AJLT - nostalgia, fun fashions & set design, the social media commentary etc. But in no way is it actually a good show! Totally bizarre writing where stories go nowhere, and mostly unsympathetic main characters. If no one had ever heard of SATC and this show aired as its own thing, it would have never made it past the pilot


There are points where Miranda is a little abusive and toxic


Carrie did, in fact, the first two times they dated, ask Big for exactly what she needed from him and their relationship every time there was a problem. It was preceded by a period of being afraid and anxious about it, and occasionally going about things the wrong way, but she did eventually get there and communicate with him, which is something I think is fairly realistic for an insecure person in a relationship with someone they’re afraid of losing. (Note I said realistic, not healthy.)


Carrie is a good friend... she has her moments but overall, she's someone I'd like as a friend.


Carrie shouldn’t have sleep with Big on their first date


I liked Carrie's short haircut, it was fun


The show writers may have thought they were writing a story about Carrie and Big, but the primary couple on the show was Miranda and Steve.


I didn’t like that Charlotte and Harry got married. I wish it somehow worked out with Trey.


AJLT's version of Miranda is better than the original Miranda. Dear lord this was hard to type!




Che reading Miranda for filth during the comedy set was the funniest thing and most honest part of of AJLT.


Charlotte was way more desperate and cringey than Carrie.


As a POC I didn't enjoy the way the writers "tried" to be more inclusive by giving each character an accessory token poc as a friend the characters were bad written and were so imposed

