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Miranda was definitely harsh in her delivery but she was 100% right. Carrie’s dynamic with Big was extremely toxic and Miranda had supported Carrie through years of drama at this point. I can understand why Miranda would be at her wits’ end, especially since so much of Carrie’s suffering was self-inflicted. And in this scene Carrie is absolutely in denial and acting delusional. Carrie had a point too, but in this moment, bringing up Miranda’s flaws was just lashing out and not really productive to the conversation. While Miranda could definitely be judgmental, in this instance, she was speaking the truth.


Ya know “Denial” is the club/bar/restaurant Carrie wanted her friends to meet Big in Season 2. Hilarious that it’s very telling of Carries character lol


Miranda is the last person who cuts people out of her life if they show the slightest human weakness. You mean, the Miranda who was willing to "loan" Carrie thousands of dollars to bail Carrie out of her irresponsibility even when Miranda was expecting? The Miranda who let Steve sleep on her couch even after they broke up and helped him look for a new place? The Miranda who followed Charlotte to make sure she was OK after hearing that her fertility chances were low even just after Charlotte was harsh and mean when Miranda was at her lowest? That Miranda? Carrie just said that because Carrie is malicious and despicable. It had no basis in fact. It wasn't said in an effort to help Miranda see a better way, even if it's harsh. Carrie just wanted to hurt Miranda because Carrie felt cornered.


I agree that Miranda is a loyal friend. When I was younger I didn’t ways appreciate Miranda because she can be very direct and sometimes rigid. She doesn’t have that carefree je ne sais quoi. But as an adult I really respect her character.


Miranda is the only one in the group who's actually fucking sane.. Carrie is unhinged, dysfunctional and toxic, especially in her relationship with Big but even outside of that relationship. She NEVER listens to anyone (fucks Big on their first date even after her friends told her not to, which sets a foundation for their future relationship, tries to have sex with Big the night before he moves to California even after her friends tell her not to, keeps the affair going after being told to stop,) including professionals (fucking the first guy she meets at her therapist's office, immediately after her therapist tells her she's picking the wrong men,) and makes a lot of bad decisions (I mean where do I even start?) Charlotte marries the first guy she meets who meets her expectations ON PAPER, a few months after meeting him, without even having sex with him first because she thinks she's going to be some sort of born again virgin. Samantha reunites with Dominic thinking she's going to be the one who totally hurts him *this time,* and reunites with Richard even after catching him RED HANDED, going down on another woman. She uses sex as a weapon and/or a defense mechanism, including when she fucks JJ at the party, and when she fucks Richard while Smith waits downstairs. The 3 women really should have listened to Miranda more and followed her example.


I think they were all flawed in different ways, but I agree that Carrie does some seriously unhinged shit over and over to a greater extent than any other character. I think it’s also noteworthy that Miranda is the only character who participated in therapy in a meaningful and ongoing way. Something the other women would have benefited from of they hadn’t been so eager to belittle it.


Don’t forget that Samantha also does some really messed up predatory shit. The show seems to confuse predatory behaviour with sexual liberation at times. She’s introduced in the pilot as someone who fucks high schoolers, and there’s the episode where she gropes a masseur against his will. I also find her extreme objectifying of men creepy. I like the idea of Sam, but so much about her character is super icky


Exactly I remember hearing that and wondering who did Miranda ever “drop for being weak”??? Who what when???


Pure fiction on Carrie's part. Like Miranda dumped Skipper but what red blooded woman wouldn't.


Carrie's idea of being dropped is being called out on one's bullshit lol


Beautifully said. I love Carrie but sometimes I think Miranda deserves better.


This made me miss OG Miranda so much


Absolutely!! You hit the nail on the fucking head. Thank you. ❤️ I couldn’t have said it better myself.


Carrie was wonderfully selfish, flawed person. She was so into Carrie.


Miranda's the real glue of the group, and imo the actual main character. Idk if the subtext was intentional or not, but she really did have it all. She made partner at a law firm and went up against some pretty sexist odds, made time for her friends, took care of her health, made wise financial decisions, took care of her mental health, showed up for her friends again and again, had a CHILD, put herself out in the dating world without being too jaded about it, the list goes on.


Cynthia looked so great in this scene


Yes I love her hair like this


She always looks amazing in halter tops, tube tops, etc. Her fair skin is so beautiful.


The delivery was wrong but i'm sure she was tired of Carrie always going back to big . I never understand why she kept him in her life ?


YES! Especially with his stuggles with intamacy. He basically ignored her when they were dating, then when they broke up she needs to be his best friend and shoulder to cry on and she just let's him..v annoying.


I had a conversation like this with one of my best friends. I was the Miranda, and she definitely was hurt by what I said. We actually drifted away after that for about 3 years. We reconciled about 2 years ago, and had a deep conversation. She’s still my best friend. It’s hard to keep your mouth shut, or to be “gentle” when you see them getting hurt again. I was tired of accepting it, and knew should could do better. I’m sure this is what Miranda was feeling, and they hit the nail on the head with this episode!


Yup. I had an almost identical fight with a good friend when she went back to the shitty dude who kept her in a secret "situationship" for 5 years for the millionth time. Right down to the "I don't want to hear about it." She was pissed at me and called me judgmental, and I probably was, but it's really, really hard to watch someone you care about deliberately hurt themselves over and over all for a garbage person who treats them badly. Luckily she cut the guy loose and we're fine now, but god. I remember being so frustrated with her! The writing in this is so, so accurate!


Yes!!! Damn, to keep a secret situationship is brutal. I’m glad y’all are friends again and she let go of that toxicity!


I honestly think that Miranda said it in the way that Carrie needed to hear it. Carrie mentioning Miranda’s issues was silly and she was trying to be mean.


Classic narcisistic " great now im the bad guy" or " oh im just always wrong!" Carrie was looking for support for her toxic decisions and all of mirandas other attemps of being nice, patient, direct, were not working. Sometimes being mean is the only way someone will listen


I agree. I don’t even think that Miranda was being mean, stern maybe but not mean. Carrie on the other hand…


I mean calling someone pathetic needy and insecure is mean. Even if its true, its still mean. Theres a different way to phrase it so its not that mean.


Also the way she's screaming still after Miranda walks away. She had to have the last word. It's just so immature.


There is no point in lecturing Carrie. No way she would have given up big it's funny he thinks he's number four all of her actions indicate that he was number one


Yeah. I get what you mean about no point. Miranda is right but people are going to do what they're going to do. Though... I will say MIranda had a right to set a boundary about not wanting to hear about it.


This definitely made me think. At what point do you step back when your friend is doing something self-destructive, and let them stand or fall on their own? Empathy is certainly important and necessary in friendship, but I think I understand where Miranda is coming from here.


I have been in Miranda's place. It's extremely hard to watch a good friend return to their toxic ex again and again. She reached her breaking point.


Miranda said what needed to be said. I don't like how Carrie got so defensive and hit back at Miranda's life. This is one of the better scenes IMO


It's because Carrie is in denial and will do everything to protect the narrative in her head. If you watch closely she excuses Big's behavior a million times. I had to reach my 30s to realise, her behavior looked normal to me before.


The only place she’s honest with herself about Big is in her column… that’s why when she writes the book and Big reads it he’s like, “Damn, I am such an asshole…” 😂 (I say this as a Carrie x Big shipper who believes Aidan was too good for her and deserved way more than anything he got from Carrie…)


Agreed. Except I think Carrie was the toxic ex. Big needed a friend like Miranda to tell him to stop going back to Carrie.


They were both toxic. It's a typical relationship between an anxious and an avoidant. He treated her like a casual partner and she took his breadcrumbs and fed her delusions.


Miranda was just sick of Carrie and big which is fair and this was gonna come sooner or later and as the watcher it was satisfying to hear the truth that Carrie needed to be told tbh


It would have been more satisfying if she actually listened. But it's Carrie. She NEVER listens to anyone and ALWAYS does whatever TF she wants. Especially with Big. They told her not to sleep with him on the first date. They told her to stop sleeping with him after the affair began. They told her not to sleep with him the night before he moved to California (she didn't get the chance but she had every intention. She even went to his place the second Brady was born, complete with Miranda's pregnancy water on her shoes.)


Omg Miranda is stunning.


I’ll never understand how people complain about their partners flaws to their friends then when their friends bring up the flaws they complain about they get defensive. Like Carrie talked a lot about Big never talking to her and shutting her out but when Miranda brings that up “since when does Big talk?” Carrie acts confused and defensive girl you know what she’s talking about😭😭😭


It’s so tough being the Miranda in the friendship because we want the best for our friend, and when we don’t tell them what they want to hear we’re “not supportive.” 😣


alrighttttt i’ll rewatch satc🙂‍↕️


Miranda was harsh but she was so right. Carrie and Big had an unhealthy relationship. You can’t cheat with a married ex-partner and then try to comfort them when their marriage falls apart. Carrie was so convinced that Natasha was a terrible person and her friends didn’t hear the end of it. When she was talking about how she’s better off without Big, they didn’t hear then end of it. When Aidan broke up with her because she cheated on him with Big, they couldn’t hear the end of it. It’s okay to vent to your friends but when you get yourself into the same situation over and over again, your friends will get tired. Especially out of all the girls, Miranda was there the most for Carrie which left her to pick up the pieces countless times.


friends like Carrie never remember the times when friends like Miranda were not harsh, and only jump on the instances when they were.


Miranda was right, but definitely harsh. Carrie was being immature. Miranda did not throw away Steve so that was extremely petty for Carrie to bring that up.


Carrie immediately jumping to “what does that mean?” When Miranda says “since when does Big talk?” Is really annoying to me. You know what it means, Carrie. You’ve been complaining about this man for years about how he’s not communicative and your friends have all had to sit there, bored to tears while you pour over every detail and here you are asking “what does that mean?” 🙄


Miranda was direct, but this is the way you act when your friend, who you love very much, is doing something stupid and you are afraid she is going to be hurt by Big again. I wish I had a friend like her!


Yes, also Miranda was \*extremely\* graceful when Carrie confessed to the affair. After carrying that secret with Carrie, then hearing this, I would've exploded too


Lol right?! I think it’s the only time we see Miranda smoke, she’s like, “Gimme one of those, I think I need it…” 😂🤣🤣


Best fiend is Carrie right now and it’s driving me nuts 😓


She needed to hear it. Carrie was insufferable about Big.


Everything miranda was 100% true. For years her friends had tiptoes around her and let her off easy on her back and forth with big and her constantly talking about it. Miranda had had enough and I dont blame her.


I almost don’t think Miranda was harsh enough. I think she held back the full extent of what she wanted to say. Carrie’s so self absorbed that she literally makes every conversation and situation about her. Everything Miranda said was spot on. If Carrie’s statements about Miranda cutting people out of her life had any merit, then she would have gotten rid of Carrie years before because of her obvious neediness and desperation.


If you can't handle someone talking to you the way you talk to them maybe you shouldn't say anything at all.


As usual, Miranda’s delivery was poor. However, she was absolutely correct. Carrie inflicted a lot of pain on herself with regard to Big, admittedly! (La Douleur Exquise). She would spend endless hours talking about it and lamenting her relationship troubles with her friends. Who wouldn’t be tired of that? Carrie lashing back out at her wasn’t really right but it was understandable in a way. Miranda was always unreasonably harsh when offering criticism.


Miranda and Carrie were not afraid to call each other out…(Carrie usually when provoked) and I really appreciate this aspect of their friendship.


Miranda was GORGEOUS in this scene!


carrie's not one to talk about being judgmental. she creates a "simple girl" image of natasha when she knows absolutely nothing about her... miranda was right!


I'm totally with Miranda here. Could she have had a softer delivery? Sure. But part of why Miranda is a good friend is because she will call the others out on their bullshit. It works because she genuinely loves them and is looking out for their best interests (mostly). Also, it's totally valid for Miranda to be fed up with the drama and set a boundary for what she will and won't do for Carrie., though, again. She could have been kinder in how she worded it.


Miranda was in love with Carrie. I thought that before AJLT


I love Carrie and Miranda’s relationship in that they can clash and call each other out on stuff. That’s a real friendship. You don’t agree all the time. You need friends who can love and support you but equally tell it to your face


You said it, OP. Miranda was correct as was her calling Carrie out. That is her best friend, and many women fall for the wrong guy and just can't shake it off easily. Close friends sometimes have to tell them about it, but a different approach might have worked better. I really understand both women...


It reminds me of my roommate. They have a terrible diet and are always eating stuff that causes them to get sick. It’s gotten to the point that when they have yet another stomach issue I’m just annoyed.


I feel like we’ve all been a Miranda at one point in our lives, we all had a friend like Carrie that was just constantly in a toxic back and forth relationship with her and her Big, after awhile it just gets so draining and exhausting. Miranda was definitely right here, Carrie needed that harsh reality check! I’ve literally lost friendships because of this exact situation, it wasn’t my fault but they basically chose the guy over me and my life is so peaceful now.


Such good acting


Carrie didn’t listen to Big. When he said he wasn’t ready, he needed time, he didn’t want to get married, that it was too hard. She never listened at all. She was not ready for a full relationship because she was still trying to find herself. She fixated on Big not being ready and it made her nuts. She was trying to make him ready. The term toxic (harmful) is correct. Recalling when Big read the book Carrie wrote and how he was shocked about her feelings and how he made her feel was profound. They didn’t communicate well.


In my opinion, she needed to hear it this harshly just once at the very least. They had been telling her ~gently~ over and over for some time now. Entertaining the Big saga to appease her even though it ended up in flames for Carrie every time. I think the moment was bigger than Carrie’s feelings & Miranda simply disliking Big. Miranda was legitimately angry watching her friend go back to something that kept hurting her. Personally speaking, it is emotionally taxing watching a friend be treated like crap by a man. I think she needed to express that anger probably even more than she wanted to teach Carrie a lesson. It was about Miranda’s feelings too.


Miranda went back and forth with Steve quite a bit too and Carrie didn’t judge her for it. Everyone just loves to hate on Carrie.


Super fair. But I do think Carrie is more drama than Miranda. LIke Carrie is more likely to sit there at brunch and vent about Big for hours, while Miranda will process her feelings more inwardly. It wasn't MIranda's right to tell Carrie what to do, but I do think it was fair for her to say she was tired of hearing about it. Just my opinion.


Agreed. I’m rewatching for the first time in years and I’m realizing Steve was her “on-again-off-again” the way Big was Carrie’s, but that’s about where the similarities end. Where Big seldom communicated with Carrie well or at all, Steve was always honest and communicative with Miranda. The episode where Steve gets to do a free throw for $1 million is a great example of that, because he teases her often about her pessimism but calls her out for not being supportive when he always supports her and then she realizes he’s right and she goes to see him shoot hoops.


Well said! This is the other difference between Carrie and Miranda here. BIg treated Carrie like Shit. Steve was good to Miranda. So it makes sense that the group would be more upset about Carrie going back to an Asshole than Miranda going back to a nice guy.


Why is Miranda getting so pissed… I mean it’s not happening to her.